What really, really makes you angry in life?

October 14, 2007 4:23pm CST
Hi everyone, Just wondering what makes people really really angry in life? I know there are several things that make me angry. The one example I will use today is, People who migsate to my bueatiful country of Australia and don't bother to learn our language. They get out in public places and babble away in their own tongue. An example of this was when I was working in an operateing theatre and the surgeon and aneathatist were both pakistainy and whenever I came into the room they were babbling in their own language and right thoughout the operation, I find this highly rude and disrepectful. I can assure you that this stopped and they only spoke English after I had a word to them. So let us know what you really hate in life.
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20 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
14 Oct 07
Lots of things, both in personal life and the world in general. People being rude, people making it a point to be rude, dirty (physically and verbally), and tons more. I could write a book on this. Hmm, maybe I should. In the world there is also a lot of suffering and some cases of backtracking instead of moving forward. All while the empty flapping heads that run the show do nothing but tell us what to do or bicker over each other. Meanwhile not a damn thing gets done.
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• Brazil
15 Oct 07
• Brazil
15 Oct 07
foda eh
• Canada
18 Oct 07
People will always be rude. Ten or twenty years ago people were more mannered. Not these days. So you see people are more rude.
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
14 Oct 07
I get really mad with people that hurt animals and children. They are both so innocent and don't deserve to be mistreated. Nothing bothers me more people who are abusive or neglectful to their animals and children. There should be much harsher laws then there are already.
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• Australia
14 Oct 07
this would have to be my next biggest beef. Especially animals as they usually don't do anything to deserve being mistreatedand most times are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. These animals and children are left not only physically scared but also mentally scared usually for life. I agree there should be much harsher laws for the people who commit these terrible sins.
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• Janesville, Wisconsin
14 Oct 07
Lying, and broken promises make me really angry... And not all who are speaking to eachother in their first native tongues are meaning to be rude or disrespectful, It is just easier for you to speak in your first language than the other languages if you are with someone that speaks your first language.. you will naturally speak in that tongue because it is easier... I know its can be annoying but I have no problem with other languages spoken around me as long as I know they are not doing so to talk about others in front of them. That I find as rude. - DNatureofDTrain
• Canada
18 Oct 07
What really makes me angry is that I go to work everyday. People are never satisfied. I do my best and yet no one seems to notice. I always acheive the hightest marks and everything and productivity. So think about it? How can we make a living when we have people putting us down. So you see it's not always easy. But I enjoy what I do and people appreciate me when I speak to the clients. SOme clients are ridiculous, but some are really nice. Thought to share my blues these days. Let me know what makes you angry.
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
What makes me really angry sometimes is when I don't get what I really want.Or a perfect day would be ruined by someone's unnecessary comment or someone's bossy attitude.I also hate sales people in department stores or waiters in restaurants who are not that pleasant to customers.I also hate government officials who thinks they are the best people in the world. I dislike a lot the employees of the government because most of the time when you go to their office you will not be entertained courteously.
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@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Oct 07
To me, a cheating can makes me really angry. I hate being cheated and it will lead me lose the trust to this one.
• Australia
21 Oct 07
I loathe cheats. once people have cheated once and got away with it they seem to think its a good way to get what they want in life. These people need to be taken to task for cheating then they would learn that honesty is the best policy.
• Australia
15 Oct 07
What makes me really angry is when people blattenly lie to your face, all you want is the truth and honest. Once you lie once and get away with it you think you can do it again and again and again and get away with it. Its just not right. Honesty is the best policy
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
i don't like people who lie to me and betray my trust... that would really make me very angry... and if somebody lie to me just once, it is very hard for me to trust him/her again in the future...
• Canada
18 Oct 07
I can understand about lieing. People lie. People aren't perfect. I hate that too. Especially when you want to trust the person, but the person just lied. It doesn't make your day.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
a lot of things do make me angry, as you said how people babble on in their own language that does annoy me as well, i cant believe they werent talking english while in an operating theatre i also dont like how people use others and hurt them constantly, just wish people could get a long.
• United States
15 Oct 07
I guess what makes me really angry is rude people and them thinking that they are better than me for whatever reason. I live in the United States and I live in Texas which is in the south and people are so nice and friendly whenever I go up north to Colorado they are so rude and act like you need to move out their way and this is my area don't come near me. It really bothers me becauase this world has became to hateful with each other that now I don't go out to the public very much because of it and only go when I have to or need to.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
26 May 08
Having to stand helplessly by and watch injustice to others. Normally I can get past affronts to myself without anger, and if I am in a position to stop inappropriate acts of aggression against people who are in a weak position, then, too. But I cannot stand to see senseless violence or other harm done to others.
• Malaysia
15 Oct 07
I hate those that gossip of me with other languages. Besides that, I hate those people scold me just because of small cases. I feel aggressive to those who never respect me as what you said. I feel down and low self-esteem when there are few friends gossip about. That's really annoying.
@kw_1250 (17)
• United States
15 Oct 07
What makes me angry is the entire education system. By entire, I mean elementary school, high school, college and other higher education levels. I guess it might just be me, but the whole concept of learning feels like a big waste of time and energy. Spending the best years of my life constantly writing papers on obscure painters from the 16th century and learning about the way a tribe of people lived over a 1000 years ago does not appeal to me in the least, especially when my interest lies in the computing/IT field. Watching the show "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" reminded me of all the useless information I had to learn. Seeing that the show has had Harvard graduates, a rocket scientist, class valedictorians and others people deemed to be smart missing questions that a 10 year old can answer really speaks to me about the state of education in the United States. Why do they bother to teach it if no one remembers it or uses it in daily life? College makes me furious for reasons unexplained. I hate the way higher learning is set up now. If I don't go to college, I probably won't be able to get a job that pays over 30 grand a year. If I do go to college, I can get a job that pays double that, but then I lose a sizable chunk of the extra income to student loans. I spend 4-5 years to get a degree that I probably could have earn in a year or two if not for the "mandatory" classes all majors have to take. Seriously, do I need to take Health and History again to get a Computer Science degree? Its like being in high school again(in terms of classes and mandatory electives), except your paying 10-20 grand a year to attend now. And now more and more jobs are requiring a college degree just to be considered. The really good paying jobs are requiring a graduate degree now. How much school do I really need!? I don't want to be in school until I'm 30 just so I can make decent money.
@cca9318 (62)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
Elevator One-stoppers: Anyone who works in an office tower already knows what i'm talking about, and knows why i hate these people. One-steppers are the that lazy sons of you know what who rides the elevator just one floor rather than take the stairs. Epecailly when you are almost late that really really makes me soo soo angry. grrrrrrr! :)
24 May 08
i just get angry when anyone annoys or tries to irritate me
@magilives (261)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
People who act stupid when they are not. My 14yr old daughter is always acting like she is dumb because she is blonde and everyone tells her she is a dumb blonde.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I hate bigots, some Republicans, global warming, injustice, people who are interested in destroying the Earth, peoplw who withold medicine from sick people and on and on.
@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
I think the thing that really makes me mad in life is disrespectful people. Seriously what makes these people think they are better then the rest of us to give attitude. You can find these people everywhere like the grocery store, wal-mart is a great place for ignorant people and even walking down the street. Would it really kill these people to say hi back when someone says it to them? Or how about keeping their opinions to them selfs without everyone hearing them and the list go's on. I try to help everyone I see struggling in any way I can but when people are ignorant or disrespect me I figure why bother but then remember that I won't stoop to their level and I'll be the bigger person in the end. This is what really bothers me but another thing that really makes my blood boil is people that lie right to your face. I have had a lot of people do this to me and every time it happens I just want to punch them in the face but again I'm better then that. I really don't see the point why people do these things to either complete stranger or even their friends. I could understand doing it to people who might deserve it but not to me because it won't be tolerated. Other then these 2 things I'm a really laid back type of guy but I hate seeing people treat each other so badly when we are all the same no matter our religion, color or race or beliefs. I think everyone needs to take a step back and just realize where we are heading if we keep treating each other like this. Why can't it be like the 50's when you walk by a stranger they would tip their hat or say "Hello" whatever happen to those days? Hopefully man kind will come around someday before it is to late!
@bhappy2 (327)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
I get very angry with racist attitudes. I'm sorry but if you were living in a non-english speaking country and you ran into someone who spoke english what language would you use when you were talking to that person. I get angry with migrants who come to Australia and bring the problems that they had in their own country with them but I don't judge peole by their language or their clothes or their color or their religion, I judge them by the way they behave and the way they treat me.
• India
15 Oct 07
The one thing that makes me very angry is when someone makes wrong use of my cool or nice behaviour.There are other things too,when my sis does not listen to what i am saying or when she is not able to get what i wana say and there are so many situations that cant be explained here.Most of the time i am calm,but when i become angry ,i dont listen anyone..
@clyd06 (1)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
the thing that really makes me angry about life is when a person i cared and love so much does not appreciates me... that really sucks!