Scientist says blacks are less intelligent than whites: Isn't that a SHAME?
@LightninStrike (5915)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
October 18, 2007 4:37pm CST
His name is James Watson, and he's considered the father of the DNA, for which he got the Nobel Prize.
I read this on the news and frankly, i was pissed off. I know he's a great scientist, and obviously he had to do a great job to get the Nobel prize.
But frankly, i think he's just lost it. He has said things such like black people are less intelligent than white people, or that pregnant women who knew their future kids were going to be gay should be allowed to get an abortion.
It sounds nazi-like, it's a shame that someone who is supposedly well informed about dna and life in general can say so many stupidities.
I hope that the rest of the world's scientists react and let all the world know that all Mr Watson said is just wrong.
What do you think about this friends?
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19 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
19 Oct 07
As expected, a lot of emotion on this one. I know not many want to do it, but consider it as a scientific claim. Scientific claims as such are not only provable but can also be disproven (its part of how evolving science and understanding works). I haven't seen many people try to at least reason (don't just use emotion) why the claim is wrong or even right.
To at least give people an idea here goes my general refutation.
For one thing intelligence is much broader than simply tests and results. Granted there are plenty of things in education that can give an idea of intelligence but its not always perfect. Some don't want to or refuse to do schoolwork, and others aren't great test takers. Sometimes the classes and schools themselves are pretty crooked/deceptive what have you and you also end up with skewed results in that respect. Aside from schooling there are different types of intelligence as well (art, science, politics, music, technology, economic, social, culture, etc). Mr. Watson might not have considered this in his assessment.
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@urbandekay (18278)
21 Oct 07
Rosie... what you say just isn't true there are differences in DNA between races and the race of a person can (In theory, even if the practical skill to do this doesn't exist yet) be determined from their DNA. Some Genetic differences are well established; Negros have a higher bone density and a longer heal bone and Arabs have a slightly higher blood temperature, for instance.
all the best urban
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
20 Oct 07
The 8 types of intelligence, devised by the psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983:
Verbal-linguistic intelligence
Logical-mathematical intelligence
Body-kinesthetic intelligence
Spatial intelligence
Musical intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Naturalistic intelligence (added in 1999)
There really are gender differences concerning each kind of intelligence because of differences of brain morphology between the genders...but there is no evidence of differences based on race.
In fact, you can't tell a human's race when looking at their DNA. All DNA is free of racial bias.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Fair assessment and I forgot about that. I tried to synopsis it as best I could. But yes Rosie. Thanks for at least reasoning instead of defaulting to emotion.
Good posting.
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@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I guess that if he said such a thing, then he isn't so smart after all, don't you think?
I do think that whites have more opportunities that black people do (which is unfortunate), thus whites usually get the better higher-paying jobs. That much is true. But as for who's the smartest? Who knows!
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@PrincessDeluded (49)
23 Oct 07
yeah well I find positive discrimination a damn insult and frankly see it as people trying to right some wrongs for the past it should be an open and even playing field where race is immaterial and the job is won on merit. Id hate to think I only got where I was cos of my skin colour
@missybal (4490)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I think he must be baseing his research on Black american's and since a lot of them are still fighting to get over slavery and rasist jerks on the average there may not be as high a percent of successful black people but that doesn't mean they are not as intelligent.
They gave Al Gore a Nobel Prize for discovering Global Warming so I wouldn't let the fact that he got a Nobel Prize mean that he is all that great of a Scientist. He's Nuts... just like Al Gore.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
22 Oct 07
hahaha, that made me laugh, the Al Gore reference. Well, it's true that giving Al Gore the Nobel Prize is surprising, but i don't think it's due to his scientific skills, but for the fact that he has helped to awake our conscience in which refers to the necessity to react and stop killing our planet. In which refers to this Doctor, yep i agree, he's nuts.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
22 Oct 07
I am glad that you think that way, magica, thanks for replying.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Oct 07
Of course everyone has a right to their opinions but those ones are really hard to swallow, which just proves that you can be very intelligent and make great scientific discoveries but be a complete idiot at the same time :)
I wonder where he got he's data from to say such thing? From the fact that still today black people in general tend to be given less opportunities to get a good education? And then even despite that can come out with incredible inventions, nobel prize, etc. etc. etc?
But then again, what to expect from the same person that also says such a ridiculous thing about pregnant women wanting to abort if they knew their child will be gay/
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@PrincessDeluded (49)
23 Oct 07
In africa? hm and there was me thinking it was in China that they had such a burgeoning population that parents will dump their children so they dont break the one child rule.From black perspective it was white people who kept them down with years of slavery sure maybe some were sold into it by their own african people cos sadly money talks but I do believe it was as recent as 1960 that the law stopping people from different races marrying was finally removed.And how bout in the good US where white and black parents have 10 kids with 9 daddies and no job? Look closer to home in the trailer parks and find out. Its upbrining race is inconsequential.
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I think it is sad that what is said as a result of senility is taken at face value.
He's old, he's senile and there's no need to give it any attention at all.
Makes me wonder what I'll be spouting off about when I'm in my early 90's, however.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
22 Oct 07
hahha, that's not a very optimistic perspective, rosie, but it was fun though :) thanks for replying.
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@smacksman (6053)
19 Oct 07
It is a pity that when you do a bit of research and come to a conclusion based on your research, you then have to run that conclusion past the 'politically correct lobby' before you make it public.
If we suppress anything we don't like we could go back to the era when it was heretic to say that the sun did not revolve around the earth.
So carefully read what the man said (not what the papers 'knee jerk' reported) and make your decision then.
Science should be allowed freedom of speech as much as anyone else.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Sounds like this guy is just using his own racists and homophobic and whatever other views he has and is turning them into a form of biasis so he can try and 'prove' to other people who may not be as apt in science or what not as he is, that black, gay, etc etc people are lesser life forms than straight, white men. I think he does not deserve whatever awards he has won, simply because those awards are just going to continue the promotion of bias and racism/heterosexism in his work.
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@urbandekay (18278)
20 Oct 07
What is a total disgrace is people like yourself comparing Watson to a Nazi or the Museum that banned him from speaking, seems you are more of a Nazi than he. Watson was commenting on statistical evidence, as a scientist or any honest person he cannot say other than he finds to be true. He was at pains to point out that he didn't imply that the measured difference in IQ was of genetic origin.
Clearly, your plea to people to say he is wrong is grossly dishonest.
Given the level of malnutrition in those Africa it would be unusual if the statistics didn't suggest a difference in IQ between whites and blacks.
all the best urban
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@loralee (542)
• United States
20 Oct 07
I am at such a loss for words. I don't know what is happening with civilization that we have come to a place where a person connected to such a great discovery and contribution to humanity can share in the light of condemnation for his words of pure insensitivity.
I write on my mylot front page - "Language is a lie with limits."
I have been pondering over words these past few months - pondering the nature of them and how they create as many misunderstandings as they do understanding.
I feel as if we as a human race are talking ourselves right out of existence, or at least the existence we know. I hope humanity stands a chance as a whole to create less destruction at a time when healing and nurturing is so sorely needed.
If I could go to the world I imagine as home, it would be as far from earth and its evolved cultures, structures, institutions, genetics as humanly possible. I almost feel like humanity should step aside for the next evolution of species as genetically dissimilar to human as possible. I am sorry about this coming off as emotional and angry but given the discussion, I must admit I carry human DNA and can feel no other way at the moment.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I dont know he might be right. Now im not trying to put down black people because I know there are a lot of smart black people in the world. But He might be talking about young black americans like in the age between 15-30. because ive seen a lot of them that arent that intellegent or at least they talk not that intelegent. So you cant blame him for thinking that. I know there also a lot of bad white people to.
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@JesseTheCat (214)
• South Africa
19 Oct 07
I believe a normal, healthy person who isnt mentally defunct or anything like that is simply as intelligent as his schooling,surroundings,parents and college,etc has made him.No matter ones color, one can excell in many things if the soil is fertile and the surroundngs are conducive to learning and positivity.the influences in your childhood and upbringing help to forge who you ultimately become.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Oct 07
yeah, I 've heard some of this guy's theorys that he presents as facts and truthfully, i got so disgusted that I really don't listen to him at all. He obviously inserts his own opinions into his so called facts. He is a very judgemental person and I am surprised no one has really called him out on his statements which are ignorant and non-factual. The fact the he got the nobel peace prize is unbelieavable and a bit scary.
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@quiethorse (337)
• United States
18 Oct 07
To me it just sounds like he is trying to get some publicity by publishing controversial material.
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@Lifeless (2635)
• India
20 Oct 07
That's just stupid.. Infact in my perscpective, and even from from all the people living in my country's point of view, blacks or the darker skin people are much more intelligent than the whites.. I think this man is completely insane.. He's trying to create differences in this already 'ready-at-war' world... I think he should mark his words carefully... Otherwise it won't take long bfore he's on the recieving end...
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I guess it's like with anything else, whether you believe in a study depends on who made it and what you want to believe to begin with. Some - NOT ALL, but some - of those who denounce any of the statistics or research Al Gore used in making An Incovenient Truth will absolutely swear by this scientist's "findings". I'm saying this not as a scientist or a statistician but as a casual observer. Personally I think the results of this study about the intelligence of blacks versus that of whites is probably due to the diet and nutrition of some of the subjects who live in the poorest parts of Africa, not to mention the lack of pre-natal care for the mothers. I think he already retracted some of his statement, I just saw here online.
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@cobradene (1171)
• India
19 Oct 07
What he said is wrong. Totally wrong and stupid. Scientists can be fools too and he has proved it. Intelligence doesn't depend on race, colour, religion or nationality. Intelligence depends on the evolution of the mind and the soul of the particular individual and a lot of other factors. But it has nothing to do with the four things I've mentioned above. So let's forget what he said, cos what he said is crap. :)
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
19 Oct 07
It simply implies that even the world's greatest scientists are not spared from being inhumanly unreasonable, if not the unborn child, to gays, to black people...he might be brilliant, but not in values and morals...but he would even think we're wrong,and that he is right. In spite of this distorted values, he still won the Nobel prize...a reminder that winning the Nobel prize does not include values and morals and the finer things of life....
@add_im (2712)
• Philippines
20 Oct 07
Personally, I don't think there are people out there who are more or less intelligent than the others. It's all about how one person may white or black in skin color truly strives hard enough to be smart, wise or intelligent their ownselves. There is no one or nobody could ever tell us about our own intelligence and our own capabilities as an individual. All in all, we are all equal in God's sight...the Maker of all Creations.