What to get him?
By twilight_75
@twilight_75 (479)
5 responses
@twilight_75 (479)
6 Jan 08
i got him lots, books, dvds. I got him an ipod and put our songs on it, he loved that. Framed picture of us both. Then the usual stuff.
@twilight_75 (479)
6 Jan 08
Thank you everyone for all your ideas. been a great help and still got lots of ideas left for his birthday, so thanks all......and happy new year xx
@Angel4you730 (114)
• United States
9 Nov 07
I am having the same problem of what to get my Boyfriend. It's hard to buy for people in the army because they can only take some many things with them when they move from base to base. So it has to be something small, and preferrably not that heavy. The question just is, what to get them?
@ArmyWifeJessica (34)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Books, DVDs (if they have a way to watch it or a buddy does), chess/checker board set--
Totally depends on what kind of unit they are in, too. If your sweetheart is infantry, you might not want to send anything heavy because they will pack it around. If they are something like--signal-- they are mostly stationary, have a way to transport things usually, and don't do much packing of stuff.
At the post office, you can get "FLAT RATE" boxes. As long as you have the APO AP-- it costs like you are sending it stateside. I sent A LOT of baby wipes! I sent a LOT of gummy bears! I sent a lot of books. I also sent a lot of sunflower seeds!
A leatherman? My husband has two of these and LOVES them. You'd think that he wouldn't know what to do without it! Better than a swiss knife, more functions! Plus, a handy dandy carrier too!
They have a few AAFFES stores there. My husband said they have games, systems, stuff like that. He said one month there would be a zillion games but no systems, the next month would be the opposite! A zillion systems and no games. He also said that it was the same way with coffee, coffee pots, and filters!
Lots of the people who go over there have bought bigger electronics like TVs and then sold them to whoever was coming in next so it is likely if they do not have a TV they can pick one up from someone outgoing. Cheaper that way too. There are also some of them who pitch in for satalite services, all the gear, then sell it when they are leaving that way they have online services because it can be difficult, almost impossible, to have time to get online with the community computers.
The only thing I know for sure they cannot recieve is pepperonis! LOL Crazy, eh? One of my best friend's husband's LOVED pepperoni and she was not allowed to send it to him! It drove him nutty.
Do you belong to a FRG or a FSG? If not, see about it with your husband's support group- The Rear D- They should be able to hook you up with lists of can's and can't. AND what's pretty cool about that too is MANY set up video confrences for you!! :} Because of movements, wives/girlfriends might not know exactly where their people are, the FRG/FSG can help set up things easier.
Often times FRG/FSG also run special things for the units/sections that their soldiers are in. They might know what they NEED over there at a particular time because the rear D is ALWAYS (SUPPOSE TO) knows particulars.
Active duty and reserve troops are SUPPOSE to have FRG/FSG when troops are deployed. They should meet monthly or more and give information that the deployed people can't give or do not know. From my husband's FRG/FSG I knew what day he was getting home before he did! LOL
Well wishes to all who are dealing with deployments right now. It really sucks. I think it's just as hard as childbirth! The waiting, the not knowing, the worry-- Bless your hearts. I hope your troops come home safely.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
1 Nov 07
That's a good question. I know my husband needed one of those swiss army knives that had a lot of little gadgets on it. I don't know what your husband's MOS is but sometimes those come in handy over there. I found a really nice one at JC Penneys, you can have it engraved for free if you order it online. There are so many things you could get him , but the question is will he be taking it with him or leaving it home? Another idea is to take a picture of you, I don't know if you have kids, but have it framed with a special message from you and/or kids. Pictures of home and special memories are really important to keep their morale up over there. My husband has been on three tours, one to Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq currently. So, I know that's important to a lot of the guys over there especially when they face 15 months of being gone. Hope this helps!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
10 Nov 07
It might be far out, but maybe a chain locket with his picture and yours, that could work. Or maybe a pocketwatch with engraving on it if possible. I know those are out there, but those are the first things I could think of. A wristwatch might be something to give too, might be. A metal necklace may work out too.
@ArmyWifeJessica (34)
• United States
1 Nov 07
What does he like? Is he fond of electronics? Does he like a steaming hot bath or shower? Is he ready to kick back and relax when he gets home? Does he like old movies and hot cocoa?
I was in a situation simular to your's. My husband's tour ended Nov. 12 and I pondered long and hard about his holiday gifts.
He had seen movies over there, he had played games on his laptop, so I didn't want to get him anything that made him automatically think "IRAQ!"
Because he's the sort that doesn't get caught up with fashion trends, but sticks to the classic look, I bought him a couple of outfits at Dillard's that were NOT brown, green, or tan! LOL He had seen enough of that! LOL
My husband enjoys his showers. I bought one of those big shower heads-- it's suppose to be like a rain-- do you know what I mean? (I hope!) for his shower!
My husband also really likes coffee. GOOD COFFEE. So, I went to a speciality store and bought several of the small coffee bags. I took those, bought a couple of deep colorful cups, put them in a basket, tossed in a small box of German cookies, and put it in a bag!
Whatever your partner enjoys, see if you can make a fun basket of it! :} If he enjoys different aftershaves, colognes, and body sprays, get a couple together and make a little basket! If he's a coffee or tea kind of guy, same thing! If he likes to cook, put together a basket filled with ovenwares, pot holders, and tools of the trade! Even if he enjoys movies, put them in a colorful basket to showcase them! It's wide open!
They DO have some baskets pre-made which could be used or you could add things to them to personalize.
His biggest present will be to be home, with you!!! YOU are the very best present you can give him! Spending time with him, talking, whatever it is!
I have little doubt no matter what you buy for him, him being home and you being beside him will make for the best Christmas EVER!!!
Merry (very early) Christmas! I'm sure it will be a great one! :} ~Jessi