Do Not Suffer A Witch To Live

United States
November 1, 2007 3:29am CST
Not sure where exactly this is in the bible, but it is in Leviticus. Anyone who knows, feel free to post it lol. No, I do not agree with this, but I know people who DO! There was a debate last night about this subject and one person says God commanded the Christians to do this horrid act. Another person says that the 10 Commandments say not to kill. Then the first person said something along the lines of, "It isn't murder. It's justice." The kept arguing back and forth, but I was sickened that anyone would think this way! A preacher of a church I went to even said that if a Pagan doesn't convert to Christianity, it is okay to run them over because they don't deserve to live. That is just sick! I'm pleased to say that I don't have any part in any organized religion anymore. What do you all think about this type of ignorance?
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11 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 Nov 07
You must get your information about Christianity from the wrong source. True God commanded a witch not to live, but now HE metes out the punishment themselves after they die. Of course if a witch breaks a criminal law, like kidnapping a child and sacrificing her to Hecate or whatever, the witch is guilty of kidnapping and murder and can be executed. But God has appointed judges and rulers to carry out the law and they will only do the law that is written in the criminal law, they will not do what they consider is right or wrong -- they have to get that law passed in congress or parliament, that is why I cannot go and take a knife and stab any one I see who is worshiping trees. I am not a judge or a police officer. All right here are the facts. God commands Christians to show by their lives that they are Christians. The word is preached every Sunday by Preachers. Pagans, heretics, non-Christians or false Christians are called by God to listen to HIS word as spoken by the Preacher, either by seeing the Church and entering themselves, by being invited by a neighbor, by a flier left in their mailbox, or by seeing it in the telephone directory and deciding to find out for themselves. A true church preaches the true word of God as is in the Bible, and we follow the doctrine, as set out by St. Paul. The Old Testament was before Christ or and the moral laws still apply. Do not listen to what non-believers or Christian haters say.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Nov 07
Yup, don't believe what non-believers or Pagan-haters say.
• United States
1 Nov 07
Amen, suspenseful! So very true! God punishes in His time and in His way. He loves everyone and wants all to come to repentance. I was watching TBN last night and they were talking about wicca, paganism, etc and how dangerous this occult really is. There was a woman on there who used to be a "witch" and has now come to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She said that she didn't realize just how sad and lonely she really was until she found Christ. There was no joy in her life before she gave her life to Jesus. It was really interesting and a huge eye opener! I pray all will come to know Jesus Christ Who is the true Way to peace and happiness and to Eternal Life. God bless.
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• United States
1 Nov 07
Yes it was. The woman they interviewed used to practice wicca. She said her life has totally changed since she came to Jesus and she never knew this kind of joy and peace. From what I heard on there, wicca is very dangerous. Of course, I know that not knowing Christ as Lord and Savior is very dangerous...spiritually dangerous.
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• Philippines
1 Nov 07
i went to mass today and the priest said confidently that we could all be saved, not by our religion but by our faith and by our consciences. the priest did not discriminate or did not rule out people from other religions, did not even rule out salvation for the pagans or the aetheists, as long as the pagans followed their conscience because religion may just serve as our guideposts on how we ought to worship our God. the rest is up to us. i think that every religion would value life and would tell us to respect life. even pagans value and respect other people's lives. i think it's sick for the preacher to tell things like that, especially that they are people whom the congregation would look up to and obey.
• United States
2 Nov 07
hi etheral, thanks for replying. I like your priest lol! He (or she) sounds like an intelligent person and someone that would be fun to have a chat with. Yes I agree that it is a sick thing to say.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Nov 07
"A preacher of a church I went to even said that if a Pagan doesn't convert to Christianity, it is okay to run them over because they don't deserve to live" :-0 omg please tell me he was joking! That is absolutely disgusting! A PREACHER said that?? And ppl wonder why I wont go back to Christianity :-/ He didnt say this during a sermon did he? Some ppl need to just be slapped upside their heads with really heavy objects :-/
• United States
1 Nov 07
Yes that was said during a service and he wasn't joking! Lots of people in that church agreed and I was so mad at that! That is just sickening. And using the bible to justify his opinions to make them "fact" (not surprising) is even more twisted. Whatever happened to "love your neighbor" as Jesus taught in the bible? Of course, I don't believe in the bible and all its outdated nonsense anyhow, but still. These types of psychos shouldn't be preachers. Thanks for the response!
• United States
1 Nov 07
Lancing, May I ask what kind of church that was? Denomination?
• United States
2 Nov 07
Hi Springlady. This horrible "sermon" was at a Baptist church. All the Baptist and Assembly of God churches I've been to have had terrible semons. If it isn't about Paul's letters to the churches, it was about homosexuals going to hell, God hating sin and about the end of the world. In other words, they had nothing useful. They never talked much about Jesus, only about Paul and a merciful and loving God.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
1 Nov 07
I have to say it is exactly that-ignorance!! But I hope you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater on abandoning organized religion, because there are a lot of good churches, and you being one of those who can recognize ingnorance when you hear it, maybe you could help some of them to find the truth. A lot of the seeming contradictions of the Old Testament are put into perspective in the New Testament. In this age of grace we are to love our neighbor as ourselves and overcome evil with good.
• India
15 Nov 07
Oaky so a preacher said this and that..what ever he said or did...did Jesus say that or rather even think of harming some 1????In Matthew 5:39: Jesus said " Who ever slaps you on your right cheek , turn the left also to him" and matthew 5:44: " Continue loving your enemies and pray to those persecuting you.THat you may prove your selves sons of your Fther in heaven, who makes his sun rise upon wicked and good ppl and makes it rain upon wicked and good: So that is just how humble CHrist was and so are his teachings....Christianity is just to follow christ, and this is who he was and so to follow him do what he says....and by far he didnt say kill non worshippers ....please....he said forgive your enemise what could be more??? Just saying dont judge the religion because of the acts of ppl....
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
2 Nov 07
Our local Church of God put "do not suffer a witch to live" on the sign outside on Mother's Day. Mother's Day! Horrid wretches. Unfortunately, the whole community suffers when karma comes back on some who have brought it down upon themselves through this kind of hate speech. :-(
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
4 Nov 07
What the heck? That IS terrible Rosie. I completely agree with you. I'm sorry you had to see that. The worst thing is that some of these places do put up horrible messages several times, some on holidays or even secular holidays. A couple of my friends reported that their pastor reduced men to dirt in his preaching...on Father's Day. So yes, it is getting pretty backwards and some of the congregations.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Nov 07
Exodus 22:18 I know this well enough because when I was about 10 years old a group of teenagers boys decided they were going to kill me because their pastor had spoken on this topic to them. *sighs* They didn't get very far in this plan, but I did get a bit singed from the experience, and when I tried to get the police involved, I was laughed at. I hate small-town Kentucky with a passion. Can you imagine? Not just killing anyone over religion, but killing a CHILD over religion? Sure, the boys were just teenagers themselves, but it's still horrific. I was terrified and missed school for a while afterwards, for fear of being attacked.
1 Nov 07
Good grief that is a dreadful thing to say. I wonder how this *fine upstanding pillar of the community* would feel if the boot were on the other foot and he was viewed as the *pagan* Would he then think it right?
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I find ignorance like this loathsome, and those who are guilty of it have no right to complain of being victims of "prejudice" by society. Sorry, but if you're an ignorant bigot, you overstep boundaries by claiming people are being bigoted against you. While I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, it's people like this who I wish someone could beat some sense into.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Its pretty backwards. Also one of the reasons I'm more of a religious vagrant now. I'll believe as I want. I'm tired of doubletalking clowns dictating it. I'll say they have the right to speak and have their message, but I have the right to not listen and do what I want (of course within the law and reason, so don't bother -_-). And yes some people in religion say the most horrific things, do they even listen to themselves?
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
1 Nov 07
Yeah there is a lot of pretty stupid people in this world. I once read somewhere that only 3 or 4 percent of the population knows what is really going on and is open minded. I think and hope I fit into that group! I dont affiliate myself with any religion anymore either, so I guess thats a start to getting into that small percentage!