Check Please!....Oh and something to wrap this up in

United States
November 6, 2007 6:23am CST
Not sure where my thoughts come from, but they do come. lol I was just thinking, I never have seen anyone take any type of to go box from an all you can eat restaurant. I mean, you put it on your plate, you paid for it, if you wanted too, why not take it with you when you go? If you had gotten a single item off the menu and didnt eat it all, they offer to wrap it up for you. Why do you think people dont do this? Why have you not done it? Bay Lay Gray xx
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15 responses
@brimia (6581)
• United States
6 Nov 07
I just assume you're not allowed to take any with you...that it's just all-you-can-eat in the restaurant, not to-go. I guess that's why others don't take theirs either. But I guess if it is on your plate they'd just have to throw it out anyway.
3 people like this
• United States
6 Nov 07
Hi Brimia, Most will allow you to buy a to go box from the buffet and take it with you. Seems like its food on my plate, Ive eaten from it, so why not be able to take it? Like you said, they are going to throw it away anyway. Id hope! lol I think Im going to try the next time I eat at one. See what they say. lol All they can say is no. Should I ask why? lol Then I guess I would have an answer. Bay xx
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
8 Nov 07
The majority of all you can eat places don't allow you to take it out. The reason being is because you are paying for a dine in meal only. You pay a set price and are allowed as many plates as you can eat while you are in their restaruant. I mean they'd lose money if they allowed people to take home stuff too. Given the price you pay for eatting as much food as you can, why would you need a to go box? Most meals there cost maybe $11 a person so after your second plate you've more than paid for your meal.
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• Abernathy, Texas
29 Apr 10
Bayleigh, notice everyone, despite the fact that you stated in initial post that you know its not allowed state at least once that its not allowed? Not answering whether they think its fair. Just insist on stating the obvious.
• United States
8 Nov 07
Hi Devilsangel, Yes Im paying for a dine in meal either it be from a all you can eat menu or a single plate item off the menu. I was pretty sure that I didnt mean someone just piling food on a clean plate and then asking for one. I personally dont pile my food high on my plate when I eat a buffet, why when I can go back? But if I fix a plate, I have clearly eaten most of the plate and request a to go box, whats the harm? They are going to throw it away. Least I hope they are! LOL Like Ryans, not sure if you are familiar with them, they have all you can eat and a menu to order from. They dont say no to go boxes anywhere. I eat at it at least once a month. I dont recall seeing too many signs at buffets that say no left overs taken home. Thats sort of what sparked this disucssion is all. Thanks for your input! :) Bay Lay Gray xx
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• Abernathy, Texas
29 Apr 10
oh wait you didn't actually state that
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I know a lot of places have it posted, no doggie bags. One of the places we go do will weigh your food if you want the carryout buffett. I've just never really thought of taking buffett home....
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
17 Nov 07
They give you a container, you fill it, then they weigh it and you pay by the pound for it. I have no idea how much it costs, we always dine in and eat WAY TOO MUCH FOOD!!!! Not good for the ol' diet...
• United States
17 Nov 07
They will weigh it first? Well how do they know how much you are able to eat? What do they say? The average person can eat 2 lbs of food, thats all you get? lol Or do you pay by the pound? I have been to places like that in the past. Our chinese restaurant will give you a styrofoam conatiner and tell you all you can fit in it for $9. Which isnt bad, you can actually get a lot in it. Bay xx
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• United States
17 Nov 07
I was trying to remember where I did this and I just did when I came to answer Terry! lol The Kroger store had a salad and deli like bar. You could fill certain sized containers with what ever and you paid by the pound. It was a do it yourself kind of thing. Bay xx
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@kareng (71216)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Usually buffets and all you can eat places offer this at one price. That price includes your dinner, not your dinner and a dinner to go. Most of the places around here have signs that state no to go boxes on all you can eat. It's the same way with sharing. The pizza place that has a buffet here has a sign no sharing, if caught you will be charged for two two buffets. I can see their point. It also cuts down on waste. I try not to put any more than I can eat on my plate.
@kareng (71216)
• United States
7 Nov 07
If it were allowed, you would have people gaming the system. They would be filling up plates on purpose to take things home. It happens in restaurants here all the time. People complain about the food so the manager will comp it, no pay--free food. It is a game with some people and it hurts business.
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Hi Karen, I know that! hehe Im saying its going to be thrown away. Regardless of how much food is on your plate, wether youve ate it or not, its going to be thrown away, so why not just let you take it? How are they losing out? I dont see how they are. I still paid for the food on the plate, I dont like throwing things away, especially food. Of course, Im not talking about giving you a to go box and then you hit the buffet once more, I see that is unreasonable. The food is going to be wasted anyway, if any is left on your plate, then its going in the trash. Or atleast it should be! lol Our pizza hut is like that, they have signs all over saying no sharing. lol Thanks! Bay xx
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Look I said in my inital post that over doing it, taking advantage of it wasnt the case! Why are you concentrating on that aspect....its not that serious of a post. lol I replied to you because it seemed like you missed what I was saying and ran in another direction. I said normal sized portions, I used the term reasonable.....what are you not getting? Did you even read either of my posts in its entirety? Seems like you didnt. This just goes to show that you shouldnt answer a post just becuase they responded. Thank you for reminding me. Bay xx
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@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
6 Nov 07
As far as I know they do not allow it. So many people would abuse this, by taking alot more than they could eat any way. I have bought a take out from an all you can eat Chinese buffet. Same price, one box.
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• United States
6 Nov 07
Yeah my fault for not clarifying that its not being abused. Heres where a personal delete or edit button would be handy. lol I guess saying that some of the food had been eaten didnt do it. I wasnt thinking that piles of food were placed on a plate and then someone asked for a to go box, of course, thats rediculous. Bay xx
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• United States
6 Nov 07
Haha! that is so true...ive never done it becasue i always thought u couldnt do hmmm i think i shall try it next time:P
• United States
6 Nov 07
Hi MikesWifey, Yes with a reasonable amount of food on your plate I dont see why its not logical. I mean you cant very well put it back on the buffet. As long as you dont go pile up a plate, not take one bite and say oh, Im full can I take this with me. I think they should allow us that. Thank you! Bay xx
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Hi Bay when we usually go out to eat I always eat everything and theres nothing to take home.LOL But there those times when I cant eat all of it and I will take it home. I usually will eat it the next day for lunch. I guess some people are just embarrased to ask for it.Im not.LOL
• United States
17 Nov 07
Yeah I do too Terry. LOL Im usually that hungry. Im not going to be shy next time and ask for something to put my food in. lol The worse they could say was no. :) Bay xx
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Speaking as one who has worked in restaurant management, when you order all you can eat, you are not paying by the plate, you are paying by the person. It is all you can eat in the restaurant, not all you can eat at that time, but take some home for later. I understand where you are coming from, but with that logic, why couldn't you take a box up to the buffet and take what you want. I know, it's on your plate. But much like my aunt would bring an empty bag to a buffet and fill it, why would a patron not put more on their plate than they knew they could eat, just to take some food home with them. Think of it from both sides. I do understand your side. You should understand theirs. Not everyone is honest.
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• United States
8 Nov 07
Well Cyntrow, your the first one to say that you get what Im saying. Im not really sure what anyone was thinking. lol I was at one on Sunday, and there were no signs saying no take home on leftovers or anything of the sort. Did the restaurant you work for place them where patrons could see it? Seems like its just asumed by most, not that its really how it is. I know Ryans dont have signs or anything saying you cant take home left overs, but if you order a single item on the menu they offer to wrap it up. I dont know, I think it should be my way. hehe Im joking xx
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
30 Mar 10
There's actually two parts to this. If you order something off the menu, say a burger and fries, and you don't finish it then yes, you should take it home b/c otherwise your wasting money and food. However, if you order a buffet or salad bar then no you don't take any of it home. Those are meant to be eaten right there. Most restaurants have signs up saying that it's considered stealing to take home things from the buffet. [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
• Abernathy, Texas
29 Apr 10
Hey twoey! Good to see you and your cat! I've never seen one of these signs. We frequent buffets alot - but we go through the buffet as carry out. We rarely eat in. Love doing that way because it makes for several meals.
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
29 Apr 10
I've never seen so many answers stating the obvious. Although you didn't say it in your initial discussion starter, it seems implicit that you know the rules of eat in buffets but everyone states, when you order the meal, you can eat in and take it home and a buffet means you eat it there and leave it. I never got the impression that you didn't know this, only that you wondered idly if you could just casually say, hey, we're ready for the check, and I didn't quite finish, can you wrap this up - and see what the response is - pm me and let me know if you ever actually did this!
@raychill (6525)
• United States
7 Nov 07
If I don't do this, it's simply because I know I'm not going to like it "leftover". Seriously, I hate a lot of leftover foods. There are very few things that I'll eat re-heated later on or the next day. The other reason I won't do it is because I'm ridiculously forgetful and I'll either forget it on the table, leave it in the car or forget to put it in the fridge in general. I belong to a cooking club and I made pumpkin mousse for the last one. Lamely... I brought home the extra and set it down when I got home.. and never put it in the fridge. I realized this the next afternoon! So Of course by was no good and I had to toss it. If I'm just gonna end up wasting it at home why not just leave it in the first place?
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Ha ha. You'll learn that I'm a picky eater and really weird...about pretty much everything! I don't eat steak! I don't really eat Red Meat or Pork. I eat beef once in a while, like cheeseburgers or tacos. Beef Hot Dogs. but I don't eat pork at all! I also don't like food all that much, but the Pumpkin Mousse I left out.. It was GOOD and I'm so mad I left it out!
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• United States
11 Nov 07
Sorry I missed this Ray. WOW! I dont think I would make it. I love meat, all types. Not every type, but most. LOL Just thinking about not eating any type of meat makes my heart heavy and my tummy scream NOOOOOOOO!! haha Bay xx
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Hiya Ray, Somethings yes, they arent too good re-heated. I will agree to that. Somethings I just dont or wont take with me even if it was something off the menu. If its a steak though, lol Im taking it with me! I guess I love food enough that I wont forget it. But anything is possible cos I will forget things, and shock myself at what I have forgotten about. So in your case, your right, why not just leave it. lol ;o) Your funny girl! Bay xx
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
Hi i don't know either,i think it's probably because they think that they're not suppose to,it's not like when you order a meal off a menu and theres food left that can make up a meal and so they take it out(i do).Now you've got me thinking,haha. Peanutjar:)
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
Hi,well it is done,taking food home from a buffet here.Only a couple of them allow it.I worked at a couple of different restaurants as a cook and a waitress.At one like pizza&pasta place you could take home some buffet but they give tiny little styrofoam containers so that its impossible to fit alot in it,the other(chinese) did not allow it because of the amount that people stuffed into them,i mean like mountain fulls,they lost money that way,sometimes it could fit 2 meals into 1 container,ive seen people stuffing them till they could not close,haha.The other place the same,small container so you do not get alot to put in them.The restaurants loose money by take-out buffets,thats the reason why they do not allow it.It costs alot of money to put all that food in there,thats why the normal person only goes for 2 refills(filed high)on their plate,plus dessert.Ive seen some eat 3-4 big plates X that by $9.00 a plate,thats money missing.Thats why its normally $9.00 for all you can eat buffets meaning 2 filled portioned plates to the rim,haha.The main reason is loosing money,thats why the restaurants do not go with take-out on buffets and usually have a sign posted "No Take-out on buffet".When you order from a menu,they make it for you well porportioned with just the right amount of food on the plate,like chichen finger meal for $7.99(of course tax here),you get 5 fingers,small coleslaw,gravy or dip and 1-1 1/2 cups of fries with that.Not alot eh?haha.Why not ask for take-out for the rest,hahaha!Menu items they don't loose money,buffets they loose money alot. Peanutjar:):)Sorry so long:(
• United States
18 Nov 07
Yeah it was long, I lost my thought. LOL Im kidding!! When I was younger, me, my sister, her boyfriend at the time and his 3 kids would go to this Chinese Buffet where we lived, we would have major munchies, if you know what I mean ;), and they served crab legs on the buffet. We would kill them!!! Between the 6 of us, and 3 of us being high as all hell would eat them up! They tasted so good! One night my sis's bf asked them for a to go bag for something, he was joking really, and they got mad!! lol Started talking really loud across the room in Chinese. I could only imagine what they were saying about us and the mess we left on 2 tables with nothing but crab leg shells. After that we decided to chill on that place, they werent too happy with us, they didnt find us funny at all. :( Bay xx
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• United States
17 Nov 07
Hi and Thanks! Your probably the first person to not respond by saying something like they would fill their plate then ask....I wasnt very clear but I thought most would sort of assume that. I was wrong! lol The next time Im at one, Im going to ask myself. lol What can they say? No? I think I could handle it. :) Bay xx
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Hi Bayleigh, we actually did it about one month ago, when we were eating from all you can eat restaurant. Becuase you are right, once you have it in your plate, they are gonan throw it away anyway. But I knwo they don't allow this in every restaurant, since they think people might take advantage of it. So I guess we have luck, when we were able to do it. But also it was our first plate.
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• United States
8 Nov 07
I just think many people dont bother to ask, Im going to next time to see what they say. I mean I think a reasonable amount of food left on a plate should be able to be taken home. No one whos responded sees this, they keep saying its what I said it wasnt! lol Oh well. Thanks Laurika, Bay xx
2 people like this
• United States
7 Nov 07
I have actually taken food out of an all you can eat place. My kids and I were traveling around the country looking for a place we could call home and had almost run out of funds, so when we ate at the all you could eat place, we wanted to get the next days breakfast out of it as well. It was hard to do though, we had to lie. We told them an emergency had arisen and that we had to leave before we got a chance to finish our meal. They didn't even have to go containers! They wrapped it in tin foil.
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Well there you go Zig!! lol I dont blame you, Ive been in hard times like that. At one time I had to go around to fast food places and tell them that they left an item out of my bag in the the drive through just to eat. Sometimes you have to do that. I think its going to be thrown away so why not let the people take it. I mean dont allow them to return to the bar with the to go box and fill it up, but let you take what you put on your plate and ate off of. Regardess if we take it or they throw it away, its gone. lol Bay xx
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Hahaha! That's funny! I don't think I would have the nerve to tell them that at a fast food place though... I'd be afraid they would ask me for proof and then I'd be busted and embarrassed. But I had no qualms about going to the dumpster behind the supermarket when I was living on the streets of San Francisco, and getting some of the stuff they threw out! One time they had a freezer go out... man, my friends and I lived on melted ice cream for days!
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
29 Apr 10
So you responded to a poster saying you were going to try...I've never done it although I have ordered a to go box and taken it through the buffet.