Are You A Survivor
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
November 21, 2007 6:23pm CST
Whatever life throws at you, mud, heartache, misfortune upon misfortune, do you struggle on regardless. Do you refuse to give up and continue fighting, are you a survivor in the face of adversity, horrors of life and disappointments?
Do you shrug off the hurts and do you harden up and get stronger the more that life throws at you.
Do you go it alone, or do you need support 24-7?
Do you fight the demons alone or do the demons win
Does the past have a nasty habit of coming up and biting you when you least expect it?
When life kicks you in the teeth again and again how do you cope?
Or do you Laugh? After all life is just a game isnt it, one giant chessboard and when whoever made us gets fed up with us takes us off the board.
So are you a survivor and how do you treat with lifes hurts?
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20 responses
@mummymo (23706)
22 Nov 07
I t5hink I am partly survivor - I have had a lot of pain in my life - for as long as I can remember, emotional and physical and I do just try and struggle on although not always so well! A month or two ago things got very much on top of me which lead to a 'nervous breakdown' for want of a better word but still I fight on! I do need support and would not want to have to face all of my problems alone although I also feel that I need time alone to try and work my way through things. At the end of the day it is fight or flight and since I can't run very fast I guess I will just have to keep on fighting! Hugs babes xxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Nov 07
Well Wolfie you know my Background or quite a bit of it 21 year bad Marriage and a bad Childhood and the other so I would say I am a Survivor and even with what I have battled the last 6 years with my Disability yes I am a Survivor
The last 6 years I have had support from my lovely Man my Kids and my Friends the years before that I had to battle alone but I am here and like you a lot happier then I was ok at the moment going through a bad stage but I will get through this to and you know I will Sweetheart
xxxxx big hug from Gissi to
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@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
22 Nov 07
A lot of us are survivors. We all face hardships, good times, stress, difficult people, and so forth. Many of us have to find the strength to go at things again. Sometimes it seems like life can be a joke, but other times it does not feel like it though.
@Naomi17 (624)
23 Nov 07
I don't like to be kicked in the teeth i feel annoyed but i pick myself up and dust myself down and don't let life beat me, of course we all get hurt at some point, its not all a bed of roses and yes you get stronger!
Life sometimes feels like a game when your winning its fantastic but theres always something there trying trip you up spoil the joy of living,a recent example i got offered a lot of promotional work went fantastically except one girl was angry she didn't get the job and decided to make me suffer it didn't work thou as i gnored all the nasty comments and got a bonus for doing a good job its like life is sometimes what you make it!
WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@donna22 (1116)
22 Nov 07
Id say I try to be. I suffer with depression and atlthough I am a lot better and have more control I know I can get ill again so I do try to enjoy myself as much s I can. I think now that when things bother me I try to do something about them or take my mind of them. Ive taken overdoses in the past and have self harmed and I never wnat to be like that again.
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@lovellagrey (48)
22 Nov 07
I guess I am trying to keep on going. The past 4 years has been nothing but crazy. I've bit my tongue when I've wanted to lash out at the world. I know that I should say something, but usually I go at it alone. Sometimes it feels easier that way. Sometimes you feel as if no one will really understand the way that you think. And, at times, no one will listen to you anyways.
I agree with you that life is one giant chessboard. However, I don't know how to play chess. I can't anticipate a persons next move, especially not my own. I hope that it's true that you're only given as much as you can handle.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
25 Nov 07
I am a fighter.I have seen my victories after winning difficult battles only.Success never came to me easily. But I am never dithered at anything in my life.I got used to face the battles with a smiling face and all alone.In spite of it all I am a happy person always.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I really try to keep my head up when times get tough but that seems to be all the time lately. I have tons of debt that I can't afford to pay. My husband lost his job in October and hasn't gotten another one. He gets unemployment but that is only like $100 week. Then now our bank account is overdrawn like $200 a we can't afford to pay it off cause we have all these bills. We will be moving in with my grandma to help us save money. I know my problems could be much worse but sometimes it is hard to keep my head up. I am a chronic worrier too so that doesn't help me either.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
I am still surviving, I think. I've been to alot of misfortunes, lost a house then have been in debt left and right. But we (family) have somehow solved most of them, one by one. I'm not sure if what future may bring for me, so I still have to say that I am surviving.
Sometimes, we just laugh out our problems and forget it for the meantime. Since worrying too much about it won't help us, I believe that there's always a light in the end of every dark tunnel..
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I think if you always look for positive solutions and also do the very best with what you have takes a determination to defeat problems as well as the will to overcome. I do think I am a survivor.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I am a survivor, wolfie, but only in the respect that I have had to be. I made choices and commitments early in life that just wouldn't allow me to give up. I've had my share of adversity; been beaten down by life over and over again; cried because I had no other choice but to go on. Life isn't a game to me. It is a state of being and an opportunity.
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@delladidit (466)
• United States
22 Nov 07
...So many sayings are going through my mine. "If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger." "Cope or croak." "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
...Reading and writing are hope I cope. I believe God blesses us with the ability to cry because it is stress relieving, cleansing and rejuvenating. He also blesses us with the ability to laugh because it is the best medicine.
...One of the books I read that has provided me with some great tools for coping was THE COURAGE TO HEAL. And there is a work book that goes with it. There is also THE LANGUAGE OF LETTING GO. It is a daily reader and never ceases to amaze me how appropriate they are for the day.
...Laughter is such an important coping tool, I used to tell my BMT patients a joke everyday. Plus making others laugh lightens my load. I have to laugh at some of the cr*p my ex does or I'd cry and he isn't worth it.
...Surviving is easy. Living life to its fullest is difficult. Making the best of what you have demands creativity and exercise.
...Smile. It is alright to fake it until you make it.
...Peace be with you. =(^;^)= Della
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@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
I guess most people are survivors. Since life is a daily challenge. Sometimes you've just finished with one along come another, sometimes they all come at the same time. It teaches us maturity and to have faith in something and someone. Otherwise we think life is easy and takes all things for granted. Its a big game of constant battle, but in the end, its up to us how to rate the life you've lived since its only you who can say how well your life was and no one else, not even your parents, husbandn or children.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
10 Oct 10
Well, sometimes its unavoidable that we feel depressed for the day..but for the health its not a good side, i believe in Meditation which will balance our mind and helps to be normal at situations.
@grasshopping (62)
22 Nov 07
i really don't know. i guess yes. i really like to be victorious in life. i really like to be tough and to be able to prove to the world that i am a strong person and that i can do ti.i really sometimes that i have so many difficultties in life. this site makes me feel happy. this place seems to take away my mind from the problem.
@nkhanna (922)
• India
23 Nov 07
well your are absolutely true that life is game,osmetimes one wins and sometimes one loses.i am a survivor.many a times life has come to me as something which could not be bareable to me.however i have always survived in all the circumstances.many a time people started feeling that why all the bad things happen to me only.but actually this is not the has its own adventure for has to always bold enough to fight against all odds.because one who fights can only taste the fruit of losing or winning the game.
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
I am a surviver, My ex husband walked out a few months after our son was born to be with his girlfriend. It was hard a few months later finding out they were pregnant and that he wasn't leaving her like he did me. But funny and yes I know it's bad of me to say it, he has cheated on her. They are still together. Since my marriage break up I have big trust issues. And most of my relationships the men seem to use me or cheat on me. I try to keep my chin up. I am once again newly single as of yesterday and am feeling used again. I feel like some men think of me as an atm or a place to stay.
My son is my rock and together we can do anything. I take each day as it comes. Some days are harder than others and some days easy. I find talking with friends helps and the best medicine is when I can help others as it helps me feel better. Selfish I guess but it's good to see that we are not the only one having problems.
@supriyorajj (169)
• India
22 Nov 07
I am a very boy of very strong personality specially on mentality.when i face problem like this then at first i determine to solve it and then solved it.because it help me lot of time to solve the other problem too.
@jvfernanso (26)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
WE make our life.....all of us are fighters...we just dont know we have that special gift...we fight for our be be get whatever we want in life....Dissapointment,hurts and other negative aspects are just but trials for us to realize we are important to others and not that we are not important to one....we live, love and let go when its time....we survive for a special reason, a mission yet waiting to be discovered....