Why did I Want Kids?

@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
November 25, 2007 9:30pm CST
For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a parent but these days I really wonder why why why! Ok, this is a little update to a post I made back in the late spring early summer. My youngest son, 16 now, go into some trouble and admitted he did wrong and was prepared to face the punishment... The court hearings, and 'junk' have been going on for months. He's on probation, which is doing great because part of that means he has to be in school every single day. As a result of that he's gone from failing all his classes for the last 2 years to being on honor roll. The problem is he also has tons of fines and court costs which seem to keep adding up. He's tried to find a job to pay what he owes but Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the US the last I knew... I'm afraid I'm struggling to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table so have no extra to pay out... Ok, what to do? If he doesn't have something like $600 by the 4th of Dec he could be looking at 4 years in jail - for a broken door and a few stolen candybars. Stupid stupid stupid but does the punishment really fit the crime? There are murders and rapest running the streets free. Not to mention the drug dealers and others. Well, that was my rant for the evening! Now for my friends here on myLot I pray you will understand if my responses are a bit briefer than normal for me but I am doing 10 things at one time trying to earn at least a portion of the money while he's out in the freezing cold slushy snow hunting for bottles to return for the refund.
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29 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Oh for crying out loud, that is so ridiculous that if your son doesn't have $600 by December 4th he'll go to jail for four years???? And over a broken door and a few stolen candy bars..How insane is that? There are worse criminals that walk free with far more serious crimes they've committed. This is so unright! You'll be in my prayers Faith that something will turn up and out for you (((hugs)))
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
26 Nov 07
The law seems to prey on these one offenders, the reason they say is because they want to encourage them straight, can you believe that.?.They did the same to my son, and it made him worse..Putting a teenager in jail only gives them more idea's, it does not scare them straight.Faiths son is already scared, and he probably won't do anything like this again, but they threw mine in jail and it made him 10 times worse.The jail education is not good!!!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Thank you dear so very much for your prayers, I do know they will be answered. But are we surprised - we've seen all the 'junk' you've been put through why should we be surprised.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Nov 07
What I can't understand...how come instead of the $600 fine why didn't have your son do some kind of "community service"?? They do that all the time for celebrities who commit crimes--or is that just it..they only do that for celebrities?
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Nov 07
Oh you poor thing, I know it is not always easy, and hopefully as he gets a little older he will see the error of his ways, and reform, I hope so for you anyway, I hope things turn to the better for you...
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Oh I really do think he has 'reformed' but this business about the fines and costs has me even more concerned - he's scared, he knows he did wrong and I honestly don't think he'll ever do that again but now what is he going to do to get that kind of money.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Nov 07
Well I guess you can look at the positive of ththose fines, as hard as it is going to be to pay them maybe just maybe the struggle for them to be paid may very well be the thing that pulls him together, like an awakening, I really hope things go for the better for you both, everyone deserve a chance...
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
You could be very right and thank you.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I would try to find a respected member of the community to be a witness for him. Many times, having a pastor, or someone that the community looks to as a moral leader go in with your child to the hearing may help. The judge may not dismiss the charges, but he could extend them. I would continue to do what you are doing, do what you can, and expect him to do his part. I would hate for the money to come easily for him, b/c it wouldn't be as hard as a lesson for him to learn.. This way, he sees the sacrifices that have to be made in order to rectify the situation. I don't know if 600 dollars is too much or not, it really depends on how much it cost to fix the door. I would hope that the judge would realize that 4 years in prison is an awful lot. I would also have your son keep documentation that proves that he has been looking for a job. anything that you can get your hand on that proves he hasn't been sitting on the couch hoping it would all go away. I would even go so much as to say, when he is refused a job, he could ask the owner, manager for a letter saying that he requested a job but was denied.. (not if they say they would consider him though, You wouldn't want to deter them from hiring him if they are considering it) Anyways, I pray everything works out, i'm sure it will. Good luck to you.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Thank you for all the tips and the well wishes. Actually all have been done except until last week he wasn't keeping track of where he had applied for work. He's doing that now on the advice of his attorney. Thank you most of all for your prayers.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Maybe you could talk to Grandmas and Grandpas, aunts and uncles about an early Christmas gift....money to help the situation, he may not get gifts but it has to be better then Christmas in jail. Has he tried shoveling snow, he might do better then looking for bottles with nickel refunds. Man, I could use him for some work around here. I am still not done raking leaves up and I would love to put him to work. But Michigan is too far away. Good Luck.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
26 Nov 07
$600 does seem like a lot for a door and candy bars, who knows what they are thinking. How far along is he.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
26 Nov 07
That really sucks. I didn't realize that we shared parents. Man, I would give you what I have in my Paypal..but somehow $7 wouldn't get you to far. Can your church help out with a loan?
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Not enough snow to shovel yet and all the people in our area have lawn service or do it themselves - LOL if not for the fact that he can't leave the state I would put him on a bus to you :) Oh good side though - Michigan the bottle deposit is 10 cents and can you believe there honestly are people collecting them to pay their utility bills and rent. Our home town has really gone down. He actually called Grandparents today and they said they can't help him along with a long list of what he 'should have done'. Hate to say it but I'm a little upset with them right now - it's not like they've never made a mistake before and they've helped others in the family. I just want to cry right now :(
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Hi faith, well you go right ahead and rant , you probably have a lot of us right behind you ranting..I understand how you feel.My son got in trouble at 15 and he was on probation for 10 years,and he gotten off and own for years, he still stays in trouble.i do hope your son does better than mine..I do love my son but hes never going to change, hes too old to change now.I wanted kids too,and after they do so much you think why why, oh why did i ever want children.They are so sweet when they are little and they grow up and deal you pain.What about his dad, will he help him any? I had to depend on my son's father to help...I did more though because mothers seem to feel a deeper obligation for some reason.I called my sons Dad, this was after my son was in his 30's and he was still hanging on to my coat tail.I was angry,I told my ex , hey you helped bring this demon seed into the world and i expect you to help me with him, LOL i did not have him by myself...Guess what he did? yes he bought him a bus ticket to my house, so, what do you do? I do not have an answer.I know this is hard for you because i have been there.I have a friend that has 2 grown children, and they got mad at her over nothing, and they will not speak to her..She told me that she wished she would never had any kids..These stories are all over, people just do not talk about it much..No the punishment does not match the crime, you are right.Hopefull you son is young enough and he will do well, i surely hope so..I did the best i could and that is all you can do..I will say a prayer for you and your son..God Bless
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Poor Shane, i feel sorry for him , bless his heart, i know he is scared.I am praying they do not send him to prison.It seems that the ones that have a first offense they just pounce on.I know he regrets what he's done..You see my son was not like Shane,i mean he admitted his fault, but he was also a troubled boy and bipolar to start with.I have struggled with him for years,and I have always been his leaning post..I am sorry to hear about your daughter.I don't know what gets into kids now days,they get mad over nothing...I did not do my mother that way,I adored her.My friend is so hurt by the way her kids are acting,now i think she has hurt so long that she is just plain mad,and wanting to take them off of her will..As my Mom always used to say "when they are small they step on your feet,when they are big they step on your heart".We are going to pray that Shane is not sent to prison...
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Your friend's kids sound like my daughter - no reason at all she's not talking to me and I'm the b word. I've known people in the past that had children that never learned and as adults continued to get in trouble. Shane on the other hand is more scared than anything - he's heard stories of what they do in 'prison' and he's a handsome young man. The judge also said that because most of the kids in juvy are younger they won't send him there and is talking putting him in with adults. When I told him I made about a penny for posting that picture of him on here he started coming up with more pictures for me to post - at the same time he keeps saying over and over how stupid he was for doing what he did. Thank you for your prayers - they are appreciated more than anything.
• United States
26 Nov 07
Wow. That does seem pretty steep for a crime like that. My 16 year old brother just got put on probation and house arrest until his next court date for filing a false police report. The only money that he has to pay back (so far) is $40 which is the court costs! Of course, he'll have to pay the probation fees. I'm sorry that you're going through all of that. Honestly, I know how it is looking for a job in Michigan. I just started a job on the 16th of November and it only pays $7.50/hour and I have to drive 30 minutes! It's crazy! Good luck, hun.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Oh congratulations on the job - these days I say any job is wonderful. Around here McDonalds isn't even hiring for minumum wage... Get this, all totaled his fines and all are going to be over $2,400.00 along with 6 months probation and 40 hours of community service.
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@sherinek (3320)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I read the whole discussion and I feel extremely helpless. That is i dont know how to console you dear faith. But my prayers are with you, for God our Father, would never abandon His children in time of need. I am sure you will find a way. I too wonder that the punishment is too much for what he has done. On the other way, if he learned a lesson that is also a good thing. At that age, kids tend to get rebellious. But i am sure that he will come around cos , i know you are a good mom. Good luck and take care.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Thank you so much for your prayers - I don't know how I would have survived the last few years without God by my side. I know through all of this I've been keeping my eyes, ears, and heart open to learn what it is that God has in store for us - He has a plan I'm sure.
@kcbomba (616)
• United States
26 Nov 07
woooh, the story is really touchy ; my heart goes out for, my dear , is really pititful indeed to know such punishment is meted out to someone for an offence this small , and a teenager at that . To me , is inhumane - really . That being what it is ,it has also afford the young man time to study harder and come out with flying colours, and on the other hand - he got outrageous fines to set himself free . Woooh. Misblessing here. Honestly, between you and your dear child: sort out ways to pay that wicked fine ; cause nothing is too much when it comes to life matters . l also strongly admonish those lawmakers or whatever they call themselves , to reform those demonic laws -is inhumane . l think Transparency International should wade into these whole mess. l pray that God in his awesome ways would direct a philanthropist to help out here , l really pray so . Lastly, for you , try as much as you can to spend time with your children ; teaching them virtues of life, how to live right . Am not saying that you haven't been doing that or not - but is neccessary .
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
You put it beautifully - mixed blessing! I'm thrilled that he has applied himself to his studies and doing so well but no mother wants to think of her child being sent to jail. What is Transparency International? I've never heard of this - I agree the lawmakers and such are way out of control and don't live in the world the rest of us do. Thank you for your prayers - they are what are needed most of all and will do the most for this situation all around.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 Nov 07
oh faith, i feel so sorry for you and your son... i hope everything will turn up OK for you... just keep on praying and keep your faith in God... it is ridiculous to face 4 years jail for a crime like broken doors and a few stolen candy bars... i hope God will give you a way to have the $600 to pay for the fine... my prayer goes to you and your son... take care and God Bless you...
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Thank you for your prayers dear, where 2 or more are joined together - I know with so many others praying with me that God will turn my tears into joy and Shane will be a better 'man' after this is all over.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I believe that the punishment is so stiff to prevent people from going from kicking in a few doors to raping and murdering and doing crimes of a higher nature. I'm not implying that your son will become a rapist ... but I believe most criminals have a record of petty crime before they committ crimes that have serious repercusions. $600 is a lot of money, especially this time of the year, I'm not sure how he can come up with the money. I do know that God is faithful and just to those who seek forgiveness. Besides that He owns cattle on a thousand hills.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Yes, I do realize that large offenders start small but as someone else said at this point I fear the size of the fines might force him to do something worse to get out of this situation - you and I know that's not the answer but he's still a kid and looking at that time in jail is the worst thing in the world that could happen to him right now. I do know God will get him through this though and we will all come through it stronger than before - those trials and tribulations that God uses to help us grow.
• Philippines
26 Nov 07
i never thought unemployment rate there in US is high...i mean i always look up how great your country is...and never thought anything about that...i always think all people in your country are rich...
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I have heard others who thought the same as you about the US and I suppose compared to some countries it's true. But we do have many poor people in our country, no jobs, no homes, not even food - the media just doesn't talk about them as much as the 'rich'.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
14 Jan 08
it is great that he is taking responsibility like he is, sounds like he is growing up... could a call be made to the court explaining the situation that it is not for lack of desire to pay the fines, but the lack of means? maybe they could lessen the fines due to the grievous circumstances - maybe son could offer to do community service for a portion as well?
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
14 Jan 08
Yes I am happy he's accepting responsibility. Actually we've been back to court again and the judge gave him some more time, she understands the job situation in our area and also his probation officer stood up for him because he's been doing so good in school. He already has to do community service, 40 hours, as part of his punishment but the probation officer said he could do additional to help cover court fines but that can't be done for the restitution.
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• China
29 Nov 07
Pathetic are the feelings of all parents under heaven toward their offspring. I have lost my mother for more than 7 years.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Nov 07
Perhaps you should find her. It was careless of you to lose her.
• China
3 Dec 07
Maybe what i said maka you misunderstand for my poor english. i am sorry for that. in fact my mother has passed away. I have been missing her all days and nights . I can only see her in my dreams. so i always hope that all the person can cherish the days when they are together with their mother.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Jan 08
I know this is already past the date, but I hope it all worked out.. As for why do we want kids? Because the Creator gave us that desire and when they are little, they are so cute..Then they grow up..lol No, seriously, children are a blessing, though at times it doesn't seem like it. As much as my kids have all given me grief, I can also see where they have really been wonderful and I wouldn't trade them for anything..:)
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
14 Jan 08
As for my son, yes it did work out a bit - he didn't go to jail. He was able to pay only a small amount but the judge gave him more time to work on it. As for kids in general - I once told my oldest son I finally figured out why I had kids - for the grandkids :) Seriously though they are a blessing from God it's just those trials and tribulations we go through with them and it doesn't stop when they become adults.
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• United States
14 Jan 08
Oh yes, the trials never stop, no matter how old they are.:) I am so happy it turned out for him, I hope that it woke him up.
@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I'm late posting to this, but wanted to say that I'm glad he was able to get things worked out. Kids make mistakes, unfortunately, this is one he'll have to live with. But it sounds like he's got his head on straight and this may be a hard lesson, but a good one. I pray that he continues to do well...
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
1 Dec 07
The teen years are the worst. I wondered many times why I had kids when they were teens. Now that they are grown and married, they are so much more likeable. LOL I am sorry that you have to go through all this stress. I am glad to hear that he is now on the honor roll. That is great. Good luck
@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
1 Dec 07
Oh byfaithonly!For quite sometime I hibernated and was just back here in my lot yesterday. I remember you mentioning on your discussions here about your son's troubles.I pray for you to have more an understanding and patience and a courageous heart to face theses trials.I know no amount of words would suffice your pain and sacrifices.Let it be known that God gave you this not underestimating your ability to tackle it.God gives trials to us not beyond our capacity...You'll make it.I just hope your son would change and volunteer to better his life. I am again a new MOM and my son is now 4 months old.Been working too hard before, but now i stopped working for awhile and closed down my business.His formative years is essential and I need to be there for him...Such what you are undergoing is one of my fear being a MOM...But as early as today, I am working now for my son's future...to develop him...I am learning from your situation and is an eye opener to reality in parenting. I wish we are neighbours so I can soothe your pains and sufferings.My heart goes with you...Be Strong as Always.God bless you my friend!!!
@terri0824 (5039)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Sorry I am just responding to this discussion and I pray that he was able to raise the funds that he needed to pay this off. My prayer is that he learned a valuable lesson as well. That is awesome that he is making good grades. I know all too well about having teens, I had to tell my youngest whom is 18 not to come back home the end of October, it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. But knowing she is safe living with my brother and his wife and now clean off of m-e-t-h for about a month now, makes me glad that I did what I did.
• United States
26 Nov 07
Every woman has dream to marry and be a mother to fulfil their life. Due to some bad companion our teens may do some offense and for which parents have to sustain huge pains and problems. This is our fate. But if everyone do not want child how the world will full with man or woman? We need child for taking care by them at our old age too! So we must have aim to give them proper education, good job and to teach them to keep away from bad companion. Though some child do harm due to ignorance or due to spirit of youth age. For this reason we cannot think not to adopt or not to take child. I think your problem will solve somehow as any problem cannot longer for long period.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Agree with you totally - no one ever said being a parent would be easy and sometimes I just need a little reminder of that. In the long run it will be worth it though as I know my son is not a bad person - it's just keeping him on track right now that is so difficult.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I really hope that things get better for you and your family. Its good that your soon has taken responsiblity for his actions. Maybe contact the magistrate in your district and see if they can't help you with your financial burdens. Sometimes they can help.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Nov 07
The probation officer said he may be able to work off some of the court fines by working for the court but not for the damages which is the largest part of the money $640. Also his attorney is letting him work around her house doing yard work and such to help pay her fees off.