Do sleeping pills help provide restful sleep?
By sharra1
@sharra1 (6340)
December 12, 2007 6:50pm CST
I am having real problems this week getting any restful sleep and I was wondering if anyone has tried sleeping pills to help them sleep. Do they help you to get the deep sleep that is needed to refresh the mind and body? I have asked my Doctor but he does not like to dispense them and has advised me against them. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has tried them or if anyone knows a medication or herb that helps sleep. I sleep long enough but I wake up feeling as though I never slept at all and after a week it is really taking its toll.
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16 responses
@Phaedra_Scythe (3325)
13 Dec 07
I understand your concern and your frustration - insomnia is dreadful, but sleeping pills really only should be a last resort. It's a chemically induced sleep rather than a natural one and they're usually addictive as you start not being able to sleep without them.
There are many natural remedies that you can look into and herbal sleep supplements on the market. One that I use from time to time contains valerian which is good for encouraging natural sleep. Also lavender aromatherapy can be helpful and chamomile tea.
I wish you the best of luck!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Dec 07
Thank you for that information. My problem is not insomnia because I appear to sleep but I wake up feeling I have not slept. From what I understand about sleeping there are 4 stages and only in the 4th stage which is deep sleep do we get the rest we need to function. I am starting to think that I either do not reach the 4th stage or do not stay there long enough to benefit. Each day is different but I have come to regard going to bed as a problem. I often wake up in pain during the night. My partner says he hears me whimpering in the night from pain. This week has been particularly bad. I will try herbal remedies. Lavender might be a good way to start as we have that.
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@Phaedra_Scythe (3325)
13 Dec 07
Sorry I misunderstood about the insomnia. I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome too and can't ever seem to get enough sleep no matter how long I'm out for.
It's tricky to determine what's going wrong because there's been so little research into the real causes of C.F.S. For a long time, doctors dismissed it as a psychosomatic illness and so there hasn't been any real funding put into understanding it until recently.
If your doctor seems unable to help you then perhaps you need to change to another one. You could also ask if there are any specialists in your area that you can be referred to or do an Internet search yourself to see what facilities there are near you.
I'm sorry to hear you're suffering too. I completely sympathise. It's a dreadful illness and I hope scientists get to the bottom of it soon. x
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@makatas (1098)
• Greece
13 Dec 07
I havent tried them but i have talked with people who have, and have listened to doctor opinions too. They are supposed to make you sleep, but it isnt the restful sleep you are seeking.I have heard that pills,like all forced ways of sleeping (ever been in total narcosis for an operation?)dont allow dreams.That means that it isnt actually quality sleep.I think you should heed your doc's advice. Or you can try tea, milk or herbs, all warm, right before you sleep.
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@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Sleeping pills scare the heck out of me. I have never taken them, but i had a friend who did and it got to the point where she had to take one every single night or she would not be able to sleep. Dependency is a big deal when it comes to sleeping pills. Make sure that if you are going to take it that you only take it for as long as you need it, and try to have your doctor give you one that has very little risk of dependency.
@Seaclans (215)
• United States
13 Dec 07
It depends on the sleeping pill, which ones help very wildly from person to person. Some have a tendency to block REM sleep, I believe, which is the other important stage of sleep. With CFS I'd suggest that you get a sleep study done in a sleep lab where they can observe you, they may be able to find something happening during your sleep that is disrupting it such as sleep apnea or restless legs. Things like that can wake a person frequently during the night just enough to block deep sleep without registering as "Oh, I woke up ten times." in the sleepers memory. Hopefully, this is something your insurance can provide, since it may play a key role in reducing the CFS. The same sort of thing applies to people who have fibromyalgia since it's thought that part of what happens there is a disruption in that deep level 4 sleep as well. I hope you are able to get the bottom of the reason you wake up tired. It's a frequent occurrence for me as well, though I'm pretty sure getting a sleep study done isn't a possibility for me since I'm on state medicaid insurance.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
14 Dec 07
I am not sure I can get into a sleep study. we do have them but my partner has been on a waiting list for ages. He has sleep apnea. For me the sleep problem is very recent. Up to 18 months ago I had no problems like this. My sleep problems came with the CFS and have become worse over time. Some days are better than others but at the moment I am going through a bad week. But I will ignore sleeping pills since they do not solve my problem. I have read about sleep patterns and I would not be surprised if I partially woke several times. I know I rarely get more than 3 hours without waking, sometimes only 2. At least waking that I am aware of. Even if I got into a program and they worked out what was causing my sleep problems can they cure it. I find it odd that after 50 years of good sleep I am now having such bad problems.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
13 Dec 07
You can buy Melatonin over the counter. It is natural. This has worked well for my family.
I have tried prescription sleeping pills such as Ambien and they don't work for me. They work for most people but I will stay awake all night if I take it.
People get addicted to sleeping pills which is why your doctor doesn't want to prescribe them.
@successmode1101 (172)
13 Dec 07
Hi Sharrl, I used to have a problem sleeping then I started using " Tylenol PM ". they are excellent at allowing you to get some sleep and not wake up tired. BUT; there are only two things you most remember not to do with them. One is to take them every other day as needed and the other one is to take them about one and a half hours before your bedtime. If you take them to close to your bedtime you will feel drowsy in the morning. Other then those two factors they are the best remedy I can suggest. And start off just taking one.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I couldn't take perscription sleep aids. They made me so drowsy the next day I couldn't do anything. I take plain old Tylonel PM and I sleep great. If you are sleeping at least 8 hours a night without anything but are still feeling drowsey the next day I think what you need is to take some vitamins. I suggest a B-complex and Iron. Eat more fruit a vegitables also and you should get to feeling better.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Sorry responded before I read on and I really need to stop doing that. I have Chronic Fatique Syndrom also allong with having fibromyalgia, really bad muscel spazems, and a low immune system. When combined with CFS sleeping pills are a big no. It will not help you because your problem isn't falling asleep. The only thing that worked for me is a good diet, lots of vitamins and the PM pain medication if I was hurting at night. Also what helps is if you get plenty of exercise, and then every once in a while I have had to stay up all night and not go to bed until early the next night so I knew that I was so tired there was no way I wouldn't have a good night's sleep. Make sure it is when you do not have to worry about getting up at a set time the next day and just sleep as long as you must. Everyone has their own internal clock and our bodies are not meant to go to sleep and wake up at a set time every night. You need to get yourself back on track. Also what I suggest is message theropy. It will lossen you up and help your nerves settle in for a good nights sleep. A hot bath and a cup of chamillmere tea also does wonders right before bed.
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@aprilsong (1884)
• China
13 Dec 07
i don't advise u take any pill to go to sleep.u know,that is harmful to ur health.anyway,there are many other ways to get u into drinking some water with vinegar.or counting may help u go to sleep after u take some pills.but in the long run,it can really harm ur body and make u rely more and more on do not take as possible as u can.
@nkhanna (922)
• India
13 Dec 07
well wen i was in my college days i had this problem.i hardly use to sleep ofr 3-4 hrs.i really dont know but somehow i was not able to get a sound sleep.i tried using sleeping pills as well.its was okay but later on i realaised i am having some side effects because of i stopped.i will suggest you not to take pills.its not at all good ofr yoga helps in meditation.dont take tensions.
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@riveream (111)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
Actually, I haven't tried taking sleeping pills just to help or provide me a restful sleep. Although sometimes, I also have a problem or getting a good sleep. But my secret is that, I just read books that I like to read. And it will help me get to sleep. Taking sleeping pills is not really advisable because some pills are not really tha effective.
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@zichen3 (132)
• China
13 Dec 07
No,take sleeping pills before your sleep is not good for your health. My parrents don't allow me to take any one before sleep. They always prepare a cup of hot milk at night before I go to bed.
A cup of hot milk, is a good idea to improve your sleep. You had better mix a little of honey in it. And it taste very good and the impotant that is good for your sleep.
@EARN07 (6)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
I usually take a hot tea with honey or any hot beverage before I get to sleep. It aids also to apply some oil on your forehead and massage it a little or at your neck and gently massage your stressed body. Getting dependent on pills destroys our body.It would be better to pace yourself, listen to mild music to make you get some sleep the natural way.
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@milondali07 (334)
• United States
13 Dec 07
My father takes sleeping pills to go to sleep. Every time he takes them I'm there and I count those pills and make sure they're the right ones. A couple years back he had become dependent on them, It really scared me and my mom. So he started taking sleep aid and it was better we still had to watch him and count the pills in the bottle or hide them. If you start taking Sleep Aids you shouldn't take them every night. If you think you get your full 8 hours of sleep then you shouldn't take them. If you sleep enough and you wake up feeling like you haven't maybe if you eat something sweet it will wake you up. Every morning I wake up and I even have 10 hours of sleep, I still feel tired. Maybe you feel so tired because you've been working or you do something during the day that tires you out. If your doctor has advised you against them then I think you should take his word and don't take those pills. When my dad used to take the pills, they would not refresh his mind and body, he would wake up cranky and rude, and he still felt tired like he needed more sleep. So I think you should just adjust to the way you've been sleeping now. How long have you been feeling like that? What do you do during the day that fatigues you?
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Dec 07
I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I do not actually have to do anything to feel fatigued. I do a little housework and look after my animals. It would not be enough to make a healthy person tired but with my illness I an continuously fatigued. I never know from day to day how tired I will be. I am currently having a bad week and I am getting the blackness under my eyes that usually means lack of sleep. The problem is I appear to sleep at least 8 hours a night but I feel as if I have not slept. I also live in a rural area and there are no other Doctor's nearby. I do not think there are many people who recognise this illness and I wonder if any of them understand it. I am told there is no treatment and no cure. I just have to wait until I get better which could take years but no one can tell me that either. It is frustrating to know so little. I have read lots of medical articles on it but they all say the same thing. No one knows.
I am grateful for people's comments on sleeping pills. They will do nothing to help my problem. I wonder if there is anything that will help. I have read about sleep and how it works but I do not know if anything will help to make sure that the sleep I get is deep and not shallow. I think that is the problem. At least that is what sleep experts say. If you do not get the right amount of deep sleep you will always wake up feeling as though you have not slept.
Our society has learned so much about health and there is still so much we do not know.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
14 Dec 07
I live in a rural community in Australia and there are not many doctors here. I do not know if there are any specialists in CFS. Also it is very hard to change doctors as they have full client lists and rarely take on new patients. We have a shortage. Thank you for the web sites I will have a look at them. I am still learning to live with my illness. I can cope with the pain and I am learning not to be guilty or stressed about all the things I can't do but the tiredness and the brain fog can be the hardest of all. I have had this illness for 18 months and each day is different but at the moment I am having a week of extreme exhaustion. I have had days like this before but this is the longest number of days in a row. I suspect that the hot humid weather we have had recently may well be contributing to the problem. I do not sleep 8 hours in one block, it is more like 3 hours but can vary. I know that broken sleep is a problem and now I know that sleeping pills are not a solution.
I am thankful to all the people who have commented. All my doctor told me was that they were addictive I needed to know if they gave restful sleep and now I know they don't so I will look elsewhere for answers.
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@maggiemoon (487)
• China
13 Dec 07
It works,but you may rely on this sleeping pills and that's not good for your long term health.Keep light-hearted mood,that help you healthy.