What do you think about this? What do you think would happen?

@uath13 (8192)
United States
December 14, 2007 10:21am CST
I want your honest opinion about this situation so hit respond now, read the post then respond. Don't read anyone elses answer. After you respond feel free to look on down through other peoples replies. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The situation A father has 3 kids. He has two toddlers that are prone to getting into everything & their incredibly mean older brother who hates them because he is no longer the only child. The father takes the toddlers into a room full of stuffed animals & toys. While he isn't looking his older child slips in & hides. In the middle of the room the father sets a bear trap & places a bowl of candy on the trigger. He then tells the two youngest kids " You can play with everything else in here but don't touch that candy" then leaves the room. ---------------------------------------------------------------- What do you think is likely to happen? Will the kids get hurt? Who is responsable & why? Is this good parenting? This could get amusing...
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19 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
14 Dec 07
So... can I have this parent's address so I can go stick a sword through him??? :P This is obviously bad parenting, child abuse, and the actions of a very disturbed person. I think at least one of the kids (if not all of them) is guaranteed to get hurt... and of course even if just one gets hurt, the others will be scarred for life from watching this happen to their sibling.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Now I ask, Have you read the other responses yet & my replies? Come on, I expect you to get a kick outa this.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
14 Dec 07
Okay, now that I've read your other replies... My thought process is still the same. If I believe this guy existed, I'd want to get him for child abuse. Or stick a sword in him. Either way works for me. :P
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
After some of the discussions I'd read & participated in today I had to post this. The very first story in the bible when you step back & look at it objectively shows a god that is completely incompetent, inept or cruel. Yea, lets build a faith on that.
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• United States
15 Dec 07
I have read the replies and I see what you are saying. Now I have a question for you. Do you have children? If you do, have you ever taken them to day care or are they school age and going to school? Let them play outside? There are dangers all around us. Does that mean we are bad parents because we let our kids play outside when we are not always there with them or because we send them to daycare or school where the chance of child abuse or neglect could happen? God created us with the power of free will. Adam and Eve knew right from wrong. They knew if they ate from the tree they would be in trouble. It's no different than putting a bowl of candy on the counter, telling your kids not to touch it, and then walking away. Our kids know if they touch the candy they will get into trouble, but they do it any way. That is free will. I'm not going to sit here and say you are wrong because you have questions, we wouldn't be human if we didn't. I just don't like seeing people basically put God down. You have your opinion and I respect that. Just as I have my opinion.
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• United States
16 Dec 07
There are dangers all around us, no matter where we are. But, yes, I do take care of my children and protect them from all dangers. I don't need a trip to the DHS. That did offend me. And if you say it like that, does that mean the parent of the little girl that got snatched out of her out front yard was responsible for her duaghter being kidnapped? Or the parents who sent their children to daycares while they went off to work to provide for their children, and the children were abused by the daycare workers? Does that make them bad parents? They put their children in danger from what you are saying and they should visit the DHS. A parent can only do so much to keep their children from harm. We do all that we can hope and pray they don't get hurt. Those of us, like myself, who care more for their children their own life. But it doesn't mean they won't get hurt.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Actually I just laid out the situation leaving out the names. Its been a sort of experiment. Everyone first finds the situation insane, irresponsible or take offense ( one even gave god the bad dad award ) but as soon as they realize where the story came from they begin defending it. The purpose was to make people think not just blindly follow. Oh BTW if you are letting your kids play where there are visible & apparent dangers & your doing nothing to protect them then you need to make a visit to DHS.
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• United States
14 Dec 07
First off, it is horrible parenting. Now that's settled, what will happen? If the mean child has at least average intelligence, he is going to tell the toddlers that while Dad said 'you' are not to touch the candy, that does not apply if 'both' of you touch the candy at the same time. Then the bear trap gets both toddlers, the mean kid gets the candy and becomes an only child again while swearing to his Dad that he tried to stop the toddlers from getting killed. After he grows up, the mean kid becomes a national political leader using variations of the same trick on the people who love him for it.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Now's when I tell you to read the responses I posted to the replies before you. I feel my star level droping already....
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• United States
14 Dec 07
Nah, that's no big deal. God is not a parent and the analogy, like all of them, does not hold perfectly. I gave you a plus, just to be contrary.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
The analogy dosen't hold? Please tell how. He was supposidly the creator even being called the Father in the bible. He created the garden & everything in it & then set something potentially dangerous in the middle of it with NO protection ( he could have set it on the other side of the planet or not created it at all ). He then allowed them to touch it. Some all knowing all powerful being there! Where was he to stop them? Where does the analogy break down?
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
15 Dec 07
I think the father is being quite an irresponsible parent. He should realize that his two younger children are toddlers. This age group is well know for needing help from adults in playing sensibly and not hurting themselves. One of the stuffed animals might fall on one of the little children an knock them over. One of the children might climb up to get at a toy and topple to the ground. At the very least they will make a great mes of the room with toys and stuffed animals everywhere. The little children are likely to have eaten all the candy. They are just too young to know thy should not touch something because father said no. He is not in the room to guide their behavior. I think the little children might well find their older brother. He might then start a quarrel. Possibly all three children will be hurt and upset by the time the father returns to the room.
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• United States
15 Dec 07
Well, Uath you have place here probably a trap to make a point so the question is not who is responcible but rather what point are you trying to make? I seriously don't believe this has happened so this is either an analogy or a hypothetical. If it is analogy you are probably speaking of something similar that has taken place in history. Or if it is hypothetical you are wanting to see who will respond to such a discussion and agree with the father. Therefore I won't answer your questions. If this is a "clever" trap to get someone to say they believe a certain way and then make them look the fool I won't do that. So now I will post this and see what you have planned for those who responded. Then I will respond.
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
14 Dec 07
Thats kinda like a quiz right?Well...I think the 2 kids will rush to catch first the candy.One of them will be first, will be caught by the trap and be injured...The second will shout for dad.It isnt good parenting of course, did you expect us to say it is? LOL. Ah, and about the third one, i guess he will have to show up when the second is hurt but will not do anything special.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Now take a good look at the rest of the responses.
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• United States
15 Dec 07
Some of the children will definitely get hurt, which one is up for grabs. The father is always responsible for the actions of his children. If he would have handled the older child better, there might not have been as much conflict between him and the younger children. Definitely not good parenting, but an interesting way to teach children to behave.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I'll add names to everyone now. Tell me if you recognize the story. The toddlers- Adam & Eve The older sibling - Satan The bear trap- The forbidden fruit.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
16 Dec 07
There is many ways that this can play out. It just depends.... The younger children could want something they can't have and try to get the candy even though the father says no. End result, a child hurt. Or the older child could realize there is a bear trap and get a younger child to get the candy...result, a child hurt. Or the older child is not as smart and goes for the candy and the child is hurt. Regardless, someone gets hurt. And if someone gets hurt, it is the father's fault.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I'll add names to everyone now. Tell me if you recognize the story. The toddlers- Adam & Eve The older sibling - Satan The bear trap- The forbidden fruit.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Hello Uath13, The older brother will make his way to the candy in the beartrap, and will set it off. Yes, he will get hurt, and it will be the fault of both the father and the older brother. The father should know better than to expose his young toddlers to something that dangerous -- especially with a lure as potent as candy. The older brother will learn a powerful lesson, yet will be infused with the earliest sociopathic tendencies. He'll develop a psychological pattern of always blaming others for his mistakes, and will learn early on that candy only leads to terrible pain. This will be overwhelmingly helpful to his dental health as he matures into the next Charles Manson. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the wife will skin the father alive after they get home from the emergency room.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Hello Uath, I've been known to pull a "Captain Kirk" from time to time. It would seem that analyzing this story is no exception. My take on the scenario does not seem to match that of the 'Forbidden Fruit' tale. The reason being that the psychology of envy would demand that the older brother seek out the candy, before the younger two had the opportunity to do so. The envious older brother will also believe that his age and 'rank' in life will allow him to pluck the candy from the trap without repercussion. He will believe that the rules set down for the younger two do not apply to him. This means that it is the older brother who will be ensnared in the trap. I also took the liberties of adding a wife/mother to your tale, and imagining a future lifestyle for the bratty older brother. Hmmm, perhaps I should work more on that 'coloring within the lines' thing, eh? While I appreciate the analogy behind the tale, it would seem that the "Captain Kirk" in me has thrown a wrench in the gears.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I'll add names to everyone now. Tell me if you recognize the story. The toddlers- Adam & Eve The older sibling - Satan The bear trap- The forbidden fruit. Your story does explain a lot about Satans tendacies though.
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I think that is cruelty to two small children who are not old enough to rationalize in making decisions. I think this father should be arrested for any harm done to any of the 3 boys and the boys be placed in protective custody/foster home.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I'll add names to everyone now. Tell me if you recognize the story. The toddlers- Adam & Eve The older sibling - Satan The bear trap- The forbidden fruit.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Why would any father leave His children? Esp his toddlers? Did that really happen?
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
If he was there why didn't he slap that apple out of their hand? Thats what a responsable parent would have done. A responsable parent wouldn't have left something potentially dangerous where they could reach it in the first place. If you have the good sense not to do that with your kids why would an all knowing being?
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• United States
14 Dec 07
If He did that, then He would be forcing them to choose Him. He wants to our love for Him to be genuine, not forced. He does give us some free will. Adam and Eve knew what they did was wrong. We are still disobeying God today. We know how God wants us to live, yet Satan is tempting us all of the time. God will help us if we will only ask Him. He loves us and it is thru His Son, Jesus Christ, that we are saved. God bless:)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Ok, I read what this is all about. It is so much different than what really happened with Adam and Eve. God never left Adam and Eve. He was with them the entire time. They knew that they could not eat of the Tree of Life. Satan tempted them and lied to them and they chose to believe him over God Who loved them. God never left them alone. The father in your story left them alone. We are never alone. God never leaves us for one split second. We leave Him, but He never leaves us. God bless:)
• Canada
18 Dec 07
the father.. (god) is an idiot. haha
• United States
18 Dec 07
I agree, lol. I didn't answer because I did read the responses, but I knew what he was talking about as soon as I started reading it. It was pretty obvious to me. That's why I don't believe any of that stuff--it makes no logical sense.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Well, you were kinda tipped off beforehand. I found it amusing to watch people first condem it then defend it when they realized where the story was from.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I think the father's an idiot, the other brother is gonna try and kill or hurt the two younger kids. I mean what kind of dad puts his todlers in a room with something that could hurt or kill them then puts something they like to tempt them on top of it and expect the kids to not die or get hurt. What a freaking idiot. As for the older brother he'll probably try to get the kids to touch the trap and get killed or hurt. Frankly though yea he's wrong but the dads is the one to blame for it all, why.. cause he's the idiot who left them in the room alone in the first place.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Did you read the other responses to get the rest of the story?
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• United States
16 Dec 07
Yep and I stand by my response.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
Hi uath, I believe your are right, this could get rather amusing, but I'm following your instructions, so here goes. First of all I have to say that I think you are creating a little garden of Eden here. The father places the candy in the centre of the room, where the kids can easily see it, then tells them that they can't touch it. No uath, this is not good parenting, the father knows that they are going to want the candy, and even more now that they have been told they can't have it. The two toddlers play with the stuffed animals and toys for a while, but being kids soon tire of it, besides they're feeling hungry and that candy looks awfully tempting. Meanwhile the mean older brother sees his chance to get those hate full little monsters in a lot of trouble, but how can he do it without getting in trouble himself? He decides to get a better look at the bear trap, and see how he can dismantle it. Finally he is able to fix it so the toddlers will be able to get the candy without getting caught in the trap. Slipping back into his hiding place, he watches to see what they will do. They begin whispering and pointing to the candy, they both want it, but neither wants to be the first to touch it. The mean older brother steps behind the large figure of the stuffed tiger. "ahem", the two kids look around the room, "who said that" "Just me" says the tiger, "but why aren't you eating those delicious candy"."we're not suppose to eat them, dad said so", said one of the boys."Don't be silly boys", laughs the tiger,"why would he leave them here if he didn't mean for you to eat them"?"Maybe we heard him wrong"said one. "ya that must be right"said the other Reaching for a candy, he quickly gives one to his brother. It tastes great, and they soon take another and another. The mean older brother, sees that his work is done and quietly slips out of the room. Soon the father calls, "come to dinner boys", and the toddlers slowly walk to the table. The mean older brother is already sitting there with a smug look on his face."I don't feel hungry daddy" says one of the toddlers. "me neither"says his little brother. The father frowns,"why aren't you hungry", he asks,"did you eat the candy that I told you not to eat"? The boys hang their heads. The fathers face turns white, as he thinks of the bear trap. Hurrying to the room, he sees that the candy has gone, and the trap fixed. Suddenly the mean elder son is standing beside him. " Why did you sit that trap dad, you knew they would get hurt". The father sobbed, " I thought if your mother heard they were hurt, she might come back." "Forget it dad, mom's gone, she's not coming back, it's just us now"."What will I do", wailed the father"I know all about what you did now dad, so I call the shots, I'm number one again, but those boys are my brothers, no more traps, I'll be watching"
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Actually rather interesting. Odiously you thought a lot about it & that was the whole point all along.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
I've read the others now, and its as I suspected, the garden of Eden story. I changed the it though, but then I was the only one who actually did a story. A nice set up for sure. Good job. Blessings.
• United States
15 Dec 07
Well, more than likely the older brother will probably get into the bowl of candy. Will someone get hurt? That is very possible. I think the older brother is too blame because he knows what he is doing is wrong. I'm not sure I would say this is good parenting, because you should never leave toddlers unattended.
• United States
15 Dec 07
I read part of this wrong. A bear trap? The older brother will probably some how get the toddlers to get the candy. Resulting in the toddlers getting hurt or worse. This is very bad parenting. First and for most, the father should have never put the toddlers in a room with a bear trap. I truly hope this has never actually happened.
@urbandekay (18278)
21 Dec 07
My immediate response to reading your post is that it is a rather lame apology of Adam and Eve. I won't detail the flaws in your attempted RAA, they should be obvious to anyone. all the best urban
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
I fail to see the humor in this situation! Theres nothing amusing in this post.Its inhumane.Is it some sort of joke? Sorry but I don't get it!
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
14 Dec 07
Hi,since you said the older brother hates his 2 younger siblings,i believe he will try to get them to touch the candy and get hurt but he will be the one who will accidently set it off only missing his 2 younger siblings by a hair and trapping him instead,thus ending his life.Never bite oof more than you can handle and sometimes things come back to bite you in the butt!!!HahahahaThe fathers responsible and not good parenting at all. Peanutjar:)
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Check below to see my reply to Somethinggood.
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• China
15 Dec 07
this problem,not answered, because at different positions,and the answer is not the same,i think that my father has his own ideas, his own used,is not it ?