Have you finished Christmas shopping yet?
@morgandrake (2136)
United States
December 19, 2007 1:13pm CST
It is that time of year again--Christmas shopping season. Just a few more days to go until it is too late (at least for this year). Now personally, when I have money I try to do my shopping early. Not because I am efficient, but rather due to the fact that large crowds of people set off my panic attacks--not a good thing.
I also don't get a lot of Christmas presents for anyone. In part, because of my religion, and in part because I think that Christmas presents should be personal (except in my case, get me a gift card--don't try to guess what I want or would like--you will be wrong most of the time; when I say "You shouldn't have," I mean it). So my shopping list is small.
This year, because of money (both me and the wife are in college) I wasn't even thinking about Christmas shopping until she mentioned it. Yeah, that is how I cope with money; a shortage of money also triggers panic attacks, so it better that I don;t think about it. Anyway, at the last second (in my world, it was the last second), she mentioned that my gift was more than twenty dollars (did I mention college).
That put me in a bad spot. I mentioned that her gift would probably not get here until after Xmas. It was true in part, I saw a purse in a catalog that I was tthinking of getting her. She mentioned a piece of jewelry, she saw at the local estoric shop (yes, we are not Christian and we exchange Christmas gifts--call it Yule), so that problem was solved rather quickly.
But that is the only reason that I am done.
So what about you? How long is yuour list? And have you finished shopping yet? Merry Christmas/Xmas/Yule/Winter Solistice or whattever you celebrate.
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16 responses
@girlgonefishing (2174)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Well, I thought I was done. I bought gifts for everybody, I mean EVERYBODY. I bought gifts for my son's girlfriend and her kids even. When I got home and started wrapping all of the gifts, I realized I had bought for my daughter, my two sons who live at home, my husbands whole entire family in California, my brother, my sister-in-law and my friends but...........I hadn't bought a single thing for my son! I guess I was so stressed about what to get his girlfriends kids (I even called him while I was at the store) that I totally forgot to buy for him! I'm going shopping again tomorrow. I feel like such a bad Mom!
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
19 Dec 07
I am so sorry--that made me laugh out loud--for some reason, I find that story funny. No, I think you are pretty good mom.
@girlgonefishing (2174)
• United States
19 Dec 07
You're not going to tell him are you?
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
19 Dec 07
I figure that if you don't want to tell him the story, then it is not my place to do so. ;)
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Hubby and I are braving the crowds tonight, and I'm bound and determined to get it over and done with then. Money is the culprit here too. Hubby works, and I am in limbo waiting to find out if Social Security Disability has approved my claim or not. Makes it a bit rough this time of year, but we'll manage. Wish me luck! (And hope I don't end up fatally wounding a fellow shopper with my trusty elbow spikes LOL)
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Elbow spikes? Sounds rather medieval. Exactly where do you find such an item?
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
19 Dec 07
I like to start shopping early so that I can spread the bills out over a few months. I usually start in October. The problem is when you start shopping early (at least with me) I find shopping never stops. I always see something else that would be a good gift or whatever. But this year I can say that I have officially finished shopping. I will not leave the house for fear that I will see something else to buy that I cannot afford. I had to ask my husband to go to the Bulk Barn today and pick up a few things because I knew I would buy more than the three items I asked for. Ha! DH bought something extra for who knows why? We don't need chocolate in the house!!!
I also have fewer people to buy for this year as we pulled names this year. And my sister decided we could chip in on a gift for my mother, which she purchased. I just had to send her a cheque, which also included money for my sister-in-law's gift because my sister thought since she got my brother and I got his wife, we could buy a joint gift, which she bought. LOL!
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@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
19 Dec 07
I'M so happy that I'M done with my Chritmas shopping. I finish ti last week and past a big 5h at the mall. I thought tha I could find everything I wanted at Wal-mart, but I had to go to other store and look around. I was so tired after that, especially because i'M also 6month pregnant lol.
Even if I make myself a budget, always end up sepnding a little more for everyone lol. But it's ok, I just love giving :)
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Dec 07
If I would quit I would be done. But usually I am done so early as most of my stuff has to be shipped that I miss out on seeing some of the stuff they put out in the end....but I have a little granddaughter that is two and I am having a hard time quitting! Besides that I just have some McDonalds gift cards left to get for the stockings. Then I am done for sure....I think!
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@CatAnna (98)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Yup I'm finished for similar reasons to yours... I don't exchange gifts with many people, only very close friends/family members, and those gifts are usually picked out and bought way in advance. I'm one of those people who will see something in July that I think is "perfect" for someone, buy it and put it away. I hate the "Christmas rush", partly because I used to work in a mall and have had enough commercialized holiday spirit to last a lifetime and partly because winter holiday mania stresses me out so I'd rather stay out of the stores in December. My husband and I also celebrate Yule/Winter Solstice; how convenient that the Solstice falls so close to Christmas, eh? ;-)
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
19 Dec 07
I chose to be unemployed this Christmas break rather than work at the mall. It is very convenient that the two dates are so close together. :)

@Darkwing (21583)
20 Dec 07
I haven't finished yet but I only have three or four things to get, and I know where I'm going to get them, and what they are, so it won't be a big deal. All the rest are wrapped and ready for tagging, so in view of my financial situation, I seem to be pretty well organised this year, for a change.
I like to go our on Christmas Eve morning, for a last minute look around for little extras... everybody you meet is smiling and wishes you a Merry Christmas, carols are playing in the shopping centres and it puts me in the mood. :)
As for my list... it comprises immediate family and a few friends. Most of my gifts are wrapped, some have already been passed on, and arrangements made for the delivery of the remainder, so all in all, I'm pleased with my progress this year and apart from work at the weekend, I'm ready to relax into the Christmas festivities.
Joyous Yule and Merry Christmas to you, and your wife, my friend. Brightest Blessings.
@vicky_lane4987 (980)
20 Dec 07
i have pretty much done all the shopping. i have some to do in january when i get my university loan. but i have done everything i need to do before christmas. i have cheated and got most of it online which is better for me, as i dont have to pay anything until january. im just happy i have done them all
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I understand having to wait for a college loan. That is going to be next month--hopefully I have enourgh grocery money to last that long.
@zannette (17)
• Philippines
20 Dec 07
This is a very good question and my answer for this is - shopping will be over until Christmas day comes hehe. While, doing the list and going shopping you'll remember other friends not yet included in your list and so you'll realize that you need another schedule to do shopping again. But it's worth it because the Christmas is a time to let special people know that you appreciate them.
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I imagine with a lot of people Christmas shopping is not over until it is Christmas. Then there are the after Christmas sales. ;)
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
20 Dec 07
done and wrapped. i shop for christmas all year long, so it didnt take me long to finsh and i start wrapping in november (after our thanksgiving - canada)
in regards to gifts, do you have thrift stores where you live? those are the best to shop at if you dont have a lot of money!
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
20 Dec 07
We have a couple of them--honestly, I didn't think of them. I should have.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Since I'm in a similar situation as you are with finances, I'm only buying for my daughter which means I was done Christmas shopping last week. All done online or thru her karate instructor. Actually, all her gifts from us ties in with karate..free-standing punching bag off ebay and a new karate GI along with a belt display thru her instructor. lol She's practicing her karate as I type. She just advanced to orange belt last month.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
23 Dec 07
It sure is and it's already showing by the way our daughter acts. She's more focused when doing something and slowly learning to be patient. She's gotten quick as well with her reflexes but yet also learning self-control.
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@sojournseeker (1244)
• United States
23 Dec 07
Due to lack of financial stability 'the writer/artists salary' disposition between good paying gigs, I am spending this holiday season with lots of good food, nothing wrapped in shiny non-biodegradeable paper, a fake beautiful fully-lit and decorated tree, loved ones that brought over more good food and drink, some classic holiday movies, did I mention lots of good food and of course the consistency of having till the end of the year and six days into the next )for Orthodox calendar remembrance of xmas eve) to purchase a gift or two for those we cherish . . .
sharing the light and happy holidays,
Miss Erica Hidvegi, the Enlightenment_Advisor, B.A. Psych/M.A. Transpersonal Studies- Cnslng/Author, Artist, Photographer, Entrepreneur & Freelance extraordinaire
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
20 Dec 07
That is one way to cope with it; make someone else do it. :)
@JeremyEdison (281)
• China
20 Dec 07
ye,I did it tonight,I bought somethings which I like but my mother don't think so.she hate chips,peanuts,snacks.nevertheles i like it all.it is so strange.maybe the things she don't like are not good for health.but honestly ,I do like.it is rebellision?i have no idea,I am a grown man.I like to taste of these food.I don't care it is good for health or not.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
20 Dec 07
I have not finished shopping yet. I still has to purchase a lot of things for the Christmas. I am looking forward to do some purchasing on the Saturday and Sunday. I have off on weekends and I will have lot of time for purchasing. I am also looking forward to buy some chocolates. I got these idea when I read these discussions. I think it would be nice to have some chocolates in the house.
@laura4qt (27)
20 Dec 07
Finished last night, phew! But I really dont' buy for many people either. My friends and I are usually of the understanding that we'll all share a dinner or drinks rather than exchange pressies, and I've only got a few close relatives who I get presents for. Makes the Christmas season far more enjoyable to not have to spend weeks stressing over costs and ideas
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