150 Million Facing A Flood Risk?
By theprogamer
@theprogamer (10532)
United States
December 19, 2007 7:12pm CST
120% discussion? What say you my mylotter friends?
My comments and opinions summed up. Not a lot of citation in article, but thats usually a given so maybe I shouldn't note it -_-. Plus there is data pointing to possible rises in flooding, but there are also studies and figures claiming a smaller rises in flooding or no significant change. Of course safety measures can be taken by governments and developers...but nothing freedom restricting, nothing life restricting, nothing fraudulent and nothing insane. It cant work like that.
Hope you found this one informative, enjoyable, frightening, or whatever you found it.
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5 responses
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
OMG!!!! Oh no!!! What ever, this is about cousing fear and about money and power. Man has faced many natural disasters, it is part of life on this planet. Man also likes to live on the freinges of danger becouse much beauty and comerce can be found on these freinges. Every years people lose their homes and lives to hurricanes, tornados and floods. but they rebuild in areas prone to this. The assumption that mans carbon output is the couse of this is pure science fiction. Becouse more carbon may be found and in some areas on the planit may be getting warmer doers not prove causeality. Why do they not publish the fact that the sun is going thru its solor cycle and is getting hotter, Is mans carbon reaching out in space 93,000,000 miles to the sun and couseing solor warming? LOL, this is about trying to redistibute the earths welth and resorces. It's about money and power plain and simple. Not all scientis agree with this warming hypothosis, wich is what it is becouse no real concreat theory can be made
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@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
Go to the south of asia and you'll find the global warming you don't believe about.
Global warming makes the tropical countries hotter and the countries like USA have colder winters.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
P.S. only tweenty years ago I remeber scienctis were predicting a new global ice age due to carbon output and polotion blocking out the suns warmth. ROFL!!!! It's only polotics people don't buy it, 60 percent of the USA is under snow right now, wheres the warmming?
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
22 Dec 07
More computer models predicting ultimate doom due to climate change caused by man?
Such models have been shown to be inaccurate at best and wholly subject to GIGO technology... such models can be made to predict anything anyone wants them to and are not to be trusted.
Man made global warming and climate change is a hoax and filthy lie perpetrated by an organization that has outlived it's usefulness and would like to become a world government.
I am of course referencing the UN.
After the information released the other day in that Senate Report, there should be no further doubt in anyone's mind as to what is occurring and who is behind it.
The fact that Reuters is continuing to report this garbage does not reflect well on them, and pretty much places them on the same level as the Associated Press and their duplicity in the scare mongering tactics of the global warming alarmists.
Given the recent information that has been released that verifies most scientists believe man made global warming to be a fallacy, I find this article to be laughable... it is too bad that lies printed and reported by the press are not actionable.
If they were, this whole global warming debacle would never have gotten beyond the bad science phase.
I read about halfway through 400 scientists statements that thoroughly trashed the 52 scientists who were behind the IPCC "consensus", and several of them addressed this flooding theory.
In short they said it ain't so, same as with the impending Polar Bear extinction.
Man made global warming is nothing more than a scheme by the fine folks at the UN to redistribute wealth from the richer nations to the poorer ones and to gain control of the world government through UN sanctioned environmental legislation.
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
22 Dec 07
Upon seeing the topic remind me of tsunami from thailand,phuket yea . It is so frightening yea.
@gkrisiyer (393)
• India
21 Dec 07
This is most definitely the result of the Developed nations pushing their industries to the very point where their further development means "Doom",literally for everyone inhabiting planet earth.I dont exclude the developing countries like mine from the damage,but we have to find a solution to this growing crisis and selling/buying "carbon credits" will just not help if such a disaster such as massive floods are to be stopped.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Good points, but there are also natural trends of Earth; and nature despite all history, despite all observation, despite models... nature still can't be predicted 100%(the weather people prove this constantly -_-). This item could be a big issue, it could be smaller, nothing may happen, or it could be much worse than scientists think. It could go any of those ways.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Giove me a break, I can not believe that people are buying this. Nothing man can or has done can effect global warming. It is something that has happened time and time agin thrughout history. The truth is that a few hundred years ago the earth was sevral degrees warmer. We intered a mini ice age and global tempatures droped. This howash about global warming is being coused by man is about money and the redistrabution of welth by the global comunist like Al Gore. Look within the past 2000 years even the earths climit has gone up and down without all our factories, and phot synthasis takes carbon and produces oxigen. Who is to say what the perfect tempature of earth should be, the tempature hasn't even rose a half of a degree in the last hundred years, and even at its present rate it wont raise the global tempature one degree in the next tweenty years. These alarmist are not telling you that the sun is also at this time going thrugh its solor cycle and is getting hotter, thus the earth exsperianceing some warmer summers in areas but not globaly. Earlier this year these people were saying you see! you see! the antartic ice sheets are melting faster than normal, only haveing to eat crow a few months later when ice refrose to the point it normaly doesn't reach till febuary, when the scientis went to take reading to find out why thy had to abandon their reserch becouse of seveir frost bite from -100% temps. Global warming? LOL!!!
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