I will pay $5.00 for best response on this question...
By Aussies2007
@Aussies2007 (5336)
December 31, 2007 5:07am CST
That is... if someone is capable to give me a satisfactory and logical answer. The challenge is yours...
Here it is...
If God created the Universe in order to create a planet in the centre of it for human kind...
And God meant for human kind to multiply and reach a population of many billions people... which our planet Earth will be incapable to support for much longer...
Why God did choose not to create a bigger planet in the first place?
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59 responses
@chunter (1759)
• Singapore
31 Dec 07
What difference is that going to make to create a bigger planet?
If the population is going to multiply to billions and getting larger all the time, no matter how big the planet is, it will never be enough...
Its just like filling water in a cup...Using a bigger cup will not help as in the end, it will be filled eventually...
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
31 Dec 07
As we are talking about the creator... I would assume that God had a number in mind before creating the planet.
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@abbiebianca (84)
21 Jan 08
yup chunter your right! no matter how big God will create the Earth when people will multiply to billions and billions it will still not be enough. And the Earth is already so big, how much bigger would you like God to create it?

@goddessglamourpuss (261)
31 Dec 07
I think the answer to your question comes down to the concept of free will which basically means that we are free to make our own decisions - but then we must also live with the consequences. If God created Earth to sustain so many people then everything was put in place for that to happen. It is down to the willful neglect of human kind that this is no longer possible. If we take the supposition that we are God's children then it is only natural that we would blame Him for failing to provide for us as a parent should.
Therefore if we chose to respect the Earth as God's creation and treated it accordingly then creating a larger planet would not be neccessary.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
31 Dec 07
So you are saying that God did not intent for us to multiply in such large numbers?
So why is the church... God's representative... still encourage people to have children? Even when they don't want them...
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@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
31 Dec 07
It's meant to be that way.
God created it this way in order to create a challenge for human kind. It's like putting 100 people in a 100x100 room. You have to squeeze everyone, make room and compromise in order to survive properly. Without compromise there isn't success. His plan was to have us on what would eventually become a tiny planet in the solar system and create everyday challenges to teach us that we need to work together in order to live and succeed comfortably.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
31 Dec 07
God created the Universe ,God created mankind and also the freewill of man to make his own choice and lead a life. He is not responsible for all the desires of man , the pollution, the global warming etc etc etc..,
Of course, I know for sure that God does not require an insignificant nonentity like me defending Him but I still would like to say one thing -God knew that however big a planet He created we imperfect human beings would still stretch it to the maximum[it is like filling in shelves and occupying space--we always have a tendency to occupy space if it is available. ]So He decided that a particular size would do .
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Good Morning! I have read your discussion and read several of the responses that you have received. I don't know if this will answer your question or not but here is my belief. God knew exactly what would happen here on earth when He created it. He knows all things, past, present and future. He also knows when He will return to this earth to take the Christians home to Heaven to be with Him. Once that takes place the wars, plagues and all other catastrophies that have been happening here on earth will multiple even more times than it is happening now. Many more millions on the earth will die during the tribulation period that will take place after God raptures the Christians home. This earth, dear friend, will not become over populated to the point that the planet cannot hold them. God will send His son back before that happens.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
31 Dec 07
If that is the case... that would be the most logical answer so far...
But one thing does trouble me... if he only takes the Christians... that means he takes one billion people and leaves 5.5 billion behind...???
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
31 Dec 07
That is true dear friend but that is what the Bible tells us, that only the Christians will be raptured and taken away. The others who are left behind will, unfortunately, go not to Heaven but the terrible place of Hell. If they don't perish in the disasters that take place on earth during the tribulation period they will spend eternity in Hell unless they receive Christ into their hearts. If that happens when he returns at the end of the seven year tribulation period they will go to Heaven to be with Him where they will live eternally. PRAISE THE LORD, when we get to Heaven we don't have to worry about population growth or people dying ever again!!!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
31 Dec 07
"God is perfect and everything done is supposedly perfect as well. Its possible that despite all of the variables I described, that the population, humanity and the planet were all designed to perfection and such specificity no one could really know the truth on it."-[/quote myself]
Might not be Shelia's statement word for word, but I did mention something along this possibility.
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@Aspen7698 (29)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Ah, it really depends on if you are looking for a satisfactory answer, or a logical answer. A satisfactory answer does not have to be logical and vice versa. A satisfactory answer comes with a predetermined set of expectations. Perhaps , that God will make the earth larger as the populations grows. A logical answer by contrast, would have to be that the earth was created billions of years ago, as a totally random event and "God" had absolutely nothing to do with it. To hold that both are true would be a form of Orwellian "doublethink". "The ability to hold two contradictory thoughts in ones mind and accepting them both."
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
31 Dec 07
That God will make the Earth larger as the population grows... is neither satisfactory or logical. It would not even be accepted as Science Fiction.
Even if we accept that God created the world... when he did... he also created nature. And we need to stay within the realms of what nature can do and not do.
Furthermore... if God had the power to increase the size of the world... one would think he would have done something to prevent us getting into this mess in the first place. That would be logic.
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@Aspen7698 (29)
• United States
31 Dec 07
The very statement that God created the earth and nature is illogical all on it's own. If God is all knowing, all powerful and benevolent, then why would he not stretch the limits of nature for his children? If God is is willing but not able, then he is not all powerful. If he is able but not willing, then he cannot be benevolent. If he is neither able nor willing then he is not all powerful or benevolent and allows things like overpopulation and dwindling resources to cause human suffering.
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@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
24 Jan 08
Hahahaha for sure a smart way to make people respond your discussion!
Anyway, I could talk about how humen have total control of their actions, so God has no fault for the exaggerated growing of global population...yes, I could if I were a believer...I could invent this little story to try to justify what is false indeed.
If a God would exist and he/she/it would be this perfect entity, like someone said, for which past, present and future are the same...he/she/it would perfectly know how the population would grow, and over all...he would know which kind of stupid, planet-damaging, other species-killing, self-distructing creature he would have create...and in his/her/its holy perfection he/she/it would have immediately repaired the error thousand years ago, exterminating humankind before it could start destroying everything it touched.
Don't you think?
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
24 Jan 08
Even so... it is not very subtle... i like your way of thinking. laugh
What you must remember is that man cannot destroy the planet. If it tries... the planet will kill man. That is what will happen.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
31 Dec 07
But wait...where is it said that our Earth was intended to be the center of everything and the only place to support human life? This may have been the starting point but we don't know that it is the only place. Technology is growing along with our population so it is very possible that there will be other options in the future. Look at it this way, if God only wanted one planet for us all to live on why would He have created such a vast solar system, it seems a bit unnecessary if you think about it...unless we're supposed to learn how to use it.
"Why God did choose not to create a bigger planet in the first place?" Because our planet is only one very small piece of the much larger world that He created for us to occupy.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
1 Jan 08
That's a very good theory...
I like that...
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
1 Jan 08
Thank you Aussie, I'm glad you appreciated it!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Someone once told me that for every person born, one has to die. It's simply the circle of life.
As to why He didn't make a bigger planet, according to what I've been taught from the Bible, He didn't intend for it to be commonplace for women and men to just randomly reproduce like wild animals. He intended for them to marry and start a family. That isn't happening much anymore. I know ppl personally that have 4-5 kids all by different fathers and still not married. Had they waited to get married and start a family, as was intended, there would be 4-5 less ppl on the planet.
I'm not trying to be judgemental or hateful but I do see alot of ppl having more and more children. When my parents got married it was normal to meet, marry and have 2-4 children depending on how many YOU could support. Most ppl didn't live off Welfare. Now alot of ppl live off welfare and so they just keep having more and more kids b/c it's "free money". Population has gotten out of control.
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@runner0369 (641)
• United States
14 Feb 08
I am not sure if you will find this answer satisfactory as I am not a Christian and your question seems to be tailored towards Christians but I will answer the question according to my interpretations of the holy scriptures of my religion (the Baha'i Faith) Please note my interpretations may not be correct they are simply my interpretations. I believe that we are put on this earth to enable our soul to progress so that our soul can progress and we can thus become closer to God. If God made a large planet with abudant resources and life was easy then how could we progress? The challenge of surviving in a world with limited resources allows our soul to progress. Also, the challenge forces us to work together and thus become closer with eachother which allows us to become even closer to God through each other. So in summary God filled this earthly life with challenges so that when we pass on to the next world we can be closer to God.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
14 Feb 08
My question is not about Christianity.
It is only about what Christians believes in general... and I am challenging them.
Now... why do we need to get closer to God?
I thought that the mere fact of being born made us the children of God. Does not God loves everyone?
You make it sound like he put us on this planet as guine pigs to see what we would learn and how we would progress.
I fail to see how the challenge of surviving makes our soul progress. But it surely requires our intelligence to progress.
It is not the challenges which make us closer to God... but the misery we experience... which make us turn to God and pray... because we have reached a stage where there is nothing else we can do.
Where do that leave those who are lucky and don't experience misery? Their soul don't progress and don't get closer to God?
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@runner0369 (641)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Of course God loves everyone, but we still need to develop a relationship with God just as we need to develop a relationship with anyone else: friends, relatives, ect. I mean the world we get pretty lonely if you never developed a relationship with anyone. I do not believe misery brings us closer to God. We only become closer to God if we overcome the challenges through God's help. And do you know anyone who has never had a single difficulty in their life? We all face challenges and it is not the challenges we face that allow us to progress but rather how we react to them. It is the same as when good things happen. If something good happens and we share our happiness with God as we would a friend that too allows our soul to progress. Also, I consider intelligence part of the progression of our soul, learning is another way to progress. There is not just one way. I believe we need to progress so we can improve our state I do not want to be stuck the way I am now for all eternity.
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
31 Dec 07
Maybe we were not intended to multiply at such a rate. If every person only created one child to replace them when they die, if each couple had only 2 children, no more, we would not be in this situation. Now I am not a super religious christian or anything but I did go to christian Subday school and I don't remember anyhting in the bible saying that people should have multiple children.
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@Wario_1 (965)
• Sweden
3 Jan 08
Im majbe wrong but it feels like when goods says be fruitfull to the animals, i don't think he means they should pick lots of fruit.
1 Gen 1:22. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the fowl multiply in the earth.
Then he creates man and woman and tells them the same thing, but whithout the water and fowl and stuff.
1 gen 1:28. And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitfull, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.
You majbe wonder what bible i used to look this up, the King James Version. Found it online so i used it, dont have a english version at home som finding that on the internet was very practical.
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@bhushguha (203)
• India
26 Jan 08
God didn't created bigger planet because he wanted you to create this blog.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
26 Jan 08
I actually did like your first answer...
It was original and different...
My answer to it was...
Does that makes me a servant of God?
Did God put me on Earth to save humanity from its stupidity?
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@bhushguha (203)
• India
26 Jan 08
That doesn't make you god's servent,but makes you god's man with a reason to ur birth.
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@bhushguha (203)
• India
26 Jan 08
Don't take my first comment seriously.........
My actual answer is next..
God didn't create bigger planet because.......
He wanted us to live.....
Imagine the bigger earth got cereated from earth which require more time to cool down than current planet.
Also there is less possibility that when a meteor collids earth which vanishes the dinosaur may not able to vanish them entirely............
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@posham (1236)
• Philippines
14 Feb 08
like islands, when overpopulated, people migrate to another one..
now with earth, upon overpopulating it, i believe that in time, we'll find another planet to inhabit.
sure it may sound crazy - but that was what they told explorers when they said that the world is not flat and we will not fall to oblivion if we go straight ahead..
what's crazy is that if God created the vast universe and wasted all that space just to centralized everything on earth.
come on, how earth-centric can one get?
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
14 Feb 08
Interesting concept...
But we still need to find that planet...
Then we need to find a way to get there...
Then we need to build space ships large enough to transport the people there... and get there before they die of old age.
Before we have all that technology... it is going to take 100 to 200 years.
At the rate we going... we don't have that much time.
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@posham (1236)
• Philippines
15 Feb 08
don't worry, man's nature is to survive.. and we know how resourceful desperate people can be.. what if we're not the only race created? i'm not saying that aliens will come to our rescue. they may not even know we exist. all i'm saying is that the human race is very self-centered that we think the universe revolves around us that god actually prioritize us above the rest..
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@hd1027 (257)
• United States
24 Jan 08
First off all ,you can keep your money,LOL;-), so don't be scared, second of all, according the BIBLE (which is GODS written word (undeniable)It will all lead to one thing the second coming of Christ, which it clearly states in the BIBLE ,all these things have to come to pass, like global (over)population which will lead to global warming, therefore warming of the oceans (one degree centigrade warming of the oceans will lead to 10 mph increase in hurricane-speeds) which will lead to more disasters(like Katrina), earthquakes will increase, starvation, femine, etc, etc, take a look at Daniel , compare to Revelation ,and I qoute " people sahll run to and froh, knowledge shall increase". what do you think happens with the computer power right now, (Murphy's Law) etc, it all ties together, and you need to be able to see this!
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
24 Jan 08
Are you saying that the bible predicts over population and global warming?
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@adrenalyne_rush (126)
• Philippines
25 Jan 08
i believe there is a reason for everything. He has reasons why He didn't make planet Earth a giant planet. whatever that reason is, we wouldn't know but we could make a guess. or just a simple answer would fit the question. it's because the size of Earth is enough. i don't worry that someday this planet will be filled up with lots of people. we don't know the future will be. by then maybe we already capable living underground, in the ocean, seas or even in the air.
it's a fact that many child is born everyday. then it's also a fact that there is a person dying everyday. even that doesn't balance the number of living and the number of dying, consider some events that might occur like natural disasters, war , terrorism (but i hope it wouldn't happen).
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
25 Jan 08
That is the problem with optimistic people... they never do anything to solve the problem... in the believe that it will fix itself.
That is why we are where we are today.
Over population is no problem...
Pollution is no problem...
Climate change is an hoax...
For my part... I don't see the attraction of living... if we all end up living in a box... the size of a jail cell... in order to accommodate all the people on Earth.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
19 Jan 08
Hi Aussies...as I read your discussion..and the responses I think it is a great one and a real brain tickler! There have been some interesting answers and by now you know my 'thinker' always assesses things within a metaphysical perspective...and that is true in my response to this discussion as well.
I think the reason that God did not create a bigger planet in the first place is because we are (in my view) spiritual/energetic beings that are born into a physical life to grow our soul and learn experiential life lessons. For the billions of years this planet has been in existence...and the rapid population growth that you cite in recent times I think that God...whom many accept as a Creator...is already 'creating' other planets and systems that scientists are beginning to discover. Everything in life is constantly in flux...expanding, changing, and cycling and re-cycling. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but continually transforms into something else.
So in my view God knew from the very beginning that as beings came forth onto this plane of existence that the cause and effect of their choices and the ripple effect of them would be part of the co-creative processes that humanity and the Creator were looking to discover. Hmmm what happens when this choice is made...ah...major mess up...better do a course correction. Ah-hah...too many people...planet running out of steam...next time I will plan for that contingency...and make a bigger one in case my co-creators don't learn from their errors...interesting experiment...they are learning...and so am I! Learning about the cause and effect of choice...ah yes....that is what it is all about.
Within my belief system if and when this planet comes to an end...if it ever does...provisions are already in place for the billions who inhabit this plane will have other planets...maybe even bigger ones...to live as spiritual beings in some sort of biology in another place and time.
Life continues and renews itself because of the inner essence of energy that is revealed within the orderly outworking of seasons and within the natural world when humans are not disrupting the balance of things. In my view Creator may or may not have known how humanity would exercise their right of free will...but I am sure He/She did know that sooner or later they would figure out that everything we think, say and do has consequences. If it takes the disintegration of a planet and everyone on it for all the little energetic sparks that were sent forth to learn what they need to...well then why would a bigger planet be of concern...if metaphysically speaking the larger goal is eventually achieved?
Anyway, great topic...and fascinating replies...good one!
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
19 Jan 08
Well... the idea of the bigger planet is... more land to feed and house the people on it.
And also bigger space and atmosphere to absorb the pollution. With a bigger planet... we still would have enough trees (hopefully) to cope with our pollution.
According to most people... God knows everything... including the date of when it will be the end of it all. So God experimenting with us... is not really an option.
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@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
15 Feb 08
Our planet is big, in fact you and I live in distant area and there are millions of km areas within the earth. I would say even God has no idea of a good planner then. He should at first together with adam and eve created a good planner so that he can plan.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
15 Feb 08
There has been quite a few people like you... who have say "There is plenty of land".
If you use the agricultural land to lodge the people...
Where are you going to grow their food?
The more people we have... the more agricultural land we need...
We have been cutting the forests down for the past 40 years in order to have new land to grow food.
Not only this has contributed to the climate change... but what will we do when there are no forests left to cut down?
When I asked this question... my primary concern was that the earth atmosphere was not big enough to cope with the pollution generated by so many people.
If the planet had been bigger... its atmosphere would have been bigger.
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@Live2Learn (272)
• United States
31 Dec 07
What I really want to know is....are you really planning on paying someone 5.00? If so, how do you plan on getting to them? What do you base it on? I have ready a lot of good responses.
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@makemoneywithadsense (431)
• Cambodia
25 Jan 08
Because "God" in which I don't believe didn't create the Earth per se he did create the Physical Law of Universe which then creates the Earth and if it has this size it is due to these Physical Law.
Creating the Earth directly without any Law would like creating a Software without Designing first that is without an Architecture that's why indeed "God" or whatever we put behind this word is the Architect of the Universe.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
25 Jan 08
Ok then... I'll accept that...
You say that God created the Universe...
And planet Earth was created through the physical laws.
In that case... God had a huge choice of planets... in various galaxies. He could have easily picked a bigger one before creating nature and man.
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@solidspirit (14)
• United States
23 Jan 08
I see a lot of restricted thinking in the responses to your question. One interesting rsponse was that you may not get logical and satifactory at the same time.Once you mentioned "God" in your question, you entered a metaphysical ingredient, and that being the case cannot be proven by TODAY'S science, so the answer will be only a hypothesis, but it will be logical.
For brevity's sake, we will call a great existence, "God". God became aware of himself(sorry, ladies) and existed for eons and became aware that he was lonely. God created angels and was lonely no more. Some of the angels degraded and being immortal could not changed back. So God created man out of his own material(image, put him in a physical(mortal) body, gave him a life span(Adam to 2012?) to develop in character so those who matured could be immortal and being made of the god material could make other "earths" out of the base material that abounds in the universe.If you look around you and see that all things in earth have a life span, you have to conclude that the mold organism that is called mankind also has a life span. Whether it dinosaur life or jojoba bush species, it begins,flourishes, whithers, and passes away. We are on the downside of our span. As a mold organism, we are nearing the capacity of the earth's capacity to feed us. The stress of too many rats in a cage will be natures response to bring down population or there will be a paradigm of man into spirit. Either way, what need of a bigger earth? So, Is this logical?
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Jan 08
It is sort of logic from your explanation point of view.
What I don't completely agree with... is that earth has a life span. It has in relation to the Universe... as the sun will eventually die... or the planet can be hit by an asteroid.
But the life span of earth is huge compared to the life span of man... and has no relevance to it. Even a huge asteroid hitting earth might kill man... but not necessarily the planet. It will take a long time for the planet to recover from it... but it will recover.
Look at the climate change for instance... If humanity becomes extinct because of it... within one hundred years without man... the planet will be brand new again... pollution free anyway.
Adam to 2012? Not long to wait I guess... smile
What about Eve? Is she going to be alone? laugh
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@solidspirit (14)
• United States
24 Jan 08
So sorry, I was answering a question about "God", man populating the earth, and why the size of earth. If you had wanted an explanation covering the life span of planets and/or the earth, I would have made a better story.You only wanted logic. Frankly, what I see out of most of these discussions is a division. One side of the Lilliputions believe that there is a God, only God, and nothing but God. The other side only see science , fact, and what can only be proven. Someone trying to justify their belief or to be eloquent to point the error of another way. You can't change a belief. In order to be a philosopher, you have to let your god go, be it religious or fact. It's the only way for you to explore possiblities. Possiblities become probable. Probabilities become a view of life. You create your life the way you want. Now, I have no problem with those who wish to be judged by a religious God nor with those who will no longer exist after this natural life, but I do mourn for my brethren who will not see past what they see, be it the Bible or fact. I am not a humanist, but I don't think we living to our fullest extent. I not going to try and prove that there ia God, but I believe he is there for those who need him and I will not deny myself the possibilty that there is more outside of science. I think that they happen to be intertwined like the strands of DNA. Being that I am living life, I'm going to get the most out of it I can. May you have the greatest day you've ever had!
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