I'm going back to college

United States
January 13, 2008 11:14am CST
It is official. I have taken the plunge and registered to become a full time college student. I am going to try and finish my degree. I start on Tuesday. I'm taking 18 hours, so it's going to be a little bit of a challenge. But, I need so desperately to get that bachelor's degree in a short amount of time, so that I will be qualified to do the job that I want to do at the high school. See, I've discovered that my passion is in working with high school students to get them prepared to go to college. To get their SAT and ACT test scores up high enough to get scholarships. I jump up and down and scream with them when they get their acceptance letters. The entire senior class has my cell phone number...and I love it when they call me at 11 p.m. because they've remembered a form that needs to be mailed the next day. Because a year ago, these kids couldn't have cared less whether it was mailed or not! I'm taking biology, the 2nd half of English Composition (I've had the first half), intro to education, Sociology, and basic math. I also get an hour credit for going through an orientation class that will last about 5 weeks. It works on study skills, scholarship information, financial aid tips, writing labs, library research skills and all kinds of things that will help me succeed in college. Do you think 41 is too old to return to college?
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21 responses
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
14 Jan 08
It is NEVER too late!Nola Ochs is a continuing education student at the Fort Hays State College in Kansas. Nola has her own apartment on campus where she attends classes, and when she's able to get home for the weekend, she drives 100 miles home her family farm. She is scheduled to graduate with a bachelors degree this spring. Nola turned 95 in November. If Nola can do it anybody could. I plan on going back. I can't quite tell my daughter that she should without having a degree myself. I say good for you! 41 isn't old. For that matter these days neither is 95 if you have the right state of mind!
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• United States
14 Jan 08
Oh my word! I would love to meet her!~ She sounds like a special lady! I guess Satan is just having a field day with my emotions. But God is prevailing. I got to work this morning and the first phone call I got was from the nurse at the university saying that they didn't have a shot record for me. Our house burned in 2001 and I didn't know where in the world to even start looking. The whole process is going to be another discussion in a little while. It's been a fun day! LOL
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
14 Jan 08
That's awesome 95 years old and she still drives too!
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
13 Jan 08
I think that you are never to old to learn more. I just finished my high school diploma last year. I finished right before I turned 34. I was so happy to get it. So I think it is great that you are doing this. Best of like to you on all of your classes.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
15 Jan 08
That is wonderful. I hope you have a wondeful first day also.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
15 Jan 08
That is wonderful. I hope you have a wondeful first day also.
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• United States
14 Jan 08
With a fan club like this...how can I fail? In all seriousness, I don't know what I would have done today if I hadn't gotten on here and seen all the positive response. I think I would have probably called the college and withdrew. I was so downhearted and beginning to feel like I was crazy for even wanting to do this. But the fact is I want it so bad that I can't see anything but this right now.
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Hello I wanted to congratulate u on continuing your career you are never to old to keep learning. proud of u. wish u the best!
• United States
23 Jan 08
thank you so much. I am a little over a week into school and am finding that I absolutely love it. We'll see how that goes once I take my first test! lol It is nice to know that I have people lifting me up and encouraging me. I'm sure there will be days when I will want to go back and read all of these.
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@fianne (1057)
• United States
23 Jan 08
hi there! congratulations on your decision. i am proud of you. as for me, i am a student mom, i am taking up nursing and i am on my 3rd year now. my son is 1 year old and i really wanted to give him a good future so i need to finish my course. why nurse? well, it is my passion as well, i see people with sickness but does nto go to hospital because they cannot afford fee, all i can do is help them with what i can do and educate them with what i know. why will i do that and what if they ask money? no, i cannot give money out unless i really know the situation, and maybe i can help recommend charities or government agencies that will help them out. will my license be provoked if ever? no, i guess not, i will not treat them anyway because i cannot give a diagnosis, only a doctor can.
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• United States
9 Feb 08
this is true. I don't know what the laws are in our town, but our nurses are prohibited in many ways from doing nursing duties outside of the medical realm. Even when there is a wreck and they come up on it they have to be so careful.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I don't think 41 is too old at all - my Mom graduated from nursing school at the age of 45 and went on to get her masters and bacholer degrees. One of my sisters just last year passed her bar exam - she started law school at the age of guess what? 41 I'm 52 and still thinking of going back to college - again, for the 4th time and still haven't gotten a degree, I just can't figure out what I want to be when I grow up :) You go girl - that is a heavy load and you will certainly be busy but well worth it in the end I'm sure.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
14 Jan 08
I will certainly keep you in my prayers - it is going to be a lot of work in just 2 years but what a benefit it will be to have the job you love in the end and to actually be able to do the job as your learning a plus also.
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• United States
14 Jan 08
In all honesty...I'm scared spitless. LOL
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• United States
14 Jan 08
I have been offered a job as the high school guidance counselor here at my school for the fall term. I'm doing it now on a volunteer basis, and have found my passion. They are hiring me on a provisional plan, meaning that I have 2 years to complete my degree in education. I am going to have to go full time, including summers to get finished in 2 years. Just pray that I can continue to handle it.
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• United States
15 Jan 08
not at all my mom took some cources in her 80s
• United States
23 Jan 08
I'm so proud of her! I am on a couple of different prayer chains that come over the e-mails. Monday, I got an e-mail from Thelma Wells who is a speaker that travels with the Women of Faith Conference. Someone had sent her a copy of a prayer chain that had the news that I hhad gone back to school and she just sent me an encouraging note to say that there were prayers being lifted up for me.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I think it is great. Forty is not too old, but perhaps fifty would be. You have found something that you have a passion for, so it will make it all more worthwhile. Are you going to continue working full time as well? It is also a good preventative for Alzheimers disease, to learn new things. Not that you have that to worry about at this time. I wish you all the best, drop in here when you have time to let us know the ups and downs of being an adult student.
• United States
14 Jan 08
I'm going to school all day Tuesday and Thursday as well as Wednesday nights. I'll be working on Mon, Wed and Friday. HOpefully I will have some time to play at night and on the weekends. This is where I get my mad money for sodas and the occasional hamburger at a fast food place, so I can't just dump it completely...lol
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Jan 08
It is not too late. I wish I had had enough money to take, well known I am self learner, correspondence classes or online classes. I took biology in high school and was one of the rare students who did not gag and faint when they were dissecting a frog, but I was bad at math, so I guess I was not university material anyway. Besides bad things happened to me when I was young, so I could not go. Now it would not work as I am way to busy writing to get down to studying. I really should learn more Spanish and Italian but too busy.
• United States
14 Jan 08
I hope that I will not have to do any dissecting. Ugh. The thought does make me want to gag! lol But, if I have to I will do it. I haven't had to cut anything open since high school. I had forgotten about that part of biology class. My daughter took Biology in college last semester and said her class didn't dissect. I'm glad, because she would have probably had a hissy fit. LOL
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
14 Jan 08
Congrats on returning to college. No I don't think anyone is ever too old to return to college. Though at 46, it isn't something I desire to do. Maybe if I was more financially set and didn't have to work as many hours as I do just to make ends try to meet, that I may look at it differently.
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• United States
14 Jan 08
Those are the reasons that I need to go back. I am in a job now that is dependent on how financially stable the school remains in the next few years. I have to bring in enough money to equal my salary, or they won't be able to pay me. I want something that I can put those fears aside and just be able to do my job and do it well without the worry of losing my position.
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@dani27 (544)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I think it is great. I had gone to one semester of college when my husband proposed so I moved back home and we got married of course I didn't get any more help from the folks to finish school anymore so I didn't go back. I have a daughter and someday would love to go back. I especially would love to teach school History. We'll see someday I will do it. No 41 is not too old. I think it is amazing that you are doing it and taking interests in these kids lives.
• United States
14 Jan 08
That's kind of the way I started. i was going to college and we got married in November of that year. I didn't finish that semester. I went back when the kids were little and tried to go more. I made it through a semester or so, but the next semester one of the girls got sick and I only finished one class. Then, I didn't even try the one after that and ended up withdrawing.
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• United States
14 Jan 08
Hi No, you are never too old to return to school. Learning new things is great so is keeping your mind active especially around younger people. You can gain new perspective on life and things in general from the many new people you will meet.I returned to college full time 8yrs ago at 46. I only got an AA degree but I enjoyed it and I'm proud of myself for doing it. I learned so many new skills and I truly loved some of my classes like ART History.Sometimes it could be frustrating I am disabled and that could be trying but the school was very accommodating.And just for your information according to the stats the average age of a person returning to college or going for the first time in my state is 40+ so you are not alone. Congratulations you have a wise choice and I now you will succeed. debbie97420
• United States
14 Jan 08
thanks for this. I really appreciate it. I am going to start with an Associates of Art in Teaching. Then I will take that and build on it to get my bachelors. The community college here has a program so that you can take classes on their campus and get credit from Henderson State University...which is about an hour away. If it doesn't work out for me to get in there, I can always drive Little Rock and go to the Univ of Arkansas there.
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@lightningd (1039)
• United States
13 Jan 08
You're never too old to learn!! I started college at 32 years old. I know I faced different challenges than the normal students, but being a non traditional student, (that's what they call us after the age of 26) does present some benefits too. I think you have a better grip on reality, world events and life experiences to draw from that youger people just don't have. I haven't finished yet, but once I have my kids through college, I intend to go back. I think the biggest challenge I faced was keeping a household running while getting my coursework done. You'll have to find a way to balance your schedule so that you don't over do it or get yourself stressed out. (That was part of my problem at the end of my 3rd year.) Make sure your family helps you out with household stuff. Good luck to you!
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• United States
14 Jan 08
They have promised to. We'll see how much that really happens! lol No, the girls are usually really good about helping with dishes, laundry and general housecleaning. They cleaned the house and cooked dinner for me while I was at orientation on Saturday.
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@AICIRT81 (847)
• United States
14 Jan 08
No, You're never too old to go back to school. Good for you. I have a lot of repect for returning students. My father is an accounting instructor at junoir college and he has always enjoyed teaching to older students because they are more focued on learning and actually want to be there as opposed to teenaged students that are in college taking up space. Older students also have more life experiences that can add value to classroom discussions. Good Luck and congratulations!
• United States
14 Jan 08
That really sets my mind at ease a bit more. I am a little ill at ease about what a professor is going to think about a 40 something woman with three grown kids who flunked out of college the first time. My husband told me last night that I needed to quit worrying because I was going to end up stressing myself right into withdrawing. I keep asking myself "What if I can't do this?"
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@jason1308 (1586)
• France
13 Jan 08
Well Done in taking this brave step, it's something that I have been looking into, now that I am approaching 40 this year, but unfortunately cannot afford to go full time in both cost and time with a family to support. It is something that I have always regretted, not going into further education and getting a degree as friends I know and my brother who have degrees, have found it a lot easier in gaining employment and the pay scales are also higher. I have just had to work harder to obtain similar results.
• United States
14 Jan 08
I was afraid of the cost as well. I've applied for financial aid, but it is not looking promising at this point. Cost is one of the reason's I'm at community college and not the university at this point in time. It is less than a third of the cost per credit hour. Don't know where you are...but might look to see if this is an option for you.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Jan 08
I have never been to University or college. My father took the money my mother had saved for my university education and I have had to get what I could through going to the library, getting on the internet and using various methods. I did not have the money to do so as I was too busy working. Right now I do quite a bit research on the net. I did get a book on math, but even with that, I was very bad at algebra. If there were free online classes and if it were not for my writing and myLotting I might go. I was thinking of taking an online creative writing course once I saved the money, but I doubt that our government would give me tax credits for that.
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• United States
1 Feb 08
do you have a community college close to you? That is where I'm going and it's much cheaper than regular university costs. Compared to the cost of going to a nearby 4 year university, this two year school is 75% less per credit hour. For $200 dollars, you could take a class, which is much cheaper than internet classes as well
• Philippines
25 Jan 08
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I believe that age does not matter when it comes to finishing education or when it comes to doing what we want to do in our life. I believe that age is a STATE OF MIND. Age is just a NUMBER that piles on year after year (unforunately)! I remember this one day when I was waiting for my cousin at Starbucks and saw this couple, maybe in their late 50s or early 60s, drinking coffee. What made me notice them is not their ruddy skin or salt and pepper hair, but the SPARK of LIFE in their EYES. They apparently have been talking animatedly with each other about the things they've experienced the whole day. I can't help myself to ask if they are married and if yes, for how many years. They said that they've been husband and wife for 48 years and have been trotting the globe together for 5 years now and trying to LEARN NEW LANGUAGES/DIALECTS and of course new cultures, etc. in each and every place they've been on and the FUN PART IS the one who learns faster would have a "gift" of some sort! So, based on this experience? I do not think and will never think that we should limit ourselves on what we want to do just because we're old.
• United States
1 Feb 08
oh wow. I would love to meet them! They sound like wonderful people and I'm so glad that you were able to come in contact with them like you did. I'm that way too if I overhear someone talking and the conversation catches my ear, I'm not afraid to go over and introduce myself to find out what was going on.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
13 Jan 08
No, 41 isn't too old to follow your dreams. Everyone should be lucky enough to have someone like you in their life at a young enough age to realize they "CAN DO" and you going back only enforces to anyone that knows you that anything can be done, no matter what your age is. I think it's great that you can work well with kids and show them a way to do things and get them to understand. My son is getting ready to take his ACT this year and we're filling out his paperwork and I have to get my older daughter or a friend of mine's son to help because we got to a point where it's become a "standstill" for us. When you finish up and get your degree, the knoweldge that you did it and being able to tell other people that....."Hey, I went back when I was 41 and I followed through and fulfilled my dream" just might be enough motivation to get someone else on the right track and be who and what they wanted at one time. Beats the heck out of working at a grocery store or fast food restaurant where you would be sitting wishing you could be doing something that you love and having that feeling of wanting to help someone and not being in the poisition to do that. I believe everything happens for a reason and your reason is those kids. Keep at it and I hope you accomplish all that you set out to do!!
• United States
14 Jan 08
You guys are just awesome. I was feeling so down in the dumps and then I got on here and started reading all of these and my heart is just bursting. It makes me feel so good to knw that there are people who are standing behind me cheering me on. I think that was the boost that I needed today. I know my family wants me to succeed...but having all of you is another story.
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• Philippines
23 Jan 08
Definitely not. I believe there is no too old in going to school' what is more important is that you're trying reached your goals. And your near to reaching it. Congratulations and Goodluck my friend. Enjoy your College days!
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• United States
1 Feb 08
I have found that I'm having an absolute ball! It seems so much easier to do now than it was 20 years ago. I was a bit worried about keeping up with the hours and the homework, but so far it's been o.k. I had my first two tests this week, and I think I did pretty good on both of them. I'll get them back next week and we'll see!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I don't think its too old, I remember students in their 60s, 70s and even one in their 80s. Good luck with your return to college Carpenter.
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• United States
14 Jan 08
Thanks. I guess I'm just feeling a little anxious. No, that isn't true. I'm scared out of my mind. I sat in orientation on Saturday with all of these 17 and 18 year old kids and thought what in the world am I doing here? It was just so scary. They were talking about where the parties were that night and I'm wondering am I going to have so much homework that I can't get the laundry done.
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@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
13 Jan 08
no one is too old to get a formal education. congratulations on your decision! i am sure you will remember it as one of your best decisions. for the best part, you know what you want and you can picture yourself in the future. i think that is the best a person can do for herself/himself. best wishes!
• United States
14 Jan 08
I told my husband this morning...midst the tears of frustration over a wall that has been thrown up at work....that I want this so bad I can't see straight. My position at the school where I work for is fundraising. With the economy so bad, you can imagine that the dollars aren't coming in. I am so tired of feeling as though my job were in jeapordy.
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