It is 1:50 AM..and I'm not be sleeping. How many hours of sleep do you need?

February 21, 2008 1:57am CST
Since becoming a member of Mylot 9 months ago my sleep routines have changed and I have little or no regularity in my sleep patterns any more. I have always tended to be more of a night owl than a lark...and that used to opposite to David who was more of a lark..and a very early riser. Now we are both night owls and often stay up really late. Thankfully we are self-employed and can set our own work schedules and that I count that as a great blessing in both our lives. So as I am key away here and think I probably 'could' be sleeping..but I choose not be. As I pondered that reality it led me to wondering how many hours sleep you need to feel functional, energetic and alert? Do you get the sleep you need? If not why? How do you manage things if you do feel sleep deprived? Does it affect the quality of your life or not? Are any of you nappers...does that help or hinder your regular sleep? Just curious...and as I yawn I realize it is truly is time for me to get some zzzzzz's. So goodnight with you when I wake up...whatever time that happens to be. Raia
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43 responses
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
22 Feb 08
I need about 7 hours sleep every night. I find that too much makes me feel tired and lethargic and not enough makes me cranky and irritable! I also believe that if you wake up at the right time during your sleep cycle you feel really good and not tired at all.
4 people like this
• Canada
26 Feb 08
From what you said here it sounds as though you understand yourself and your need for sleep quite well. I appreciate what you said about waking up at the right time during your sleep cycle. That could explain why I have been able to go on less sleep and still feel great. Good point...thanks for adding it! Raia
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
21 Feb 08
To feel good... I need 8 hours. But thanks to my lack of discipline... I rarely get it. It's been more like 6 hours in the last 3 weeks. When I am working... I do get into trouble all the time. But if I go to work on 6 hours sleep... I will feel crook the whole day... collapse in the evening and get my 8 hours sleep before the next day. I cannot function without sleep. Ten years ago I was living on 7 hours for quite a while... and I was not looking too good. lol So sleep deprivation affecting the quality of my life is not an option. If I don't get my sleep... I would not be able to function at all.
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• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hi my friend. Sounds as though you know yourself well. The fact that you are tuned into your body and what it needs to feel peak is good. A lot of people are walking around sleep deprived and they aren't in touch with it. Hah...yes...they ae 'sleep walking through life.' oooooooo I couldn't let that one go by..LOL. Anyway, hope you continue to get enough sleep...especially when things are uncertain and I am sure stressful. Have you heard from your landlord yet? I haven't been back to the other discussion where I told Bobcat what he could eat here...could be an option. Is Canada beckoning? Cheers, Raia
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
22 Feb 08
my cat at afternoon nap - afternoon nap
I need 6 to 7 hours. I probably feel better if I sleep 7 hours. On Friday and Saturday I usually take one hour nap at about makes me feel good. The are some nights that I sleep only 5 hours and I am feeling good and energized like energizer bunny.... I like to stay late and sleep between 1AM to 8AM...
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
26 Feb 08
her name is Munia...
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• Canada
26 Feb 08
Ahh...what an unusual name...but it seems to suit her. How old is she...and do you have just the one cat..or others? I was reading on another discussion that a ten year study showed that cat owners had a 1/3 reduction in the risk of heart disease. They do have a calming effect alright. Thanks for dropping back. Raia
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• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hi...and I loved the photo of your cat. What is your fur-baby's name? David and I have five cats...and one black female like yours..her name is Nexus. I love the way cats sleep...soooooo soundly. You patterns sound like outs...we stay up late and still get a lot done even when we get up later. I think the quality of sleep is more important the actual hours. I know what you mean about having less sleep some nights and still feeling energized. I wish I could figure that one out...I'd love to be able to sleep less and feel good anyway. Thanks for dropping by... Raia
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Feb 08
as you know I am a LArk really dont care what time I go to sleep at night I am up between 4am and 5 am. Most people can function on 6 hours of sleep then I see the fellers that are here sleep 14 to 16 hours depending on what time they got home from job. Oh yes I take a nap Daughter says It is to long to be called a nap lol well if I only get 4 to 6 hours at night I think I must need that other hour and half nap to make up for it . and I have always been up and down at night I either watch tv or read or come in to the puter room till I get sleepy again!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Feb 08
there are a few times I havent got a nap but then we are out and about town lol . Hope your lawyer friend gets a kick out of it too. and no they dont think! HUgs and blessings
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• Canada
1 Mar 08
Haven't heard back from him come to think of it. Better nag him a little...and make him 'think!' Good sharing as always, Raia
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• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hi...thanks for adding your input. Yes, I am aware that you are a lark...more like David USED to he has turned into an owl like me. I think the way you are able to get up and down...and nap between is kewl. Usually when I am up...I am up until I crash the next evening. Even when I pull all niters. We all do what works I guess. Enjoy your zzzzzz's whenever you get them...and I will too. Take when I get back tomorrow. Thanks for the lawyer comments...I have a friend who is a lawyer and I sent copy of it to him. Boy...some people sure do not THINK...before they SPEAK. Really funny...thanks for another big giggle! Raia
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@valerie37 (1002)
• Christiansburg, Virginia
21 Feb 08
If I don't get at least 5 or 6 hours of sleep I'm a huge grouch to be around. And of course if I can get more than that I love it. There was one night last week though I was exhausted so I laid down thinking okay I'll go to sleep, and I don't know if it was just too much on my mind at the time or what but I laid there for an hour and a half tossing and turning and just could not go to sleep.
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• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hi and thanks for dropping by and adding your sleep dynamics to the discussion. Wow...if I only had 5-6 hours sleep I'd be grouchy all the time. I need about 7-8 to feel my best. Maybe what happened to you last week and your inability to sleep was because you were exhausted. I have had that happen...where I was dog much so my body felt like it was on overload and I couldn't sleep. Happens....hope you are getting enough zzzzzzz's and feeling more rested. Cheers, Raia
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@valerie37 (1002)
• Christiansburg, Virginia
22 Feb 08
I think dealing with a daughter with cerebal palsy for 16 years that was on a cognitive level of a 2 year old,and not being able to get much more than about 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night just got me use to that, but like I said if it's less than that then I am a grouch.
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• Canada
26 Feb 08
Good that you were able to adapt. How is your daughter doing now? I admire your devotion...she is fortunate to have a good mother like you. Warm regards, Raia
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
21 Feb 08
Hi again, Raia. And I hope you'll have a nice, long sleep. The last time I remember, I get 8 hours of sleep. Then, I went down to 6 hours. I'm still functional for the day even with 6 hours of sleep. But these past few days, I don't know. My body's tired but my mind refuse to rest. Just like these past couple of days. I've only had 3 to 4 hours of sleep and yet I didn't take any naps in the afternoon. Basically, I'm going through the day as if I'm in a dream. As a matter of fact, I'm still sitting here, typing away. It's just 15 minutes before 12 midnight, and I really should go to bed. But my eyes might be giving up on me, but the mind keeps on going and going and going...just like the Energizer Bunny. :) I am predicting that I'll still be sitting here until the wee hours of the morning. Yesterday, I went to bed at 5am, then woke up at 8am. Fortunately, I wasn't that too sleepy to burn our breakfast. lol There are days that my sleep deprivation affects some aspects of my daily life..... Such as trying to post quality responses!lol But truly, when I'm half-sleepy, I still get to do the things that needs to be done. I just do it in slow mode. If I get to have the sleep I really need, my husband must have the whole day off from work, to take over my chores!har!har! Nice chatting with you again, Raia.
• Canada
22 Feb 08
Ginger twin cats enjoying their sleepytime togethe - Photo of our two ginger twin cats...Teeh-Tooh and Tigger enjoying their sleepy time together. Cats sleep soooooo deeply...always relaxed..calm..ah yes if only humand could do the same.
Hi again to you my fun friend. I ALWAYS love chatting with you...and in my view you consistently post quality discussions and response. When I gave you big kudos about your writing ability and the special way you have of expressing yourself...I meant it! So no worry about not doing a great job...because you do!! Thanks for dropping by in what sounds like a somewhat sleep deprived state these days. Hope you can find some time to get some sound one can go too long without sleep loss catching up with them. With David and I being self-employed I can afford to stay up as late as I want...because we have the luxury of sleeping as late as we want. We still get a lot done...but I love the flexibility of working whenever I feel like it...and then NOT!!I know the slow-mode affect of loss of sleep to though..been there...done that! I do well with 7-8 hours of sound sleep...and thankfully when I do sleep it is restful. That wasn't always the case I struggled with insomnia for years until I got my body, mind, spirit more in balance. Being a young mother with all the demands on your time...I know that it can be challenging. I am in total agreement with you..your hubs needs to take the day you can have a complet 'me' day. Go for it!!! I posted a photo of our ginger twin cats..Teeh-Tooh and Tigger sleeping. Cats do it sooooooo well! Hope you can grab some deep zzzzzz's like them! Warm and caring regards... Raia
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• Philippines
23 Feb 08
Awww, thanks Raia. You humble me with your encouraging words. :)And thank you for believing that I can do a great job in writing if I pursue it someday. I now "order" myself to take naps. No use getting myself sick with too much lack of sleep. I knew the exact moment that I'm starting to have problems due to lack of sleep. Yesterday, I was just standing at the middle of the kitchen. Trying to think what I was going to do next. I really couldn't organize my thoughts. Justin was looking at me because I was just standing there, doing nothing! And I told myself, "ok, that's it! No more trying to stay up late. I'm starting to lose concentration and that's not good." I stayed up late again last night, but not so late. I went to bed a couple of hours earlier than I normally do. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out!lol
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• Philippines
23 Feb 08
oops, sorry about the picture! I was uploading some nature pictures in the LIFE interest.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I tend to stay up late too. I get lost on the computer and times flies by. I have the cats that like to wake me in the morning, they are hungry and think its time for momma to get up. I can function on a few hours of sleep, but not everyday. I do like to sleep in when I can.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
21 Feb 08
I need 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis. The strange thing is i can sit up till midnight or later , and if I get up late even after say 6 hours of sleep it is alright. On the other hand, if I am forced to get up early I have had it. Earlier, when i was in South i ndia and had to catch a particular train [on the rare occasion of travel ]that left at around 6o clock, I was forced to get up at 4.30, I would invariably end up with a head ache, nausea and feel miserable . One reason was i would have loose ends to tie up and would go to bed at 11 0 clock and then be tensely half asleep becuse I must make an early start -a rather unusual phenomenon. Later I started spacing my activities, packed well in advance,went to bed early, popped in a sleeping pill , sleep well and wake up fresh as a daisy. Now after this self analysis , I take this precaution of resorting to a sleeping pill before and during travel because it keeps me fresh. . Generally, in our households, women are supposed to be early risers but I have always been a late riser. Thankfully. my motherinlaw also tells me]]Now why did you get up early? Sleep some more ' if I show my head unusually early. She gets up at 4 o clock in the morning. So does my husband. After my morning routine, I do need a short nap[at least rest]in the afternoon- otherwise I do not feel good these days. I take a BP pill and feel relaxed if I spend a quiet afternoon peacefully. Otherwise I find it a strain and on the odd occasion my head starts hammering .
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• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hi...and thanks for giving me another opportunity to know about you...and your lifestyle. From what you said here you are really tuned into your biology and what affects it...and I think that is a really good thing. Researchers have put out studies where they have found that there are many people who are sleep deprived but are not aware of it and they just keep pushing themselves. The fact that you have figured out what your body needs and provide it will probably add years to your life...again that seems to be the general opinion. I am glad to hear that...I'd love to think we might be able to meet some lets plan to stick around as long as possible. Thanks for adding another interesting perspective to the topic. I have been here this evening..but was adding more photos that I took with the Canon to my profile page and interests. Having great fun with it could be another late one. It is already 11:50 PM and I am just getting started in my responses. We are going to Winkler..the nearest town...about 45 minutes from here. I am sure we will chat more later in the day or on the weekend. Take care, Raia
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
21 Feb 08
As you knew, I am insomniac so I have trouble in having some sleep. Though I did everything to control it, there are just moments where I couldn't handle it. My normal sleep averages at 6 to 7 hour, which I think is not bad at all. But my insomnia goes extreme, there are times that I can't sleep at all and when the sun comes up then that's the time my eyes gets heavy.
• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hello again...boy look at you go...more than halfway to reaching your 6,000th post. I am taking a very long time to reach 2,000. My goal of responding to every response takes time...and often that is all I can do at any one time. Also having my spiffy new digital Canon camera has motivated me to add photos to my interests and change my profiles..and that takes time. Anyway, hope all is well with you...things are going great here. Anyway, back to the topic..I do recall you mentioning that you have insomnia. I know you have been working with it...and I appreciated reading about your self-care practices too. I continue to pull all niter...more by choice though. Sometimes I have played a new computer game all night...other times I am writing and stay up all night...but by and large it is not due to insomnia. Being up all night does make the eyes...VERY heavy...but at least then I hope you can get some good sound sleep. Thanks for adding your ZZZZZZZ patterns here my friend. Raia
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Feb 08
Why thanks, I've been gone for a while two weeks ago and was trying to play catching up here. It's still a long way, so I don't really think much of it!;) Aside from the rainy weather we had, I also suffered a tooth ache and was thankful that the pain has subsided and the problem was solved!;) I guess that also caused me to have sleepless nights back then, I have to take 1000mgs of pain relievers just for it to subside.
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• Canada
1 Mar 08 week later! Like you I have been busy with other things and have not been able to be here as much as I'd like...and I am waaaaaay behind in my responses too. The weather is getting a little warmer...but we still have a lot of snow to melt before Spring will arrive. It is 1:53 AM AGAIN...another late/early morning of Mylotting. Hopefully I will be able to catch up on the weekend and post a couple of new discussions. However, I like to make some inroads on responding to what I have missed before doing that or I may have to pull an all niter to catch up. Anyway, take care...hope you catch some ZZZZZZZ's Raia
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• United States
21 Feb 08
I average between 6 and 7 hours each night with an occasional 20 minute "power" nap. This seems to work very well for me as I feel very rested when I wake up. When I was younger I used to be a real night owl sometimes on getting 3 or 4 hours sleep now as I am retired get up with the rooster looking forward to the new day (always the optimist! LOL)
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• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hi again...good to hear from you as always Whiteheather. I think you are on to a good thing with your power naps. Research I have read says that people who do that increase their lifespan..and I know a long, healthy life is something you are intending for yourself. Yes, you are always the optimist. Love that about you! Hope you and your cute dogs are doing well...and enjoying whatever snooze time you share. Raia
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
21 Feb 08
I think you should not lose sleep. i agree Mylot is addictive. But it should not be such taht you will sleep less. i sleep atleast 7 hours a day. I think all should try to do so.
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• Canada
22 Feb 08 kind of you to concern yourself. Just to let you know I usually do get at least 7-8 hours sleep. Even though Mylot can be addictive...being self-employed allows me to stay up late...and sleep later. So by and large I do get enough sleep...and I absolutely agree with you though...we need that time for our bodies' to recharge. Thanks for your care and valid views on sleep...much appreciated. Raia
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@mlhuff12 (797)
• United States
22 Feb 08
For me, I will take as much sleep as I can get. How many hours of sleep do I need? It really depends. If it is during the week and when I work I need about 7-8 hours of sleep if I don't want to be falling asleep at work. I wouldn't really mind though, but I think the boss would. But on the weekend I don't need as much sleep because I will be doing stuff I want to do and not be bored all day. But I still like to try to sleep in on my weekends. So however long I can sleep till the dogs wake me up.
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• Canada
26 Feb 08
Sounds like you have irregular sleep patterns but that you know what works for you under what circumstances. We have one dog and five cats...and they can be built in alarm clocks alright! I appreciate your input...thanks. Raia
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@Winter08 (441)
• Canada
22 Feb 08
Wow!! So many different questions!! How many hours of sleep do I need to feel functional, energetic, and alert? I honestly don't know. I chronically short myself on sleep with catch up sleeps on the weekend. I don't remember a time when I have allowed myself to have consistent regular sleep. If I break your question down: hours needed to feel functional: 3 to 4 hours hours to feel energetic: unknown hours to feel alert: 8 hours or 6 with lots of coffee. Do I get the sleep I need? No. See above answer. If not, why? See above answer (i.e. chronically shorting myself on sleep). How do I manage things if I am feeling sleep deprived? With a great deal of coffee and warnings to others that, though they could be walking targets, it's nothing personal ... it's just sleep deprivation. Does it affect the quality of your life? What quality of life? In fact, what life? Am I a napper? No. Does it help or hinder my regular sleep? No.
3 people like this
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hi...and thanks for taking the time to answer all the different questions. No one else did that. Your irregular sleep patterns sound similar to ones I had years ago. Now I am able to keep what some think are crazy hours...but when I do get to sleep I sleep really soundly. I laughed at your comment about others being a moving target when you are sleep deprived and full of coffee...good you let them know. You have an interesting way of adapting to you rather unusual sleep 'patterns.' I guess we all do what we know until we figure out a way to change it. Good addition to the topics..thanks. Raia
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@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
22 Feb 08
I almost always get 6 hours of sleep, I have been like this for as long as I can remember. If I get more , I feel all groggy.Like I can't wake up, hmm go figure. I always try to napp, but when I do it never seems to work out, I will rest a while and then usualy get back up to do something. I have been this way for so long, it is like a clock goes off in my head, doesn't matter when I fall out, 6 hours later I am up and ready to roll.
• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hi again my friend. Six hours...I'd love to be able to get by with that. Sometimes I do...other times I need 7-8. Sounds like you have a built in alarm in your head like David. He can 'set his head' when we have to be up for an appointment and he gets me aroused. If it were up to me....I'd keep the zzzzzz's going and we'd be late. Your body and you sound like you have things worked out. As long as you have the energy that it sounds like you do 6 hours seems to be working...good for you! Getting late here again...12:47 AM...will be logging off soon but will chat tomorrow or on the weekend. Thanks for dropping by again. Raia
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
1 Mar 08
Hi Raia, I can understand how mylot can drastically change our sleeping pattern. I was seriously hooked with the community when I was just a newbie. Never mind the lacked of sleep for as long as I didn't miss any single discussions that caught my eyes. I started to lose my enthusiasm when I was temporarily suspended from mylot for several days. I began to feel burned up so I decided to hike off somewhere and reverted back to my normal sleeping habit. 5 to 6 hours every night is enough for me to stay alert and energetic to face the day. Sometimes, I will also indulge in an hour of power nap in the early afternoon. At the moment, I'm still debating whether to swing back to mylot fully or not but I'll make sure to hop in to my bed before midnight.
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Hi..and thanks for adding your experiences with sleep and the addictive pattern of Mylotting that many of us have gone through...or are still experiencing. Sounds like you have found a different balance with it these days...and whether you go back full swing or not...your ability to funtion of 5-6 hours sleep will allow you to get a lot done. For those of us who need 7-9...we have to cram more into the waking hours we have. Happy Mylotting...however much you do! Raia
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
26 Feb 08
in my old age I do not seem to require as much sleep, or at least I am not getting it. maybe I do require it as I do not feel energetic very often at all anymore. I get usually around 5 hours and can function - once every several weeks or so though I end up sleeping close to ten. I have also always been a night owl, and my husband a morning person. his employment is not conducive to being a morning person though and it has thrown him for a loop.
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• Canada
23 Apr 08
Hi again Modestah.. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I value your input and your regular visits to my site and regret not being able to be here because of work priorities lately. I wish I could function well on five hours sleep...that would give me more time to Mylot. (smiles) When I was younger I used to be more of a night owl...but am finding I get a lot more done when I go to bed earlier and get up earlier. We all do what works! Take care and I hope to be here more and chat here or on your site. Raia
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• Malaysia
25 Feb 08
on working days i sleep around 6-7 hours T___T ..wish i could sleep longer but what to do, gotta wake up in the morning to go to work. if i dont get enough sleep, at work i'll be so sleepy and restless. if i'm not working and on weekends i sleep really late and wake up late too, probably around 10 hours of sleep or more ;)
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• Canada
23 Apr 08
Hi and sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your comment. I appreciate you dropping by and adding your views to the topic. Sounds like you have your sleep needs figured out...that is the key for most of us. Hope to chat again.. Raia
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• Lithuania
22 Feb 08
Hi, five years ago I was slugabed but now I need only 4-5 hours! Every morning I feel myself very well and fresh:)
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• Canada
1 Mar 08
Hi...and thanks for your comments. Slugabed...never heard that before...but I like it. Wish I could get by on the amount of sleep you do! That way I'd never get behind on Mylot responses the way I am right now. Two AM here...getting sleepy...soon be signing off..(I hope!) Cheers and enjoy your ZZZZZZZZ's! Raia
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• Canada
2 Mar 08
How wonderful when you are able to do what you is energizing alright! Wishing you every success in your artistic ventures...and adventures. And yes, I did enjoy a good night's sleep and refreshed I am! Raia
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• Lithuania
1 Mar 08
Maybe my secret is my job which also is my lifestyle - I am an artist :) Have a sweet and hush snore!
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
3 Mar 08
i usually sleep at around 2am...yeah it is true mylot also changed my sleeping habit...i made this because my internet connection during dawn run fast so it is convenient for me to do so.
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• Canada
13 Mar 08
Seems Mylot changes a lot of people's sleep patterns. I am having a really tough time getting back to an earlier bedtime. My poor hubby..he is a morning person and yet he waits up for me doing his computer stuff so we can relax together before snuggling into bed whatever time it happens to be. Hope you do get some ZZZZZZ's none of us need to be sleep deprived...Mylot or not! (smiles.) Raia
@podqueen (340)
21 Feb 08
Hi, I've read and been told that a person should get a minimum of 7 hour sleep. Doesn't sound difficult, but try squeezing in 7 hours of sleep when there's so much to watch on TV! To avoid nodding off at work I try to have a cup of camomile tea just before I go to bed which I find helps me to relax and fall asleep easily. I've also read that the longer you sleep the more weight you lose! I think the point is that the body gets the rest its suppose to and therefore resulting in less stress. I also find that if I haven't had enough sleep a protein smoothie the following morning does a better job than coffee. I'm so envious that you're self employed - something I've been wanting to do for ages - rather than being governed by a company. Well, I hope you had a good sleep!
• Canada
22 Feb 08
Hello...hope you are enjoying is great to have you here. Sounds like we have some similar mindsets and parallels going one. I use Celestial Season's Sleeep time tea and it has chamomile in it and I find it helps my busy brain slow down and promote sleep as well. I appreciate your positive feedback about being are is a wonderful way to live. My hubby and I both work from to bed when we want...sleep when we when we when we want. I wouldn't go back to working for someone else...even with the security and increased income it might provide. The quality of life we have co-created is worth way more than any amount of money. Hold on to your dream...take whatever steps you can to make it happen...believe in yourself and you could do it too! Wishing all that you wish for yourself. Thanks...I did have a good sleep...and being that it is 12:44 AM...almost time to pack it in and grab so more zzzzzzz's. I will be back tomorrow and look forward to chatting with you again. Raia
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Hello again.. Here I am...1:27 AM again...and my hubby has made my tea and is waiting for me to come down and begin slowing my busy brain down. Shortly...or so I keep telling myself. Thanks for you acknowledgment about David and I living our dreams...much appreciated. It took us awhile to reach this point of clarity and focus with our work because we used to be all over the map. Once we decided to do a couple of things really became easier and much less complicated. We were into multi-level ventures...and had a lot of pie in the sky dreams. Our entrepreneurial spirits find satisfaction in three areas. I am a professional writer with a company called Perspectives on Healthy Living. I write for a variety of papers and magazines and have a column that I write under my company's name. David does computer specialist work on contract and for individual clients...and we have a personal development company called Fresh Beginnings. We do phone and personal counseling, public speaking and lead groups. We write, produce and present dynamic living seminars. Having more than one avenue to create income from takes the pressure down. Whatever you decide to do I would strongly recommend writing a solid business plan for the company, register the name, find a good accountant and lawyer and think ahead. If there is anything else I can do to assist you..send me a message and I'll offer what I can. Best regards, Raia
@podqueen (340)
24 Feb 08
Hi Raia, thank you for your good wishes regarding self employment. I've had many ideas over the last few years and discussed them with my friends. They are all do-able ideas but I've not had the confidence to follow it through, especially the bigger projects. If you don't mind me asking, what sort of work do you and your husband do? My boyfriend and I started an importing business a few years ago but we've now had to put it on the back burner due to work commitments which doesn't leave us much time to give our business 100%. We enjoyed doing the import business but the income wasn't enough to support both of us if we gave up our daytime jobs. It's nice to be able to communicate with someone who has made a success of their dreams - it keeps me positive about my goals. Have you had your camomile tea yet?! I'm off to have mine now. Speak to you soon.
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