I Cannot Believe How Well Mannered Your Daughter is!!
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
February 21, 2008 6:39am CST
This is what was said to me in a shop today when I went in with my daughter who is 2 years old. I bought her some sweets and asked her "Do you want these?" she replied "Yes Please" and when I paid for them and the lady gave them to her she said thank you. The lady was overwhelmed she said my daughter was a credit to me to be so well mannered at such a young age. All my children have their manners, and if I ever hear them take something without manners then they are in trouble. I assumed that all children are the same but the lady in the shop said it was very rare to hear a child with manners these days. Surely this is not right, are more children ill mannered these days? What do you think? Have you ever come across bad mannered children that do not say please or thank you?
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17 responses
@livewyre (2450)
22 Feb 08
I used to work in retail (about 13 years ago...) and I remember distinctly a little girl taking something from a stand and her 'mother' saying, put it back or the man will shout at you. I tried to give this excuse of a mother my 'why would you expect me to discipline YOUR child' look, combined with an air of 'actually I would NEVER shout at a child that small' but it was just was off a ducks back - not a clue...!
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@livewyre (2450)
23 Feb 08
Well I can't say that I have not issued similar threats to my little one, but certainly not in front of the 'man in the shop' and looking at him expectantly, as if I expected him to frown at the child on cue... I admit that it's handy to be able to use external threats when a child frustrates you, but in this case, I really felt the Mother was abandoning all responsibility and expecting me to step in....
Getting back to the question then... I think it is right that children learn politeness and your children are a credit to you, sadly it seems that less and less people can be bothered to teach basic manners...
Manners is an externalisation of respect, something that is definitely in the decline - if a child is not taught respect, that leads to all sorts of problems and may well ultimately have a huge impact on the child and the family and everyone they come into contact with.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
I Know where you are coming from and what you are saying, but I have done this myself when my boys have kept on touching things in a shop, I have said dont keep touching and they have asked why and I have said because you will be in big trouble with me and the man in the shop will tell you off if you keep touching and wont let you come in here again. Its not because I expected the man in the shop to tell them off, its just that it kind of backed up my warnings to behave and it did work.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
22 Feb 08
My children, in public, are very well mannered because they know if they aren't...they are in so much trouble when i get them home. LOL! My two year old is kind of shy when she's out, but will say thank you as soon as she is away from the people that gave her something. LOL! At home can be a different story, although my two year old has more manners at home than my 9 and 8 year old do. She always says yes ma'am and i'm sorry and thank you and please, while i have to constantly remind my older children that they have lost sight of their manners and if they needed to be reminded of it. They usually straighten up pretty quick after that for a day or two before having to remind them again. thanks for posting and God bless. You are very blessed to have such a mannered child. These days it's very hard to find that in children because they all seem to be running all over everyone these days. Definitely take pride in that and be greatful for it and proud at what you've accomplished. God bless
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
23 Feb 08
thank you as well. i've enjoyed it to. God bless
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@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
Children behaving and being good mannered in public makes all the difference, I would hate to go out wondering if my kids were going to embarrass me in any way by being rude and spoilt. where is the fun in that? You sound like you have good kids too and thank you for your response, I have enjoyed this discussion.
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@cr0ssf41r13 (866)
• Philippines
22 Feb 08
Unfortunately, I often encounter such daughters, and most of the time, sons. Of course, each one has their own character but it still depends upon the parents on how they race their children. They use profane language, act as if they weren't girls and are so careless that they are the ones to be blamed when something bad had happened to them.
But, luckily, I have an environment where most of the people are properly raised. Of course, the environment greatly influences the daughters and sons. It is one factor that is strongly considered as the most powerful influences for the youth.
Well, this is reality. All we can do is to raise our kids properly.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
This is all true, I think at the end of the day the start of it all is down to the parents influence, but once children reach a certain age all the parent can do is guide them and try to keep them on the right path, other children they mix with can be a huge influence on them as they then influence each other. My eldest is 16 and he too has fantastic manners and he will not act as his friends act being rude to people and horrible, dont get me wrong he can be a devil but he is not a naughty devil if you know what I mean.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I raised my son with manners and his three kids have manners. They have been raised this way. I work at a after school program and so I come in contact with a large number of kids. Some of them have very good manners and you hear the words please, thank you and your welcome all the time. If they bump into a person they say I am sorry. All the things of manners they do. Then there are some there don't know the first thing about manners. We were sitting down for snack and there is this one little girl that burps at the table and does it loudly than starts laughing about it. I have to continously talk to her about not doing that at the snack table and if a burp does happen to come out to say excuse me. Than there is the thing of talking with food in the mouth. I taught my son to not talk if food was in the mouth and he taught his three kids the same thing. I do mention to the kids that it is not nice to talk with food in the mouth. Of course there at school a lot of them do. So there are kids out there with manners but there are more of them that don't have manners.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
24 Feb 08
I must admit, my 2 year old finds burping funny at the minute, but she also says pardon me when she has done it. She also pardons her brothers at the minute as well when they do it, she is quite funny.
@ellie333 (21016)
21 Feb 08
Sadly Gemini_rose this is the way of the world. I was always brought up to have respect for my elders, to say please, thank you and excuse me, which I have also instilled into my own children, but so many parents do not do this. There are still people young and old with very good manners but there are more growing up without discipline and manners these days than ever before. Congratulations on your daughter being a credit to you with her manners and she in turn because of how you have bought her up will teach her own children to be that way, but even companies these days don't have the common curtesy to reply to applicants so how do they expect to have good mannered people work for them. Crazy times eh! Ellie :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Feb 08
I too was brought up to respect my elders, as was my husband and so teaching this to our children seems normal, I was very surprised to have it pointed out to me as I just assume that everyone else does the same. You are right it is a crazy world, sad too.
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@gnarlybrowdude (68)
• United States
22 Feb 08
Most children are very ill mannered nowadays. Just last week I was at Giant Eagle, and this woman had a little girl with her who was about maybe 4. The little girl wanted everything she saw. And when the woman would refuse it was the same thing, she would flip out. And all the woman would do is tell her to knock it off. I mean she would literally start screaming in the store, lay down on the ground and make a big scene. That has to be embarrassing. I dont have children, but I know for sure, they will not act like that.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
Oh it would be very embarrassing, I would not even entertain taking mine out again if they did that. But children do that if they know that their parents will give in to them and buy them what they want to get them to be quiet, I wont do that, they have their days when they have their pocket money that they have to earn. If they want anything else they either have to save for it themselves, wait until birthdays/xmas or they have to work extra hard at school and if they bring home certificates or merits then they can have little extras. Anything big is only for christmas.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I realy hate to say this but it is getting harder to see children use manners. I babysit I have watch a total of 7 differnt kids (not all at once) and only one of them came to me with manners. I had to teach the rest of them to use manners. I do not give them a choice when they are in my care.
@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
Well at least they might learn something from you if you are teaching them manners, what you say may have an influence on them and that can only be a good thing.
@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
Things are def not like it used to be when I was growing up. I used my manners all the time, wrote thank you cards when I received gifts...ect. This are traits that I have carried onto my adulthood and try to instill in my children. My son is 3.5 yrs and he is very well mannored. He always say thank you and when he wants something he will say please. Sometimes it will be an hour later and he will come up to me and say Thank you Mama...I just love that! I witness ill mannered children all the time and it really bothers me. It is just something we have to instill in our children from a very young age, something that we have to be consistant about practising.
@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
Ah your son sounds really sweet. I have always started teaching them their manners from when they were tiny and could take something from me, if I gave them anything I would always say ta to them all the time. I used to always have to write thank you cards when I was young too and I have carried these on with me.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
24 Feb 08
I come across bad mannered children all the time, and it drives me absolutely nuts!!
At home in Guelph, there's a cafe that I like. Sometimes kids are just nuts in there, other times they are really well-behaved. When they are well behaved, I always tell their caregivers how pleased I am to see such nice children.
@gemini_rose (16264)
24 Feb 08
If someone turned around to me and said they thought my children were ill behaved or ill mannered, I would be mortified and would certainly make an effort to improve their behaviour. Sometimes though it seems that some parents think it is funny how bad their children are and they just laugh at them and say something like kids ah, and then kids think its ok to be like this because of their parents.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
22 Feb 08
I agree with the lady that nowadays there are so many spoiled children that it really is rare to find children with good manners like that. You must be an expert parent. May other children learn from your family.
@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
I really do not think that I am an expert parent, its just that I cannot abide bad manners and tantrums. It does not cost anything to be pleasant and say please and thank you, but I hate tantrums just because they cannot get what they want, imagine taking them out and they have a tantrum, I would die of embarrassment! I would say they are not mine!!
@Swaana (1205)
• India
21 Feb 08
Most kids take clues from their parents. And many parents dont say thanks or please to their kids. I have noticed this many a times and I leave it just as it is as I cant blame the kids. I am really glad that our daughter learnt it from us and our son inturn learnt it from her.
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Feb 08
As long as there are still a majority of us parents that keep on instilling manners in our children then it wont be all bad!
@TRDreamin (67)
• United States
21 Feb 08
it is very common to see bads manners in children now a days - It stinks - I have come across MANY MANY children who do not have any manners
@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
You see I cannot say that I have recently come across a child without manners all my friends children have excellent manners and they are well behaved too so it is a pleasure to have them over.
@darkfearie88 (15)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
alot of kids these days don't have manners whatsoever. good job on having one that seems to have great manners at such a young age. my two cousins on my moms side are so spoiled. ones 13 and throws a fit when she doesnt get her way. its just the way the kids are taught. obviously you are doing a great job
@gemini_rose (16264)
22 Feb 08
Its true that children learn from what we teach, its funny because none of mine have ever had a tantrum in public they wouldnt dare, oh they have had them in the house but it gets them no where as I just ignore them. My daughter recently went through a stage where she would try this but I just used to ignore her or laugh at her and say how silly she was. Not so long ago she saw another girl having a screaming fit and she said to me, baby crying, and I told her yes she is being naughty and thats how you look when you are doing it, since then she hasnt done it again.
@spectrum42 (393)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Sadly, the only time I hear children saying "please" or "thank you" is when their parents are right there prompting them. It's no wonder the lady took notice because you didn't have to lead her with "Now what do you say?"
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@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Feb 08
I have never had to prompt them on saying please and thank you, it seems sad that children are growing up without being taught manners, I have never noticed this before.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I think there are alot of children out there that act bratty, only of course because thier parents have raised them to be that way. We always enforce the please and thankyou rule in our home. Also, if my son asks rudely, ie "I want this, please" he recieves a no.. and is told to think about a nicer way to ask, until he remembers, "may I please have..." and even then many times the answer may be no. He has been learning that even if he asks politely, he may still recieve a no you may not, as an answer. I do think that we can teach our children all we want, but if we are rude, our children will be rude.. (:
Good luck to you and your little one
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Feb 08
I know that are some children that are not very nice, but I guess its not something I thought about until today.
@loudhummer14 (535)
• Philippines
21 Feb 08
kudos! congratulations. it's very rare to find well mannered kids nowadays. most parents nowadays are too busy to instill good values in their children. i don't have a kid yet. my wife and i have been trying for a very long time. we have come across alot of bad mannered kids. and we feel pity for those kids and shame for the parents.
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Feb 08
Well its nice to know that I am doing the right thing but seems a shame that some parents are just letting their children grow up to be rude and ill mannered and taking everything for granted. It doesnt cost anything to say please and thank you.
@clinsbull (192)
• China
29 Feb 08
ur daughter is very good!when i have my son fourteen years age ,i would like take him to the street,go to shoping,but he did not to say anything.but now,he will to talk and talk all long time ,if u cry to he"shut up",but he did not stop his mouth.however,if he meet his friend or class mates,he will be a gentleman.that is my son....