I'm Depressed but....

Jesus Prays - Classic photo depicting Jesus Praying has be cut down and turned black and white. An origianl print of this painting hangs in my bedroom as a reminder to me to pray.
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
February 25, 2008 9:06am CST
I'm sure it won't last for long. When thinking about what discussion to post today I originally was going to post similar to the post I made on my blog this morning - related to 'making money' but about the time I was going to start my discussion I checked my email (multi-tasking as usual) and my daily devotional by 'Elisabeth Elliot' had arrived so I decided to read that first... 'The Song of the Animals' was the title but as I read it was as if someone was speaking to me directly - the majority of the devotion was about praying. Particularly on where we pray. Quote from the devotional "Where can we go? Into "your closet," was what the Lord said in Matthew 6:6, meaning any place apart from the eyes and the ears of others. Jesus went to the hills, to the wilderness, to a garden; the apostles to the seashore or to an upper room; Peter to a housetop. We may need to find a literal closet or a bathroom or a parked car. We may walk outdoors and pray. But we must arrange to pray, to be alone with God sometime every day, to talk to him and to listen to what he wants to say to us." I will admit, due to all the hassels in my life lately I have not been doing this - being alone with God. Over the last 2 days I have spent time catching up with friends at myLot as best I could and my earnings have reflected that which I appreciate greatly but will certainly not fix my financial problems. I will NOT be on myLot much today and may in fact not respond to any new discussions. I am going to first spend some time alone with God in prayer and see where my day goes from there... I know many discussions here have asked do you get depressed, are you depressed, and like me 'I'm depressed'. My question today is simple - what do you do when you get depressed? Do you look at what is causing the depression or do you turn to help? I receive the Elisabeth Elliot devotional daily via e-mail along with a few others you can also by going to this page: http://www.backtothebible.org/index.php/Devotions.html
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32 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Feb 08
I am happy for you, not that you are depressed, but that you have realized where your priorities should be and are going to carry that out today. I hope that your time in prayer is uplifting for you. *hugs* That might sound odd coming from me, but despite the difference in our beliefs, I can understand what it feels like to need to be spiritually refreshed. When I am most depressed, I listen to sad music, write poetry, and wallow in my depression for a bit... and then I pick myself up and go meditate or simply speak to my Gods.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Dear please don't take offense at this but 'Praise the Lord' I started crying the second I saw you as the first response to this discussion - not because I am sad but dear you are perfect proof of what I have believed for some time. Differences of religions or beliefs does NOT have to be an out and out war. I respect you as a person and totally believe you have a right to your beliefs as I do mine. Thank you dear for restoring my faith in humanity. I am most touched and encouraged by your kind words because I do know we believe differently but you still were there to 'cheer' me on. LOL - believe me dear I do my fair share of wallowing in my depression too and as you and the song says "just pick myself up, brush myself off, and start all over again" hummm what song is that from?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Feb 08
*smiles* You don't offend me. I am happy that my response affected you so much. I know that when you respond so kindly and understandingly to me, I feel the exact same way... as if no matter what our differences, we can support and encourage each other. A friend is a friend, whatever else they are. ;) I think that song is simply called "Pick Myself Up", isn't it? I've heard it being sung by Peter Tosh, if it's the one I'm thinking of.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I'm going to have to do some research on that song - I can't get it out of head (opps another song there)... I think the key to different beliefs 'getting along' is not trying to force each other's beliefs on the other - I have close family members who don't believe as I do but I still love them and always will. You are right - a friend is a friend and this morning you showed me just what a wonderful friend you are, thank you dear.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
25 Feb 08
My dear faith, I am afraid we all get into situations where we become depressed..When i was young i spent a lot of time having ups and downs ,when i was really down i was so depressed i would just sit and cry..Later on in life i was tested and found i had a chemical imbalance,and now i take a pill a day which keeps me level...You may ask why are you telling me this? well the reason is because i was clinicaly depressed,which is totally different from a normal depression...I still get down from time to time but this is a normal thing..Its a totally different type of depression from what i did have,its the type of depression that we so called "normal" people have,that pills do not help this kind...According to the word of God it is called the cares of life...We are constantly struggling to keep our heads above water,we get down ,we have such a busy life and everything comes into our life like flood waters,and we get down..I have found that what you plan to do today"get alone with God" is the only cure for this so called "normal" depression...I still take my little pill a day for the abnormal mood swings, and thats good, but i still have the normal life where we get down and depressed...Sometimes i feel that these times come to us so we will stop and take time to meditate on the important things like prayer,and just get alone with God and have a good talk and a good cry...It always helped me,and somehow things just seem to work out afterwards....Blessing to you,and everything will be fine....
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Well i supposs you could call it degrees of depression if you like..My doctor explained to me that having depression at times is normal,because it is caused by life, and lifes stresses,and it comes and goes in a few days...we all get it sometimes...I had clinical depression caused by a lack of seritonia(not sure if it is spelled right)in my brain which that is a chemical in your brain that keeps you at a even tone,I did not have enough of this chemical..My depression was severe, not just a normal "Im blue today" kind..I would be so depressed that i did not even see any good in anything,i did not want to shop, eat or do anything it was like i was existing...it would last for weeks,then it would go away and i would be normal for awhile and the least thing could happen and out of no where the depression would set in again..So he told me i was lacking a chemical,he put me on paxil,and since then i have stayed on a even plane so to speak..I wake up as a normal person,stress comes and i can handle it,without getting into thr depths of depression...Some people have clinical depression and if it gets bad enough they will think of suside,I never got that bad,i was just extreemly sad....I still have days that i am just down but thats normal,something has to happen or i can be worried and thats what causes this,he explained to me that is normal depression...it does not stay with you...I supposs you would have to be there to really understand the difference,a clinical depression does not leave when the problem leaves,and it does not have to be a problem in your life for it to come on you...I don't know if i am explaining this right but i hope you can read between the lines,it is hard to explain.....
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
One time years back I went through a 'major' depression, it lasted several months before I finally saw a doctor - I can't remember what it was but he put me on an anti-depressant and after a few more months I was 'back to normal' and stopped taking the meds... Now it's really just a like you said I believe 'blues' and may last a day or two but seldom longer.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Now I learned something new - I didn't realize there were different types of depression just thought there were different levels. Basically saying hey I don't need meds so it must just be a mild case of depression. I do agree there are many things that can cause depression and as I said in another comment I think my 2 younger children and their behaviors have contributed greatly to my state today. This morning was just the straw that broke the camel's back - neither of them getting up and being where they were supposed to be yet I was up early so as to 'help' them accomplish that. Concentrating and looking forward to responses to this discussion have been a tremendous help to me - even when not here I know I have done something that God would want me to do rather than what everyone else wants or expects. Sort-of getting my priorities in order :)
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
25 Feb 08
Every one suffers depression at some point in their lives. one needs to take corrective steps before it becomes unmanageable.There are different ways of doing this .listening to music,singing,involving in some activity to keep the mind busy,or the most powerful of all is PRAYER.Faith can move mountains they say and the saying may not be true but it can definitely relieve you from depression.Faith and Trust in a loving Higher Power you may call him by any name, and the ability to let go and leave every thing in the hands of God. Let him work his miracles into your life and you will see your financial and all other difficulties will not vanish overnight but will suddenly become more tolerable. God will send a good Samaritan tohelp you in what you need the most.Why burden ourselves when help is near and there is always someone to help you. God Bless.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Amen, amen, and amen! As I set here at the computer I find myself not thinking about myself or my problems but of others and all they have and are going through in their lives. I am one of the lucky ones. I do have my Faith and Trust in the Lord to get me through.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
I think depression can come from many sources and it could also be inborn. For instance, people say if you think nice thoughts, visit the sick, take a walk, and thnk of those who have it worse off than you, then you will no longer be depressed, but I think God gives each of us a personality that may or may not be able to tolerate the disasters of life. For instance, one can think of a girl who should never leave the farm, or another who can marry an ax murderer. The first girl would have gone into deep depression if she moved to the city, the other can live in the most squalid and dangerous of circumstances and still remain calm and close to God. I do read the Bible every day and pray, but the tears still fall, and I still feel sad because what I went through really hurt my sensitive nature. It is something I have to live with and I will still be that way until I am at last with God and the angels in heaven.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I have sometimes wondered about that - depression being inborn. As I look back over my life even as a child I can remember those periods where all I wanted to do was be alone.. I didn't know or have a relationship with Christ until I was in my mid-40s so all those years I often, many many times felt I was totally alone in the world. I know that doesn't make since I mean I wanted to be alone yet I felt alone - I think those thoughts come from depression not wanting to be around people yet wanting someone to talk to, someone to share your pain with. I think posting this discussion has helped me in several ways - I've not spent these last 2 hours in prayer but have let God guide me on what I need and should be doing. Popping in and reading my fellow mylotter's responses helps to keep me on track as to who I need and am best listening to.
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@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I went to the link and it seems very interesting, I bookmarked it so I will read it later on. When I am depressed I pray and call somebody to talk. I like to read too and read my bible for direction, especially the Psalms and proverbs. Try it! I am praying for you that you feel better and cheers for you!
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Thank you so very much for your prayers dear - sometimes that is all we need is the prayers of someone else. I love the Psalms and Proverbs and 99.9% of the time when I need a pick me up will turn there to read. It never fails to amaze me how the Word of God can speak directly to us through the bible. My heart goes out to those unfortunate people who do not have a bible to turn to. As for the devotional - I have 4 different ones sent in my email every morning. I don't always read them all but I would say every day one of them has a special message to help me that particular day.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
thanks for the devo. that lady has sure seen a lot in her day! i actually read a book written by a missionary who lead the party for the body recovery. i can't remember the name of the book but the author's name is Frank Drown (i have talked with him numerous times through work and he is well into his 80's now!) as for depression, we are going through a ton right now, job loss, (my) major health issues and sometimes i feel like asking whats goin on here??????????
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I think this is a different person, as far as I know Elisabeth Elliot is still alive and living in the US but I could be wrong. I love her devotionals because she includes references to the bible scripture but talks to you just like you and I might talk. I'm sorry to hear of your problems I know health and money can be two big concerns that can bring a person down. One of my favorite sayings is "Why me?" and I always get the same answer - learn and grow, gain strength from our struggles.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
25 Feb 08
I believe that if you believe as you do that God will provide, everything will be fine for you. I'm certainly hoping that is the case, because I find myself feeling down about things lately too. Whether or not you're a "believer" you need a few minutes a day of prayer, meditation whatever you want to call it. It's important for everyone. You'll be fine, don't worry. If anyone can make it through tough times, it's you.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I have seen today how God has been working in my life - my head feels much clearer than it did this morning. I'm still tired but being a believer and my trust in Christ is the only thing that keeps me going. I am blessed and thankful and like you said will make it through these tough times.. and thank you for your vote of confidence, it means a lot to me.
@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Thanks for the link! I already get several daily devotionals in my email, but I'm always looking for more... To answer your question, when I get depressed, sometimes I just want to curl up in bed with a good book and ignore everyone else. However, usually that only puts me deeper into depression, it doesn't really help. For me, the best thing I can do is to pray that God will be with me, and then, I go out and start talking to people. Whether it's my family, or calling a friend on the phone, it doesn't matter, I just have to be active and start talking. It usually helps me come out of it.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Whew I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that wants to crawl in bed and let the world pass me by. You are right though when I do that I only get further depressed. It's funny because when I posted this discussion I did pray - I asked God to please guide me in what I should do because He knows if I do nothing I will only get more depressed. I'm working on my personal website which I've neglected for months and months http://byfaithonly.com if you haven't visited before. That was/is a work of God and think what He's telling me is that is a priority - not making a few cents here and there online.
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
25 Feb 08
My dear friend, I am sorry to hear about your financial problems and I hope that you will find soon better job opportunities. But yes sometimes even a word can cheer us up when we're depressed..a word by God, maybe written or spoken or a message sent to us by a special person..may my words be a warm hug for you. I am sending you all my support for true.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Thank you dear but it's not really just the money thing, the kids (youngest 2) are driving me crazy, I really do wonder why on earth I ever had kids to begin with. When I was younger everyone said, "Oh Faith will have some glamerous carreer" while I said all I wanted to be was a wife and mother. As much as I hated my short stint as a model I really wonder if I wouldn't have been better off sticking with that. LOL now I would be an old dried up swimsuit model doing diet commercials :( Ok vented there :) I do agree most times or should say always God is there to pull us up again and it's just a matter of our listening to Him and the messages He sends such as the e-mail this morning for me. Your words are always a warm hug for me and sending the same back to you dear.
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@terri0824 (5054)
• United States
25 Feb 08
God sure does work in strange ways and appear in the midst of things when we least expect it. Like the devotional that you came across in your e-mail. I try to be in prayer throughout the day, listening to Christian music in the car, at the office. As I awake and as I go to sleep, in the shower! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. I have boughts of depression, but usually it is weather related. When it has been over cast and cloudy tends to do this for me. But sometimes a little pity party for myself does the same thing, but I don't go down that road to often. Because I try to find all the blessings that God has given me, even in the small things.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I'm the same way, praying anywhere and everywhere but there are times that I kick myself more than anyone else does because I don't make a daily habit of making time just for God. It's something I've wanted to do since I turned my life over to Him. I'm sure I will pull out of this as I always do but as you said, sometimes I just need a little pitty party but this discussion has helped me in many ways.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Like you, I don't give G♥d as much of my time as I should. I don't get depressed about it, I don't know if that is good or bad, because depression is not of G♥d. When I am depressed about other things though, I do pray, but also dance before the L♥rd, but that is my gifting. Others who sing, may sing to G♥d, or those who write, may write something for Him.. I think it depends on our different personalities and gifts as to what we do when feeling blue..
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Oh my how did you do that? The little hearts? I love it! I think that is one of my problems lately, I pray, but I do it 'on the fly' so to speak - just talking to Him but I'm not one to do formal or regular prayers as I feel I should - time alone with Him. I used to have an online friend who is a prayer warrior - she prays for hours a day for others and for years prayed daily sometimes several times a day for me. She's become very ill and although I know as long as she has an ounce of strength in her she will continue to pray but I don't get to talk (emails) to her daily as I used to. I miss just hearing (reading) what she was praying that day or moment for me.
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• United States
25 Feb 08
Yeah, my weakness is prayer too. How some can pray for hours like that is beyond me, it has to be G♥d. Though I do remember one time our Pastor was going to Kenya and for the time he was gone, we had a schedule for people to pray for an hour. Like I believed I picked something like between 4-5 PM on a certain day and so I took that time to pray for him and the trip.. It was hard to do, but I did it..^O^ As for the hearts, this is how you do it, except you don't leave the spaces: & hearts ; I do this to soften the fact that I don't put the "o" in His name out of respect for G♥d and some Christians don't get it. So putting the heart there is like putting my heart in G♥d's hands and no one is offended by it..I even had one lady say, "Why do you take the o out of our precious L-rd's name" Well what she didn't know is putting that o in there in the Jewish/Messianic groups, you were offending G♥d and them. So this way I can satisfy both..:)
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• United States
27 Feb 08
I like this. This is also something I need to be doing more of. The lord is so wonderful and has helped me overcome every obstacle in my life. There really isnt a reason why I should be out of habit.
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@terri0824 (5054)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Yes, and I am witness to the wonderful things that the wonderful Lord has done for you my dear daughter!
• Nigeria
25 Feb 08
God bless You..
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Thank you and may God bless you today and always.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Jul 12
It's good that you have a positive attitude. We can be depressed because of many reasons. Sometimes it passes quickly. If it lingers, it is good to examine if something is affecting our moods. We need to take care of both our spiritual and physical needs. Neither can be neglected! spending some personal time alone with God is a good idea. How are you doing these days?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Jul 12
I have to laugh. I thought it was a recent post but this was five years ago. Still, how is life going these days?
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 Feb 13
Personally I think the Best place for me to turn when I am feeling discouraged and depressed, is picking up my Bible and reading some from there, pray and ask God for strength to overcome this situation, and a lot of times also come in here and post for a bit. I think overall we all will have our days where we will feel down and alone. It is how we choose to overcome them that counts.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
29 Feb 08
Thats wonderful you are leaning towards spirituality but right now I cannot do that. I can't even imagine it. I am not even sure what my beliefs are, let alone being spiritual. There was a time when I thought I was figuring it out but I still have a lot of searching to do. But even without being spiritual, I am coping better with things than before just by eating better and exercising more.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
when i get depressed , i let myself sink to feel my deep end to the point that i would cry because this gives me initial comfort and if i feel i do not have anywhere to go but up then everything becomes clear that i know HE provides and i know HR is reminding to appreciate the little and simple things in life that are free! Realizing all these things makes me confident in everything tha i do. it is like telling myself "So what! if does not work! HE won't let me down and i know HE will lead me to things that will make it worthwhile" . These things , so called problems are temporary , i have learned to accept all these things on a stride ,specially my financial situation. I know and i BELIEVE that EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!"
@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
11 Mar 08
Im glad that that you have also a positive rectiona and a postive effect of devotionals.I am also am on a very delicate point in my life today but I praise God for reminding me that All I have is to trust in Him everything and depend on His power over the things in my life.
@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
27 Feb 08
thanks for sharing the link! I know you are feeling depressed, but you have encouraged many others with your discussion. I love elisabeth elliots writings. I have read her books, including the trilogy of through the gates of splendour. I actually have met her brother David Howard in the flesh. he is a friend of my father-in-law. and he has visited my country two years ago. he is a missionary as well and a great speaker. When he speaks about Jim, he still finds it hard to go on, even though he is more than 80 years old now and those events with the Auca Indians happened so long ago. do cheer up, my friend. May tomorrow bring you fresh hope and a renewed vision of the Cross. Focus on what matters. Place everything into the Lord's hands, and you will soon see His loving hands in everything in your life.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
10 Oct 10
Well depression is common in this busy world..though its bitter fact. So dont take it emotional to heart and try to come out of the past. Please dont give up confidence. Do yoga, you will feel a great heal and confidence. God bless you friend! Things will be better soon, dont give up.