There's A Mouse Loose In The House!

@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
February 26, 2008 12:24pm CST
I had a sleepless night last night, every time I tried to settle down I heard this scratching noise, rustling noise or things moving! I turned on the light and silence, nothing, so I went back to bed again, shortly afterwards the same rustling noises, it's driving me bonkers! FOUR times I was up last night and you know how Wolfie gets when he doesn't get his 9 hours sleep! 2.15am, 3.30, 5am and 6am woken up, every time the light goes on the same thing would happen silence but when the light was off that damn noise! I searched all over my bedroom, the cat wasn't in my room, lazy little cow she is, you'd think if there was a mouse around she'd be interested? RIGHT? WRONG! She's too comfortable in mum's room laying against the radiator if you please! I found mouse droppings this morning tired and bleary! So tonight I've put traps down for it, one with a piece of cheese and the other with a piece of chocolate, they are partial to chocolate With my medical tomorrow I can't afford to have another sleepless night I can't believe Meg is NOT interested, I bet she brought it in in the first place half alive and it's headed for the warmest place in the house my bedroom THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Damn vermin! So have you ever had mice indoors where they shouldn't be?
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19 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
26 Feb 08
YES! Unfortunately growing up when the corn fields were getting harvested we had mice in our house. We had some traps set and some the dogs caught. Mice love peanut butter and dog food as well.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 08
I can see I am going to have to put out a feast for him tonight then! But he can sing for dog food we don't have a dog LOL!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 08
Lol Sweetheart yes I have and I have 2 grown Cats and 3 Kittens This is going back about 8 years The Mouse was spotted by me who decided to get of the Floor The Ex Husband and Son are chasing the Mouse Ok now here is the good thing 3 Kittens are sitting and watching them chase this Mouse Scruffy is asleep and so is Lucky I just stayed on the Settee and never said a word but I found it strange that them 2 where chasing the Mouse while the Cats are asleep on the Settee and 3 Kitten just sitting there After watching them for 10 minutes and wondering I said in a casual Way " Have you 2 noticed something wrong about this? I always thought Cats chase Mice" I even managed to sound Confused lol Well they both realized then that the Cats where asleep while they where chasing the Mouse lol They woke the Cats up by dropping them on the Floor by the mouse and in a second Lucky caught the Mouse I opened the Door and let her out with it she let it go outside She never kills all she brings in is Paper and things like that but she never kills birds or Mice or anything Well I hope that you got your Sleep and that everything went well for you
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@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Oh Wolfie doll, I must have missed this discussion of your's from before. I hope that your sleep has been silent and content. (And maybe now and then your cat has popped into your room for a cuddle?). Anyway, I know you are such a kind and gentle person. But when I read that you just took out some mouse traps, my heart thumped. Yes, you know I am an animal lover, and no matter what, all animals feel the pain we do, suffer like we do if we are squashed or cut or squashed. Ouch! I assumed that the mouse traps were those evil ones that squash a mouse after teasing it wih bait. But what a happy ending. Yay! Thank you so much. You have a heart. I wish there were more people like you. Thank you for safely and peacefully trapping the mice, and letting them go into the wild. Hugs to you, and hope you've been sleeping better these days, hun!
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
12 Mar 08
I was staying at my mom's house a couple months ago, when I left my husband, but came back, and she had mice really bad. I slept in the basement and I could hear them all night long. It didn't really bother me since I used to live in the country and got them all the time. But they really bothered my mom so I went and got some mouse traps and set them and in a matter of 3 days I caught 18 mice. Now I know that's a lot and so I am sure her house was infested and I suggested she get a cat. So she finally agreed to it and we got one from the humane society and brought her home. Since that day, the mice have left the house. I know this because you can't hear them anymore, there is no more poop left behind, and the cat doesn't go crazy meowing anymore, like she did for a day or two. The mice smell that there is a cat in the house so they leave the house. It is their natural instinct to leave when they smell a cat.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Mar 08, I'm so sorry about your situation! I can relate to your dilemma in only a couple of small ways. First of all, I've never had a vermin like that in my house again my will. We live across from the woods, though, so we've had mostly just bugs. Yuck! I can't say I'd rather have either more than the other if I had to. Anyhow, when I was a junior in high school...this must've been over ten years ago or class created a poster to promote school spirit. The poster was the theme of "Skittles: Taste the Rainbow." Yup, you guessed it. We made a colorful rainbow out of Skittles. Imagine that! It was so neat looking when we were cool that I offered to keep it because I wanted it to spice up our garage. Sure enough only a few weeks later, I saw a little white mouse scurry out of the garage. Apparently, it had lived in the garage for a little while munching on our beautiful art work. (LOL) I decided I'd enjoyed the poster enough so we got rid of it. No more mouse problems after that. A little over a year ago, I bought my boyfriend-now-fiance a little hamster to keep him company while I was away at college. They were pretty cheap, so I thought it might be a nice gesture. He said that thing was always either eating or sleeping during the day and was up all night making noise, similar to the experience you had, only it was in the cage where it couldn't harm anything. It was so cute and had such a personality, but it became really annoying at night. It would gnaw and scratch as you described of the mouse you encountered. Finally my fiance had to put it somewhere else other than his bedroom when he wanted to get some sleep at night! I can see where you're coming from. I certainly hope the chocolate does the trick! Keep me posted on this. I'm so sorry you have to put up with sharing your bedroom for the time being!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Thanks for best response! That was a pleasant surprise and it was quick too. (LOL) I'd say you're on a roll. I'm going to have to check out your page to see if you've posted anymore newer discussions that I haven't gotten my fingers on yet. (LOL) Yours are always so interesting. :)
@ellie333 (21016)
26 Feb 08
My eldest daughter is that petrified of rats and mice and actually left home because there was a mice in the house and we have two lazy cats! We have a solution now and that is a plug in rodent deterrent which I even had to put in the house she shares at university but without her there in case any came running out. I really hope that you get a good nights sleep tonight Wolfie cos know this med exam has been playing on your mind. Good Luck and lets hope this mouse has made its escape during the day eh!. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
26 Feb 08
She did have to face this fear a couple of years ago when she was backpacking in Australia, there was a rat in her room, but she still goes into hysterics. She is ok with rabbits but I have a guinea pig too, my little boys and have to make sure it is not around when ever she is. She can't even watch tv if they are on there so she would really relate to you on this one. I'm ok with most things except worms which my son delights in dangling at me. Ellie :D
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Feb 08
I had a mouse once, the exterminator came and plug up all the holes in the walls with steel wool and that was the end of it.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
6 Mar 08
Just a couple of months ago I caught six mice in my house. And I have two cats.LOL I saw mice droppings too and now Im mice free. I also found out where they were coming in at. So I fixed that so the little buggers cant get in my house.LOL I hate meeses to pieces!heheheheh I think we feed our cats too good.LOL
@Naomi17 (624)
12 Mar 08
When we moved in to our house we found mice in fact one jumped out of the settee when hubby sat on it so i bought the cruelty free traps put choccy in them mice don't really like cheese lol I ended up catching 9 mice and letting them go hubby found there entry point and blocked it so were mice free!
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
We have a mice a week back and I just couldn't sleep knowing its around somewhere and may decide to sleep with me or eat me. LOL! So before I sleep I make sure that its not in my room and checks all the nooks and crannies. I also had to make sure that they get caught as soon as possible. I can't have my children running around in the house knowing that some mice is running around the house too and might be bringing diseases with it.
@mummymo (23706)
28 Feb 08
I have sweety but like you Tia brought them in as a toy and got fed up with it and left it lying in teh living room! We rescued it and put it back in hedges - although not the ones in our garden! Bet they go for the chocolate first - rodents seem to adore chocolate! xxx
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Wolfie I am dealing with exactly the same thing right now and it is terrible. I have three tiny mice that come out at night, and have been for the last two nights. Last night around 3 in the morning I was waken up by my partner who caught one. I didnt buy mouse traps because I have hamsters and I didnt want to risk one getting out, and being killed. But he caught one took the elevator down the six floors to the street and let it go. So I guess 1 down 2 to go. I just hope that one we caught does not come back.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
5 Mar 08
Hello my dear wolfie. I can see how painful you felt that night with the damned rat rustling and scratching in the bedroom where you live. I am so sorry that you had a broken sleep. I also had this experience years ago when a little rat came into my room making so much noise biting something. I had such a broken sleep that I felt so angry that night and the next day I was so exhausted from the broken sleep ruined by the rat. I hope that there is no more rat coming to be your company in the middle of sleeping night. Good luck.
@Betty34 (267)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Hi wolfie, After reading or while reading your post, I was thinking you should get yourself a cat... lol. Well maybe Meg needs a friend. Long ago, when I lived with my grandma, we had a mouse or mice and I would hear the rustling sounds and freak out. I'm scared of those little tiny things! And once at my sister's she had one, and I jumped up on the couch, just like you see in the cartoons, only I didn't say eek, I just screamed! She laughed her head off. Now that we have two cats, we don't have any in the house. And they don't go after prey too often, we must feed them well. I hope you get some sleep or are getting some sleep tonight. B
• United States
27 Feb 08
hahahah! aww Wolfie you poor thing..I know exactly what your talking about..every night for teh past week i have had the same problems..but i have a SMART ONE! i put our traps and he got the damn cheese show and the trap went off but not on him..soo tonight im gonna try peanut butter..wont be so easy to get that off! lol..and i must mention i have 3..count them 3 cats and they will watch t he area for hours..but never get him..hell one time my oldest cat thats 17 years old was eating and theer was a chipmunk eating beside him and he just looked at him like ohh well..more friends lol lol..i just dont get it...oh well if this doesnt work im buying a Mouse Hotel California hahahahah!! have a good one!
• United States
26 Feb 08
I have had them in my house before ... well not this house ... well I do have some in this house, but they are contained! When I was living in a smaller house, back a few years ago, we had a real problem with them. Found out there was a hole in the house leading right into my kitchen!! So even though I did set out traps (the live catch ones) and caught quite a few of them, they never quit coming in!! I am quite sure I have none loose in this house though, as I have three cats who eat them now! In fact that is why I have them in a tank now, they are to feed to the cats. A mouse is about perfect nutritionally for a cat. But ... thats is a whole 'nother subject! LOL Personally I found the little live catch traps, they look like a tiny plastic box, to be the best. Of course then you still need to dispatch of the things .... Best to ya on getting rid of it (or them?)... ~Rachel
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
27 Feb 08
My old place had mice. I did everything I could do to get rid of them but they were nasty buggers that just kept coming back. I lived in a field and there was a hole in the trailer they would keep coming into. Finally found the hole and blocked it to keep them out, but they did get into my food and everything and I lost a lot of items because of the poop. I was so scared that they kids would get sick from the droppings (Newborn son and 4 year old) that I tossed everything. I hate that. My partner has a rat that keeps coming into his house. He has set many traps but the rat is too smart to set them off.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Unfortunately, yes...I used to live in a place where there were woods right behind me and every winter those things would find a way into the house. Me, being a single parent at the time, would totally freak out. I actually threw a bowl over one that was in my kitchen and called my dad to come and get it. LOL! I kept traps out because i never could figure out how they were getting in and i was tired of being up night after night. thanks for posting and God bless
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
26 Feb 08
You said every time you turned on the light it stopped? Then leave the light on! (smiling) I do NOT like critters in the house that I have not specifically invited. I live in a real tiny old house in a rural area, and we had mice in the kitchen drawer several times. We set traps and caught three of them, three days in a row. Haven't seen one since, so I guess they put the word out.