Do You Allow Your Kids To Watch Shows Likw The Simpsons

@dfinster (3528)
United States
March 5, 2008 6:43pm CST
My daughter who is now 91/2 years old and while talking with another parent at her school a few weeks back we somehow came onto the discussion about t.v. shows that we let our kids watch. She asked me if I let my daughter watch The Simpsons. When I said yes she looked at me like she was totally disgusted. She then said that she didn't think that a good parent would let children watch that show. Meanwhile I watched her son playing some type of game on his psp that had a lot of shooting and violence in it from what I could see. I don't think it's good for kids to be playing violent games where there is shooting and killing involved. I just wanted to know from the parents on here what they think is appropriate t.v. programming and video game for a 9, 10 or 11 year old to watch or play.~D
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20 responses
• United States
6 Mar 08
Well I just thought that I would say my daughter is 4 years old and watches the Simpsons. I think shes a tad young but really its nothing she dont year on a daily basis anyways. Usually they dont kill or anything in it. I would never let my child, I dont care if they are 15, play a game that kills people. I dont even think games like that should be out.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
my son is grown up now, he would have watched the simpsons, but he would not have gotten all the adult inuendos as a child.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I agree there are a lot of things that go over her head.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
6 Mar 08
We don't actually watch Simpsons so my 5 year old son doesn't get to watch it because we don't. The channels he usually watches is Noggin, Cartoon Network and PBS (there a few other childrens channels he watches too). Some programs on Cartoon Network aren't all that great either and now and then I screen them. All his Nintendo DS games and or PS2 games are non shooting games and he does have a few that involve fighting. He usually chooses the games and tends to go for the ones where you go through different stages to collect certain things. I don't see anything wrong with watching Simpsons at those ages you mentioned.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
We don't have cable or satellite t.v. out here in the country so she doesn't get to watch cartoon network but she does like to watch PBS with me on Saturdays to see all the travel shows and cooking shows.
• Philippines
6 Mar 08
An 18 year old speaking and I think that a 9 year old kid can watch Simpsons as long as the kid is properly guided by the parent. Simpsons may be harmful but as long as the children is familiar with what's right from wrong, then it's ok. Simpsons can be very entertaining you see and they usually don't portray that much violence. Their dialogue's just really interesting. I don't recommend letting a 4 year old watch it though.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I agree that there really isn't a lot of violence. Someone had said earlier that Looney Tunes were violent and when you think back to those it's true. Like Elmer Fudd shooting Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny or like the Coyote dropping an anvil in the road runner. My parents are the ones that gave me my values and taught me right from wrong so none of those cartoons affected me adversely.
@mrtimharry (1180)
6 Mar 08
Not that I have any but I would much rather any kids I had watched the Simpsons, than say Family Guy or American Dad. Those two could easily corrupt the innocent minded, infact American Dad shocked me the first time I watched it, saying that Family Guy is probably my favourite cartoon at the moment because the Simpsons has been overdone
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Like everyone said, Family Guy is definately not for kids, but I watch it once in awhile.
@chris1314 (784)
6 Mar 08
I think that allowing your children to watch programs such as the simpsons wont effect them, the simpsons isnt really that bad, the odd bad joke, but nothing too much. As for the psp, if you dont want your child to play on games like that, there are thousands of psp games which arnt violant. Trty and get them into those sorts of games. Chris
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I'm actually pretty lucky in the fact that she doesn't play video games.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
6 Mar 08
my oldest is 8 and he is not allowed to watch anything outside of nickelodeon and disney channels, he actually likes wwe though too! i will not allow him to watch simpsons or family guy or anything like that! video games: he's only allowed to play anything that says rated E for everyone, nothing that says T for teens or M for mature!
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Isn't it kind of scary for us as parents to see what even the rated T games contain. My daughter doesn't play games so right now I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about that.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
6 Mar 08
I let my daughter who is almost 6 watch the Simpsons, most of the time the show is benign. I know a lot of people would disagree with me but it's my business and I don't think she has learned anything negative from it. However, when it comes to shows like Family Guy, never! That is too extreme for a young child to watch.
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I think everyone that came into this discussion can definately agree that Family Guy is definately not child friendly like you have said.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
6 Mar 08
I used to avoid letting my daughter when young watch the Simpsons, & similar shows. After my step children came to live with us, they were used to watching any old crap on TV, so I had to let my daughter watch this stuff too. As it turns out,she is not overly interested in TV nowadays. Whereas my step children are obsessive about TV & movies.
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
The t.v. thing kind of goes in streaks for my daughter. Now in the winter she watches more t.v. than she does in summer. In summer she's always swimming or collecting bugs so she's not obsessed with t.v. and I'm glad for that.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
6 Mar 08
I was actually talking to my uncle about this the other day. It suprised me to learn that he's a big of Family Guy, the Simpsons and American Dad as he is a very responsible, intelligent, serious man. He said he thinks they are all very clever shows and they're hilarious. I too agree that The Simpsons is very clever and although from the outside it can seem like an immature and rude show, it has clever political and social commentary which makes you think. I think that when I have children I certainly will let them watch the Simpsons (probably not til they're 10-11 or so). I will sit with them and casually explain to them what certain things mean. I think in this day and age it's better to be open with your kids about what's going on in the world than to try and shield them away from it. And like you say, she's such a hypocrite to let her son play violent murdering games! Some people just have no idea. Don't let her think you're a bad parent.
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I don't let her make me think that I'm a bad parent. She's one of those people who thinks she knows everything about everything which is totally wrong after what I saw her kid was playing with.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
6 Mar 08
let my kids wastch it? I would not even let myself watch it. though my husband does enjoy it and if we received television he probably would not mind the children partaking with him.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
My hubby doesn't really get into watching t.v. unless he's really tired and even then it doesn't bother him what we picked to watch.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
6 Mar 08
I have 3 sons, aged 7, 7, and 8 1/2 yrs old, and our family adores the Simpsons! We watch it on a daily basis when we can. I find it rather funny, and I like to use it as a learning tool with the boys on how NOT to be. It is a lot of slapstick and silly humour, and we all get a great laugh out of watching it. And when the movie was released last summer, we went to see it within the first 2 weeks, and LOVED IT! :) (Spider pig, spider pig... hehehe). Shows I will NOT allow my boys to watch are Family Guy and American Dad. Those are terrible examples for kids, and it disgusts me how Family Guy is on so early in syndication on some Toronto based tv stations. I myself get a kick out of the show, but it's not appropriate for my sons. It turns out they've seen a few episodes that I've watched with them, in case I needed to turn it off fast, and they didn't enjoy it. I even overheard the older boy telling a friend that he didn't like the show. Can you say, "Whew!"? ;). I also won't let my kids watch shows like any of the CSI's or Law and Order's, because of the all to realistic gory scenes. As for video games, we stick to most things marvel, simpsons, and generic like car racing, etc. The boys have a blast on a website called .
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I won't let my daughter watch Family Guy either. We took her to see the Simpsons movie the weekend it opened too. The spider pig thing totally caracks me up too (Does whatever a spider pig does) haha.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I have never liked the Simpsons. they just aren't what we hope our kids will be. There is no encouragement or things like that ont he show and it just, in my opinion, down grade to the famly unit. However, it has been on what, 14 years now? But then again, when I see kids, like you said, with these video games nad computer games that only let you move to the next level if they kill someone or something, sorry -t hat is even less appropriate for kids. I dont' see any shows on regular TV these days that are kid suitable. There are some on cable, like TV land and TLC and Nick, but other than that, forget it. My grand daughters dont' even ask to turn the TV on at my house as I have so many activities for them to do. There is so much more they could do with that time. We never had a tv when I was growing up as dad said just that - better things to do with your time. I hated it when Star Trek was on and I couldn't watch Capt Kirk! But years later (we finally got one when I was in the 9th grade - 12 inch blacka nd white!) I see he was right, there are so many other things to do with ones time!
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I think that there are a few family friendly shows like Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader and 1 vs. 100. We like to watch those 2 together.
• Philippines
6 Mar 08
We love the Simpson's I do not see any reason why children shouldn't watch it. It should be made it clear to the children, though that they shouldn't try the things that they see in the cartoons. Even the looney toons have some violence in them but why do parents let their children watch it? I think what's important is, the children be guided as they watch anything on T.V.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
You're right about the older cartoons I grew up watching Roadrunner cartoons which have violent stuff in them and I'm not a violent person.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
6 Mar 08
What is wrong the The Simpsons? My son has been watching that show since he was born (my brother is a huge simpsons buff and he is my son idol LOL). I wouldn't worry what other parents think. At least you are not letting her watch Family Guy or American Dad.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
6 Mar 08
i have a 7 and 3 year old that watch the simpsons. my 7 year old loves it and i was going to get the stuff to redo his room,that is what he wanted was the simpsons but you really can't find anything around here to do a room. my oldest don't really watch a whole lot of tv other then the simpsons. i mean if she allows her kid to watch nick then she might as well let them watch simpsons. my middle son went through the sponge bob stage and that was all he watched and i couldn't beleive it. as far as that woman goes she needs to listen to what she is saying and she what kind of jerk she sounds like.i know some of them games and i would never allow my kids to play them. if you can allow your kid to play a game where he is killing someone then come on what is so wrong with the simpsons. really though what i think it is is people know that simpsons don't really have a good name for them selfs and parents don't want to allow their kid to watch it because of what others think. i know a few people like that. i have a friend that wouldn't let her kds watch it and when i said that i thought spongebob was just as bad she stopped letting her kids watch that too. it really makes no sense you as a parent have to teach your kids not tv.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I agree that we are ultimately responsible for teaching our kids. I don't think the stuff they see on the Simpsons is giong to sway or change what I have already instilled in my daughter.
• United States
7 Mar 08
Well I think it's up to each parent to decide what is appropriate for their children to watch on TV. Some kids are more mature than others. I think a child at age 9, 10, 11 should only play video games marked E for Everyone. Beacsue some of teh teen games are very violent! I do not let me kids watch the Simposons, but they are only 7 and 4 years old. I do not let them watch Spongebob either, but that's another story- my son acts like a loon after he watches Spongebob! Eitther way, that lady was out of line with her comment to you. She has no right to judge you.
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@atramesil (685)
• United States
6 Mar 08
Our kids watch very little tv. I find an awful lot of the cartoons spoken about here offensive. I suppose if kids are watching it then guide them as to the approiateness of what they are seeing. In truth when I was a kid we loved Bugs Bunny and after all he hit people over the head with hammers and shot them with cannons. I find video games to be much more distrubing. If we continue to expose our children to graphic and violent images and actions, then why are we surprised when they go postal? Our kids are limited to thirty minutes of tv a day during school and two hours a day on weekends. We have let them watch Star Wars, and the Transformers and X-men, but always with me and Dad there and always with explanations that what they are veiwing is not real life.
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@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
6 Mar 08
I dont have kids yet but I agree with you. I wont allow my kids or my sister/brother's kids to watch or play video games with shooting in them. I can allow them to watch the simpsons because there is no shooting or mature content. I think most programs in the cartoon network are fit for kids.
@Mamagee (392)
• Malaysia
6 Mar 08
I will let my children to watch cartoons. The most important thing is we explain to them why we should not behave and act violence like they see in the movie. I will let my children to see a movie which have pro and contra. Meaning that every bad thing they done will be punish. Well, I don't need to worry about t.v. programme in my country because the government have screen all the movie before it publish. The t.v show will only contain less influence and violence.
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