Will you give up your freedom for a life of luxury?

Will you give up your freedom for a life of luxury - A picture of lady in a cage. Photo source: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2006/2124413076_911796470e.jpg?v=0 .
March 10, 2008 1:17pm CST
We are not talking about literal slavery involving chains and shackles here. Instead, it is something more... abstract. Imagine if in exchange for freedom, you will be housed in enviable accommodation, served by dozens of servants and indulged with anything you desire - except e.g. going out to walk around the street or even to telephone your friends to say hi. You have all your material wants satisfied. You are even allowed to see to your spiritual needs. However, your connection to the outside world is terminated. Imagine being stuck in paradise but you are just about the only person there. Are you willing? Will you give up your freedom for a life of luxury?
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78 responses
• United States
10 Mar 08
That is too vague.You can't telephone? But can you email?Your connection with the outside world? does that mean no internet or t.v.?If I can still watch my cable t.v. and email all of my friends, and use the internet to order in Dominos pizza and watch all The Red Wings games on t.v., sign me up.I don't use the telephone.I don't need to walk around the block.All I need is a good pizza, soda, great movies, and hockey, and my friends online.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
10 Mar 08
I have to agree with that. I still need my computer and internet (I am a writer). Will they be any source of fresh air like a large garden surrounded by a rock wall? Just make sure there is a swimming pool and an exercise room... with TV.
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• United States
11 Mar 08
No deal. There isn't anyone who can make pizza like Dominos and Unos.And I have a friend who I would email about the Red Wings games.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Say they can always kidnap the chef for you lol.:P
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Mar 08
H#LL NO I need my space and need to be able to get around and do things on my own I hated it when I couldnt drive for a few monthsI let my daughter do alot of driving but when I want to get out and do things on my own I want to do the driving and go where I want. THat would be awful ya couldnt get out to see you family No way!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Mar 08
oh very much so!
• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Can see you prefer having your way in things! :)
@balasri (26537)
• India
10 Mar 08
I think that the very thought of it will make me crazy.It sounds very cruel and heartless to me.I will never give up my freedom.I just cannot kill my soul and buy something.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 08
So you are saying that to you, friends are your very soul.:P
@balasri (26537)
• India
12 Mar 08
My identity and my freedom is my soul.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 08
I would jump at the chance, I am a loner, I am single, so for a life of luxury, sure I would go for it, have every need tended to, just one question though can the servants be male or female do I get a choice? Do I get an indoor swimming pool too? Just checking before I sign on the dotted line, count me in Wiz!
• Singapore
11 Mar 08
You should treat the servants as emotionless machines. In fact, just replace them all with robots - go ahead and flirt with robots if you want but they won't understand you in that sense. :P Yes, indoor swimming pool - any luxury you want.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Mar 08
There is no way I would give up my freedom for the life of luxury as you describe. Although it is nice to have someone to see to my needs every now & then, to sit around all day having servants wait on me hand & foot, would be the most soul destroying life possible. I dont care how wealthy this life of luxury would be. To not have companions or a lover, or my children would be a life I couldn't live. To not be intellectually stimulated would slow down my brain & I would eventually have memory loss.
• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Indeed, it seems that most humans rank companionship very high on the list.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
11 Mar 08
I don't think so my Lord. No.. not.. nope... nah! I wouldn't be worth without being able to go out, get some fresh air, enjoy the things around me. Sure it would be tempting, I like the idea but in the end not really worth for me - I"m sure it can be worth for someone else. I think the whole idea would make me feel restricted in such a way that I would be miserable. Who wants to have it all but still be miserable ? :)
• Singapore
12 Mar 08
Yea Arkaf, some things do look momentarily good...
@nannacroc (4049)
10 Mar 08
The answer to that has to be a NO. I'd rather be poor and free.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Poor and free. Hmm...
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Heck NO, my friends and family are extremily important to me and I would be lost without them in my life. A nice as a lap of luxury sounds in your terms I wouls go nuts without my friends and family.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
15 Mar 08
Never, I have actually felt the lack of freedom and I know how terrible it feels. At my in-laws place , they are kind of backward and staunch hindus and still follow Pardah system. Now things are slightly better in the sense that I can go out to spread out my clothes for drying after washing but it has always been that do not sit near the window, do not sit on the porch and always stay inside if someone comes to pay a visit. I remember once during extreme winters while I was cooking near the stove I realised that from the vent above a small ray of sun was falling on my hand and I suddenly realised it had been exactly two months that day since I had seen sun or even open sky. I have never stayed there for more than a month or two simply because of this reason. I still dread going there as I am a totally different person from what they expect me to be.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
17 Mar 08
It is bad and two years back was the first time I had come back from the market their alone. During my brother in laws wedding. We had to buy some stuff and my mother in law took me along and there she met someone , who was anyway coming to our home and we still had one or two things left so she then allowed me to buy them and come home alone first time in fourteen years of my marriage I smelled freedom there. I still dread going to her place to stay for long.
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• Singapore
16 Mar 08
Sounds bad...
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
10 Mar 08
No freedom is more important than anything else. It's just like we shouldn't give up our freedoms for so called security. There is NO reason to ever lose out freedom or liberty. Unless some sinister group takes them. But for su to give them up freely would be ludacris.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Yea, freedom is one of our most basic rights.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
10 Mar 08
I don't know, that's a tough question. I think, like the song goes, I'd rather have "a walk on part in a war than a leading role in a cage."
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
11 Mar 08
That would be a negative. At least, coward that I am, I could give that answer.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 08
So I take that as a negative.:P
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@dbhattji (2506)
• India
11 Mar 08
freedom is the biggest luxury of life so how can one give the best part for an inferior substitute?
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• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Well, we have all kinds of answers.:P
• United States
11 Mar 08
And to that, I say, AMEN!! Life, Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness!! that is the key..
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@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I don't know what to say about this one. I say that because I spend most of my time isolated in my home anyway, because of my anxiety. So, I don't know if I could absolutely say no or not.
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• Singapore
18 Mar 08
Maybe you should go for it then, if such a chance ever presents itself. Never say never.
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
19 Mar 08
At the same time though, I don't know if I would be okay with the thought of not being able to go anywhere if I sometime wanted to. I know that it sounds weird to say it that way, but it's true.
• United States
11 Mar 08
With certain places in the world restricting childbirth, I feel the fact I have 5 children a luxury, watching them smile, grow, play and learn is the greatest luxury of life, so if I could create a loophole to the having family there would it still be cheating? If so I would have to pass, luxury is great but freedom and family are too great of a cost.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Oct 08
At this point in my life...probably not. I'm something of a wild child, free spirit, I've felt the compulsion to wander for years now. As far as I can figure, this is genetic on my Mother's side of the family, lmao. Anyway, I have...issues...with cages. They suffocate me. Like a tree taken out of its normal seasons, I will die if I'm confined. If I were older and less energetic than I am now, I might consider it a little more seriously. Of course I would be flattered by such an offer. But this is the world I live in, my life is here. I know nothing else. I know that comparatively, my life here...without much luxury or pleasantries, rough and struggle...seems amazingly horrible, but I really don't like the idea of trading it away for a paradise that I could never choose to leave. Besides, how could they take care of my spiritual needs when my spiritual needs are the perpetual wanderings and roughness of life? O_O I need the road, I need the vastness of nature to be spiritually whole. Hmm. Conundrum.
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• Singapore
1 Oct 08
I think there is a wild spirit in most of us. Cheers~
@thebeing (657)
• Romania
10 Mar 08
"freedom"....hm, let me tell you how i see freedom. i see people working hard and not being able to buy a home, and i see junks who send their children to beg and live in palaces (literally). i see righteous people being punished for minor mistakes, and criminals being let loose. is this freedom? would i miss these things? pfffffffffff.... NOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! I'd be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY happy to live on a isolated island, with beautiful landscapes, and no people around. VERY HAPPY. :)
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@thebeing (657)
• Romania
19 Apr 08
thanx for the best response, although i really wish we lived in a world where i could get a "are you insane?" or "what are you smoking?" or a something like that answer. take care.
• Singapore
11 Mar 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Haha, refreshing insight!
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
22 Mar 08
I won't give up my freedom for a life of luxury. That would be hard for me especially the part where I couldn't see or call my friends, my friends mean so much to me and they make my life worth living. Well I could do that for just a couple of days like on the reality shows but not for a long time. As what they always say, "The best things in life are free!"
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• Singapore
22 Mar 08
Yea, friends mean a lot.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
17 Mar 08
Definitely not... with that kind of condition. I mean if I will be able to enjoy luxury... I would like to spend it with the people I love. What good will it do if I will have to live there alone. I would rather choose to live a simple life with them. I dont see the reason for buying beautiful clothes, jewelries and shoes... and have no one to see it... Shoes will remain new because you cant use it to go out with friends. Its a paradise in hell if that would be the case.
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• Singapore
17 Mar 08
Indeed, there is only true happiness when there is sharing.
@paid2write (5201)
17 Mar 08
No, because luxury does not really appeal to me. I find most luxury items are a waste of money. It would be nice to have the best money can buy of course but I don't think it is essential. Sometimes the best you can afford is good enough. Personal freedom is far more valuable than anything money can buy.
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• Singapore
17 Mar 08
Yea, some are needs, the rest are just wants.
@nicksy (178)
• Philippines
22 Mar 08
good day, freedon or luxury? I will choose Freedom, I am not that materialist person, I love to roam around and meet with new people without any barriers or rules of prohibition, and if the case on luxury does not include socializing with other people, then what is life for? life should not be alone by your self even if you have all the riches in this world. I would to take all the hardship to attain those riches rather to get instantly those riches but in the proccess lossing your freedom, and besides "Freedom is PRICELESS"
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• Singapore
22 Mar 08
3 cheers for freedom!