I'm 29 Years Old And I feel Like Crap All The Time!!!

Red Panic Button - Exactly what the subject line says...
March 16, 2008 9:25pm CST
My mom has been in and out of the hospital these passed few weeks. She had heart surgery and now they tell us she has kidney and liver damage due to her diabeties. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder and Irritable Bowel Syndrome and they have been running out of control on me these passed few weeks. I have lost my appetite and I feel panicky constantly these days. My IBS is the worst because I tend to have a panic attack when going through an IBS attack and after one I am a complete and total wreck. In any case, I can't seem to get a handle on things. Last year I was put on Wellbutrin SR because my husband and I wanted to start a family and they said that was one that was approved for pregnant women. Before that I was on Effexor XR and I had anxiety but I rarely had IBS and Panic attacks. Does anyone have any suggestions for me because I am so tired of feeling like crap and being afraid. Especially since I am only 29 years old and desire to have a family. The thought of getting pregnant has me freaking out these last few weeks. I just need to get some peace of mind once again....
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16 responses
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I once had panic attacks as well... I had to over come this and by doing so I had to go and see someone.. I am not saying you must but that is an idea or even talk to you husband about what's on your mind and believe me it will help you alot.. The last thing you need is this, Cause it will make you sick and it will make you tired.. Have you talked to your doctor about any of this stuff that is happening to you right now? If not I'd highly suggest you do.. Sometimes that can help as well... I guess all I am really saying is talking to someone can make a world of difference... I hope this helps...
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Mar 08
I'm glad to hear that.. I do wish you the best and hope everything works out great for you... God Bless you
• Australia
17 Mar 08
I know what you mean, however, I was seeing a councelor a while back for my attacks and it helped somewhat but not much. Perhaps I didn't really give it much of a chance though. I am definitely considering going to see one of the councelors again though. I definitely need to see a doctor because I have not seen one in almost a year. It's definitely time to get a good checkup. I'm going to try to call and make an appointment for next week. Thanks again!
@kitan2979 (115)
• Philippines
17 Mar 08
Hi..I read this from dailyword.com, and i just want to share it with you, praying that it would help you in a way.. Prayer provides clarity concerning any situation. Knowing that I am one with God, I know, too, that every life-affirming thought is a prayer. As I think positive, healing thoughts, my mind and body respond in positive, healing ways. Breathing, when done in an awareness of God's presence, is a prayer. As I exhale, I release all concerns. As I breathe in, I take in the very breath of life and realize the power and energy of God's presence more fully. It is as though a light has come on in my mind, revealing my wholeness of mind and body. I hold thoughts of God's healing energy as I pray for others also. I see every person I pray for aglow with health. One with God's healing energy, we are filled with and expressing new strength and vitality. "THEN YOUR LIGHT SHALL BREAK FORTH LIKE THE DAWN, AND YOUR HEALING SHALL SPRING UP QUICKLY." ISAIAH 58:8
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Wow, I will have to look at this once a day, it's great! Thanks so much for sharing this with me. I have already marked someone for best responce but... EVERYONE, I AM MAKING A NOTE THAT THIS IS THE SECOND BEST RESPONCE.... Thanks again!
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Well, I mean it's in second place anyway ;-P
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
17 Mar 08
Firstly, I think before you do anything else - you will need to address your current health and mental issue. I think you will need to be fully aware about your conditions by that I mean doing lots of reading up on how to manage your condition either via books or online. You will also need to understand about your medication you are taking - especially note those side effects if any. You should try to avoid situations for your anxiety disorder and needless to say the importance of family support and understanding here will do a lot of good for your recovery. Your medication for IBS should not be missed and if there's any reaction please do not hesitate to consult your specialist. Please be careful with your diet while managing your condition. As for your venture into starting a family, I think you should approach your partner and have a talk, be honest with your feelings and anxieties that you are faced with at this moment. If possible delay it a little till you are manageable and stress free. Just take things 1 step at a time, I am sure your partner is understanding and most of all loving enough about your condition and you. Try not to keep all to yourself.
• Singapore
18 Mar 08
Thank you very much. I am sorry for not knowing your real name here and I am glad that I had been able to be of help. If I may just add here about your IBS, please consult a specialist so that you can a better understanding of the condition and making it much better for you to manage the condition. It is also good if you could read up more about it so as to alay any doubts and/or fears in you. Also, there is an IBS help and support group online (http://www.ibsgroup.org) where you can also derive more acute knowledge and understanding. Remember, health is the most important asset on can have and need to have. In all, I would also encourage you to involve your husband as well. Keep him inform about your condition and feelings - it is important to communicate all the more especially now. Hope all will work out well at your end. Take care and God bless.
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Thanks, this was so encouraging to me and I agree with everything you have said. I need to make a dr's appointment and get a good check up for starters. I am not on any medication for my IBS and I need to be put on something. I know that for certain. I think perhaps my husband and I need to put off trying tp have a baby until I feel more stress and panic free because if I get pregnant when I'm feeling like this, no good can come from it. Thanks so much, I am marking this as the best responce!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
29 Mar 08
Perhaps a new hobby can help? Maybe something to get your mind diverted a bit, the mind does need its diversions. You may also have to let it all go. Its hard to describe how to do this as people work differently. Maybe sit down with your thoughts and no distractions. If that doesn't sound right, maybe sit outside, or read a book, anything like that to temporarily detach and relax. Other than that you don't sound abnormal, and this maybe a phase, at least in my view.
1 person likes this
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestions. My husband got me some crafts to paint and that has been halping a lot and I have been spending a lot of time with my family and that has helped tremendously...
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Apr 08
sassy I am a senior citizen now but I went through panic attacks a number of years back and also irritable bowel syndrome. I found that if I kept my cool I could go for days without myh ibs flaring up and also I began to change my diet to have more veggies and fruits and lean meats and lo dairy and whole grains and nixed all prepared foods that had additives in them as they trigger my IBS. I feel for you as I know just how awful IBS can be. check yourdiet for additives and food coloringsas a lot ofthose can trigger IBS. I learned how to deep breathe to control my panic attacks but there are so many other things that doctors now days can do for panic attacks. I used to get so I thought I was going to pass out from breathing so fast but somehow I quit having them. I did use a lot of multi vitamins but do not know if that was what stopped the panic attacks. my best wishes to you and hope things get much better.
• Australia
10 Apr 08
Thanks, you give me hope that someday I will be living without experiencing panic attacks. I can't wait for that day to come. I will consider your suggestions. Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it more than you know :-)
• India
29 Mar 08
mam dont worry for every problem there will be a solution....god..the almighty will take care of his children....dont worry u will have a very beautiful family....i will pray along with my friends for the sake of ur family may god bless u and ur family...!
• Australia
29 Mar 08
Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
17 Mar 08
I am so sorry, I wish I could help and give you some good advice. I am sorry for what your mom is going through, I can't imagine how rough this is for you all. I too, am having a rough time with other things, more trivial than what you are going through but still bad enough. Try not to worry about starting a family right now if you feel you are not truly ready. Is there anyway you can go away for a few days with your husband?
1 person likes this
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Thanks! Yeah, it's been really rough on us. I am trying not to think about starting a family because of the way I'm feeling but it really scares me that I will never be able to start one because of my disorders. I have always wanted kids of my own but when I feel like this I couldn't imagine being pregnant for 9 months and what it will do to me. I wish there was a way for my husband and I to get away for a few days but there isn't at the moment. However, our 2 year anniversary is coming up in April and I'm hoping to get away for a day or two. In fact, I am so looking forward to it. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
17 Mar 08
Actually may be your recurrent disease has made you like this. do not always just panic.think there are so many people who are very very sick and still they lead a so called normal life. its their will power. Think why can't you do the same? Will power will help you a lo0t to overcome all these.
1 person likes this
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Yes, I agree with what you're saying but it's easier said than done when you suffer from panic and anxiety disorders. Trust me, I have tried to think positively at times of attacks but my positive thoughts always have negative thoughts floating right beside them haunting me to no end. Thanks though, I really appreciate it!
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
17 Mar 08
I feel for you, well I hope you could overcome these problems you have right now with your mother's health and your own personal problems. I guess if I were you I try to find a calm place for you to rewind and meditate. What you need is a space where you wouldn't think all of those problems and just be with yourself. Start thinking positively and try to enjoy what you have right now. Like you mother be especially close to her and you husband see the beauty in him and appreciate him more and love him more. Think of all those good things that is happening in your life feel them no matter how small they are and once you took notice of them you'll see amuch brighter world than where are are right now.
1 person likes this
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Thanks so much, I will definitely try your suggestions. My husband is supportive and I try to talk to him as much as I can but it's hard to when I am going through one of my severe panic attacks but I do need to lean on him some more. Thanks again!
• Philippines
17 Mar 08
I'm sorry that you're experiencing this... Whenever I'm in a situation wherein I feel so helpless I do lots of meditation yoga and of course prayers. I hope it helps. I know and I perfectly understand how it is to live a life without peace of mind. I'm really hoping you all the best. Good luck.
1 person likes this
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Thanks so much! I definitely need to rely on God more for support and comfort. I completely agree, thanks again!
• United States
17 Mar 08
I really understand where you're coming from! Life can get you down... the thing is, you have to take control. I agree with the other posters who said exercise and get outside -- that's key. But also pay attention to what you eat, especially since you're trying to get pregnant. Make a solid rule to go as simple as possible with foods, which means, no processed stuff -- you can easily tell what's OK and what's not OK if you just read your food labels at the store and dismiss anything that has ingredients you don't recognize or can't explain. There's a theory out there about all the chemicals and additives and flavorings in foods, that these really wreck your body chemistry, get you addicted to more chemicals and generally drag you down. Organic is more expensive but much better for you, and chances are you won't waste any of the organic stuff. I have turned my life around by cutting out fast food, sodas, processed food and artificial anything. My skin and hair look 100% better, and I feel like a million bucks. Drink lots of pure water too!
1 person likes this
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Yeah, I definitely have to eat more healthy. I will definitely apply your suggestions and try to look more closely at what I am putting into my body, as far as food goes. I have cut out soda recently because I was drinking way too much and getting addicted to it. I hardly eat chocolate anymore because I have had no desire to because of the way my nerves have been. So, now I just need to look more closely at labels perhaps. I definitely need to drink more water, I barely drink any at all. Thanks again, I really appreciate your help!
@ruthinian (2309)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I'm sorry if you feel like crap. You are not alone is all I can say. I feel like crap all the time too. And just like you, I am a stay-at-home wife and worried about getting pregnant. Good for you, you are only 29 yrs. old, I'm already 43 so your chances of getting pregnant is big. I'm sorry about your mom too. I've taken care of my sick mom too for 8 long years before she passed away. Sometimes our mind makes us sick. It has been told over and over again that a sick body is the result of a sick mind. You have to understand that our mind is too powerful that it can move mountain. So maybe you can use your mind to it's full advantage. Be positive. Instead of thinking that you will get sick, condition your mind to the opposite. I know it is better said than done but it takes practice. You have to train yourself to see the silver lining behind the clouds. Anxiety will not be there unless you allow it. I am not an expert but I experience this too. I tried not to think about my situation a lot and it helps me. You are doing alright now as far as I can tell because being able for you to discuss this here, it means that you are in accpetance of your weaknesses and it's the start to the way of recovery. Just hang on and take everything one day at a time. Count your blessings and ask for more. God's grace is unlimited. Don't focus on the negative, it is there for you to appreciate the positive. I will be praying for you.
• Australia
17 Mar 08
This is such a great comfort, all of these comments are really and I really appreciate them all. Thanks so much for the comfort you have brought me with your words. I try to think positive when I am experiencing an attack but it's so hard sometimes. Especially, when it's a bad attack and I feel exhausted by it, physically and mentally but perhaps I need to try a little harder. Thanks so much!
@aero89 (422)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I can definitely relate to your being afraid. I am practically in the same situation - it's my 30th year, I have a husband and no kids, ya know just a whole lot of uncertainty - which causes the anxieties and stuff I think. I don't know how the prescriptions and things work, as I've never used them. But I can tell ya that you are not alone when you feel like it's all spiraling. When people say turning 30 was worse than turning 40, I can totally understand, though I've yet to turn 40 hehe. Best wishes to you, your mother, and your peace of mind (-;
1 person likes this
• Australia
18 Mar 08
Yeah, I turn 30 in October and it has me freaking out LOL...Thanks so much! It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one going through it.
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
17 Mar 08
I think you should go easy about yourself,don't so much pressure on you.You need some exsise outside,I suggest you take joging in consideration,or any sports you like.Sports help us stay positive in life and have a nice body. I like this motto,the devil is in your mind .You must overcome your evil in your heart first .Don't take it too seriously ,try to imply yourself: I am good girl ,I love life,I can overcome everyting,I have everything,and so on. You must have faith.I belive you can be good ,you can overcome all the bad things. Best wishes!
1 person likes this
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Thanks so much, this is very encouraging!
• China
17 Mar 08
I think you need to exercise your mind gradually.Don't be so worry about your situation. In my opinion, you should go outside and enjoy the sunshine and think of something positive. You are a beautiful girl and you have already had a family. Everything will be okay. Occasionally you need to do some exercises for your body.If you keep your optimistic attitude toward future, any bad current event will be overcame.God bless you!
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• Australia
17 Mar 08
Thank you so much! I agree, I really need to get out more during the day and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. I am a housewife and I tend to be in the house a lot and that can't be good for one's health, mentally or physically. Thanks again!
• United States
26 Jun 08
Instead of seeing a regular generic psychiatrist, try seeing a neurologist! GENERALIZED anxiety only means they don't know where it comes from. You could potentially have a real mild random firing off of neurons in the part of the brain that hits the limbic system, which causes a "fight or flight" response..that you feel as anxiety and the other things you described! A neurologist can tell with an EEG! (I know. Used to be a therapist and have seen this? -But am retired now.) There are MD's known as Neuro-Psychiatrists..or a regular neurologist can help, (your insurance will cover them,)that deal in Neurological medical issues that can come out in feelings? If you do NOT have this, the neurologist/MD can tell and you can just do what you are? But what's to lose? A psychiatrist does not tend to run this test and just gives medicine, but you may need a different kind the NEURO-psychiatrist can prescribe to control the neurons! It's mild..but you'd feel better! -Worth a look? The reason I mention it is because it can be triggered by all you are going through. If not..at least you will know? But if so..the best medicine may be something that fits better and fits like a key in a lock for you and then it's worth it! Just another option! Know you do have other options and you'll be great! (Why suffer?!)