Don't you hate it when people just drop off animals anywhere?
By kaysue4
@kaysue4 (951)
United States
April 6, 2008 12:52pm CST
It really erks me when people do this to poor animals. I live near abondon apartments and have not had this problem for awhile now, but the other day, maybe sometime yesterday, dropped off 4 dogs.
One must be the mom and then 3 pups. My son took and caught one and found a home for it and then caught the other 3 today and put them in my garage. They are all females and the other was a male.
I don't know what I am going to do with them because I already have 3 dogs myself and I am not keeping them. I did place them on Freecycle and also contacted a rescue place to see if they can help me also.
But, it should not be my job to find homes for them, the owner, I wish I could find, should be the one doing this. Last night a guy that lived across from where they were dropped off at was going to shoot them! My son seen this when he was taking food up there to them because he didn't want them to be hungary.
What are your thoughts on this issue?
THanks in advance.
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18 responses
@enchantedleppard (1541)
• United States
6 Apr 08
Hi Kay. I do agree with you wholeheartedly. Two summers ago we were the drop off for 2 pregnant stray cats. We kept them through 4 litters of kittens and got them fixed last summer. We still have them, they are beautiful healthy cats. We also have 4 of their offspring. The females have been fixed too, so hopefully no more kitties in the future. We live in the country.. 2 years ago we were also the home for a pregnant dog that was dropped off. She was mean and protective but we managed to round up all of her pups and find them homes as soon as they were big enough.
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@danclement (138)
6 Apr 08
It's a big problem in the area I live in. A lot of the time people just let their dogs out to wander around the streets. Just the other day one of my friends was coming to my place and nearly hit a dog that had just been left in the middle of the road by its owner.
It just makes me feel so bad. If you don't want your pet then fair enough but don't leave it outside to die. People should take it to an animal shelter or something to make sure it gets looked after properly.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
6 Apr 08
oh yes... i hate it as well when people do that... it just shows how cruel and irresponsible the person is... animals are also living beings and created by God... they have the right to live and be loved just as much as we humans do... i'm glad that you are kind enough to take them and give them shelter until the animal rescue people come to take them... poor dogs...
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Apr 08
I think you and your son are wonderful people to rescue these poor animals from such an awful situation. For one thing, I can't for the life of me understand why the guy across the road from where they were dropped off would want to shoot them, and not their previous owners. It's the owners at fault, not the poor animals. My heart aches when I see such things. These people should be tracked down and their azzes sued off for what they have done.
I'm sure a rescue centre will help you but even then, the dogs are in danger of being put down if a home isn't found for them. It's a pitiful state for them to be in, my friend. I'm not sure of the best way to handle it. I really don't think you can do any more than you have already. This sort of behaviour from animal owners is getting out of hand. There are so many abandoned dogs, that it's unbelievable. If they can't afford to keep a dog, why have it in the first place? Obviously, they let the mother get pregnant in the first place, probably to make a bit of money because the litter was probably larger than three. My goodness... I don't know what to advise you, but I do think you have a very good heart, and hope you resolve the situation soon, in a way that will benefit these poor abandoned animals.
Brightest Blessings, always, and good luck in your endeavours. x
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I 100% agree with you. It is abuse in my opinion to the animals. Another thing that I have seen some people do that anger me are get pets and then after a while say "Oh I can't handle this and give them to someone else" then they get more and do the same thing. This isn't as bad as just leaving the animals anywhere but the animals have to adjust to new homes. I could see in certain situations when the people really can't handle it and get new homes at least they get new homes but when people do it over and over to different animals why even get any animals? So I totally agree with you. It is just wrong.... what if someone left a baby like that? It is just wrong.
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@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I agree also when they do this. It is stressful on the animal also. We have almost always had a dog or cat.
Now my boys have also had hamsters and we have had birds and lizards. With the lizards, they have gotten too big for thier cages and we have had to find new homes for them but other than that, I have had few problems with animals.
There was this one dog and no matter what we did, it would goto the bathroom on the floor and also damage all kinds of things in the house when we would leave home. We ended up rehoming the dog to a house that had no kids. I was thinking that my boys might have been too loud for her.
People really need to think long and hard about adding pets to thier family. For dogs, cats and birds, it is a long term committment to the animal and the cost of food, vet and toys and such.
I took in a beagle last year and my black lab got along great with him, but then over this last winter they counldn't stand each other and my lab would start biting my beagle and drawing blood. We started tying them on different sides of the room.
Today, I took a chance and put them both in the car to take them for a ride to the store and they were fine. Even now, I am keeping a close eye on them, but they are not fussing with each other at all. I just couldn't part with neither of them because I love them so much.
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@shuz697 (1043)
• United States
7 Apr 08
This is DISGUSTING !! I just went through this a few months ago.. Our next door neighbours were kicked out of their house and just left their dog behind.. Everyone in the street was feeding him but he was just roaming around so sad and distressed.. It was one of the most awful things Ive ever seen and I think it was worse cause I actually knew the people who dumped him not well but I still knew them. In the end the pound took him cause they were never going to come back for him . I cant believe people can dump any animal let alone a dog ... we love our dog like a child she is a huge part of our family..
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I have the same (or similar) problem with people that get fish that get large. They will often times just take them down to the nearest pond lake or stream and let them go which is cruel and unusual punishment for the fish as well as to other fish and animals that live in the pond, lakes or streams because the unwanted fish might kill the other fish or it might have diseases that will kill the native fish.
Or they might get a fish and put them in too small a tank for them go grow properly. A fish will grow continuously throughout it's live time. Some people think that they can keep a fish that gets to be over 3 foot long in a 55 gallon tank (a 55 gallon tank if only 4 foot long and is not large enough for a 3 foot fish to turn around in). Not only that but the waste materials that are produced by the fish will lower it's resistance to diseases and shorten it's life span. People should educate themselves about the animals that they are going to get before they get them so that the animals will be properly cared for.
@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I so agree. People never think of those things for fish and small pets. Even when parents think it is cute to get a pet duck or rabbit around Easter and then it doesn't get proper care in a few weeks and they think that they can just let them run loose.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
7 Apr 08
First off your son must be a specail young man for caring as much as he has I know what you are talking about i worked in a store an went to throw the trash away an found 2 puppies in the dumpster they were so small they fit in my pocket I found a home for one an kept the smallest one an on my way home I stopped at another store an was telling the cashier an she found 6 kittens in the trash an told me it happens all the time I think they should find these people doing thing like this an do sometning to them like put them under the jail you have done more then most people would an seeing you put them on freecycle I feel confident you will find them a home good luck i will be thinking of you an your son an hope this works out for you
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I am not a big animal lover like my mom and sister are. But, I don't like to see animals distressed or neglected either. I know that I don't want the responsibility of a pet right now; so I don't have any. If I were to have an animal it would probably be a cat, but I am allergic.
When we lived on a small farm growing up, we had a bunch of barn cats. Many of them were rescued from the city. My dad (who happens to hate cats actually) would bring them home because either they were being neglected altogether or they were being tortured.
Stray dogs have been rescued by my mom many times as well. They either show up at their house, or they are running around the parking lot of my mom's work. My mom takes care of them until she can find them good homes. This problem was especially bad after the hurricane.
@gratitude (181)
• South Africa
7 Apr 08
People that drop off their responsibilities (abandon pets) do so normally when people are not watching them..Shows how spineless they are!!! There must be an animal shelter or animal control centre there! It sickens me to think that such people can't just take the animal somewhere and hand them over to some type of authority instead of dumping them like garbage and expecting them to defend for themselves.
That person who wanted to shoot the dogs is not a man he is a woosie! whats up with him? seems he is a bit trigger happy - maybe it makes him feel like a man should. shame poor soul!
If I were you I'd find an animal shelter and contact them for assistance before this woosie does do what seems to be - the only way he can find pleasure!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
7 Apr 08
report these white trash to the humane society or aspca or some animal group organization. and maybe these groups can advice you what to do to help find good homes for these animals...
@babystar22 (127)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I think some people shopuld not be able to own pets if they do this crap to them. I have seen tons of animals running as strays and i think its sad. If you dont want to deal with puppies have your dog fixed! Also why drop them off like that when they could take they to shelters or rescue orginizations? My family and I often stop and pick up animals running about. Usually they have homes but people just let them out thinking they will stay in the yard. Most of the time they do not. More over once we get them off the road and find the owner they dont say thank you or show any sign of emotion like remorse or surprise that the animal could have been hit by a car! I think your neighbor is a horrid man for thinking of shooting these animals. It is not their fault they had an owner who was less then impressive. I hope he realizes ever if he shoots a stray he could be charged with animal cruelty. I always feel bad when I find strays that are too far off for me to help or afford to help so they have to be put down. I just think its sad people can not give basic care, food, water, love and a home. Kudos to you for caring enough to try and help these animals!
@wiser2 (237)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I hate when people have pets and not take care of them.I feel if you like to one but no babys then fix it.if people did this we would not have so many homeless animals.these people should be put in jail for a time.
@slammer_i69 (3)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I agree with how you feel. It is a shame. I a while back had taken in an abandoned cat just to my surprise a couple of weeks later there were 6 kittens on my living room floor. I tried to heep them but after about 6 weeks I had no choice but to take them all to the humane society hopefully to be adopted. It was very heartbreaking for me and was very hard to think of what may become of them.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
they shouldn't pet animals if they don't want to have a responsibility in it
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
7 Apr 08
That's awsome that your willing to feed them until they find good homes. Yes this world needs to smarten up. Animals are getting left all over the place and it's not safe. I hope you find good homes for those 4 pups!!