dog debarking?
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
April 7, 2008 7:18am CST
Debarking, or devocalization, is a controversial surgical procedure, similar to a laryngectomy, applied to dogs to permanently stop them from barking. Debarking reduces the volume and pitch of a dog's bark making it sound more as if the dog is hoarse or whispering. This is done in response to problematic amounts of barking.(from
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do you agree with dog debarking?

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33 responses
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I don't agree with debarking at all. If God didn't want dogs to bark, he would of not given them vocal chords to begin with. That's how a dog communicates with other dogs and their humans along with body language. A dog CAN be trained not to bark so much. Just takes patience and understanding is all.
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@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
what a great logic.
. and if i am a dog, i am sure that it would be a very shameful experience for me to have a tiny voice,and i don't want my dog to have that much of shame.

@kezabelle (2974)
7 Apr 08
No I don't, I think more people should stand up and say you know what we arent doing right by our animal and take it to some classes to help control the constant barking rather than taking the easy option.
Dogs bark it is what they do but it can be controlled to cause the least distress to everyone around it without resulting to an operation.
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@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
yup, i also do think that dogs should not be in that kind of operation. because i can't let my dog have that much pain. like in a surgery.
.i am sure that it would be very painful for my dog. and i don't want her to get hurt.

@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
7 Apr 08
are you kidding no I would never have it done an can't believe someone actually would do this now I do believe in getting fixxed so you don't get stuck with unwanted pups
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
according to wikipedia, This is done in response to problematic amounts of barking.which can cause disputes and legal problems and has been blamed for people losing their sanity and poisoning their neighbor's barking dogs.
@madserene (26)
• Singapore
11 Apr 08
Maybe I should amputate my neighbours' arms if they play mahjong the whole night and disturb my sleep.
And cut off my neighbours' kids' feet so that they don't run around and make too much noises.
Yea, and 'debark' them so that they won't have the chance to 'bark' @ me.
Yes, and legal issues can be avoided too!

@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I worked at a pet store for a while where the owners had registered show shelties. They had the procedure done on their dogs. They sounded like squeek toys!
I wouldn't have this done. I want to hear my dogs bark when someone is in my yard. I also want to be alerted by them if they are having an issue. I get tickled when they discover something new and bark. I had a lab mix that the first time she ever saw a lunar moth just laid there and barked at it. She did the same thing with new dog treats. My german shepard loves to bark when she is playing. She loves being sprayed with the water hose and if my hubby has it washing my car, she barks telling him to play with her.
No thanks. I prefer the barking. My neighbors do too.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
barking is the way of the dogs to get our attention.
did the dogs that was debarked, really sounded like a squeek toy?
that looks so terrible.

@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Yes, they really sounded like squeek toys. I didn't really understand why they did this. They didn't seem to mind their cats wandering around meowing. They owned a pet shop. The birds were noisy.
They were a little unusual anyhow. I would occasionally go clean their house. They had family coming in at the last minute and I went after doing my regular work and cleaned their house. I couldn't move the next day. My hubby had a fit! He wouldn't call in for me and I couldn't get out of the bed. They also gave me heck over a cobweb behind the refrigerator once. How do you get that picky yet are surrounded by messy critters all day?

@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
8 Apr 08
No I think it's wrong. It's cruel. There are more humane ways to discourage barking in dogs. For instance I use a water spray and gently spray him with water if his barking gets to be too much. The dog doesn't like it and will stop barking. If you also have the time, you can obedience train the dog too. There are humane ways to discourage barking, no need to debark.

@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
wow. a new method, thanks for that new technique. would that really be effective on dogs?

@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
Oh my, I don't think debarking a dog is good. Why can't they leave those poor dogs alone. So what if they bark what if the dog has a high pitch bark..They have no right to do this to this animals. It's cruel and not nice.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
they should leave those dogs alone. dogs are dogs, we should not change that. if they are irritated with the loud barks. then just give their dog to someone else, someone that can take care of their dogs well.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
8 Apr 08
I never heard of debarking before, that is until my husband told me that his sister had this done to one of her dogs a few years ago. Apparently her dog was always barking and it disturbed her neighbors that happened to live in close vicinity of her house. After the dog had healed my husband told me he still barked and more often, but it was higher pitched and sounded silly. Poor dog.
I personally would never do this to my dogs. To me it would be like declawing a cat, and I'm just not into that. Plus my male rarely ever barks. As far as my female, well that is a different story LOL, but I'd still rather have her have the ability to bark like a normal dog rather than to sound like she is a broken one!

@sacmom (14192)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I'm pretty sure she and her husband tried the stop barking collar before they got their dogs debarked. Unfortunately it didn't stop the dogs from barking and the neighbors still complained. By what I was told one of their neighbors that complained worked for animal control and warned my sister-in-law and her husband that if she and her husband didn't take care of their dogs barking this guy was going to take their dogs to the pound. As they didn't want to lose their dogs they caved in and went this route instead. 

@houndsgood (774)
• United States
8 Apr 08
That is so sad they caved to the neighbors, when a citronella bark collar would have worked, or they could have just found out why the dog was barking so much and remedied it. Some dogs bark when they are bored.
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@dobyladysaturn (151)
• United States
8 Apr 08
No I do NOT believe in debarking. With that said someone I knew several years ago had a dog that he had debarked. She was about year old when he got her and she never shut up. He bought bark collars (and that was when they were a lot more expensive than they are now)he tried each kind that was available at the time. He took her to classes. She did wonderful in the classes but continued to bark. She disturbed the whole class until he had to do classes alone with her. The water in the face didn't work. Nothing helped. He spent considerable time and money with the dog trying to stop this barking. He said other than the barking she was the best dog he had ever owned. Someone told him about the debarking and after he finally found a vet that did this type of surgery he had her debarked. She was about 4.5 years old by then. Most people would have gotten rid of her or something worse. He stuck it out. She finally passed away last year. She was 17 years old. So there are some reasons why it may be necessary but I still don't like it though I understood why he had her debarked. His other dog wasn't like that at all. The one he has now isn't.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I do not agree with dog debarking. That is cruel and unusual punishment. I do think that a dog that tends to bark a lot should be taught to tame that urge and only use it when necessary. We taught out dog not to bark and he only does it when someone comes near our house. Not just when people are hanging out in the cul 'd' sac but, when people actually approach the end of our driveway. He does bark in the backyard on occasion but, only if someone or something is back there that shouldn't be. Not a squirrel but, if a rabbit or a cat is back there, he will start barking. He is actually afraid of any animals back in our fenced in backyard other than squirrels and birds and he will go a bit nutso if there is another unusual animal back there. But, since he is only in the backyard when we are at home and we let him out to do his business and then let him back in when he stands at the door, he isn't a nuisance to anyone as I make sure to let him in immediately if he is back there and starts barking.
Anyway, it is a dogs natural instinct to bark. It would be like cutting out our vocal chords. It is unnatural and, while we may have a reason to remove our chords...cancer or something else...a dog would not understand the reason he couldn't produce a bark anymore. Cruel!
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
your dog is pretty nice, he is a very good guard.
your right, its their natural instinct to bark. and that it is to cruel for dog to have his/her bark lessen. and that would be very painful for a dog to have that.

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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I've never heard of that. I don't think I would do that to my dog either. You can train them not to bark when you don't want them to bark. We've trained our dogs not to bark at night. One thing I find annoying is when your trying to sleep, and somewhere you hear a dog barking all night long, and keeps you awake, it makes you wonder why the owners don't make them be quiet unless their able to sleep through anything. So we bought bark collars, anytime your dog barks it gives him a little buzz. Everytime he barks louder the buzz gets stronger, after about 2 weeks or so, you'll notice that he's not barking so much anymore. Now they bark during the daytime and let you know if someone pulls up, or if they see other dogs or something, but they will not bark at night anymore, because they know they aren't supposed to, thats the time to be quiet. Even if there are other dogs barking somewhere down the road, they'll still be quiet. I think that sounds alot better than doing a surgical procedure on them, I think thats kinda mean, plus alot less expensive.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
WOW!! i never heard of that "bark collar" before, how much that does collar cost? will that bark collar not hurt my dog? how many dogs have you trained with that "bark collar" of yours?
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
9 Apr 08
The bark collar isn't that expensive, I think we paid about 35.00 to 40.00 dollars for it. It doesn't hurt the dog, it just gives him a little kick whenever he barks, and like I said the more he barks the collar kicks him a little harder, the dog teaches himself not to bark. I think we got ours at the Bass Pro Shop, you can usually find it at any outdoor store. They also have ones that anytime he barks it sprays some kind of liquid in his face, I don't know what the liquid is, but its supposed to do the same thing, but I think those are probably a little more expensive...hope that answered your questions?
@mandilyn25 (167)
• United States
7 Apr 08
This is to much.People are crazy now days.Who would do this to there dog?I know it's bothersom when dogs bark in all. Is this what kind of socity we have turned into.It's crazy.If you can't handle aliitle barking don't get a DOG.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
nice opinion. if they can't stand the loud barks of their dogs, they should not have adopted a dog.
@bigridge (36)
• United States
7 Apr 08
Why not let dogs be dogs? I agree with fixing cats and dogs in the breeding department because it not only prevents unwanted and un-needed propogation but, it helps your pets live longer and free of many illnesses. "De-barking is over the top. Dogs can be trained not to bark unless they are warning you of something or are extremely threatened. Most times to me, a dog's happy greeting bark is as pleasant as a child's laughter. What's next? Cutting ut a child's voice box?
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
you know, maybe your right. if they can do does cruel things to pets, maybe they can also do does things to human. but i wish that they don't.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I cannot understand how anyone could have this done. Ok I admit to jokingly say it but I never would. I think it's very cruel. I know I wouldn't want it done to me why would I ever do it to a dog? Dogs can be trained if the person will take the time to do so. They mutilate the dog just because they don't want to take the time to teach the dog when not to bark? Makes me wonder if they would do this to their child if he was talking too much.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
yup. that should not be done to dogs, dogs are also living things created by our creator, we could train them not to bark. it just need time, patience, and understanding. dogs are man's best friend and our best friends should not be treated that way
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
9 Apr 08
To me that would be cruel to do to a dog..I think training the dog would be less expensive and more humane...How would a person like to go around not being able to talk? Thats the most cruel thing..I think that should be banned and against the law to do such a thing....
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
Oh, I wouldn't want to do that to my dog. It's like I'm trying to silence him. His voice is important to me, because it's one way to know what he wants and needs.
Our dog also serves as a guard dog for us, even though he's just a terrier. If we're going to debark him, then he wouldn't be useful anymore as a guard dog.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
yes. our dogs also stands, as our guards, they are really useful if they have their loud barks but if the dogs will undergo in this debarking operation they will never be our guards anymore. its the point of having them, having a reliable guard and also having a faithful friend.

@danclement (138)
7 Apr 08
I don't think it's right at all, and I honestly can't see why anybody would go for it. A scary-sounding, hoarse dog is even worse than a dog that won't stop barking in my opinion.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
dogs should be dogs, we should let them have your barks we should not prohibit them it is their way of expressing their own feeling and emotions.
@tang20 (20)
• United States
7 Apr 08
i personally don't like the idea of someone cutting my vocal cords to shut me up. My dog barks at night. i got her a barking collar. when triggered with the vibrations of her throat and the noise of her bark it emits a small shock. if she barks again within 5 seconds the shock will be stronger. She never yelps or winces because it never gets to strong and i take it off in the morning so she can bark as long as she wants during the day.
@jobenmakapangyarihan (546)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
hehehe.. i am really curious about that "barking collar". where could i buy that thing? is that really effective? but how about my dog, will he be really hurt? i don't want him to get hurt, because he is my best friend.And i don't want my best friend to be hurt