My husband wants to quit his job!

@Katlady2 (9904)
United States
April 15, 2008 3:03pm CST
My poor hubby is so stressed out right now. He works for a chemical fertilizer company, and he's been there for almost 21 years. There have been no problems up until last year when they hired on a woman for the office that thought she was all that and a bag of chips. She clashed with everyone else in the office, plus she ticked off all of the salesmen so badly that they want her gone yesterday. She is one of those that thinks she is boss no matter what her position, and she is constantly stirring up trouble where there shouldn't be any. But get this....she made a $65,000.00 mistake a couple of months ago and was put on notice because of it. But do you think it fazed her? NO! She should have been fired. Anyway, this year, they hired on a new office guy that is so much of a pushover that the other office lady tells him what to do and he does it no questions asked. The reason I explained them both to you is because I wanted to give you an idea of what they are like before I go on and explain why hubby is wanting to quit. There is one other person that works in the office, but she is an absolute doll and as far as I'm concerned she should be the office supervisor. She is what's keeping hubby from leaving. Anyway, the other two have been instructed by the big boss that overtime is to be kept to a minimum. That's all fine and dandy, but they both light into hubby when he's doing nothing wrong, and the big boss has no problem with his work or his overtime. It's a couple of other people that work in the shop that have been raking in the overtime for no reason. So yesterday first the female office worker lights into hubby about why he was so long at work on Saturday when SHE was the one that told him to stay and help out the shop workers with their workload (hubby is the warehouse supervisor). So he explained each and every task and accounted for each minute worked. She seemed fine after that and hubby thought it was all good. But nooooooo! Then the new pipsqueak that just got hired went to hubby at lunch time and proceeded to really jump on his case telling him that he stayed too long and that his overtime was going to cause the big boss to fire him (the pipsqueak). But the really bad thing is that the new guy wasn't even working on Saturday! Go figure! Then this morning, a delivery truck showed up before hubby got to work and was waiting. Hubby was doing as instructed by both the new guy and the other office fool and not clocking in until 8:00 am. Well the new guy jumped on him about it, and hubby reminded him of the instructions given by both of them. So what does the new guy do but go out to one of the seasonal guys, tell him that hubby is in the office playing games and he told the seasonal guy to clock in early and unload the truck. The seasonal guy even tried to remind him of the instructions given about clocking in early, but the pipsqueak forced him to do it anyway. When everything happened yesterday, hubby was so ticked off that it took the people that had been there for a lot of years quite a while to calm him down. He's not a hothead or anything like that. In fact he's pretty quiet. But he was pretty mad and they knew it. When he came home the first words out of his mouth was that if the crap didn't stop he was quitting, busy season or not. He said a lot more than that but it's not appropriate to repeat it here. Needless to say I got so stressed out that my blood pressure shot up. And then today at lunch time, I called him and he told me about what happened today, and I got even more upset. My blood pressure is still up there. So I called the one level headed person in the office (the one I told you is a doll) and gave her a heads up, explaining everything that hubby said. She had an idea that he wanted to quit, but now she really knows how he feels (and yes hubby knew I was calling her, and he approved). So she is going to talk to the big boss and let him know what I said and hopefully things will get taken care of. Oh...and she did talk to the big boss about everything that happened yesterday, and he said he had no problems whatsoever with hubby and his work. I told hubby, and so did she, that the big boss is the one that matters. I guess there is going to be a meeting too to straighten out all of the confusion over the overtime, and hopefully it will give the two office idiots the kick in the butts they need to get their acts straight. I'm sorry this was so long and drawn out. I'm just really upset and stressed out right now about all of this, and I had to try to get some of it out of my system. Thanks for letting me vent. Hugs to all of my wonderful friends..........Carryl
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20 responses
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
21 Apr 08
You have to wonder how idiots rise to the top just like cream in milk, perhaps they are a couple of fat heads, that think they are very important, where as people like your hubby are the back bone to this organization, and perhaps if the boss were to learn that several disc's in the back bone are thinking of leaving and the collapse is immanent he might get off his butt and do something, It is so wrong that not only do people like your husband do their jobs but they have to carry the worthless idiots as well, I say drop the idiots and see what happens if your husband can get any support with this he is going to win. try to make him see he is a winner and the idiots will all to soon be collecting welfare from someone else. best of luck and try to keep your self calm. Robin
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
22 Apr 08
You said that so well! I love it. Those two in the office only think they are important. They are not on the big bosses' good side at the moment. I did post an update on this. Everything got straightened out, much to the disappointment of the two idiots. Everything worked out in hubby's favor, thank God. So now I am much more relaxed and so is he. Hugs to you sweetie.
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
Wow, you really is upset. But that's good you now let it all out through here. I hope other responses helped you at least a little. Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't read all your post. I'm quite doing something else while doing mylot too. But I'm responsing by the title of your post, okay.. So your husband want to quit. Quitting after 21 years needs a lot of thinking I know but if he feels like he doesn't want to handle things or problems popping up like now, then quit and find another opportunity in life. Being in service for 21 years in a company is rare. It means you have a good quality being a worker. So there's not worry if he quits because his will-be background once applying another job will be a plus to his resume. If he just wanted to stay and solve it. Well then I guess you just support him all the way so it'll at least lessen his stress from work.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Thank you so much my friend. My husband knows that I support him in whatever decision he makes. And I know that the length of time at this job will be very impressive to any new employer he approaches. So I'm not worried. I just hate seeing him this worked up and upset...that's what has me so stressed out. Thanks again for the great advice hon.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Hey catlady2 (Carryl), as you read this message your husband may have made his decision. I would like to explain my position about the situation because I have had similar situations happen to me. Here I go: I used to work at a grocery store (cashier and stocker) the "supervisor" (if he can be called that) over the cashiers was so mean! I really do mean that, too. For example, he would tell people (the teenager cashiers that are still in school) "Why do YOU need to take time off? Your school work doesn't mean anything and you can make more money here!" He would look in people's lunch, he would talk about dirfferent people. And why did I keep up with his crap? Basically, Carryl the only opinion that matters was the Store Manager, not his. In fact he was very mean & rude. What happened to him? A new store manager came and he quit because the store manager hated him so much. So, especially since these workers aren't his boss the Main Boss (Store Owner/Store Manager?) needs to talk to these workers: "You're not the boss, I'm the boss. You aren't to boss our workers around...". Plus, since they keep on doing errors they will probably quit or be fired so I would suggest that your husband follow the "rules" to a T and ignore these other two office workers because obviously they don't know what they're doing and they aren't the bosses, thank you very much. Bless you, and have a wonderful week. Pablo
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 May 08
Yes, so far he is going to stay. At least for the time being. He is still planning on taking the test for the US Postal Service. Hopefully he will do well and get the job with them. He's been wanting to get a different job for a while now. He's tired of being around all of the chemical fertilizers. He wants something a little better for his health. He just doesn't want to quit this job without having another one lined up. And you're quite welcome for the BR hon.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Hi Pablo. Thanks for the wonderful response. It sounds like you were working in the same type of situation that I was in for a while. That is, until I up and quit and the crew basically fell apart after that. I'm not saying I was all that and then some....I just did my job (assistant manager) to the best of my ability, while the others remained lazy and foolish like the one you had to deal with. As for my hubby, he got things straightened out, in his favor. He told them that the big boss was the one he answered to and not the two idiots, and if they didn't like it to take it up with the boss. Things have been running pretty smoothly since then.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
2 May 08
Yeaaa, that's good. So is your husband going to stay with the job? I hope his other co-workers stop with the bossiness. By the way, thanks for the "best response" Pablo
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@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
15 Apr 08
Wow you have a lot of stress going on in your life right now. I am sorry your hubby is going through all of this too. The best thing for him to do right now is that everytime they say something to him that isn't right have him tell them "lets go get the bosses opinion on this one" then have him start walking to the boss's office, that should put them back in their place. People like that drive me nuts. I might also suggest that he tell the boss that if they have issues with him from now on he wants it passed via memos. This way they have to put it in writing and he can show the boss their little tantrums. Good luck!!! Will put this in my prayers for you too*S*
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I told him the same thing about going and talking to the boss about it. I don't know if he'll do it or not though. He's such a mellow guy and hates having to deal with garbage like this. Maybe if I keep on his butt about it he'll give in and do it just to shut me up. Hahahahaha! Thanks for the tip about using memos. I didn't even think about that. That's a great idea! I'll pass it on to hubby. He just might go for that one. Thanks so much hon.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I can see why you needed to vent and came to the appropiate place, Carryl. Since everything was all good until the b*tch and her sidekick were hired, then all the BIG BOSS has to do is fire them, no? A meeting is definately in order at your hubby's job and those 2 to be put in their place by the bossman. I pray that everything works out for your hubby and his job so he doesn't have to quit.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 08
lmao Go for it girl!!!! Chew her out good! Something that should of been done some time ago.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
*snickering* Maybe I could have hubby borrow his mom's video camera and he could take a video of it. YouTube here I come! LOL
• United States
16 Apr 08
-giggling- Wish I could be there when you take her down to floor level where she belongs.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 08
Carryl I hope things are better for your hubby now, he certainly deserves it after all that stuff politics they are everywhere.I worked in our local library for years and we had a swell crew we all got along so well and workedtogether then they hire a new second in commandand she was just like the lady you were talking about.nothing that we were doing wasright according to her was right. she seemed to just barely tolerate me for some reason mainly I think because of my age. wellanywayh I madethe error of trying to get her tochange her mind on one of her new policies and I should not have done it. The nextday I had to ask my overall boss for a leave of absence as I had to have some surgery done and i was floored when emily said to me I hate to do this, its the hardest thing I have ever had to done, then she said I have to let you go. well so that was that the new lady had started with me and soon more were let go and now she is gone too. so much for office politics.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
People like that are beyond aggravating! You'd think that bosses would see that losing their long time employees would do more harm than good, especially when it's the new person causing the ruckus. Sheesh! As far as I'm concerned, the two fools in the office where hubby works can take their politics and....ummmmmm....sit on them. LOL! Thanks so much hon.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Apr 08
I really hate People like that why do they have to be like that and also do they not realize when there are Witnesses they do not have a leg to stand on and when someone is appreciated like your Hubby by the big Boss who has known him for some time that they will not get away with this? I really hope this does get sorted out and they will be put in their Place As for venting Sweetie ... you carry on I hope that you are better now with your Blood Pressure Big Hugs
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Apr 08
I am just glad that your Blood Pressure went back down Sweetie and I am also glad that things will be sorted for your Hubby
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
What's really great is that my friend in the office that I spoke to about hubby has seen all of the garbage going on with them. And when she spoke to the big boss the other day she told him about it all. So it's not like it's the two idiots against my hubby. There are witnesses for sure. I don't think those two will last much longer. I think this will be the final straw for the big boss and he will hopefully get rid of them...if not immediately then after busy season is over with. Keep your fingers crossed. And as for my BP, it's gone down a bit, especially since I ranted and raved and yelled about it right along with hubby last night! LOL! We just yelled fighting at all. Hahahaha! Hugs!
@signum (545)
• Australia
16 Apr 08
What a nightmare. As your husband has been in the job for over 20 years, I think it's obvious to big boss that if anyone is doing anything wrong, it's not your husband. These office idiots haven't been there all that long from what I gather, so my advice to hubby is DON'T quit, let them carry on uselessly as in the end he'll still be there and they won't be. If he quits, they get what they want, which is just to push people around. Sounds to me like they have no clue what they are doing, but that the big boss does (which is why your dear husband is still there, never mind what the silly office woman says about him potentially being fired) These new-ish people are threatening your husband that he could lose his job if he does not do things the way they say, but big boss is happy with your hubby's work so that is the main thing. Until big boss says that your hubby has something to be worried about, I'd not let it get to you or him. One final thought - If your husband were to his job the way the idiot woman in the office is telling him, how do we know that he won't make a $65K mistake as well just because he followed her instructions. Look at it that way, and if all else fails, your husband should not quit until he's found another job to walk into, or else you may have problems financially. :-) Hope this helps.
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@signum (545)
• Australia
17 Apr 08
You're most welcome dear, all you need to do is try to help hubby stress less and all should be ok in the end :-)
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
All of what you said are my thoughts exactly! And that's what I told hubby last night and this morning before he left. They don't count....the big boss does. And the big boss has no problems with him whatsoever, so there's no need to worry about the other two. And if hubby does quit, he's going to make sure that he has a new job secured first, so no worries there. Thanks so much for the advice hon. I appreciate it.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
16 Apr 08
i undersatnd how you are going through a tough time in life. whatever may be, be at side of your hubby. he needs you. also tell him to look for new job. i can't say it will be perfect one, but it will change the situation a bit. also it will be the alternate one.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Thank you hon. He has my support in whatever decision he makes. He's been wanting to get out of this job for a while because he is constantly around chemicals every day, and he's worried about his health. But then again, he likes the security of having the same job for so many years. As long as he secures a new job before quitting this one, I have no worries about his decision. Thanks again hon.
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Okay..Two pots of coffee and I finally made it to the end...LOL...actually I just crawled out of bed cuz I couldn't sleep...This is a bunch of crap..You would think that they would mind their p's and q's hoping they don't get fired..I sure hope this all gets worked out..Seeing he has worked there 21 years he should have some sort of say, and the others that have worked with him for that many years should know that he is not a trouble maker..And now that you called, PPP, I am sure the **** will hit the fan...They better get their act together because if he quits that could put a strain on the company. It is really sad to think that one person can cause so much turmoil...Hugs to your hubby and to you...Relax and get that B/P down..I'm here for you, but you already know that..
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I did get a bit long winded didn't I? My fingers were dying by the time I got done! LOL! They really would be screwed if hubby were to up and quit now. Not only because of busy season starting, but also because he knows more about stuff at that place than even his dad who's been there for 36 years. I don't think the big boss is going to let this slide. He's been fed up with the female idiot for quite a while. And I think this will not endear the male nimrod to him either. Hopefully it won't be too busy today for hubby to get a chance to go in and have a chat with the boss. I already told him that if it comes down to it, I will call the boss and tell him what's going on, even though coming from me it would be hearsay. But the boss likes me, so I think it would work if it comes to that. Thanks for being here for me PPP. And I promise I'm trying to get the BP to calm down. If I don't my doctor is going to clock my upside the head. LOL
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I am sure all will work out.. and if your doctor doesn't clock you in the head I am going too do behave and tell hubby all will be okay..If not I will just have to come over there and talk to the boss myself...
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
20 Apr 08
If you do that, I have to bring my lounge chair and snacks so I can sit and watch. LOL! Actually things have been straightened out finally, so hubby and I are a lot calmer now. I was going to post an update last Friday, but I was just too tired to even think about getting on the computer. Hugs!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Well Kat, I got stressed out from that post too (plus other things happening healthwise), I mean it was bad enough I put on Canon D. Anyways, I hope your BP levels out. Much more than that, I hope your husband can get around this (one way or another). He should just tell his main boss about the issue. Believe me, if there is a supervisor screwing up, he'll need the superiors on this. He should also document these things if he can, so he can present a better case. I don't know what else to recommend or say, so I'll leave it here for now.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
You've said just the right things, as usual. Hubby is going to go in tomorrow and talk to the big boss. He was going to today but the boss had errands to run for work so he wasn't around in the afternoon. Maybe after their talk things will straighten out. I got an ear full again tonight, but it wasn't as bad as last night. So my blood pressure isn't as bad either. Hubby isn't taking it out on me I promise...he's just venting. LOL! Thanks so much my friend. Hugs!
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
And I hope you get to feeling better hon. Sending lots of hugs and energy your way.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Apr 08
Boy can I identify with this Carryl. This is how I solved a similar problem. I kept a log of every incident that bothered me and caused friction. I recorded the instructions given and my compliance and how conflicting attitudes between the employess in question affected productivity. It wasn't long (about 2 weeks I think) before I had enough to put into a memo, which I sent to the 'big' boss asking for clarification of my responsibilities under such conditions. Two people got fired, the right person got put in charge and my butt was covered when it came time for the 'bad' employees to try to justify themselves and escape the dreaded pink slip in their last pay envelopes. I don't know if this will help your husband, but as my dad always said: "If you don't get satisfaction from your immediate boss, go to his boss and stamp your feet and yell if you have to". I opted for writing memos. Much more civilized and in the end effective, though I have had to stamp my feet a few times too! LOL
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
LOL! Sometimes stamping the feet can be very effective. I will definitely pass your method on to my husband. Great idea! He is supposed to go in and speak with the big boss today about the whole issue and hopefully get clarification as to what the big boss expects of him. Hubby has been at this job for 21 years, so he already knows what needs to be done, and there has never been a problem with him working (or claiming) too much overtime, or with his work ethics. This is all about the two idiots in the office trying to act like big shots right now, and I honestly hope they both get fired. Oops....sorry! Took off on a bit of a rant there. Got myself fired up again! Thanks for the advice hon.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Apr 08
No probs and I wish him luck. Keeping a written record though is always a good idea anyway. You never know who or what is going to come out of the woodwork to bite you in the butt! LOL Let us know what happens. Hugs.
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@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
i could imagine how hard it is for your husband to be in that kind of working environment. and i'm really sorry to hear that. think of it this way, if he won't quit his job, maybe he'll be miserable most of the time. what's important is that he's happy, and you're happy too. maybe there is a better opportunity somewhere else.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Don't get me wrong....he has my full support whatever he decides. But we both are in agreement that he will have another job ready and waiting for him before he turns in a notice to quit at his current job. With me not working because of my back, it wouldn't work too well if he quit and didn't have employment afterward. Thanks so much hon.
@weiyi5151 (119)
• China
16 Apr 08
i think whatever hanppen you should respect to your parents. be thinkful to them.agreeing the dicision what they make.that's right. we all have to learn be a filial child
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08's not a parent that I'm speaking of, but thank you for the great advice anyway.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Wow sorry you and your hubby are going through a lot of stress right now. First thing is to keep your blood pressure down. You will not be able to help your hubby if you are in the hospital. In my opinion, the best thing for your hubby to do is when they tell him something that isn't right he needs to tell them "the big boss doesn't have a problem with my work or my overtime" and walk off or "lets go get the bosses opinion on this" and start walking to the boss's office, that should shut them up. He needs to stand up for himself in this situation. This is the reason they are continuing to attack him, they know he will just take it. I dislike snotty people like that. In my opinion that $65,000 mistake, would have been a GOOD-BYE mistake if it were me. I hope these 2 get the boot and the girl you like gets the spot. Good Luck ~Icy~
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
That's exactly what I told him to do. He just hates having to deal with situations like this. He's such a mellow guy that sometimes I just want to slap some emotion into him to get him motivated. LOL! But I think he is getting ready to take the bull by the horns today. So maybe it will get straightened out soon. I hate people like that too. I have absolutely no use and no tolerance for them. That woman would have been gone the moment the mistake happened if I had been the boss. That's for sure! Thanks so much hon.
@fec139 (810)
• United States
17 Apr 08
There have been many days, at all my jobs, that I wanted to walk out! But it would have been extremely irresponsible for me to quit without having another job to go to. In your case, I don't know if you have another income coming in, but how can he walk away without having another job to go to? Will you be able to survive? He won't be able to collect unemployment, and in this economy who knows how long it would take for him to get another job! He should check out his options, and put feelers out in the meantime!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Right now he is the only one bringing in income at the moment, as I am still fighting Social Security Disability to get approved. So he knows he needs to find another job before quitting this one. So he's doing quite a bit of searching around just in case. Thanks so much hon.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Apr 08
No problem with this being long and "drawn out" - I didn't think that at all! I sure can understand what your husband is going through and obviously it would affect you and stress you out too. It's good that the big boss is satisfied with his work, that's the most important thing after all, but these office workers you talk about are typical of what goes on in many work places these days. I'll bet your husband knows a hundred times more about the job than either of these brown-noser know-it-alls do but they love to throw their weight around and cause trouble. I sure hope everything gets straightened out and that those two get put in their places! Annie
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
22 Apr 08
What's really funny is that the woman just got her butt chewed by the big boss for messing up AGAIN on a billing issue. She is on thin ice right now, but she thinks everything is all hunky dory at the moment. I hope she loses her job soon. It's getting hard for me to keep my big mouth shut anymore. LOL! Thanks so much hon.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
15 Apr 08
You go, gurrrl... better for you to pound on the keyboard than keep it inside! I really feel sorry for people who have to work in conditions like that! Hun had that going on at the job he had for 15 years... he managed to keep his cool, but then when he fell off the floatplane and hurt his back, no one there had the sense to call an aid car for him! They stuck him in his car and waved 'bye... let him drive himself the 37 miles to the hospital... shoulda sued their a$$es, but he opened his own business instead, where he could set his hours and work only when he was feeling okay. Sounds like your guy's boss may do some housecleaning if the nincompoops don't learn the business properly... he can't afford to let this go on too long. Big hugs!!
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
2 May 08
This situation sounds very frustrating. I hope your health is getting better by now. I also had this stupid store manager who was an a**hole to me and other people as well. I was going to university and working there part time as a cashier. I always get along with everyone even with my supervisors. We were getting along so well but the manager was like a leading idiot who doesn't know how things work. I remember it was just me and him and I had some trouble on my second day operating the cashier. So I asked him to helped me out but he told me to wait cuz he was actually waited till my supervisor come to work on her shift and she explained instead of him. Could he be pretending to know things while he doesn't? So the days went on like that and i remember the entire 6 supervisors being in a huge arguments with that moron and him doing the middle finger to everyone lolz. Anyway, he said that he was going to fire me is i don't work more on shift hours. I did explain that the job was important but my education is a priority to me but I guess he still didn't want to le me work part I quitted. 5 months later, i went there and found out there was alot of new people. I found one old coworker I used to work with and she said that everyone had enough so they all left..even the security.. i guess the businuess went bad because to new people who came at the same time by a moron will be hard. Anyway. from my experience I believe you did well and also hoped that your husband has talked to his main boss one on one and be sure that lady didn't make another version of the story. It's important to show that you aren't wrong and she's the one being the stupid otherwise, you'll be walked over and it ain't fun at all :/
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 May 08
I've worked with people like that too. They are so not worth being around. You did right to get out of that awful situation. As for my hubby, he did have a talk with the boss and things got straightened out really quick like. A lot of the other employees backed up what hubby told him, and added their own things that they had seen and heard out of the woman so it all backfired on her. Thanks so much for the great response hon.
• United States
16 Apr 08
Well carry I just hope things turn out ok for your hubby.I also worked in a chem. fertilizer for about 20 yrs.I was a production supervisor.the only person that I would answer to was my boss.and only my boss.tell your hubby not to be afraid of his boss,that shows a sign of weakness.I didn`t quite understand if the new people are in charge of him or the big boss is.anyway if the company says no overtime.then thats what they mean ,no overtime.Sounds like to many chiefs and not enough indians.They might be trying to get him to quit.they know if they just let him go he can turn them into the labor relations board.they can sue the company for inproper conduct.the co.don`t want that to happen.good luck
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Hubby is not afraid of the boss, that's for sure. In fact they have a really good working relationship. As for the two other people, they are only in charge of making sure the right orders get to the warehouse and the shop. They are not supervisors in any sense of the word (they just THINK they are). They were just told to pass on to everyone else that overtime was to be kept down as much as possible. Because of that they are attempting to play head honchos and boss everyone around. I've seen them in action when I've visited hubby on his lunch breaks, and it's pretty sad watching them. I don't think the big boss is going to allow this to continue. He doesn't want hubby to quit, so I think he will nip this in the bud right away. Hubby is supposed to talk to him today, so hopefully this will blow over soon. Thanks so much hon for the great response.