im losing it
By darkmoni
@darkmoni (34)
United States
April 16, 2008 2:12pm CST
im tired of being depressed . im down to the point that i dont care anymore. im letting my house go , i dont feel like doing anything . since my dad passed away on christmas 5 years ago i been so sad. now my son is catching my sickness hes always crying and his theraphist said that his behaivor is cause hes too worried about me. i tried different churches to help me find peace in my heart but nothing is working .im screaming for help i dont want my kids to suffer .Help!!!!!!!!!!
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13 responses
@recycledgoth (9894)
16 Apr 08
My Dad passed away last summer and I miss him more and more every day. I have spent most of my adult life suffering from depression in one form or another and I know just how hard it can be to cope sometimes. I miss Dad, I was always able to talk to him about everything and now he has gone. However, I have found that I sometimes talk to his photograph and this makes me feel as though I am still able to go on without him.
Depression can be treated hun, perhaps you could see a doctor about it and get them to help you.
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
Hi there. I may not be in the position to tell or give you advice but you need to surpass this trial that you are having with yourself right now so that you can have a peace of mind.
I know that it is hard for you to lose a lovedone especially a parent, but do you think if your dad is alive, he will be happy seeing you like that for the rest of your life? I am sure he is sad right now...
There are lots of people who loves you especially your kids and don't waste that. Cherish every moment while they are still here.
The change should start with you first so that God and your therapist can help you out. No one can help you if you are not willing to help yourself WHOLEHEARTEDLY!
@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Strange, my dad passed away dec 22 2003, i was 18 at the time. I know how much it hurts to lose your father. But would your daddy really want you to live like this? When i get sad that my dad will never dance with me at my wedding I tell my self a good thing, like at least he got to meet my husband! Think of all the good times you had with him, and be happy that he is in an amazing place right now! Dads want there little girls to be happy, go out and get your happiness! Get outsdie today, feel the wind and see the sun (if it's sunny) then go inside and clean, a clean house always makes you feel better! Then make a list of things that make you happy and things you want to do to make you happy. If not for yourself than for your kids. Dont let them lose you as well. If you need anything that I can give or do, write me and I'll help!
@darkmoni (34)
• United States
16 Apr 08
yeah my dad passed on 2003 also and im the one that took it the hardest .its like i sit at home with my kids and it seems like it happen just yesterday .i dont know what to do i live with my boyfriend but hes always at work so i have noone to talk to

@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
17 Apr 08
I suffer from depression and periods of mania. It is called bipolar. I had to seek professional help. Sometimes it takes medication and therapy. It doesn't mean you are weak it just means you need alittle extra help. Seek help soon. I waited forever and it affected all my kids lifes. I wish I could go back and change things now.
@Sonadora (356)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I really feel for you and I understand. Some days I can't even motivate myself to get out of bed. Children do pick up on the emotions of their parents. The only way I get myself through the day is to tell myself if I don't do this I'm letting so-and-so down. Everything in my life I rationalize that I'm doing it for someone else. That somehow pulls me through. Just think that you can't let your son down. If not for yourself, do it for him. I have struggled with depression pretty much my entire life. As pathetic as it sounds, I have given up on finding happiness or peace for myself. I just focus on the people around me because I don't want them to suffer like I do. That's the only way I make it through the day. If it was just for me, I wouldn't even care.
@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
i'm so sorry to hear about your situation. and i hope that you and your kids are okay. don't lose hope and try not to think of your sadness. in order to motivate yourself, you have to let go of the negativity inside of you and start being optimistic. i hope you guys will be in good shape soon. take care =)
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Ok. You are going to think this is totally insane and no way you can do it, but you can!! I went through a period of about 5 years, up until about a year ago when I was also severely depressed. I was the same way about the housework too.
You know what cured me? Exercise!! I joined a gym and signed up with a physical trainer 3 days a week, so that I felt forced to go, even on the days that I thought I just could not. The longer I exercised, the less I felt depressed. Now not only am I in fantastic physical shape, I'm 35 pounds lighter and have a great body. My house is spotless also. I had even been on antidepressants for several years and quit taking those and continued to improve.
It's very hard to make yourself exercise when you don't even feel like getting out of bed in the morning, but make yourself. I promise the reward will be worth it. I found a study a couple of months ago that supports this. They took 3 groups of severely depressed people. They gave one group antidepressants. The 2nd group got placebos. The 3rd group was put on an excercise program. The groups getting the pills showed some improvement, but not much -- there was actually very little difference in the ones receiving the real pills and the ones receiving the placebos. The excercise group showed a remarkable improvement, however -- far above what the other two groups experienced.
I also recommend a councelor or just someone that will listen and discuss the issues that are making you feel this way to start with. It really does help to be able to talk it all out.
@fec139 (810)
• United States
17 Apr 08
accept that this is a medical condition and see your doctor about medication. If not for you, do it for your child. I grew up with a depressed mom, and it was hell! Understand also that depression is anger turned inward. So, after you get to feeling a little better from the meds,go into therapy to find out whatyou are angry about, and get the benefit of counseling.
DO NOT follow the stupid advice of one person below, to find a man! That is the worst thing you can do! You will not choose the right man, and will make other bad choices. The solution is not in another person, it is inside you.. AND DON'T go to your church! Clergy people will feed you all kinds of religious nonsense and make you feel even worse. Get professional help and save yourself and your child. Good luck!
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Poor thing. I'm sorry for your lost but you have to know your father is in no pain and is in a better place. Yes I know you miss him and you think that you need him here more then where he is now. I thought the samething about my great grandmother. Not many people believe in this but she came to me when I was so depressed after she passed and let me know that she was happy and at peace. It made me feel so much better and now its easier for me to handle other people dying even thought I do miss them I know there will be a day when I will see them again and that they are here watching over me. Life does go on and even if your struggling you have to be there for your son. First thing you need to do is go to your doctor and ask for some anti depression medication. Start working out with a family member or friend even if its just for you to walk around outside. Exercise releases a certain hormone that will help you with your depression and then you will be able to help your son now. I know you don't want to lose him also. Depression can do some very bad things to you. I had a friend that got killed b/c he was so depressed and done some crazy things. He left behind a wife and 2 young boys so try and get yourself help before it gets too bad. Good luck and best wishes.
@julzav28 (2)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I feel for you. Staying home and being full-time mommy is not an easy job. Oh, the men think we have it so great, but the ones that don't come home at night, like my DH, are the worst. We should be happy we "don't" have to work. Nah, I think I'm more happy when I get to have some sanity time around other adults and no kids. It's called a job and I've been looking for one for quite a while. Finally have had something in the works for a couple of weeks now, but they're dragging their feet, so I interviewed at another place in town this afternoon and have a 2nd interview tomorrow. Looks like I'll be working soon! So, I guess my advice, well more of a question, have you thought about looking for work? It wouldn't even have to be full-time, just enough to get you out into the world. It really does just change your mood and you forget all about what you're depressed about. Let me know if you ever want to chat 1on1. My yahoo IM is julzav28.
@monishavakil (1019)
• India
17 Apr 08
Thats real sad dear. dont you think you should make the people you live with happy, we are alive here all with you. your children are your future and what you have got. i do understand that you miss you dad, however do you think he would be happy seeing you this way. what about your child, dont you love him as much. i think for the sake of people around you, it is important that you start a fresh and happy. life is short, dont regret these good moments with people you have with you. . keep smiling dear.
@gcrew931 (228)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
Wow, I can really relate to what your talking about. I've also been through that. However, I'm now at peace with myself. I'm calm and now more upbeat. This is because i discovered the book "The Secret". You should read because it changed my life. It simply states that our thoughts become things. So if you think negatively then that's what you attract you get more of it. When you are optimistic you become more happy because you attract positive things to come into your life. Try it because it really works. Before I knew about the secret my life was going down the drain. I have high unpaid credit card bills, I am about to be evicted from my house, I was sick, and lonely. But then when I started the secret I met the person of my dreams. I am now in a relationship and I am really happy. I am very thankful because the person has everything i wanted. Just a few days after that I got into my dream job at a local radio station. It then started to open doors for me. From it i got side lines here and there. Money came pouring in from different sources. I have now paid my credit card bills and I even have more than enough. I'm now in the process of scouting for a new home. It will be paid monthly and by my calculations it is very much feasible to transfer soon. I hope my story inspired you. You should just change the state of your mind. A man can say he can't and another one says he can. Guess who is right. Both of them are, It's really all in the mind. Your mind dictates what you can and can't do. I hope that helps! Try reading the book it will give you a step by step guide on how to become a better person. You can also watch the first 20 minutes of the book on youtube just search for the word "the secret". I wish you a better and happier life so that you can translate and spread to everyone in your family!