What has the power to truly transform us?
@Perspectives (7131)
April 24, 2008 10:25pm CST
That seems to be the question for our time. In my work as I photojournalist and spiritual seeker I have come to accept that often raising the right questions...our own...real, deep-down, burning questions are as important...if not more so than HAVING the 'right' answer...if there even is one.
Personally I am a firm believer in authentic tradition and the wisdom of the ancient experience. Many have walked this sacred path and continue to do so today. I have met many throughout my life so far...and feel fortunate to have met more within the Mylot community. One of my spiritual mentors suggested that seekers who have ties to any organized religion can find common ground when they focus on larger truths rather than polarizing differences..and I have adopted that belief.
When we keep our hearts and minds open and apprentice ourselves to all sages, seekers and saints...no matter what their denomination or belief system it creates pathways where we can get to the heart of the matter that really counts...the living spirit...not just the doctrine or the letter of the law.
So in my view...truth, love, honor, respect for differences within a spirit of compassion and co-operation has the power to truly transform us. However...that is just my 'perspective. I'd love to hear yours if you want something to get your 'thinker' going.
Warm regards to all who contribute...
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15 responses
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
25 Apr 08
The transformation in my life is Faith and writing. Much like your photojournalism, my writing allows me to see things outside the box. The reality of what is there. The pain of that reality and the people behind it.
Your words are always well thought out and I do hope one day I can reach your excellence of poetry in words. I live by a code of honour, by faith, and write to tell the world.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Dear Ainge...you are truly touching my spirit. I am deeply appreciative of your acknowledgment of my work...and words. It means a lot to me because you have a wonderful talent with words yourself. It is clear that we have mutual respect for our love of words and ideas and it is a privilege to be sharing that path with a fellow writer like yourself. I look forward to doing more of that now we have another way to keep in touch.
I agree with you about how interviewing others, capturing their 'moments in time' and being in the observer mode to so many different events definitely broadens one's perspective.
My world is a warmer, brighter place knowing that a like minded other is, as you say..."living by a code of honor, faith...and writing to tell the world." I am grateful we are companions along this path.
Wishing you many bright blessings my friend.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hi again..
I have been thinking about you a lot this week and wondered how things are going. Then I checked older responses I have missed and am so happy to hear about your new venture. How can I check it out? Is there anything I can do to support what you are doing.
How are things going with your agent and poetry? I think of who you are and what you are doing and I am grateful to have a connection with you. My world is always brighter knowing there are freedom fighting lightworkers like you out there. May you and your child be blessed in all ways that are for your highest and greatest good.
Take care dear one...and know my care and support are with you even when we are not chatting.
Take care...and we will keep in touch.
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
8 May 08
I am always so thankful for our friendship. I often have to think before I write because sometimes the words do not come so easy when you have something to say that you know the feelings but the words can not cover them. I believe we both understand that greatly.
It is an amazing world that brings so many together to see what we all think and where we want to take things forward. By the way, I have the humanitarian program started. So excited. You had a hand in me finally getting off my bottom to do that thank you. Website is started and store is up for this project.
Hugs and blessings,
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
25 Apr 08
"So in my view...truth, love, honor, respect for differences within a spirit of compassion and co-operation has the power to truly transform us."
Very true and I do this as best as I can. Mylots been a good opening for it too. On the other hand I've seen the opposite from a few characters. Part of me thinks this could be an afterthought... or something only a few will heed but others won't. Perhaps morality, truth and views have too much of a limit or its human flaws that impede the process (could be the Nihilist in me starting to talk and think here).
Overall there is more to gain from learning about each other and the difference instead of completely rejecting it (be it through degrading, insults, blame, ignoring).
3 people like this
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Hello again my friend...
It has been awhile since our last exchange and I am always delighted when you drop by to add your insightful comments to any perspectives discussion. Once again you have presented your ideas well...and undoubtedly there are some both on Mylot and "out there" that can incite cynicism if we allow it.
In my view it takes all types to make life interesting...and sometimes we need to bump into those walking a different path to awaken us to other ways of seeing...and being. From where I am at this point in life I have come to believe that there is far more to be gained in a spirit of cooperation, love, respect than in polarity, hate and diminishing others. People will be and do what they may...and the outcomes will reveal their lessons whether they recognize that or not. What others say and do affects their soul path...how we react to it...affects ours. At least that is how I choose to live and it works for me!
Good to be here and back in touch with you...I value your input.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
25 Apr 08
I was actually thinking about something this morning... which was related to a game I have been playing online for the last two months.
The game consist of building your own village... while other try to prevent you doing so by coming and destroying it.
You can either be like everybody else and spend your resources into going and attack other villages... or you can be different like me... and build the best defence system you possibly can to prevent them destroying your village.
This is what I am doing. I have been attack 5 times so far... and they had very little success... while my defence system become stronger every week.
Normally... you would hate the person attacking you... as each time... it is actually costing me 4 days to re-build what I have lost... and you would go out for revenge... by attacking his village. That is what most people would do... including our brave leader "George Bush".
Now IMAGINE what would happen if we could eliminate those two little words from our life... "hate" and "revenge".
What would you get? Peace? Civilise society?
When someone fly two planes in one of your buildings... would you not be better off devising a better defense system for your country... to make sure it does not happen again... rather than going out for revenge... and suffering more casualties in Iraq than you did in the initial attack on the WTC?
Rather than doing the attacking... why don't we wait for them to attack us? Sink their ships and shoot down their planes when they reach our coast. They die and we live.
A good defense system is the way to end all wars.
But this childish idea that you need to get revenge everytime someone does something to you... is the reason why we cannot get along and we will keep on fighting.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Hello Aussies...see I have not totally abandoned my friends here...just busy with life's happenings. These 'thinker' topics are so enjoyable with responses like these!
Your use of the on-line game as a metaphor is great! It is a really graphic way of creating a dynamic for people to tilt their kaleidescope and view things from a different....perspective.
You know by now that I am a lover rather than a fighter and therefore completely agree with your ideas about defense, love, peace and a more civilized society. You have my vote on your strategy and problem solving approach. Ever thought of running for office?
Great input as always and you know I value you and your ideas...even when we disagree. This time your views get a big thumbs up!
Good to be back and chatting again!

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Thank you as well for sharing your ideas about this topic as well. Your input is also insightful and I agree that there is so much more than what is 'seen.' I have been involved with metaphysics and energy-based thinking for most of my adult life.
With your ideas you might enjoy the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know Anyway." If you can find a copy of it...it is very thought provoking and aligned to some of what you presented here.
Thanks for your input...drop by again.
Best regards,
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I wanted to reply to your comment because it kind of speaks to what I have come to observe. I feel like so many artists weave hints and clues to the truth in their work. Like the whole controversy over Leonardo DaVinci's "The Last Supper", "The Matrix", "Star Wars" and many other works. There are hidden messages and/or clues in their work. Maybe they are more in tune with the universe because of their creative minds. But if you look back at ALL the ancient religions, they speak of spiritual mysteries and secrets to be discovered. This even holds true for Christianity and the way Jesus spoke and taught in parables. The true meaning of the parables were secrets or mysteries. You need to be seekers of truth and pure at heart to understand the meanings. So by playing an unasuming game, your consciousness is raised to the notion of eliminating hate and revenge. A mystery unveiled???....perhaps.
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@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I completely see your the authenticity to your beliefs. I think we miss out on a lot by not truly listening to the wisdom of others who speak of what they themselves believe. I don't want to be so tied up in my own set beliefs, that I cannot see the validity of another's. For me personally, the only thing that has transformed me has been God. He doesn't have an easy task.
I have to daily decide I'm going to implement my beliefs. It's not enough to me to simply believe something, I want others to actually see it in how I live my life.

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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Hi again...and congratulations on reaching your 9,000th post...good job AmbiePam! It took me forever to reach the 2000th mark and will probably be equally as long to go to the 3,000 mark. Oh well, we are here to enjoy ourselves and the earnings are a bonus.
Anyway back to the topic. I really appreciate your views...and respect your self-honest approach. We are on the same page on two counts...being open minded and respectful of differences...and walking our talk. It has been said the best way to lead is by example..and I subscribe to that too. Excellent input my friend...thanks for sharing it!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
You are welcome...in my view it a big accomplishment! Glad to be the one to give you the first kudos!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
25 Apr 08
Wow Raia what a way to come back. Full force thinker question. Well you know me and those thinker questions get me every time.
...no matter what their denomination or belief system it creates pathways where we can get to the heart of the matter that really counts...the living spirit...not just the doctrine or the letter of the law. So in my view...truth, love, honor, respect for differences within a spirit of compassion and co-operation has the power to truly transform us
This was exactly what I would have said. I have practiced it and know that it works to transform a person for the better. The key (and the hard part for some) is to learn how to open your mind when all of our lives, some of us, have been taught closemindedness. We are taught to go with exactly what we have been brought up with. I was never like this I always broke the mold in some capacity. So this view is fitting for me and has always been, at least once I started to think for myself instead of what everyone else thought for me.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hello friend...how are you? I miss being here and chatting with you. I hope everything is right in your world.
Thanks for sharing your views on this topic. I have been busy but everything is going well for us here.
Your comments about seeing things in similar ways is no longer a surprise to me...we are definitely resonating on similar frequencies. I think you are so right when you say that breaking out of the mold and thinking outside the box can be trans formative. So true.
Keep following the beat of your own drum...you are a ground-breaker.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
28 May 08
It's too late to turn back and change now. I have missed you too my dear. I was glad to see that everything was ok with you and you were just on a hiatus! :)
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I totally agree with you that all it takes is asking the right questions and have always felt like I came into this world to find my spiritual self and mission and felt like as long as I was open to the transformation that I would be guided and even as a young kid I WANTED to read the Bible fervently even though my parents never went to church or mentioned it but their were bibles and books I dug up from our basement secretly.
For others reading this I am not saying the Bible is the absolute truth and if I lived in another region it would of been the Bhagavad Gita, or teachings of the Buddha or the Koran--what I am saying is that it opened my mind to the desire of reaching a higher self in me.
The last ten years, books that have really helped me are
books on positive energy and thinking, Krishnamurti, Conversations with God, Disappearance of the Universe, A Course on Miracles, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle (which pounded away at me while we listened to 7 disc over and over again on our way to Canada and back, that was a weird feeling and at one point I swear I felt like I wasnt even a body but just mind)--so I think its no coincidence that I feel compelled to read Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes and I never even heard of it before but passed it a few times just seeing the cover--I love the synchronocity.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hello and thank you for adding so much to the discussion through your own journey. The books and discs you mention are familiar to me...as are many of the authors. I have followed a path similar to yours and I am still loving the discoveries I make as I pursue metaphysical teachings.
I have been studying metaphysics most of my adult life and now live within what I call 'energy based/Source centered awareness.' I also understand what you mean about how within these realms there is a different flow to things. Science of Mind and Unity teachings are similar and I have read material from both organizations.
Great to meet a like minded other like yourself. Hope we can chat again.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Organised religion didn't do it for me. Yoga, Meditation, and the ability to Look Within, answered my questions on Spirituality. My Life was Transformed, over a period of many Years. I've come to realise that Everyone is on the Path to God, and Everyone is exactly where they should be on that very Important Path. We choose our lives in each Incarnation, and we Create each Experience as we live it. Life is a wonderful Game and we Play as if our very lives were at Stake! We are One with God, and God is Absolute Love. Absolute love demands Absolutely Nothing!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hello again my wise friend. I always appreciate your powerfully insightful comments and additions to perspectives discussions...thank you.
Like you organized religion was not a transformative experience for me either. My path is akin to yours and my inner connection to Source continues to transform my life from the inside out. And yes, life is a grand adventure and a big thumbs up to your comment that "ABSOLUTE LOVE DEMANDS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING." YES!!!!!!
Thanks for dropping by...warm regards,
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Apr 08
Hi Raji, Good to see you here again, I've missed your discussion for the last few weeks. Your opinions are always interesting. I also feel that we have to keep an open mind, our inner spirit will always guide us. I think this is what Jesus meant when he said the kingdom of God is within you. There is much that is good in the belief systems of the world, and we cannot throw it all away. If we seek for common ground, we will find it, for the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, and others are the same, just presented in different ways. If we are willing to admit that none of us has all the truth, we can move towards a better understanding of each other and mutual respect. Perhaps, even if we are not ready ready to acknowledge that as yet, we may be willing to at least try to understand a little about each others beliefs. Blessings.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hi...and thank you for your warm greetings back. My time in Mylot land is certainly a lot less than it used to be. David and I are loving what we do and our livelihood is providing great satisfaction. I will always drop by and do my best to keep in touch with valued friends like you.
I have been reluctant to post discussions because I am not sure I will have time to respond...and that seems unfair to those of you who have been so supportive of my topics.It is still challenging to catch up on older ones I posted...like this one. I eventually come back and try to reply to everyone...but admittedly I do miss some.
Anyway, I appreciate your views on this topic and as I have found in our other chats your views and mine are very similar. The one common thing in all religions is love. To me it has the greatest power to transform us...and whether it is motivated from religious doctrine or a kind heart the effects can be profound.
Good chatting and blessings to you too my friend,
@ranji2008 (53)
• India
26 Apr 08
well I can add only to what you have said because I agree with your views.Personally I have been most influenced by experiences. I have noted that human beings are endowed with sixth sense instictively to KNOW.
Once I went to hear a great seer talk.I had some reservations as he was famous and had many followers.But when I saw him I knew by instinct that I am before a great being.To tell the truth , he talked only scarcely. But one could note that he was very calm even in the face of the noise and furore people were making.
what I mean is that change can come in me from experience and also the presence of a truly great teacher .
How well you wrote about the subject!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hello and thank you for your generous and positive feedback about my views and writing about the topic. Much appreciated.
Your participation in the discussion and what you added provides much insight and I respect that. When you shared your experiences the phrase that came to mind for me was from Isiah 30:15..."In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." From the sound of the seer that was the essence of who he was...being in this world...but not of it.
Wonderful to hear the positive impact that event had for you.
Best regards,
@SassyKittyKat (2135)
• Australia
25 Apr 08
I personally think that the bible has the power to transform us. For those whp actually dig deep into it and get it's full meaning, I think it could definitely have the power to transform anyone. I have seen it change lives and so, I'm a firm believer in this...
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Thank you for sharing your views. I agree with you that many have used the teachings of the Bible to transform their lives.
@paid2write (5201)
25 Apr 08
I am interested in all the worlds religions, past and present. I see them as different interpretations of the human spirit, or whatever it is that binds us together and makes us part of the natural world. This has been personified into a godhead figure, some call it God. It has become the basis of all religious doctrine, including the notion of Christian love. I cannot give it a name or a form but I find I do share the same beliefs.
I think I am becoming more religious in a way, not by worshipping a deity or following religious dogma, but from my own sense of awe and wonder. I think it is the idea of being part of the cosmos which transforms me.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Hello again...always great to hear from fellow writers. I appreciate you dropping by and offering such a thoughtful response. Your path sounds similar to mine. I have been reading about world religions, ancient and metaphysical teachings my whole life.
I do not consider myself a religious person because I do not align with any particular dogma or doctrine. What you are describing to me is the way I see myself...not religious...but definitely spiritual. Like you, I am in awe of the divine order throughout the Universe...the changing seasons, the balance within nature when humanity doesn't disrupt it, the intuitive knowing that grows and expands with each passing year.
Your closing comments are akin to my beliefs..and yes...knowing with my inner "Know" that I am a part of something larger than my personality, or body...is very transformative.
Wonderful sharing these ideas with you...hope to do more of that.
Warm regards,
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I could think of many things people could put as an answer to this question but for me, the answer would have to be....WE DO...
yes, truth can transform, but only if you accept it
love can transform but only if you give it
honor can transform but only if you have it
and respect can transform but only if you show it
and God can transform but only if you allow it.
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@britt462 (2)
• United States
25 Apr 08
it is not a what its a who and the person is god! and god is the person who put the love in our hearts and all those feelings that is wrong or rite is the good lord god telling you something so god is the one person who has the power to truly transform us
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
Greetings to both of you...and thank you for offering your views. Perspectives is a site where all views are welcome...as long as we maintain a respectful approach to our dialog.
You have both done that and I can see where both of you are coming from. As I said in the posting of the discussion...truth is something that is bigger than any belief system and not an exclusive club for the select few.
I view myself as a spiritual person...but do not subscribe to any particular religious dogma or doctrine. However, I respect the rights of others to follow the dictates of their own hearts whether I agree or not.
Your participation here is appreciated.
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
26 Apr 08
You listed all the good things that an truly transform us but you left out all the bad. Fear, anger, hate, war and the like have the same ability to transform folks and unfortunantly right now it seems those things are in the lead. Apathy is a dangerous thing and you have listed the cure respect compassion and love. I hope it wins!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hi and thanks for adding another dimension to the things that can transform. You are certainly right about the negative aspects of life being trans formative...and not always in the best ways.
Yes, we are certainly living in challenging times and I am with you in hoping that compassion, respect and love wins out. You know the expression...all it takes is one candle to light a dark room. I know there are many light workers in this world...only they do not get the same air time as the fear mongers.
Good input...thanks for contributing.
@goddessglamourpuss (261)
28 May 08
I think it is important to have an open heart and an inate respect for spirituality to be transformed. I personally believe that the divine is evident in all things and if you look at things with truly open eyes then the divine is all around. I have read many different teachings from many different denominations of popular religion as well as mystics and elders from many different cultures and ages in the search for the path that I would follow. In the end I was spiritually transformed by accepting Jesus into my heart and life and pledging to follow the teachings of the Bible. But this has led to the realisation that you also need to be ready and willing to be transformed for you can listen to spiritual teaching and wisdom without really hearing it at all therefore missing the opportunity for transformation.