Are you scared of surgery?

@raydene (9871)
United States
April 26, 2008 5:02pm CST
Hi Friends If I discovered tomorrow that I needed even minor surgery..I would puke... I would be scared! I've had so many surgeries and things have gone wrong and I almost died during one. So here's the lighter side of it. "Things You Don't Want To Hear During Surgery * Don't worry. I think it’s sharp enough. * Uh-oh. * I don't know where that came from! Just put it over there. * Better crank up that anesthesia. * I don't think that was supposed to come off. * Gonna have to stop here, his insurance won't pay for the rest. * Well, it's five o'clock! We'll just put this off till tomorrow. * Hey....maybe the janitor knows what this is." lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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35 responses
@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
1 May 08
Those are pretty good ones. : ) I've had so many surgeries and procedures that I don't have a fear of hospitals or surgeries at all. Well mostly. I will never have a spinal tap again, and no one will convince me too. Mine went horribly wrong. I preferred the liver biopsy when they pushed the needle with the 'hook' at the end into my side, without first numbing the area. I'd rather do that again than the spinal tap. But I'm so used to those that it doesn't phase me. Of course find me a really inadequate hospital and I think I'll change my mind!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Thank goodness I've only had very minor surgery once way back in 1980 and surprisingly I wasn't afraid of it at the would be a different story..I've heard there are more complications just with the anesthesia than anything else...I've also heard some wacky stories where sometimes surgeons sew up a person after surgery and uh, leave some instrument in the body...ekkk!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Apr 08
Yes I am scared of Surgery and I do hope that I will not have to have one again as the last one I had when I was 18 was a bad experience and it has stayed with me so I hope that I will not need one again Hugs xxxxxxxxxx
• Canada
12 May 08
I am not scared of surgery at all. If I knew that the prosedue would improve my life, or even save it, I'd go or it. I have had surgery before. It wasn't the easiest thing to go through, but the results were well worthit!!
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
28 Apr 08
ough.....maybe i will die if will hear those word,even i cannot explain what will be my feeling & reaction if one day i need surgery.
• United States
28 Apr 08
That's right...I wouldn't want to hear those things during surgery. LOL I'm scared of surgery too. When they told me I was going to have to have an emergency c-section with my son I cried cause I was so scared. I want to stay away from the hospital as much as I can. LOL
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I have had surgery two times in my life. Although one was considered elective, I felt they both were needed. Not really scared of it though.
@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
27 Apr 08
3 weeks after giving birth (which also terrified me) to my first son, this january, i had severe abdominal cramps, and thought i'd pass out from the pain,so my dad brought me in the ER...they ran a few tests, and then i was told i had gall bladder stones and some of them had blocked the bile duct, which caused an inflammation of the gall bladder. Then the doctor told me i'd be hosptialized until surgery!!! OMG i was sooooo scared, and cried, and then called my husband to tell him the bad news and cried even more cuz i realized i wouldn't see my baby for a few days!! It was Hell....they kept for 5 days, on intraveinous antibiotics,and then i had to come back the following friday for surgery, which i think i probably had nightmares about the whole darn week!!! It was a minor surgery, a laparoscopic surgery, to remove the gall bladder, but still, i had never had surgery, so i was petified!!! all went well, and it took about 2 weeks for me to be able to take care of my baby on my own, and about 1 month and a half for all the stitches to fall off.
@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
27 Apr 08
I've had only one, 12 years ago. If I hadn't, I weren't now there responding but somewhere on better hunting grounds, so it was absolutely necessary. Of course I was afraid but actually everything went quite well. Last thing I remember was, the anesthesiologist said me: "Don't be afraid," and I laughed and said: "But I am!", and then there was a blackout.
@lisado (1227)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I've had a lot of surgeries but that doesn't make them any easier. Actually, I know I have one coming up. I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I am going to have another scheduled c-section. When the doctor's office wanted a list of previous surgeries I actually had to tick them off of a list because I had had so many. My veins are garbage now because of so many, they are so scarred. I have a needle phobia, which doesn't help. Knowing they aren't going to get a vein without turning me into a pin cushion doesn't help, either. I dread them. Even though this will be my third c-section, so I know what's coming, I'm not looking forward to it.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Ihave had multiple surgeries, c-section, appendectomy, arthroscopic, one guy even tip-toes in my brain...lost my hearing on the left side as a result of that. I would think that a 'Whoops' or an 'oh, sh*t' would be bad enough to hear and a 'follow the light' would not be a good thing either. Can't forget - 'I didn't think surgical steel could rust' I do like your commenets
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
Hi raydene! I had a minor surgery when I was 19 years old and it went really well. But after my mom's surgery before she went to heaven, I never want to be under the knife nor trust any surgeon because of what went through with my mom's surgery. The doctor guaranteed that my mom will be able to walk without any pain and true enough when she woke up, my mother was able to walk a few steps without any pain and that was the last time she was able to walk again before she passed away. I believe that they messed my mother's spinal column. I have no proof but I know they did. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!
• United States
27 Apr 08
if its minor then not too scared i have had lots of mior surgery but if it was major then probably be really nervous
• India
27 Apr 08
what is the meaning of xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
27 Apr 08
oh yes... definitely yes... surgery is always 50 50 chance... and i always scared that i can never wake up again after surgery... if i can avoid it, i will never want to have a surgery... but i had one because i have no choice... it is an appendices surgery... fortunately, nothing goes wrong with it...
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
27 Apr 08
hmm i won't say i am afraid of surgery. ultimately surgery is supposed to make better what is ailing you. what i fear more is what is the cause of my surgery. a growth? a tumour? or a diseased organ? i've been through several minor surgeries, some requiring general anesthetic while the others just need local anesthetic. overall i'm pretty lucky that i came out a 'better' person, rid of whatever is ailing me. the most important thing to me is that the surgery is the only way before i'd consider going for it. thankfully i'm in a country where medical science is pretty advanced. not to mention that it's affordable as well.
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
I already had a three surgeries and I am still alive.. Im scared everytime they put me to sleep as you are not aware whats happening around and what might happened with that surgeries..
@only1shi (404)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I like to think that I am a pretty fearless person. And seeing how I'm going in for my first surgery this week to have two teeth extracted, I'm trying to remember the benefits and not what could happen. Something could go wrong in any situation, so if you only focus on the negative, then you will never see the positive.
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
LOL.ANyway, I invite you to log on
@podqueen (340)
27 Apr 08
Oh God, yes! I've had 2 operations in my whole life, both times successful removal of tumours which were non-cancerous, thank God. The second operation was very recent and the first was nearly 20 years ago and on both occasions I was really nervous. I hate going to the doctors or going to hospital and surgery is like the last straw for me! It still scares me to know if I have to have surgery as anything can happen even if the procedure is a "common" one.