I refuse to talk about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

United States
April 28, 2008 10:13pm CST
Is there one topic on mylot that you refuse to talk about? Is it because of fear that you will be given some negative responses? Or another reason? You don't have to name the topic if you don't want to, but please share with me how you feel about that fact you won't talk about the subject. For me there is one topic that I really wish I could bring myself to talk about but I refuse to. It is something that I could really use some great advice on. But, I have seen other people start discussions on this topic and I see how they are treated for it. So I refuse to put myself in that situation. I am normally not like this. If it is a topic that I feel strongly about, then I will voice my opinion on it. I know that not everyone will agree on certain topics. In fact when I start discussions that I want to know if someone agrees or disagrees, I don't care if someone disagrees. As long as they do it tastefully and don't result to name calling, childish games, and thinking that their opinion is correct/right. Everyone has a right to thier own opinion. But that doesn't mean one person's opinion is more right and/or correct than someone else's. Now, I am sure many are probably wondering what topic I refuse to talk about. Well sorry but I won't be giving out the topic here publically as that would probably just cause people the chance to jump on me about it. But if you are one of my friends and you are concerned and want to know then just pm me and I will tell you privately. I am not sure I will get back to you tonight as I am going to try to get my son to go to bed so I can go to bed. But I will get back to my friends in the morning. Good Night!!!!
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14 responses
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
29 Apr 08
there are a few topics that i refuse to talk about on mylot and to be honest it isn't because i don't want to talk about them but its because i know that if i do and don't agree with certain people that my stars will get lowered..because it has happened to me before...but for hte most part i will just go ahead and answer whatever it is that i want to...
• United States
29 Apr 08
I am sorry that you feel like you can't talk about certain things because of your star rating being effected. That is one thing that doesn't bother me. It's just a star to me and nothing more.
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• United States
29 Apr 08
That isn't right to be penalized for having an opinion.. All of the responses to the topics listed on here are opinions.. Does anyone research any of their responses, I wouldn't imagine that anyone does, they just respond with their opinion.. I thought this was just a discussion board.. You cannot have a discussion when everyone has to agree with everyone else, it would be so boring.. I don't always agree with you nor you with me, but as adults we should be able to say whatever we want to as long as we are not being mean, hurtful or outright cruel to someone else.. Everyone on Mylot has a right to their own opinion without tearing someone else down while expressing their opinion.. You just keep going, we don't need to go back into the dark ages with witch hunts and hangings just because you state your opinion.. Have a great day
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@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
29 Apr 08
So far, I didn't come across a discussion that pushed me to insult people...except for the discussion of the incest issue in Autrish where the girl has been kept in the cellar for 24 years and gave birth to 7 children. If your situation isn't something like this, I see nothing wrong in asking it. People who ask questions or make a discussion need real help and advices. There are times when we need guidance and I help people whenever I can. Of course, sometimes you won't get opinions you want to hear but at least people are being honest to you but i believe it's not a reason to start calling people with names or insult. it's really unlike me. You can message me anytime. :) we'll talk again maybe
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• United States
29 Apr 08
Thanks for your support! I always expect to get responses I am not going to like, everyone has a right to thier own opinion even if it is not the same as mine. But when I know for a fact before I start a discussion that I am going to be bashed, name called, and given childish games then I would rather not bother starting the discussion.
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• United States
29 Apr 08
You are sooooo right! It is not good to hold things in and for the most part I don't. When something is bothering me I normally talk to my mom about it. She is my best friend and I can talk to her about anything. In fact the one thing that is bothering me right now I have talked to her about. I just wish I could talk about it to other people that have actually had to deal with it. But I won't do it at the expense of being made to seem like I am wrong for my decisions.
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• Canada
29 Apr 08
To talk about your discussion or not it is your decision. But you know, everything is a risk. Life itself is a risk. The fact that I am going to school and there are crazy people shooting is a risk. But still people take a risk in order to live. I believe it is important to speak out when you feel uneasy. To keep everything inside of you and be depressed is not a good thing and will make things worse. I was in those situations where I was afraid of people's comment...especially how I have to deal with my mom and tell her about my issue. But i took the risk to tell her and I feel much more better wether the outcome was good or bad. My chest weighted 200 pounds and pouring it off, it feels much more lighter. On top of that, we were able to find a solution to my problem. If i was still in that situation, I wouldn't care asking it out here on mylot because i am sure there are many other women who suffer from my problem. I don't care what hapenns to me but i know i would give many valuable informations to the others. Right now, you don't feel good and that situation is bugging you, let me tell you that you are not alone.
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
29 Apr 08
hmmm...well i have no idea what you are talking about. but in my case, i don't have a subject like that. i talk pretty much freely here about anything under the sun, after all, i am unknown here, which makes it all the more exciting. anyway, it is really up to you up to what extent you can share here. this is a rather liberated site. so just stick around. take care! :-)
2 people like this
• United States
29 Apr 08
I know there are alot of people on here that will talk about anything regardless as to the outcome. But I also wanted to see how many people have a certain topic they won't talk about for whatever reason they have. I have definitly had some great responses and advice!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Naw..I'll talk about anything that interests me, is something I'm passionate about or have experienced personally etc etc...I'm not ashamed of who I am, where I've been, what i've been through, how i think, feel or see the world etc..As much as some ppl may get on my case about certain topics the bottomline for me is this....At the end of the day when I lay my head down to go to sleep I KNOW I'm a strong woman, a solid friend, a great mother and an excellent human being. And I KNOW that my kids love me unconditionally and accept me fully and quite frankly THEY are the ONLY two that matter to me...
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• United States
29 Apr 08
I understand and completely agree with what you have said. In general I am the same way. I think you know that because of the topic of child molestation that I openly talked about and didn't back down when someone confronted me on it. But when it comes to a topic that I am just now having to deal with and don't have a lot of personal experience, I don't want to be made to feel as if I am a bad person for my reasonings and why I choose to handle it. So instead of seeking advice about it here, I am just trying to deal with it the best that I know how.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I usually talk about any and everything when someone starts a topic.. I voice my opinion and never worry about what someone else has to say, because almost everything on here is some persons opinions.. I am not talking about the facts that are posted, facts that are taken from a reputable source and are just that, facts, I am talking about the responses to the discussions.. Those are opinions and we all seem to have one, don't we.. I enjoy this more than I thought I would when I started and love to chat, joke and voice my opinions.. This is a great voice to many people and I don't think that I would worry too much about someone else's opinion.. Take care and enjoy..
2 people like this
• United States
29 Apr 08
I see your point and for the most part I agree totally. I guess I should have made it a little more clear what I was talking about. I don't mean when responding to others, I will respond to about any topic. What I meant was, when I start a discussion needing advice or just wanting other's opinions, there is one topic that I refuse to start a discussion on it because it can be a controversial topic for alot of people and I have seen how other's have been treated just for mentioning the topic.
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• United States
29 Apr 08
Well, I am not sure what this particular topic is but I see your point.. But you also have the right to start any topic of discussion and if we don't agree or are completely against it, then we either, do not read it or respond with our opinion.. It is not right for you to be afraid to start a discussion on something controversial.. If you do start one and I don't agree, then I have a right to respond with my thoughts, or just pass it over, but not to try and hurt you over your opinions.. In this day and age, everyone has an opinion and most write books about them.. Good luck to you and have a great day..
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• United States
29 Apr 08
You know I welcome everyone's opinions no matter how different they are from mine. I am a firm believer that everyone has a right to thier own opinion. But there is a big difference between having your own opinion no matter how different it might be and someone saying that thier opinion is the right answer. There are people on here that truly believe they are right about certain topics and everyone else is wrong. Those are the ones that I can't stand and I really don't want to deal with them on a certain topic. As I have enough stress with it and I don't need the added stress of their so called "I am right, you are wrong opinions." It really is hard to explain without telling what topic I am talking about and I apologize for that greatly! But I do greatly appreciate your support and advice. I am truly glad we have become friends on here.
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
30 Apr 08
As others have said, other people are going to respond both positivly and negatively to every issue. Thats the beauty of this site. However, if you don't feel comfortable posting a topic, that is purely up to you(obviously). I tend to like having all opinions on certain matters, and I like seeing people's dfferent points of view. They are based on their parents, friends, teachers, and information that theyve read(among many other sources). If a topic is private for you, it may not be for someone else. Thats just how the world(and Mylot) works.
• United States
30 Apr 08
Okay I am going to repeat this for the upteenth time. Since no one seems to be understanding my point and haven't read my responses to others. "I know that people will respond positivly and negativily, that does not bother me!" 98% of time I welcome everyone's opinion whether they agree with me or not! I know how the world works, I am not blind to that fact!!! This discussion was asking everyone if there is one topic that you would not talk about for whatever reasons you have. Me sharing that there is a topic that I refuse to talk about because of the bashing (which is uncalled for) that it would cause was my answer to the discussion question. When I start a discussion about asking a question on something I am curious about, I will answer the questions myself. Instead of just leaving it as a question and nothing else. I see you are new here, so you probably haven't been given the wonderful chance of meeting some of the people on here that love to bash others because of thier views. But there are! They respond to certain topics and anytime someone starts a discussion in it they will literally bash you for your opinion. And I am not saying they just say "I disagree with you this is my reasoning." NO they come in basically saying your opinion is completely wrong, they resort to name calling, and childish games. So for those reasons, is why I won't talk about one particular subject. Not because I am afraid someone is going to disagree with me. I could careless if someone disagrees with me. As long as it doesn't resort to name calling and childish games. Give it time and you will see what I am talking about!
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
Fortunately I have never had a negative experience here. I have spoken about the same things here as I have on other forums where I have been judged for which was awful. But I can understand your fear. If you want to talk to me privately, please do! I'll see what I can do.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
29 Apr 08
I dont like to respond in many controversial subject as like you said people can be rude. An idea is if you really want advise just ask someone on Mylot you can trust wont bash you. Its sad that people feel the need to be mean if you dont have the same views as them. What ever happened to "if you dont have anything good to say dont say anything at all"
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• United States
29 Apr 08
Thank you for the great advice. I will definitly have to see if I can find someone who shares the same problems and be able to talk to them about it. I wonder the same thing about not saying anything at all if you don't have something nice to say.
@Bizziebod (3497)
29 Apr 08
I've got to admit religion is a discussion that I will be rarely get dragged into if I can avoid it. I can feel my blood just boiling thinking about it lol. I'm normally a sane rational person and can hold a decent conversation, but with some people and usually those on the internet then forget it, I just won't be dragged into it cause if frustrates me too much! Good discussion BTW
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• United States
30 Apr 08
Yeah religion is one I don't ever talk about on here, but not because of what others might think of me. I just don't get involved in it because I don't know the bible all that well and I have never really been to church either. So I don't feel like I would be knowledgeable enough to have a decent debate on the topic. So I just pass them by.
• United States
29 Apr 08
In my opinion here at mylot, you can meet great and nice people here. However I don't reserve many things because I think you should be open about how you feel and I think that mylot is about talking so you should talk about everything. I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like talking about religion, and military stuff. However I'm always in those disscussions because I believe that I have a right to show my opinion just as the other responders do. Everyone is here to talk, and everyone has something to say be it good or bad. You just have to be ready for that kind of person to respond, and hope its good and if not don't let it bother you. Always remember one thing, its just an internet site designed to give you money for babbling. Most people babble about dumb things, so don't let it get to you.
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• United States
29 Apr 08
You are right! I won't deny that. But like I said in my original discussion and in the few responses I have made so far, I know everyone has thier own opinion and I welcome anyone's opinions no matter how different they are. But what I won't put up with is people being nasty about it. There are people on here that feel they are right about everything and other's opinions are wrong. They get nasty about it and put you down because you feel different. To me that is uncalled for and for that reason there is a certain topic that I will not talk about. Because everyone that I have seen start a discussion on this topic has gotten bashed about how they feel and thier opinion. I really wish people weren't this way, but I know there are people out there that are. That's Life!
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
30 Apr 08
For something that you will not talk about, you certainly spent a great deal of time and used many words to talk around it, over it, underit and everything else in between but hit it in the eye. Good luck.
• United States
30 Apr 08
Your right I did. But this discussion was not about trying to get advice on something that I won't talk about. When I start a discussion where I want to ask a general question from the mylot members, I also answer that same question. It's only fair if I want to know something from others, I let them know my answer as well. This discussion was about topics that members here will not talk about or discuss. I was curious to see if there were other people on here that had certain topics they would not talk about. I even stated that they did not have to mention the actual topic, if they didn't feel comfortable doing so. Obviously you didn't understand the discussion as you didn't even bother to answer the questions I asked at the very beginning of the discussion. So why did you even bother to respond?
@mazmark (42)
• Philippines
29 Apr 08
ders a lot of it some just want to talk nonsense just to add to their money..as if talking nonsense at all.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Apr 08
There are now two topics that i will not ever touch again,one starts with r and the other with s, and I never got so much nastyname calling and childish games with some givingme pages of info that I did not have time to read and even insulting my doctors.so never again let somebody else suffer all that crap not me. not ever again.
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@natgil (33)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I'm still new here, yet I feel the same way you do. I've read so many discussions that people talk about trolls, or having their stars go down, or getting rated.. Whatever happened to living in the United States of America, and the freedom of speech?? I have yet to read one discussion that deserves to be deleted or responded to with rude cruelty. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. I think it's unfair for some of the other people on here who choose to be judge and jury. Who gave them that right?? I was raised to believe that all people are created equally. Why do some feel that they are better than others, or have the right to judge them just because they aren't crazy with what someone posts??