Obama did NOT put his hand over his heart during Pledge...picture Proof
@asuniqueasyou (354)
United States
May 1, 2008 11:02am CST
Ok, I never did believe this before that he refused to put his hand over his heart during the pledge until I saw the picture on snopes.com. they have a picture of Obama, Hillary, Ruth Harkin, and Governor Bill Richardson. All of them EXCEPT Obama have their hand over their heart. See for yourself at
I hope that link works because I cant copy and paste. Anyway this is rediculous. To all of you who defended him and said it wasnt true...thank goodness for pictures. I will not vote for this man..no way in h**l!!
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23 responses
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
1 May 08
First of all, this wasn't the pledge of allegiance - they are all facing different directions and the flag is behind every one of them. It was the National Anthem and very few people salute during the National Anthem.
Secondly, not saluting the flag does NOT mean not loving one's country. The flag is a symbol, something that represents us. It is not equal to the country itself.
Thirdly, if you had actually read the Snopes article, you would know that it wasn't the Pledge at all. You would also know that even experts agree that the law on saluting during the Anthem is archaic and has fallen out of favor.
Fourth, following any ritual does not make or break any individual. How they actually behave in life, how they live their beliefs, how they carry themselves - these are far more indicative of the character of a person. That is why I support Obama over Clinton any day of the week. He has not lowered himself to use the tactics she and her followers have used - he has responded with more class than she could ever hope to portray. He has not been caught in any lies (whether he lies at all, I don't know - I can only say there are few who don't lie at all) or portrayed himself to be more than he is. She pretends that her lies, repeated over several months, are merely acts of "mis-speaking" - it's hard to orchestrate a mistake, I think.
I also find it interesting that Bill Richardson, who stood on that very platform with Obama, has decided Obama is the right person to support. I'm sure he would not have done so if he thought that Obama was lacking in any way.
Obama may not win in November, if he is nominated. But God help us all if Hillary manages to scratch her way into the White House. McCain, while a legitimate war hero and veteran, unlike the current coward in chief, would still uphold the detrimental policies begun in this disastrous administration. We need to change directions entirely!

@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
2 May 08
Exactly Bond! thank you very much. I value patriotism...Obama obviously doesnt.
@bond0077 (375)
1 May 08
well what's the different?during the national anthem if a bum did that u can understand but a president hopeful?should he be even more patriotic than the average person and setting an example,i guess it wasn't the national anthem of kanya huh?this is a good example of why america may vote in the next wrong guy for president,do you know how unpatriotic you sound by saying its not a big deal to put your hand over your heart which is not saluting by the way only solders salute by the way just to correct you!but civilians hold their hand over their heart!ok what is the flag a symbol of?it represents the union of the people so if you don't do the ritual be it salute or hold your heart,it means YOU ARE NOT PATRIOTIC RIGHT?obama is making race a issue in this race to be nominated,that's all he is doing ,anybody can do that,i can do that you can too,when he uses words like "my asians or my latinos ,do you ever hear hillary or mccain say my whites?or my blacks?he is try to make it ,us minorites vs hillary and then if he gets there mccain!this is preaching,Hillary is respecting all voters,by not assuming they are too stupid to realize this cult mentality way of thinking!Hillary is saying i won't stoop to the low insult of your assuming you would vote for him simply on the basis of my skin color is like obama's,which is something hillary can't defend against without sounding racist!don't you see this?what if hillary says my latinos or my women voters?and it worked this would be the first election based on race not who is right to handle the problems of AMERICA!what about osama bin laden,or job losses to china,or mexican illegal workers,or mexico,or the war,regardless of who started the war,yes it is a bad situation made by bush a republcan but not hillary.yet obama has his voters convinced that it was Hillary's decision to send them by saying with Hillary is more of the same or like electing bush's third term!how false information can you give and you say he is not using dirty tactics?obama has destroy Hillary chance of becoming president by basically calling her a republican or associting her with john mccain?don't you see where obama is playing extremely in a non combative way "DIRTY" i wished Hillary had the experience to handle such a low dirty political opponent!Hillary's problem is she is too honest to be swimming with the sharks and to be good in politics you have to be a good lier ,being dirty while looking good doing it like obama that is her downfall not that she is a bad person which is sad in the fact that she would proably be the first HONEST president in america's history!
@bond0077 (375)
1 May 08
jerzgirl i think you should check you ears and your eyes because i just checked the site asuniqueasyou said to see,and she is 100% right it was a pledge of allegiance before a senate!check again before you respond,they say "please stand for the pledge of allegiance"

@MntlWard (878)
• United States
1 May 08
Ha! I hadn't looked at your link, because I knew which picture it was, but looking at the link reveals to me that if you'd scrolled down in your own link, you would have seen that it was the national anthem playing, you could have read why it's not universally customary these days to put your hand over your heart during the national anthem, and you would have seen pictures of Obama with his hand over his heart at other times.
So I have a question:
Did you really not read that link you posted? Or did you read it and then come on here and lie about what was happening in that picture?

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@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
2 May 08
I mistyped anthem...so what. Point remains the same. the man doesnt reflect the very value of Americanism. Singing the national anthem is respecting the country we love. he doesnt have the "audacity" to show respect for that. of course supporters of Obama would try to find a reason to defend him.
@goodhappens (671)
• United States
2 May 08
in the link it does say that it is not always expected now a days for the hand over the heart during the anthem, but when one is running for a political position of such high power and with the war and 9/11, one would think he could show commom courtsey to the rest of the country by doing it, and yes it showed that he has before, but my question is where does he stand on change, I dont think any of the candidates have stated much on that and the one that lets me know what they are wanting to do to "change" our country is probably the one that will get my vote, I just dont see it being Obama, first he backed his preacher, still goes to the church then says oh no I dont agree with him, he cant make up his mind about his preacher, how is he going to make up his mind about important issues in our country, just a thougth
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@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
2 May 08
I do all the time. It is a sign of respect. I didnt used to give it much thought before 9/11 but after that I always do. It is a sign of patriotism. Obama is no patriot!
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
2 May 08
Obama is no less patriotic for not putting his hand over his heart than you are more patriotic for doing it... That one gesture does not a patriot make. Gestures and slogans do not run the Nation. People who vote and their elected officials, people like Obama, do.
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
2 May 08
well, if that's your criteria, then I guess you would vote for Fidel Castro, Musselini, or Hitler, because those tyrants were all big on saluting and having everyone salute them. G-d help people like you who pay attention to the stupidest and most petty things! This is how an incompetent like Bush got into the White House, and it is how a maniac like McCain will get to be president, and set this country back 40 years to a time when women had no rights. We will go back to a country where a woman will have to go to a dark alley to have an abortion.
And all because voters looked at whether a candidate put his hand on his heart and saluted a piece of cloth.I suppose you also think that a person is a better human being because he goes into a building on sunday and prays to a statue!
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@maekhamin (87)
• United States
2 May 08
wow... people actually care about that? man... that's just retarded...
look, if you're going to vote make sure you vote someone's who is competent, someone who is smart and someone who can lead the nation...
saluting the flag does not mean anything really. george w. bush signed an american flag for god's sake and nobody cares...
hypocrites... look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Flag_Code
if you violate one of those and actually criticize obama for what he did then you are a big hypocrite.
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@cvrmom (181)
• United States
1 May 08
Well, I looked at the link and I thought that the accusations were just rumors, too. Though pictures can be doctored.
I don't know if not putting his hand over his heart was just an oversite or nerves or something else. I wouldn't not vote for someone based on just that. Mrs. Obama making her statement about only now being proud of her country would put another nail in his coffin. Then, add the Rev. Wright and Obama could be buried.
I won't vote for him because I don't agree with his politics. The small amount he says. He seems to prefer catch phrases more that substance.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 May 08
That link to the snopes confirmation of this action is in my opinion GREAT! In all the instances where Obama has been caught doing or saying anything wrong for a future president of this country Obama or the Obamaites have always come up with some excuse. I find that most of the people who want to vote for him are purposely ignoring all his wrong doings because they are only voting for the color of his skin. Certainly not for his experience. IMO he is a threat to this country because of his choice of friends...racists, terrorists and Muslims.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 May 08
If you saw this photo on Snopes.com how could you have missed the fact that this wa during the playing of the National Anthem, not during the Pledge? For the record, today there are probably many more people who do NOT place their hand on their heart during the Anthem than those who do, at least this is true in my area.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 May 08
Thankfully I'm not so shallow as to form my opinions of a person based on whether they put their hand over their heart for the NATIONAL ANTHEM (not pledge), or wear a flag pin to indicate "patriotism". I'm by no means an Obama supporter, but that doesn't mean I'll jump on the Obama-bashing bandwagon and get my panties in a twist over something so meaningless as not putting his hand over his heart during the anthem. The last I checked, this is still a free country and we are allowed to express our "allegiance" to this country in our own ways.
I don't think anyone ever said he didn't refuse to put his hand over his heart. As anyone can see, he did not. Although, on the same page, it's been shown that he has done it during other occasions (perhaps you conveniently missed that part?). According to Obama, he was taught to sing when the anthem played, not put his hand over his heart.
To be quite honest, I'm appalled that people would actually take issue with something so unimportant. It's obvious that we're headed for another four years of poor Executive leadership, given the mentality of some of the voters I've seen.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
3 May 08
Someone could copy and paste the entire book of "Dreams from My Father" and "Audacity of Hope" and the Obamites would STILL scream "out of context"! Wake up! He said and he by all means MEANT it!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 May 08
There are many reasons that people don't do this and it wouldn't affect my reasons to vote or not to vote for him.
I won't vote for him because he refuses to tell us what his plans for the country are, instead repeating the phrases and buzzwords regarding "change". Frankly, it scares me that he won't say what his plans are if he gets the office!
Many people are patriotic but don't wear flag pins or stand at the national anthem or things like that. It's a disturbing picture, sure, but there are many other reasons not to vote for him.
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@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
1 May 08
I 100% agree with you. I made up my mind long ago that I would not vote for him. He absolutely frightens me with his lack of a plan. His supporters will respond and see read his website...well frankly anyone can write anything in a blurb. I want to hear it from his mouth. I dont want to hear "yes, we can" or "Change we can believe in". If I wanted to listen to Bob the Builder I would turn on Nickelodeon. This man should not be trusted. His affiliations are far worse than Hillary. I say this because I know that someone will say something about Hillary scandals. I wish everything we know about him today would have come out sooner because then we wouldnt still be wondering who our democratic nominee will be.
@goodhappens (671)
• United States
2 May 08
I agree w/ you dragon, my man had told me about that along time ago and I said exactly what you just did, i would like to know what his plans of "change" are and since he isnt willing to let us know that, he in no way has my vote.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
5 May 08
Maybe he didn't put his hand over his heart because he, unlike many, is not an idol worshiper? I love this country but I also love the Creator. I wouldn't put an graven image before him.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
3 May 08
In reading all of the responses posted here I have to wonder; just where is this country headed? If we do not believe it is a patriotic attitude or symbol to pay homage to our flag and country and what the flag, pledge and national anthem stands for by a simple salute of our hand over our heart, we are in real trouble that runs much deeper than a staggering economy! I'm almost 58 years old and still get chills and misty-eyed when the national anthem is played! If I am wearing a hat or cap(which I am most of the time) it comes off and is over my heart, if not my hand is there. It is not something I do out of necessity or proper ettiquette or protocol, I do it out of respect, because I want to, because I am PROUD to be an American and ALL that stands for! The idea that ANYONE would just slough off ANYBODY's lack of respect as not necessary "these days" boils my blood! If ANYONE is not proud enough of their country, flag or anthem to show respect with a salute EVERY time they are afforded the opportunity, SHAME on them but for a PRESIDENTIAL candidate to show this kind of disrespect is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
5 May 08
This has nothing to do with religion! This has to do with PRIDE in your country! This man Obama shows me none and his wife IMO tells her true feelings when she says of Obama's candidacy that "this is the first time she has been proud of her country"! These two have been nurtured in hate by a racist pastor(who hates Jews by the way)and in now way should the even be on the same street as the Whitehouse much less residing in it!
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
5 May 08
By the way FEC139, I am pro Israel all the way! I believe when America turns her back on Israel she will lose favor with Jehova God! Surprise you?
@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
2 May 08
yet another uninformed voter thanks to Obama. McCain never said 100 yrs war. Obama exaggerated that story just like he exaggerates everything that comes out of his mouth. 'yes we can'....pick a better president!
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
2 May 08
Interesting - I'm uninformed because of Obama. Hmmmmm. And you have decided this how? Because my opinion differs from yours?
1. I've never actually listened to a single speech any one of the candidates has given. I have only read breakdowns of what they have said and on occasion actual transcripts. I have read analyses and compared facts. But, nothing Obama has said has convinced me of anything. What I read and analyze and study has helped me decide.
2. When did Obama say anything about McCain? I know of nothing said about what McCain said except what I've seen in the news and what I've read in political analyses. And, again, I verified what I read to be sure it was factual. I didn't assume it was true just because someone else said it. I check all purported facts for accuracy and interpretation.
3. My best friend holds a Masters in Political Science from Villanova and is a staunch Republican. I am fully capable of conversing with him on an equal level and asking him questions and learning from him. Because of him I have a better understanding of the political process than I ever got from any civics class. We obviously don't always agree, but we are capable of going nose to nose without assuming the other one is a brainless dolt.
4. The wonderful thing about our country is that, contrary to what some might think or want, we are ALLOWED to differ politically. We have representative government gained through primarily democratic processes. I don't have to like your candidate and you don't have to like mine. But, neither do I have to tolerate untruth. And, when I see it, I will say something. Others are free to do likewise.
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
2 May 08
Honestly... You would refuse a man a vote for not at one time putting his hand on his heart during an Anthem. He did many time to Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He also he did so when he was sworn into public office, so obviously he has nothing against making that gesture or honoring the Flag or the Nation...
If he can be blamed for anything in that picture, it is that he was not as slick and as false as those who stood next to him. Those other politicians were just more conscious of the photo opportunity that they standing there presented. Obama is more natural and more honest than they. He was relaxed. He was listening and alert. They were phonies.
How many people at public gatherings put their hands over their heart during the Anthem? It seems that when I have gone places, I have not seen too many doing it, especially not the younger generation. It is not common practice to do that any longer.Sorry to say...
Were Obama to have not put his hand over his heart at other times, I would perhaps have had cause for some questioning or alarm... He did for the Pledge of Allegence and don't forget that he did take the Oath of Office in which he swore to serve the people of this Nation.
You have not taken the oath of office. You have not chosen raise your hand, to swear on a Bible and to face the Flag and to take an oath to serve your Country as a member of Congress... And you are thinking he is less of a good American for not at one point of time putting his hand over his heart for the Antham? Horse pucky.
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
2 May 08
Hmmmm..That is really not nice if he wants to run for Presidency he should have made the effort of putting his hand on his chest.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
2 May 08
I saw a video of him doing it.
So I'm sure he does sometimes...
Patriotism isn't shown by the pledge or singing the national anthem or wearing a little pin...
Patriotism is what you do for your country, what beliefs you hold which affect it.
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@Mekdukay0531 (4)
• United States
2 May 08
It never ceases to amaze me how trivial politics become in the United States. We can spend all of our time discussing whether or not an idividual places his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance or how much money a candidate has made or taking sound bites out of context.
When are we going to, as a nation, demand that the media and politicians discuss what truly affects the standard and quality of life that we expect to have in the United States? There is a unnecessary war being waged in Iraq, affording health care to this great nation, an economy that has been squandered and raped by those who speculate on market forces, corporations outsourcing jobs oversees and getting rewarded with tax incentives to do so, this is what we need to be discussing.
If your criteria for voting for a candidate is based on some trivial personal issue, you might as well stay home.
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@drewster999 (1)
• United States
20 Jul 08
The ignorance demonstrated here is enough diatribe that I need speak no further. The link takes you to a story about the National Anthem, not the pledge, and a little further examination will find pictures on the internet of Bush, both junior and senior, in the course of their lives not holding their hands over their hearts during the NATIONAL ANTHEM. Didn't make them foul traitors did it ? (PS Bush 1 at least had the creds to be president)