I Am Concerned For My Brother

May 3, 2008 1:44am CST
There are a few of you here who know, that my (older) brother has been in the hospital for going on two months. On March 11th, he fell inside his home, and broke his right hip. He's currently in a rehab facility. My sister and I went to visit him last weekend, and he looked good, although he's become somewhat discouraged. He's understandably anxious to go home. Well, my sister in law phoned Friday night, to let me know that my brother's blood pressure has been up and down, ranging from quite low to very high. The doctors can't find the cause of this, and have been monitoring him closely, and adjusting his meds, etc. He's in danger of having a stroke or a heart attack. Your thoughts and prayers would be appreciated at this time. Thanks. Have you, or a family member, or friend, ever experienced this? What was the cause, and how did they get this under control? Did this have any long term affects on you/them?
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14 responses
@kareng (71249)
• United States
5 May 08
I'm sorry to hear that your brother is having complications. I hope that the doctors get this figured out and he is regulated. Keeping your brother and your family in my prayers!
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@kareng (71249)
• United States
5 May 08
That's encouraging news!
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• Canada
12 May 08
Thanks. He can go home on Tuesday, as long as his blood pressure isn't still way off.
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thank you so very much. They've changed his meds as of Saturday, and his blood pressure is coming down. It was much too high before this, and then too low earlier in the week. Take care.
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@weemam (13372)
3 May 08
I can't give you any advice here pal But I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers xxxxxxxxx
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@weemam (13372)
5 May 08
I am so pleased pal , Just shows how strong the power of prayer is xxxx
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thanks so much, and yes it does show this for sure.
• Canada
5 May 08
Hi weemam, I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. His blood pressure has started to lower, since they changed his meds on Saturday. It was way too high before this. Take care, and big hugs to you too.
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@tholitz (1127)
• Philippines
3 May 08
First of all I'm very sorry for what had happened to your brother. I pray that he will immediately recover from this condition and get well soon. I really don't know the real reason why his blood pressure goes high and low since I'm not into medicine but from your story I think his feeling particularly the discouragement that he got from this accident had troubled his mind and make him thinks a lot. It is great that he have a family who are very supportive and concern with his condition. I really do think that he needs all the support and encouragement to assert once again the confidence he have in himself. Hope that he will get well soon.
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. Yes, I do believe that stress, and discouragement can be factors at times like these. He's doing some better now, since they changed his medication on the weekend. Take care.
• Canada
10 May 08
So Sorry I missed this post Mom! I am glad that we talked yesterday and so you now know all that has gone on with my son and my work this week and so I guess I skimmed over this in my in box I do apologize for this but am trying to make up for some lost time this morning however I do have quite a few dishes to do! I have been praying for your brother as you know and shall continue to do so! I hope things level out for him soon and this all has a good out come! Take Care, ~Heavens~
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• Canada
12 May 08
Hi heavenschild, That's okay. I'd never be able to keep up with the schedule you maintain. I think you do an amazing job. I appreciate your prayers. He's scheduled to finally go home on Tuesday, if all is okay. He'll be having physio, and nursing care coming in. I'm planning on calling him in the morning, to see if it's all still a go. Take care.
@mummymo (23706)
3 May 08
Mt dearest someonesmom of course I will be keeping your brother, you and your family in my thoughts and prayers - you know I will! I do not know how old your brother is but I can tell you that when my Gran had her infamous fall through the loft before Christmas they think it was low blood pressure that caused it! She had suffered from really high blood pressure for years and it was just getting stabilised before all of this happened! Seemingly as you get older it is harder for your body to stabilise blood pressure and certain meds just confuse things more - when she was standing up her blood pressure was falling through the floor but she had her meds all adjusted and she is doing much better now although the dr does want to monitor her to be on the safe side! I hope that they sort out your brothers blood pressure soon as he has enough on his plate trying to recover from his broken hip! xxx
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• Canada
5 May 08
Hi mummymo, Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers, and for your friendship too. My brother is sixty eight (eleven years older than me.) They completely changed his meds on Saturday, and his blood pressure is starting to lower. It was way too high before this, and way low earlier in the week. He is somewhat discouraged, because of his hip, and his long hospital stay (almost two months.) He's used to being very active. His wife (my SIL), has major health problems too, and we almost lost her a couple of years back. She's been at the hospital daily, to be with him, and he's quite concerned about her. I'm glad that your gran's doing much better. Take care, and big hugs to you.
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• Canada
5 May 08
I know that your prayers have done a lot of good, and I'll let you know how he's doing. He's supposed to be going home next week, and having physio, and nursing care come in. I'm praying that his blood pressure will be stable, of course because it needs to be for his health's sake, but also, if it's not, they can't let him go home.
@mummymo (23706)
5 May 08
Oh sweety I am the one who is honoured and lucky to have you as a friend! I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and hope that they can do some good. Thanks for the update and I hope to hear soon that he is well on the mend! Hugs xxxx
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• United States
3 May 08
I understand your concern for your brother, I have many health concerns in our family as well and it is scary to say the least. My husband and I have been learning about health conditions, eating better etc. since his father was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer a year ago. One thing we have learned is that a lot of problems/diseases stem from Chronic Inflamation. We learned about an all natural health & wellness beverage approx 9 months prior to getting the news about my father-in-law, he started on it last year and is now doing well, it has been a blessing. I know you don't know me and I haven't been on mylot long but I can't help but share this product with others, even if it's just getting the information out there. It is a huge anti-inflamatory & antioxidant. Let me know if you would like more information on it to see if maybe it could help your brother. I know stress among many other factors come in to play with high blood pressure. You, your brother and family will be in my prayers.
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• Canada
5 May 08
My brother is actually a prostate cancer survivor, and he has passed the five year mark. He does have a cyst on each of his kidneys right now, which they're watching, and I believe on his liver as well. I'm glad to hear that your father in law is now doing better. They've just changed my brother's meds, and his blood pressure has started to come down, as it was way too high on the weekend. Thanks for your offer of giving me this information. Is there a website, or a link you can share with me here? By the way, welcome to myLot, and thanks so much for your thoughts, prayers, etc.
• United States
6 May 08
Hello, I am glad that your brothers bp has come down. You are welcome for the prayers, we are all in this life together. I am happy to hear that your brother is a 5 year survivor! Did he have stage 4? Is the 5 year mark when it's in total remission? We are still learning these things. It has really opened our eyes as to how we eat, products we use etc. It's shameful the chemicals they put into everything! I know we need to do our part as consumers too but it's just too bad some of the choices people are faced with. I could go on and on about all of that. Our website to learn more about the product is http://www.productat.themangosteenrevolution.com When you get there you will be asked for your name, email and ph# this is only done because we have a track-able website, your information is kept. completely confidential. You can also research at a third party website http://www.pubmed.com Once there type in one of the following into the search field, mangosteen, garcinia mangostana or xanthones Let me know if you would like some audio cd's or a DVD about the mangosteen fruit and I would be more then happy to mail it to you. You take care and try not to worry to much :0) In our thoughts and prayers *** God Bless Serena
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 May 08
My prayers are with your brother I hope his blood pressure stabilizes, now I have never heard about that happening before, I do truly hope that he will be okay.
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• Canada
5 May 08
Hi winterose, Thanks so much. I really appreciate your prayers. They changed his meds totally on Saturday, and since then his blood pressure has started to lower. It was very high prior to this. The respondent before you here, gave me a link to a condition I'd never heard of, involving both high and low blood pressure. Take care.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
3 May 08
You definatly got my prayers for you and your brother. (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thanks so much for your prayers, minnie. By the way, his blood pressure has lowered since they changed his meds on Saturday. Take care, and hugs to you too.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
Why of course you have my thoughts and prayers for your brother someonesmom...I was doing a quick search about both that seesaw of both low and high blood pressure but couldn't find anything about both at the same time...I only found articles about one or the other. My thoughts are with your brother...and for you too! (((Hugs)))
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• Canada
5 May 08
Hi pye, I appreciate your prayers and support so much. Thanks, again. His blood pressure has started to come down, since they changed his meds on Saturday, as at that time, it was way too high. By the way, did you get my e-mail? Just checking, as my computer was acting up last night, and this morning some too.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
3 May 08
You don't have to ask for thoughts and prayers with me, you'll just have them at times like this. The condition your brother has could be happening due to the anxiousness causing stress and the stress has an influence on blood pressure (if there are physical ailments relevant to high blood pressure those will simply compound the effect). It could also be a pheochromacytoma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheochromocytoma http://hyper.ahajournals.org/cgi/reprint/6/2/281.pdf
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. My brother's blood pressure has started to come down, since they've changed his meds on the weekend. It was really high on Saturday morning, prior to this. I checked out the link, and have never heard of this condition. Since they are monitoring him closely, and doing various tests etc., hopefully they will get to the bottom of things. Take care, and thanks again for looking up the information.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 May 08
I am sorry to hear about your brother it must be really hard and I will certainly send my thoughts and prayers to you at this time. I hope that they can find out what is wrong with him soon and help him to feel better.
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• Canada
5 May 08
I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. They've changed his meds as of Saturday, and his blood pressure is lowering, as it was way too high before this. Thanks again.
• United States
3 May 08
I shall keep you in my prayers and thoughts. I hope they find out what is causeing this. I can understand him wanting to go home being in the hospital for as long as he has been is a long time. Please keep us posted on how he is doing.
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. His blood pressure has lowered, since they changed his meds on Saturday. It was way too high just before this. Yes, almost two months in hospital is a very long time. Take care.
@aswinbio (174)
• India
3 May 08
i understand your condition and i'll pray for your brother. i have not faced any such problems and i pray god not to happen anything in my life like this..
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• Canada
5 May 08
Thank you very much. I appreciate your prayers, and your response here.
@maliki2 (255)
• United States
3 May 08
I have had similar things with my family. First my child was born just over a year and a half ago with a rare birth defect, that required four surgeries in less than 6 months of his life, including one within two days. I've had a cousin who was 17 who was in a fatal car accident who was in the hospital on life support. I think everyone has had or knows of someone who has had similar family with different medical problems. Hang in there, and thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
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• Canada
5 May 08
I'm so very sorry to hear about your son, and your cousin. It's true that these types of situations touch everyone's life, at one time or another. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers.