Has your cat ever suddenly attacked you, for no reason?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
May 17, 2008 11:42am CST
Awhile back, I posted about how my big cat, (Big Man) attacked and bit my foot. It was no tiny nip, either. He was just scared at the time, so I forgave him. I thought everything was back to normal. But, just today, my other cat, EB, tried a similar prank.
She was sitting on my lap, as usual, while I was posting on My Lot. And, she was cleaning her paw. And, then out of nowhere, she reared back her head and tried to bite my hand. I moved quick. And she flipped over and tried to bite me again. Maybe my typing hands scared her. She's ten years old, so maybe her faculties are not so sharp these days.
I put her on the floor ASAP! She's acting OK now, but it was such a weird experience. She did something similar awhile back, and bit me on the shoulder. It left a huge black bruise. That really hurt.
I am not sure that I will let her sit in my lap again, anytime soon. Has your cat ever gone from cute to crazy in a split second? Why do they do that? Please share.
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19 responses
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
17 May 08
My cat has never attacked me but my poor baby hissed at me this morning when I went to pick her up because I noticed she was limping. Found out from the vet she has a small fracture. She will be staying at the vet until Monday morning.
@michpatis (17)
18 May 08
Poor thing, hope she's better soon. Do you know what happened?
Michelle xx
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Oh, that's so sad!
My "baby" woke up one morning limping too.
His poor little cat paw had gotten caught under a door.
I don't know how.
He was fine in a few days.
I hope your cat is alright, now.
@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
17 May 08
Yes a cat I once had did that quite a lot. It seemed as if he'd attack out of nowhere, but i read in a very good cat care book I had that they are picking up on little changes that are too subtle for us to notice.....something like a change in the way we look at them or are moving around - and they feel momentarily threatened by it. Those bites they give though they really hurt, is more of a warning than anything
@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
17 May 08
It was a very good book and thanks for replying. It did make you paranoid though and maybe hypochondriac on behalf of your cat in some areas.
Have a good day! :-)
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I've noticed that too!
We had a dog years ago.
He was so sweet and kind.
Very protective.
Thank you Myryam
for talking with me today!
Be well.
@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I'm sure the book would tell you that they are bored. When cats are mentally healthy they are in top physical shape. They want to play and chase and hunt. It's probably just boredom. I do have a tuxedo kitty that does this. she is playing when she does. I play back and she goes off and runs around as though she is excited. It's like "oh boy...let's play". So, I wouldn't worry. If you are busy just tell the kitty no and if it continues just separate the cat from yourself until you are ready to interact.
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
26 May 08
Do you have wounds caused by the bite. If so please see a doctor you need to be trested. Cats has rabies too.
@littleone3 (2063)
17 May 08
This reminds me of the time when i was living with my parents and my sister had a cat called Lush.
He use to hide on the stairs and everytime i walked through the hall he would jump on me and attack my ankles. I would end up with the cat hanging off my legs and alot of straches and bite marks on my ankles too. I was the only one he did it too. But if i was sitting down he would be fine and very affectionate.
I have no idea to this day why he did it.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
20 Jun 08
My cat did that all the time when
he was a kitten. Used to drive me nut!
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 May 08
Maybe the movement of your hand was annoying her. She was trying to clean herself and be comfortable and you were distracting her. Who knows what goes through there minds at times. They can be contrary sometimes.
I've had them attack my feet when passing thinking I would play. I don't remember any other attacks per say.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
18 May 08
I have had it happen with my cats. What it is is that they are feeling so good and so happy that they want to get you to play with them. It isn't considered as play in the human world, but if you watch a couple of cats together they will go through the "I'm so cute" antics and the next thing you know they are seeming to fight. It is simply that they are feeling playful and have a need to get rid of excess energy. Also, cats are natural hunters no matter how domesticated they are, and the movement may have looked like prey to her. When you moved your hand quickly away from her it was like the prey was escaping so she would get more intense about catching the "mouse" or whatever it appeared to her in her kitty mind.
I have always had cats and they will do that when they are feeling good. Some of them had stalked me by hiding by a corner and waited for me to walk past and they would jump out and grab me. We would wrestle for a couple of minutes and I would let them know when it was enough. No matter how old a cat is, there will always be a kitten inside.
Don't feel that the cats can't sit in your lap anytime soon. Just make it clear to them that you don't accept that kind of behavior. But keep in mind that they are natural hunters and that movement sometimes make them think of prey and they will go after it.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
18 May 08
there was once when my siamese cross boy actually scratched me really badly. but that was when he was really young. i think he was playing with my other boy and just got to excited. sometimes my longhair boy will play bite, though he doesn't draw blood. he does that when we ignore him, or when our toes are under the blanket.
my girl once bit my finger, but that's because i was silly enough to feed her durian coated on my fingers. she thought it was all durian and chomp down on my index finger.
maybe EB was intrigued by the movement of your fingers and thought you are playing with her. my cats do think i'm playing with them when i move my fingers.
@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
18 May 08
I think cats have a tendency to do this. Every cat I have ever owned does this. I could just be sitting there petting and the next thing I know I get bitten. Same as if I walk by them I suddenly get a swipe and scratch. Kind of why I like dogs better!
@sheila29646 (11)
• United States
19 May 08
My cat is getting alittle age on her also and she's very skiddish, but she'll lays on my lap the most, of all the family, she trust me, and I know she loves me.
But for no reason sometimes she does what your cat does, she'll run from under a table and grab ahold of my ankle and bite me, sometimes she'll reach around like pycho cat and bite me out of the blue, while I'm petting her. It makes me feel so sad and uneasy when she does it...My husband told me he thinks the cats feels I'm her mother, cats will playfull bite each other and my husband feels it love bites, even though it feels like pure angery fits...
Plus I feel that cats have a sixth sense. I feel they can signal up on sicknesses/danger around them. I think that maybe they get anoyed at us while we're petting them, if they're trying to concentrate on this vibe. They do hear things better than we do, and by us making even alittle noise it might be messing with their reception of this vibe. Maybe they're just trying to distant us for a minute.
My cat don't like changes, and maybe she gets annoyed at me if I smell different, I do change soaps, lotions, purfumes, so on and so on and so on.
I also heard that animals can sense dangers, and change of weather, I heard they can sense a tornado or earthquake before we can.
All I can say is it don't happen very often (her biting me). Sometimes I'll hold her up by the skin on her back and bring her closer, and hiss at her, she usually gets the message then. But I love her, and wouldn't trade her for any other cat.
I guess they are called animals for a reason.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
18 May 08
something probably scared her or made her nervous that triggered it.
my cat playfully attacks me. he is funny. i was sitting on the couch today watching tv, and my cat jumps at armrest to get my attention, starts playing with me, and then jump onto the armrest and sits on the couch by me. he gets frisky at night. then he wants his dry food snack before bedtime.
@jenoweisz (56)
• United States
18 May 08
yep! it happened to me many times. cats are just miniature tigers and they like to hunt and kill prey. your hand and other body parts remind her of prey. they are only nice to us because we are bigger and they figure they can take advantage of us, it's musch easier if they pretend to be nice and we give them good food, lots of love and treats. some cats do have a lot of love in them, but they will revert to being wild if they feel unsafe or if they are in the mood to play. my hand always gets bloodied up by insisting to pet my cat when she dones't want it. and then brushing her and apply flea control . it's hard. she's a master ratter too.
@ChaseDream (26)
• China
18 May 08
Those occasions never happen to me,nevertheless,I had seen the similar situation,which I think is somewhat varied from the counterpart of your own:a boy was teasing the fish by hands while his cat was sitting aside,suddenly it somewhat pounce on the fish in order to have good meal and bit the finger of the boy spontaneously ,maybe just by mistake.return to your situation,I guess you need to spend more time with your cats and show your real care to them,I belive it would come to trusting you very much ,making sure this extreme case do not happen again!
@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
18 May 08
I had a cat that bit me twice. The first time I let it go , but the second time that cat was outta here! The bites were both bad and I had to get shots of antibiotics for several days. My arm swole up and was very painful. This cat had been very sweet and loving. We took him to the vet but he could find nothing wrong with him. I think he must have had some sort of brain damage or disease. My doctor told me that you can lose a finger or a toe from the infection due to a cat bit. so, my advice would be to be very careful. It would really be best to get rid of the cat, but that is not my call. Sorry to have to give you bad news, but that is the way it was for me.
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
18 May 08
My cat, Taj, will sometimes nip me.
I have a question, beauty, how did you cat, EB get her name? I found a home for a cat, also named EB, last year, tho she is much younger than your cat. I was just wondering how 2 cats ended up with such a strange name.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
17 May 08
i have a cat that freaks out on doorbells,and one time i was holding him when somebody rang it.
i didn't blame him,it was just bad timing,but he gouged my chest bad with his back feet.
i'm not sure why he hates them,i guess the tone is just at the right frequency to hurt his ears..
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
18 May 08
Yes she has, that's one of the things I really enjoy about cats, they seem to dance to their own tunes.