I have lost my friends because of my partner.....

May 21, 2008 11:41pm CST
I know it sounds cruel but me and my partner have been together 5 years and in that time I have lost all but a couple of my freinds.If my friends come around my partner is rude and arrogant and usually ignores them and goes into the room and watches Tv,if he is drinking he will talk to them but be cruel and immature.If we get invited places he walks in like he has a chip on his shoulder and acts like he cant wait to get out,unless he is drinking and same as always rude,arrogant,immature and eventually aggresive towards people.I have since stopped inviting people over and stopped going anywhere,for the last few years I havent been invited anywhere and rarely have visitors,my social life is non existent and now our relationship is falling apart I feel I have myself to blame and I have no-one and thats my fault too.I dont know if its too late,should I try and see my freinds without him,should I go to places without him,he isnt normally this way its like he just likes to have our life at home and thats it??
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28 responses
@SViswan (12051)
• India
22 May 08
I understand what you are saying....my husband's the same...though he doesn't really act arrogant and rude. But he's made it clear that he's not going to make an effort when my friends are around. I took him to a friend's place once and after that experience I have never visited anyone and don't invite them home either. I do talk to them on the phone. Neither does my husband take me along when he goes to meet his friends. But he does invite them home and I'm very friendly with them when they come home (unlike him). I also talk to his friends nicely if I am the one picking up the phone when they call. But he doesn't social too much with his friends either....just likes to talk and is more comfortable with his friends than mine. If I really need to meet my friends...I do it alone now.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
22 May 08
That is exactly the case with me. My husband runs his own business too. It's only in the past few months that he has been talking to his school friends from home and inviting them home. Most of his college friends, I haven't met though I know they are in touch. I used to feel sad earlier...but now I keep myself busy and not bother about it so much. I talk to my friends once in a couple of months. If I'm on the phone when he's home, he wants me to hang up. So, I have to talk when he's not home. But he now talks for ages with his friends...and that's what bugs me more....not that I can't have friends...that he can have his and I can't.
• Australia
23 May 08
Gee we do have very similar situations,I cant talk on the phone because he hangs around listening and makes me feel uncomfortable,it really is unfair.I dont understand what there problem is,I mean I try to make his life easy and carefree and happy and it just seems like he has little or no respect for me or my feelings.
• Australia
22 May 08
Gee thats sounds so much like my situation,he is fine with his own freinds but he never brings them home he has his own business so I guess he treats that like a second home and they just meet up there he also has them call his work or mobile phone they never call here.It is so frustrating because although we are with them we need a life as well and its sad to notice that my freinds are slipping away,i do try to talk to them on the phone but I notice the calls get less and less until its pretty rare I get to hear from them,I do call them too but I dont want to be a pain.I guess thats why this site is such a hit because we can make freinds and express our points of veiw and hopefully help out other people in similar situations etc.Thanks for your reply I appreciate hearing from people in similar situations its kind of releiving.thanks again and take care.
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• United States
22 May 08
you deserve better than that, you shouldn't stay away from your friends cause of a partner, they are your friends,friends will always gonna be there for you,and you talking about it's cause of your kids that you are still have the patience to stay on that unhealthy relationship, don't you think it would be worst for the kid to grow up in that kind of abusive life,why don't you find someone that's gonna respect you and your kids, i wouldn't stay in that kind of relationship, you worth more than that, please be careful in the choice that you make, i hope it's not too late when you finally realize that he don't deserve you
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• Australia
23 May 08
Thanks for your reply,I started this discussion hoping to come to a conclusion before it did become too late and me and my kids would get more hurt than we already are.Thanks again much appreciated.
• Australia
26 May 08
What a lovely freind you are,make sure you keep an eye on her because sometimes like me I am embarrased to talk to my freinds about the situation so no-one really knows what I am going through except the people on here because I dont really know any of them and dont see any of them,thats why mylot is such a great place.Thanks so much,take care.
• United States
23 May 08
you are so welcome,glad i can help, a woman pain is for every woman, i know exactly what you going trough,cause one of my friend is in the same kind of relationship too, now she realize that she have to move on,cause it's getting worse, and i told her whatever decision she made i'll always be there for her. I hope you make the right one and the more important thing is to ask God for help, he'll find a way for you, God bless
• United States
25 May 08
You definitely need to take a stand on this. If you truly want to remain with this man, then at least be strong enough to stand up and say "I'm going to be with my friend whether you like it or not". I think there's no issue at all with hanging with your friends or even attending gatherings without him if he's truly not desired there by your friends. Don't lose friendships over a man, it's simply not worth it.
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• Australia
26 May 08
Thanks for your reply,after all the great responses that are very similar I think women are very strong with their freindships and stand by them.I hope that dispite me being with a complete social disgrace I am still the person I have always been and I hope my freinds see this and are still willing to keep a freindship without him being a part of it.thanks again.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
22 May 08
that is very sad daniellegldn, I guess you deserve better than that! but, if you really want to save your marriage, have you tried talking to him? what bothers him and what made him do that? if ever things will not change, why not leaving him. I am so sorry for this but I guess life is too short for you not to enjoy it! I hope you will still find time to meet your friends so that in spite of that situation, you have your outlet!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 May 08
I agree daniel, That is what I really want to say and I hope you will find happiness and will be able to patch up the differences!
• Australia
26 May 08
This is one thing I keep telling myself,that life is too short and you only get one go at it so there is no time to waste and make sure that you are the best person,parent,partner and freind you can possibly be.Cheers,thanks for your reply.
@MsCYPRAH (394)
22 May 08
This is a very sad state of affairs which you would need to act upon if you wish anything different as he won't do anything about it. Your partner is a controller and the only way he can control you is by ignoring your friends and treating them discourteously so that they will stay away from you. That is the strongest form of emotional abuse. Controllers do not like their partners to have outside contacts, not even their relatives, as it lessens their power. They tend to be lacking in social skills, are rather boorish to others and do just what they please, without thinking of the effect on their partners or the other person. The only people they care about are themselves. Your partner also sounds very insecure and seems to fear the effect your friends would have on you. So by behaving badly to them, he immediately lessens their influence and keeps you to himself to make you dependent on hi and to restrict your activities. Sadly, the answer is entirely up to you, as your partner will never change. You have allowed him to do what he pleases for so long, you have lost out completely. He has got the results he wanted because you are now increasingly isolated, which is precisely what he planned. So you have to now decide if that is the type and quality of life you wish to lead. One of the top five factors for keeping us alive longest is our social interactions and the friends we have. In fact, it is No.3 on the list, a vital ingredient of the quality of our lives. If you ignore your friends, or gradually have no friends, it will begin to cause stress for you which you might not even be aware of. Not only that, it totally limits your life experience. Once you make your decision on the kind of life you really want, then act upon it. If you decide your friends are important, then you must see them, with or without your partner. It is very important to get on with your life in your own way as a unique human being for your own personal development. If you have to change yourself and your basic needs to please another person, he would be the wrong person for you. Those who love you will accept who you are, as you are and, most important, the things and people you value and cherish. They will encourage you in what your efforts, not try to limit your world and life. Please do something soon before you find yourself completely at your partner's mercy because that is when physical abuse begins: when people lack support and friendship and become completely dependent on their partner for interaction. That is no way to live. It would merely deprive you of essential stimulus and keep you living in fear. Start by getting a couple of key friends on your side who could give you emotional support. Start seeing them at least once a week for coffee, drinks or whatever, to get you away from your partner. Gradually you will build your courage to do whatever you think is right for your long term relationship or your future. Good luck in whatever you have to do.
• Australia
23 May 08
WOW,I must say you have completely hit the nail on the head although i was hoping a little that you may have said there is a way to help him because when he is not being a total jerk we get along ok,but then again you mentioned that and I guess he has also influenced my way of thinking as well.I must say you are very good and I really appreciate such great advice,I was a little confused and thought I may start seeing my freinds wether he likes it or not but if you think he will never change I am begining to wonder wether I am wasting my life and hurting myself in prolonging the inevitable?Thanks again,great advice.
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@MsCYPRAH (394)
23 May 08
Thanks for the kind compliment, Danielle. I'm glad it was of value. One other thing to note. You can never change anyone else by 'helping' them. They too have to want change to make it happen. The only way you can guarantee change in him is to change your own behaviour first, because then he would not be able to treat you the same way as before. As to getting out of there, that has to be your decision. But no one, especially you and your children, benefits from staying with someone who emotionally abuses them. It will only give your children emotional problems in the long run. Children do not learn by what we say. They learn though what we DO. However, it is not an easy decision to get out of any relationship and you can only do that when you are ready. But, it really depends on the quality of life you want for you and your family. The only thing I can promise you, speaking from experience, is that short term pain is always worth the long term gain so don't be afraid to take the risk. The worst part of any change in life is making that decision. Once you have the courage to decide, other doors magically open. Good luck and much blessings to you.
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
22 May 08
I do so totally agree with MsCYPRAH. Danielle, you are being abused and it is only a short hop to the physical abuse. I know. Been there, done that. I chose to live for me. I agree that he will never change and that your hopes in 'things getting better' are minimal at best. If you plan to live the rest of your life in this way with no friends and children growing up who will for sure see what is happening then continue to do nothing. But it will NOT get better and he will not change for the better. God bless you.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
23 May 08
I used to have a friend(?) like that. Good riddens! He could never keep a job either. cause before a year had passed he excelled far above the company owner. He never had his own friends either. Not any that lasted more than a couple months. Guess they figured him out before i did.
• Australia
24 May 08
Well he claims to have lotys and lots of freinds but not one call him for his birthday,come around,call etc actually neither does his family for that matter so I think that may be the case as well...they figured him out or got burnt just like I have!Thanks for your reply.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
25 May 08
Sounds like they are scarily like each other. I hope for your sake your not married to or have children with the guy. On my ex friend...i caught him many times with other women. All way younger than us.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
23 May 08
I have personally lost far too many friends, not even some of my family members are comfortable in my house-i know what you mean
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• Australia
24 May 08
Well thats another thing ,I havent spoke to my mother since not long after we started dating and now my only other sibling my brother refuses to speak to him or come here,its only my family that I rarely speak to or have anything to do that dont really know whats going on and keep in touch,its so sad and frustrating...how do you cope?
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
23 May 08
WOW! I dont know what I would do if my husband acted like that. Well, actually yeah I do...he probably wouldnt be my husband. LOL Ive lost a lot of my friends since me and my husband have been together to. But most of my friends are single and dont have kids like I do. I dont know if I was single and and didnt have kids if I would want to hang out with someone who had kids atleast. I was never a real kid person before I had my own. So i guess I dont really blame them. I would say try to get away from him every once in awhile. It might be good for you and him as well. MY husband knows that I am with the kids 24/7 and we spend every minute he is home together. We only have one vehicle so its difficult for me to leave unless he is home. SO once a month he does let me go out with my friends, have a girls day out. I get to leave if I want to at any time. But he does let me have the girls day out.
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• Australia
26 May 08
Its funny how you are never a kid person til you have your own isnt it,I was the same,my freinds all have kids so its a bit different,sounds like you have yourself a great guy,hang onto him.Thanks for the reply,cheers.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
23 May 08
Now that you've realized that it's all your fault then maybe you still the chance to make things right for you. Maybe it's a wake-up call for you to make things right for your life. Being with him does not help you to become a better person anymore and maybe you're right in separating with him as the situation is so difficult for you to grow as a social person. You've isolated yourself for so long already and now is your time to take it back for yourself. The question is can you live without him around your life?
• Australia
23 May 08
Yes I can live without him,he has given me some company over the yeras but the past few have been miserable we barely speak,we spend no time togther and sleep in different rroms.I have only stayed for the children and my home but I have come to realise that I can live without him and the arrogance,thanks for pointing that out you made me think.Thanks for the reply.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 May 08
why would you want to stay with a man who will not be decent to your friends as he must then be controlling and that is the first step to mate abuse. Cruel and immature does not sound like a person one would want to live with for the rest of her life. Tell him to grow up or take a hike as you have a right to friends and so does he. he sounds like a spoiled child.Drinking does not help either.You cannot be everything for him nor him for you. normal people do need friends tell him that. what do you mean he is not normally that way,you are making escuses for him and that 'shows he does this a lot. I hope you can talk to him.
• Australia
23 May 08
Yes I do make excuses for him because he is normaly ok when it is just us and the kids.he was never like this when we got togther it has just been the last few years it has gradually got worse,the only reason I have stayed is because of my kids and my home.Thanks for your reply.
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@Elixiress (3878)
23 May 08
I think that you should have done something earlier, he seems to have been walking all over you, but at least now you have realised. I think that your relationship might be failing as you are unhappy, go out with your friends, have a good time without him and it will make the time you spend together all the more special. Hope that you's get through it.
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• Australia
24 May 08
True I think I should have done something earlier as well but Iw as hoping he would grow up or see what he is doing but Ithink he actually thinks he is in the right therefore he will never change.And you are right also I am unhappy wich has a huge effect on everything in my life,from the way I treat me kids to the way Idrive my car everything is affected when you are unhappy,Thanks for your reply much appreciated.
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• United States
22 May 08
Who was there first in your life? Your friends or your partner? I have had a best friend for 35 years now, and when we were young we made a pact with each other ways that NO Man would ever come between us. And for 35 years we have both lived up to it. We are the ones who are always there for each other, and when times are tough and the relationship is not going right, who do we turn too? I say tell him he needs to become a better person and treat friends with respect, or hit the road! Remember, After he is long gone, your friends will always be there for you!
• Australia
23 May 08
Very true,I have one really good freind who I always have been close too and used to spend a lot of time together but even she tends to call less and never comes around and it would kill me if I lost her altogther.Thanks for your reply great advice.
@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
23 May 08
Not sure what his reasoning behind this is, there could be hundreds of different reasons, but it doesn't really matter why. I would make it a point to reconnect with your friends. Even if you just go out to coffee or meet at the grocery store to do your regular shopping, I think it is important to see other people other than your partner(and his friends). If he is particularly rude to them if you invite them over, I would not have them in the house, meet them elsewhere. I would however, be prepared for them to ask and/or tell you that you have put yourself into an awkward position. It also sounds like he has a drinking problem based on your description. If he can't drink without getting rude and insulting people when they are around, that is a clear sign that something is wrong.
• Australia
26 May 08
hey thanks for your reply,I like the idea of doing the grocery shopping together thats a perfect way to catch up and get some of the never ending household chores out of the way.thanks again.Cheers.
• United States
22 May 08
I would say a good place to start would be get off the computer and talk to him about it...is he aware of his behavior? if he behaves this way consistantly, and you have talked to him about it...maybe he needs counseling for his hostility/jealousy towards your friends. if he loves you and your children, he will take measures to improve himself. if he isn't aware of the problem, you've got communication skills to work on.
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• Australia
23 May 08
He is very aware of how he acts and I think he does it purposely,it almost like he is trying to turn people away from me and isolate me,like so many mylotters have already said.I have tried communicating but its like talking to a brick wall and I am beginning to think he is beyond help!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 May 08
i'm so sad to hear that you lose your friends because of your partner... i am sorry to say but all i can say that yes... it is your fault... you choose to stay with him besides of all his selfish and immature attitudes which i don't understand why... have you ever try to talk to him and express your feelings to him??? you can't just let things going on like this anymore if you are planning to live with him forever... you are the one who is at the losing end... good luck, take care and have a nice day...
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• Australia
22 May 08
I do agree I have chosen to stay with him so I have myself to blame but as I said earlier there are kids involved and he is completely normal when its just us guys at home.I have tried to tell him but its like banging my head against a brick wall but things have turned really sour lately so as I have said I am going to start seeing more of my freinds etc and hope he grows up in the meantime or wakes up and see's what he will be missing out on if he continues this,thanks for your reply much appreciated.
• Canada
22 May 08
I know that it can be tough, but maybe you should talk to him about it. See if he is okay with you going to visit friends without him, and see if we will indulge you once in a while with a trip out or a small gathering at your home. Letting him know how you feel in this is key - that's important in every relationship. You have to be happy together and individually, and it doesn't sound like you are...
• Australia
23 May 08
Great advice and you are right I am not happy and I am getting some really good replys from this discussion.thanks for your time.
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
23 May 08
Hello there, is it worth living with a guy who is rude and immature in the rest of your life? I am quite surprise you can put up with him for the past 5 years. I believe you love each other, but your BF’s behaviour is even unhealthy for your future children. So you really have to make up your mind what is more important in your life? Your family, friends or your BF only? Obviously, you should talk to him and see if he can make an effort to change his manner and attitude. It is about time to. All the best!
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• United States
22 May 08
Well i would bet you would be much happier without that side of him. mabey he is a really good guy inside. just not out in the world. id try to give him an ulimatum, either you learn to respect my friends. or be conciderate of others when we are out. or we are no longer. see if that works if not. then really theres nothing else to do. your just ganna be misrable without and outside life. i feel for you i do. I know somoene just like you. its okay.
• Australia
23 May 08
Thanks for being so considerate I hope you are there for the other person in a similar situation as me,it really helps hearing all this great advice from fellow mylotters.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
22 May 08
i feel for you. it sounds like he is very controlling and selfish and jealous. he has achieved exactly what he wanted and that was for you to have no friends and no social outlet so you would have to stay at home and be miserable right along side him. i would find a way out of this very destructive and dysfunctional relationship ASAP. if that is not doable for whatever reasons i would see my friends when he is not around and start making a life for yourself away from him. good luck to you.
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• Australia
23 May 08
Thanks for your reply and I agree that is exactly what I am planning to do,I am going to get myself a life and spend more time with my freinds I am going to have more ME time!!Thanks again.
@eihdra (3115)
• Philippines
22 May 08
Problem one is he's been drinking, two,whether he drinks or not he's rude,arrogant and unfriendly. So, why the heck are you blaming yourself if your relationship is now falling apart? And blame yourself that you have no other friends? It's the other way around..It's because of your husband's attitude that's why your friends doesn't invite you. The reason is clear. As much as they want you to be at the party,well,they don't want him. Your friends knew that you would just be embarrassed by your husband's actions and humiliated infront of other people. And your friends doesn't want you to be hurt. They're also not coming to your house anymore for the same reasons. But then, in my point of view, friends are suppose to help one another most specially if one is going thru a trial like yours. My friends are always there to give me moral support and advices. Try to reconnect with your friends and don't be shy to seek advice. If they are truly your friends, hey would be glad to be with you again and help you get through this. My ex was like that, by the way. So, I can relate to your problem.. Finally, please don't blame yourself. you have a child and he needs you more. You need to gather yourself together and think of ways that can help your husband change his ways..
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• Australia
22 May 08
Thanks so much replying,I tell you what it is great having a place like this that you can vent your anger and people help you out,its a great site with great people.I appreciate your advice and help and obviously because you have been through this you know where I am coming from.Thanks again.