Don't blame me if you are in my blind spot...
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
May 22, 2008 12:12pm CST
Ok! Sorry! I am about to vent! I can't help myself! Please forgive me! But, this just tripped my trigger yesterday!
I was driving on a busy highway on my way home and I signaled to switch lanes and nearly got into an accident despite the fact that I paid attention to my mirrors which told me no one was near me and, I even glanced over my left shoulder and didn't see anyone next to me but, some idiot was riding my my blind spot so bad that even that glance over my left shoulder left me unable to see him. He blasted me with his horn and I veered away probably inches from hitting him. So, he was ticked off at me for almost hitting him when he was riding in my blind spot! WTF? You don't know how to be cautious of people who can't see you but, I am the one who is wrong?
Has this ever happened to any of you? Or, are you in the habit of riding in people's blind spots? If so, do you get ticked off at people who almost hit you because you ride in their blind spots?
And, what other things do people do on the road that tick you off?
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18 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 May 08
I love the signs some big rigs have which read "If you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you". I try to avoid being in someone's blind spot and I always try to take extra care when changing lanes because I live in Florida and we have a lot of motorcycles on the road. I'll tell you what has always ticked me off is people who ride right on my rear bumper. If I were to stop suddenly they would be inside of my vehicle, there would be no way they could stop in time. People who drive way too fast for the roadway also get on my nerves. Unless you're a firefighter on your way to a fire, there's no reason to drive like that.

@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I have to laugh - when I was reading your response I read I live in Florida ___ and I started laughing thinking you were going to say and they can't drive here! I lived in FL for 19 years I have been to many different states and currently live in PA. FL drivers have been the worst! Anyway thought you would like the laugh too, I'm sure you know just what I am talking about!
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 May 08
I'm not allowed to drive.
I'm so blind to my soon to be ex's GOOD points, that he considers me too much of a risk to let out in public let alone on a road.*sigh*
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 May 08
LOL - Oh believe me plunk, I'm not blind to his faults - I just can't see his good points anymore! LOL But no - I'm not blind, blind.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 May 08
LOL - my driving skills are fine as long as the moose stay off the road.
I'm not sure when the soon to be ex will be the ex, but you can be sure I'll be posting about it.
Send your brother up here - might help get rid of the soon to be ex sooner! ROFL
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
5 Jun 08
To be honest I don't even realize it if I am riding in some ones blind spot. I just try to drive. I get so annoyed when I am driving. If every one would just put there foot on the gas instead of breaking because the car a mile a head of them did - we would be just fine. After learning to drive in FL I know that I'm okay here in PA. I'll tell you FL people can't drive. They make right turns from the left lane on a regular basis. And either stop on green or they go on red. They also have to stop to turn, I'm talking a complete stop just to turn, that really annoys me. My bigest peeve is when they leave there turn signal on or turn it on 2 miles before they actually have to turn. It seems as though here in PA people have some where to be so they try to drive but there are always those drivers! Now thank you for letting me vent!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 Jun 08
LOL! I hear ya about everything! I once had a lady that went 30 in a 50 on a busy road during rush hour traffic and, she literally stopped in the middle of an intersection at a green light before I had to honk my horn at her to snap her out of what the hubby call HUTA (Head Up the A$$). Then she proceeded again to go 30 in a 50...on a road where people tend to go 60 instead of 50. Then she finally decided where she wanted to be so she slow as molasses moved over to make a left had turn. Ugh! LOL!
And, there is a guy in my subdivision who turns left to turn right and, despite the fact that I am aware that he always does this, I have a tendency not to remember who drives what so, he gets me every time and, he has almost made me collide with him more than I care to count!
And, that stopping to make a turn thing, been there, seen that! It always makes me mutter under my breath. And, there are people who slow down because another car is coming on their own side of the road from the opposite direction! Ugh! Oh no! You aren't the only person on the road! What ever will you do? Ugh! Just drive your freaking car! LOL!
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@unicorn_vaibhav (462)
• India
22 May 08
Some people are aggressive drivers and they dont care about others driving. Now in your case, it was that guy who was driving in your blind spot wasnt that careful to know, that he ws in your blind spot but still he cared enough that you dont slammed into him. All's well that ends well. So it was just your bad luck that he was in your blind spot and it does happen quite a few times
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
22 May 08
I hate when people ride that close to you it is annoying. I can understand being a bit scared when someone almost hits you but its not like they are doing it on purpose people relax a little.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 May 08
LOL! Yeah! I know! I wouldn't have gotten so ticked off at him if he hadn't gotten all ticked off at me. That is why I got mad. He got mad at me because he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing that might have cost us both an accident. But, I am the one to blame for driving on a road. If I weren't driving on a road, the same road he was driving on, he wouldn't have been able to be in my blind spot and there wouldn't have been a problem. LOL!
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@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
26 May 08
I am a truck driver and believe me, I see stupid things from moment to moment! I give my blinker 3 blinks before I start heading for a lane change. This not only gives the other drivers time to notice that I am getting ready to do something but it also gives them time to get out of my way. If you are driving a 4 wheeler, your blind spot is much smaller than mine! What I see on a daily basis is that people will flip on their blinker and off they go without giving proper time for others to get out of their way or blind spot. It is also very important to be checking your mirrors regularly, we are to check our mirrors every 7 seconds. That way you know who is coming upon you and might be in your blind spot. And legally, you would be at fault if you collided with someone during a lane change. Drive defensively, not aggressively. A few seconds is nothing compared to killing someone. Please be careful!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
27 May 08
Hey grasshopper! I am well aware of how large your blind spot is! I always respect it when I am on the road with a truck driver!
And, I give my blinker a few blinks too before I begin to make my move. And, I tend to give my mirrors a good amount of attention too because people like to ride other people's bumpers in my area and that makes me very uncomfortable so, I always have to pay attention for stuff like that so that I can do whatever I can to get someone off of my bumper. So, if it means that I have to change lanes to get them off of me and to make sure that they don't hit me should traffic come to a screetching halt like it does a lot in my area, then they won't hit me. So, my mirrors are something I use a lot, while also keeping my eyes forward. But, the guy in my blind spot came from no where. Possibly from behind s couple of cars behind me and, I didn't see him make that move. It was during rush hour so there was a good deal of traffic and, I am guessing he was in some kind of big hurry, came from behind one of the cars behind me and then hung out there before I noticed that he was anywhere in the lane next to me.
I know I would have been at fault but, it still ticks me off that, while I was being as careful as I could, he wasn't and then he got ticked off at me for being in my blind spot. It is just frustrating that I was careful but, no matter how careful I was being, I obviously was just slightly less careful than I should have been because that guy thought it would be ok to be nestled in my blind spot. I can only hope that he learned his lesson. I learned that, no matter how careful I am...and trust me, it is very careful, I am not careful enough.
@above31rubies (1863)
• United States
28 May 08
oooh, passing on the right- huge pet peeve of mine and I wish they'd ticket more often for that! I make the people behind me mad because whether I am the one turning or just waiting behind the turning vehicle, I nudge myself a little off to the right and they CAN'T go around...

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@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
27 May 08
Well, a good thing did come out of the experience, you know that no matter how careful you are may not be enough! It is always better to take a little extra time, not be in a hurry and never, ever, ever pass on the right.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
23 May 08
well, i'm not driving but i know what a blind spot is because my hubby has an accident last year because of somebody driving on his blind spot... and to make it worst, that person didn't horn at all and just hit our car... and my hubby is naive enough to straight away say sorry and apologise when he gets down from the car... it turns out that the person who is hitting us is an elderly couple and that's why they didn't horn my hubby... and we ended up having to pay for the excess of our insurance to fix our car and their car... well, i'm glad that nothing happens to you... take care and have a nice day...
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
That is really too bad that you and your hubby got into a blind spot accident because someone else was riding in yours! At least it sounds like no one was hurt! I hate that the people who caused the accident by not being careful to get out of your way are the ones who benefit by not having to involve their insurance. That part of the law stinks!
I am glad you weren't hurt!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
26 May 08
I can't figure that out either! I gave him ample time to recognize his blunder even though I didn't know that he was there so, why he couldn't correct himself before there was even a potential issue, I don't know!
I like your new avatar! So cute!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
29 May 08
lol.... I have done this from time to time--- and it scares the crap out of me- You don't see anyone or anything there-- you check your mirrors and you turn your head-- they aren't there-- then you pull over and hear HONK! scares the crap out of me-- it's usually followed by the finger and nasty faces- I agree--- don't ride in people's blind spots. I usually smile and wave even when they are flipping me off! :) that really gets them mad!
I also hate when people drive too slow! under the speed limit-- or the idiots that drive too fast when the roads are crappy--- hello ~ it's me you are putting in danger too!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 May 08
That's what I'm talking about! try to be careful by looking in your mirrors and by turning your head to look but, you don't see anything because it is literally impossible to see somewhere where they are. Ugh! So frustrating! I like how you handle it by smiling and waving! That is awesome! LOL! I can't be sure but, I would bet that the guy that was in my blind spot probably flipped me off too! LOL!
I also hate when people drive too slow, under the speed limit. And, people have enough of a hard time driving on dry roads around here. So, imagine how bad they are with wet roads! LOL! Sheesh!
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
23 May 08
I hate people that drive in my blindspot. I love how they get frustrated with you when you can't see them and then they ride your tail as much as they can because they want to be stupid. That's why people are supposed to drive defensively. You have to be aware of what is going on all the time, not just when it is convenient for you.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
23 May 08
Boy you were lucky not to have had an accident hun. People who sit that close cause more accidents than anyone else I reckon.
What ticks me off? People who don't use their indicators. I'm not psychic, I can't predict if you are turning left or right at a junction, I can't guess whether you are going to pull out in front of me, use the darned indicators why don't you - rant over :-)
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
I am lucky!
And, I hate that too! I always use my blinker! I don't understand people who don't because it is sort of a law...isn't it? I think that they would get pulled over and ticketed if they pulled something like that in front of, next to, or even behind a cop! Ugh! And, rant away! LOL!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 May 08
The blind spots of vehicles are different in each different kind. Some have smaller blind spots, some have larger ones.
That "idiot", as you called him, could not possibly have known that he was in your blind spot. Have you ever realized that you were in someone else's blind spot? There is no way you can know.
We are supposed to be aware of our surroundings at all times in every direction, despite the built-in blind spots of all vehicles.
I had that happen to me once. I almost hit a guy on a motorcycle! I simply could not see him, even after looking out the window back as far as I could see. It was totally my fault, and I accepted that. I felt very bad for almost hitting him.
Unfortunately, this is something that happens because there IS a blind spot in everyone's vehicle. The mirrors in new cars should be redesigned so that this never happens to anyone again, but that may be a long time in coming.
One car manufacturer, I can't remember which one, has designed an alarm system so if you are in a situation such as yours, an alarm goes off in your car to let you know that there is someone in your blind spot. All cars should have this as a standard feature.
My pet peeve on the road is probably tailgaters, especially when I'm in the slow lane! In a case like that, I'll always slow down to the legal minimum. If they're going to hit me, they're going to do it at a slower rate of speed! It usually gets them angry enough to go around me, which they should have done in the first place.
Driving has gotten so insane these days!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
The thing is, anytime you are riding next to someone else on the road, everyone is aware that all vehicles have blind spots so, the best rule of thumb is, if you are going to ride right next to a person, ride even with them, not towards the back of their car so, I am careful not to do that to anyone. I do realize it would have been my fault if I had hit him but, he needs to consider that riding towards the back of another person's car is dangerous. If he hadn't gotten so ticked off at me, it wouldn't have ticked me off. I have had people drive in my blind spot before, that wasn't the first time. But, I have never had someone get ticked off at me for driving in my blind spot.
I agree that they should make that blind spot detector a standard feature in all cars!
And, I hate it when people are riding my bumper too! I feel threatened when that happens. Traffic comes to a screeching halt in my state a lot on a lot of different roads and, when someone rides my bumper like that, it is inevitable that if that should happen, they will be in my back seat. I hear ya mentalward! That bugs the fedge out of me!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 May 08
I understand what you mean about that man getting angry at you. There are just too many people on the roads today who suffer from that fairly new disease, "Road Rage". You didn't hit him. He shouldn't have gotten so angry. I try to stay away from any areas that might be another person's blind spot because you never know.
The best to you! Take care.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
Thank you burnty but, unfortunately, if we had collided, I would have been the one at fault as far as the law goes! Sort of an unfair law...don't you think? Until humans adapt to their world by growing eyes in the sides and backs of their heads, we are stuck with the ones in the fronts of our heads and all the limitations that it causes...including not being able to look behind my body without having to turn my head and taking my eyes off what is in front of me! LOL!
Thank you for your comment!
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@johnny_ryall (4)
• United States
23 May 08
while it can be frustrating to end up almost causing an accident because of someone else being in a spot that you can't see, you should be a lot more careful of everything around you. if you change lanes fast enough, he doesn't see you or have time to react (even if he does see you and chooses to let you hit him), it's no one's fault but yours. I know some jerks might intentionally stay in the blind spot, some are just ignorant of it, but it holds true in any circumstance that no one is responsible for your actions but you.
I suggest adjusting your mirrors so that you create a paneled panoramic view of what is behind you by setting the side mirrors so that you can only see a sliver of what you see in your rear-view and the rest of what you see is further out from the respective side of the car.
The biggest thing that irritates me on the road is people that ride past a long line of cars in a lane they know becomes a turn lane and at the front of the line, decide they want over into the front of the long line of cars. we were supposed to have learned in kindergarden that cutting in line is not acceptable behavior, yet as adults we do it all the time.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
Yea! I know that it would have been my fault and, as far as my mirrors go, I can't position them any better than they are! They really are position in the best place for maximum visibility. Trust me, this person was tucked in the absolute worst possible place for me to have been able to see him. And, I gave a good warning that I was switching lanes. I always wait a good 5 or 10 seconds with my blinker on before I switch lanes. But, where he was, he wouldn't have seen my blinker. He really put both of us at a disadvantage with his position next to me.
And, I hate that bit with the turn lane too. I had two people do that to me yesterday on my way home. There is a huge electronic sign telling people that people in the left lane must turn left but, never mind that...cut me off! LOL!
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 May 08
Actually Yes it has recently in fact. I did the same thing at about 65 miles and hour. I looked in both mirrors rear view, cant say I looked over my shoulder tho, and dang near ran a man off the road... The Guy flashed me a bird several times. It totally freaked my son out. If you do not see them, wht do you do? At that speed on a highway, you either get behind or pass, not hang out in the cars blind spot.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
Sheesh AW! That isn't cool that he flipped you the bird. Didn't it tick you off that he was so mad at you while he was the one hanging out in your blindspot? And, then he freaked your son out too. Jerk! And, I feel the same way. When you are on a fast moving highway, that is the time to be a bit more vigilant as any crash going at those faster speeds will be way worse than one on a side street. So, if you are passing someone, do it right or don't do it at all!
And, plunk...very helpful advice! Thank you to both for sharing!
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
22 May 08
No offense, but had there been an accident you would've been at fault. You're supposed to LOOK, not glance, over your shoulder. And it's typically advised that you do it more than once when switching lanes, especially on a hgihway. Sorry, but you should've looked more thoroughly.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
No offense taken Lisan but, to be fair, while I said I glanced...I guess I misspoke because I did look and, I looked more than once as I always do. Trust me, with the traffic in my area, I am very thorough when I am trying to switch lanes. While I know it would have been my fault, I did everything that I could to ensure my safety. I looked in my mirrors each a couple of times and looked over my shoulder a few times and I didn't see anyone. So, he really was in the worst possible place for me to be able to see him. Unless I could turn my head at a 180 degree angle, which I can't without turning around in my seat, I would not have been able to see him.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
22 May 08
What some idiots don't realize is that some folks react to honking horns pretty strangely too. I've seen that on the highway. Someone does like you did and tries to move over, but the other driver is in the blind spot. That driver lays on the horn and scares the bee-jeebers out of another driver who also swerves. Horns are great if they're necessary, but can be dangerous for those a bit too sensitive to them.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 May 08
That's true! I didn't even think about that. What if the person that was in front of me in my lane before I tried to switch lanes, heard him honk and slammed on the breaks or something? Sheesh! That would have been really bad for me as I swerved back into my lane to avoid hitting Mr. Blind Spot.
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@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
6 Mar 11
Hi cortjo
I have given up driving after i had health issues, but i used to be very careful while i used to drive, i always checked for blind spots, hairpin bends to avoid accidents..
Thanks for sharing
God bless you, have a nice day ahead.
Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .