Are you a stay at home mom... who actually stays home?
By mommyboo
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
May 25, 2008 3:44pm CST
I have been thinking about this term lately and I don't really feel it's appropriate or descriptive. I know it was originally used to describe a female parent who didn't ALSO work for an employer outside her home. It does NOT mean that somebody who is a sahm actually STAYS HOME though! I use this term to describe myself all the time and I probably shouldn't. It is very irritating to find out that people who don't know you automatically assume that because of your 'title' it means that you're somehow not busy, home all the time, available for them to bother at their leisure.
So.. do you actually stay home? Or are you just as busy if not busier than somebody who doesn't use this title?
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23 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
26 May 08
I've always hated that term. WHy does a mother that does not work outside the house, have such a infamous title, while the moms working outside the home works harder AND more then the mom that the doesn't have to work outside the home? I mean, she's holding down 2 full times jobs and gets called a "working mom" and the other one has a single job and is endowed with the luxurious title "stay at home mom". THose of us that had to work to support our kids still got them to soccer and other sports, scouts, after school activities and the whole lot - just like "stay at home" mom do, but we did it while holding another fulltime job at the same time and that ain't easy. I think those kinds of moms deserve a notorious title. It is easy to be a stay at home mom. SOrry, just my opinion. Sore subject with me!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 May 08
Easy? Easy? What I do not think could possibly be easy is leaving your child or children for upwards of 8-10 hours to go work somewhere while somebody else gets to care for them and basically RAISE them in your absence. You also get to PAY this other person or facility for that delightful responsibility. While you are definitely correct in stating that a mom or other parent who works outside the home and reports to an employer AND takes care of children and home works two jobs, there are sacrifices either way. Somebody who does not work outside the home perhaps has to sacrifice financially. They cannot afford the vacation every year, the latest electronics, a new vehicle. Somebody who works though trades that time they could have had with their kids for a paycheck. It is impossible to have it all and I don't say that lightly. It is simple math in terms of time. If you are at work or traveling to and from work, you are not with your kids.
I see arguments all the time about quality vs quantity. You know what? As an adult who remembers being a kid, I would prefer quantity. I don't want one hour a day to spend with my parents, even if it is the coolest hour ever. I want more time with them even if that time isn't necessarily earthshaking. My kids are about quantity. I have asked them. Sure they want that cool hour once in awhile as well, but given a choice they prefer having US to rolling in dough or having a substitute for us.
I planned, hoped, dreamed about having my daughter for almost 10 years! Alas I was not lucky enough to be someone who found her other half at 18 and got pregnant immediately... I was 29 when she was born. I am not going to trade one minute of time I'm given to spend with her doing something else that isn't necessary. Time is finite, when it is gone, it is gone. If I HAD to work I would be finding something I could do without having to trade one thing for another. Yes, it is a sore subject with me too. I believe some people are cut out for juggling too much, others are not. I even know some people who are not the type who are wired to be at-home parents at all, and they do much better with a full time career as their focus and parenting as a secondary. This is just fine as long as they do not act like someone who doesn't have a career and is mostly focusing on being a parent is in any way lesser than they are.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I'm sorry, I was just reacting and responding to the little phrase near the end of your post which says 'it is easy to be a stay at home mom'. I just wanted to show how untrue that statement is when you look at it from the other end. It would be particularly nice if it were always a choice, but it isn't.
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@violetdreams (658)
26 May 08
I am a SAHM but also a WAHM (work at home mum) since I run an online business but am also here for my kids when they need me.
At the moment they are all still quite young so it is mostly school runs (morning and afternoon). From September my eldest will be at school 9-3.15 5 days a week and the twins will be at preschool from 9 - 1pm 5 days a week so that will give me a little more time to focus on my business ... BUT, at the moment I find it very very difficult to get things done around the house as well as getting things done for my business. There just aren't enough hours.
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@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
26 May 08
I'm a SAHM who yes actually stays home, when not out running errands. Mondays, I'm a SAHM who isn't home(thats the day I run all erands)and the rest of the days I'm pretty much there all day. I don't know if I would consider myself busier than others who aren't SAHM, I keep up with 2 kids and keep my house clean, I do the laundry and the ironing, (hate ironing, LOL), fix all the meals and wash the dishes after each meal, take out the trash, feed the dog and our horse, mow the lawn now that its growing like weeds, (Thanks honey for the fertilizer!)and the list goes on and on.........I'm busy yes, but I guess not too busy to find time to play on the computer.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Always good to take a little time for yourself! What you've put here is very typical, I think most of us do all that stuff - minus ironing. I don't iron. If I need to get the wrinkles out of something, it goes in the dryer with a damp washcloth or towel. I also don't really mow the lawn, I do get rid of weeds but it takes forever to do that because I just do a little at a time.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
25 May 08
I know when I was a "stay at home mom" i was always busy. I had two young boys who kept me busy all day long. I think i was busier when i stayed home then i am at work. I tell you running a household does not mean you are sitting on the couch watching stories all day.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 May 08
Yesterday i sat around doing nothing, I mean i did nothing at all. I didn't even work on my site. i need a day to just be. Sunday is usually my big Sunday dinner day so i cooked, i washed i don't know how many loads of laundry. I got up at 7 am to get my hair done. got breakfast for everyone and started on my Sunday routine.
Now i am working on my site and mylotting.
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
26 May 08
I am a sahm, and I do actually stay home some days. That is not to say that I am not busy. I am cleaning, cooking, taking care of my son, paying bills, gardening, writing, etc. I do find that a lot of people seem to think I have time on my hands to do anything they think I should be doing. Surprisingly enough, it sometimes even comes from former sahms sometimes. How quickly they forget!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 May 08
I actually build in time to make it to the gym daily during the week too. I invite people over or visit or meet them places as well. I have little to no trouble saying no if someone asks me to do something and I do a quick glance at my day's plans and it's smack dab in the middle of something else I have to do.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
1 Jun 08
OMG, I have often contemplated this. I never have called myself a stay at home mom, probably because it sounds a lot more leisurely than my life actually is. I don't work for an employer, but I do whatever I can to make extra money and my kids are always around me. In my case I do think that I have a much more stressful day than my hubby. He gets to go to work and only focus on that. I have to multitask all day. Work at home mom (WAHM) is a little more appropriate, because being a mommy is more than a full time job - in addition to whatever else you might have to do. If I'm randomly asked if I work full time, part time or not at all, I will say that I definitely work full time.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Heh! MOMMY never gets a day off. MOMMY doesn't get a lunch break. What the heck is a break at all? How about a nap?? Today one of my friends made a comment about being tired because she didn't get her nap today. Nap? NAP?? Man, I wanted to slap her LOL! I don't think I have had a nap since my daughter was about 9 months old and she woke up from the nap before me and climbed over me and pitched headfirst off my bed! No more naps for me, if I decided to lay down with her, we laid on her mattress on the floor so there would be no falls! Multitasking can be a pain the butt, especially with the short attention spans and patience of toddlers and preschool age children. It's a wonder we even remember what we were doing when it gets around to getting ourselves a snack or lunch or a change of clothes because somebody spit up on us.

@ambkeb (782)
• United States
26 May 08
Unfortunatly, yes I am an actual stay at home mom. We currently only have one vehicle and my husband uses that to take back and forth to work. And we live in the country so there isnt anywhere to close enough for me to walk to. So that leaves me stuck....
But that doesnt mean that I am not still a busy person. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old so I a constantly on my toes with them. I also have a house to take care of.
But I completely understand where you are coming from. Before I sold my car I was never home. Always doing errands that had to be done, grocery shopping whatever it may be I was gone. For people to say that I do nothing at all day but sit on my butt is a little irritating.
@graceandowen (1637)
26 May 08
hi there well i would class myslef as a little of each as i stay at home with the children to look after them, this doesnt mean that im not busy tho as life with children is never not busy.
I also work tho but i work from home so i dont actually leave home to go to work.
Mine is a strange situation but it works for us :)
@kezabelle (2974)
25 May 08
Im a stay at home mum i dont spend my life inside these walls though god no id go crazy in a couple of days! Im rarely sat here doing nothing either theres always something that has to be done
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 May 08
Isn't that the truth. Always something that has to be done! I talk to friends and others all the time who have the nerve to say they have time to be bored. I don't know what planet they live on, but on this one, I just wish for a few more than 24 hours in a day! Maybe then I'd be able to get everything done and still get enough sleep and some time to myself. As it is, if I get everything done, I don't get enough sleep, if I get enough sleep, I dn't get enough time to myself, and if I get time to myself or sleep, apparently I don't get everything done. =P Today I am pretty much taking the day off, I have dinner planned but I skipped other things, including picking up, going to gym, visiting friends, yard work, etc. I've been spending it right here with all the delightful folks on mylot and watching tv with my husband.
@WANDALIE44 (888)
• United States
26 May 08
well i wish i could say that i stay home, that only happens when it pouring cats and dogs or when thiers a blizzard out side, im always outside running to the supermarket, the library, the cleaners and to pta meetings in my childrens school. a day at home would be a dream come true lol...
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 May 08
That's what I mean, there are so many things to do that a mom does, and most of them take place outside the home or she is running ragged IN the home accomplishing them. I can't help but think that somebody that works outside the home doesn't have time to do all this stuff besides, so some of it must fall by the wayside or they pay someone else to do it. I can say that if I'm gone and my husband is home with kids, I don't come home to a clean house and dinner cooked. LOL! Sometimes my daughter doesn't even take a shower or change out of her jammies.
@022807 (27)
• Philippines
25 May 08
being a house wife is a big task, im 23 years old and have a 1 year old daughte, no one help me to care to my baby, i wake up early to prepare the needs of my partner, no need to typpe all my obligation coz for the term housewife, means all the things from the house u need to handle it. for cooking, caring for the child laundry if u no have maid!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 May 08
Oh yes, and if you have older kids or a large family and they are not responsible for their messes, then you have THAT to deal with as well! I actually stated 'stay at home mom' because I'm not a housewife... I'm my husband's wife. =) I suppose I will now say I'm an unemployed mom because I'm not a stay at home mom either.
@sun2day (1062)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
26 May 08
I am not a stay at home mom, but now retired. That is just a title. Being at home you are even more busy than the person working 40 hrs weekly; whether you have small kids or not; for you always can find something to keep you busy.
@lamelslissa (33)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I am a mother of three boys(HELP...LOL) My husband works outside the home and I work my butt off at home..LOL I feel degraded though when people ask what I do and I say I am a stay at home parent because you are right.. because I don't just stay at home. I am responsible for everything else. I have to do the shopping, the errands, the doctor trips, the driving, the cleaning, the cooking...Wow I think I need a raise:) I went to college and got my degree but sometimes feel like I got that for nothing. But I hope to run my own business one day. Thanks for the post. It feels good to hear other woman out there in my situation.
@jpetruzzelli (40)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I am SAHM who does stay home must of the time as well. I have three young children and sometimes just a simple errand to the store can be a total disaster. But on the other hand if we have no where to go for a day or two and we are in the house all day. The kids and I get stir crazy. So it's a lose-lose situation for me. We live in South Florida so it's usually too hot to play outside and now that I am not working money is tight so finding an indoor activity that doesn't cost anything and is not so far away I have to spend 100 dollars in gas is tough.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 May 08
i don't actually have a child yet and i'm still working full time in a retail company... so i'm not a stay at home mum yet... i know how busy and tiring a stay at home mum is... it is not an easy job at all because my mum is a stay at home mum who raises me and my two brothers all by herself and i can see the sacrifices that she has to make for us... so i never underestimate or look down on a stay at home mum... instead, i always think that they are doing a more honorouble job than those working outside as they have to work 24/7 non-stop to look after their children... take care and have a nice day...
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
26 May 08
I actually do stay at home most of the time with my 2 year old. My husband takes the van to work right now, because he's working on his truck. My son and I go for walks, but that's about it. Otherwise we are at home most days. That's not to say that I'm not busy, because I really am. I have lots of things that have to get each day, but most of them are things that can (and do) get done at home.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
26 May 08
Us stay at home mom's have the biggest job ever and yet we do not even get paid for it. Unless you count cookies and smiles are pay, which is fine with me. Think about it, our day is never 8 hours. We do not have a 9 - 5 job or a work schedule and we are always in demand. If not from the kids than the husband/boyfriend and even the pets. We do not have a set quota of work - there is always something that needs to be done be it cooking, cleaning, homework, grocery shopping, our work is never done and we do not work on the clock.
So my advice to you, do not get mad at the term stay at home mom, as it is a title to make you hold your head high. It is a title not easily won either as our work is never done.