
United States
May 26, 2008 8:21pm CST
On May 23, 2008 our baby grew wings and became our angel. Friday night, I went to the ER for heavy bleeding and cramping. They did all of the routine exams and ultrasound where they found no heartbeat. My hormone levels were much lower than what they should be and they said that we were in the beginning stages of a miscarriage. We came home and I didn't know what to believe, I knew what I didn't want to believe and that was the loss of our baby. The hospital didn't prepare me for what was yet to come. The next day was complete hell. The contractions had started and I started to lose what was left of the pregnancy. Tomorrow morning, I go in to see my OB/GYN to find out if I'm going to need a D&C. I'm scared! I'm sure there are other women out there who have experienced the samething and I was wondering how you dealt with it.
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6 responses
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
24 Jun 08
me and my wife are married for five years already and we have a bouncing baby boy that picturs appears as my avatar. my wife got a lot of miscarriages before we hit the jackpot. when it happened to us for the first time it was really painful. my wife kept on crying for she was so excited to have a baby. i am sad too but not showing to my wife and make her feel that we will try again and make sure that next time will be alright. but lucky we both didnt got tired of hoping, praying and dreaming that one day we will have a baby. with patience and prayers it did happen.
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• United States
24 Jun 08
Thank you for all your kind words. :-) It really is appreciated. We have two beautiful daughters but it doesn't take the place of the child we have lost. However, we plan to try again in the near future.
• Philippines
26 Jun 08
lucky you for having two daugthers before the miscarriage, we just have the two of us. maybe she got 5 miscarriages before we hit the jackpot. now that we have one she dont like to get pregnant anymore. i cant blame her for she was the most hurt physically and emotionally during the miscarriages. i was hurt to but she was hurt more. well i am happy atleast we have one. cheers
30 Jul 08
i've had 3 miscarriages in a row and it is utterly heartbreaking. just be gentle with yourself and take one day at a time. how far along into the pregnancy were you?
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• United States
6 Aug 08
I was 12 weeks along, but everything stopped at 9 weeks.
@kareng (71177)
• United States
27 May 08
I'm so sorry. God bless you and I hope you have a quick recovery.
• Canada
16 Jun 08
I am so sorry for your loss. The loss of a baby is never an easy thing. I myself have lost 2 babies. I found that it helps to name the baby that you would have had. Gives you a proper mourning period. I delivered my son by meself in my Aunts bathroom. I was about 4 1/2 months along and I had to take him up to the hospital with me. He was so tiny. It was very tramatic and devistating. I had to have a d&c which in the end makes it easier to concieve again. I was pregnant 3 months after my loss. I was pregnant with twins but didn't know it, until I delivered my daughter 7 1/2 weeks early, then her brother's tiny body the next morning much to my surprise because I thought I had a d&c when really I had had a D&E which just cleaned out where she had grown. I was then put back on the drip until I delivered him, but no one told me. These babies Zachery, and Keiran are a huge part of who I am, who I have become as a mother and a person, I have never nor will I ever forget them, but I now realize how precious the four beautiful children I have really are. What helps me is believing that when I was really ready to have the babies I lost, in Gods eyes, he would return them to me, I knew with my last two pregnancies, in my heart that they would be the 2 boys that I lost. They are both boys and growing strong. May you be blessed through this all with understanding, love and compassion. And the best to you in future pregnancies. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Sorry that happened K. I really can't imagine how you feel or what you are going through. You have my thoughts and well wishes.
• United States
19 Jun 08
Thank you for acknowledging this post. Your kind words and thoughts really are appreciated.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
27 May 08
Darlin, I feel your pain and I am sorry you are experiencing this. I too had a miscarriage of twins when I was three months along. The way I choose to deal with it was to paint two rocks on one it said destiny and on the other is said heaven. It has been 8.5 years and the rocks are faithfully put in my garden every year. This is my way of showing my two angels that I think of them all the time. 3 months after the miscarriage I was blessed with another pregnancy resulting in having a beautiful healthy baby boy.
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• United States
27 May 08
That is such an inspiring story. I'm still going through a bunch of different emotions towards the loss. At first, I wanted to get it over with and pretend it never happened. Then, I realized that I could never think that way towards something that was a part of my husband and I. That day, I added a baby angel ticker to my Myspace and I have started to think about a future tattoo that I would like to get. We're hoping to get pregnant again but I don't know how long. Basically going to just let God decide for us.