I Don't Believe The Stupidty Of People!
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
June 1, 2008 5:12pm CST
My heart is literally in my throat here.
Across the street from me is a eight story apartment building. For the past half hour or so, I kept hearing a dog barking, not really thinking anything of it, as I just thought someone was outside walking their dog....Then I get up to see where the dog was...At first I couldn't see anything..at least not on ground level...then I look up instead and like I said my heart is in my throat...Up on the sixth floor, on the fire escape, is a beagle dog...I'm like WTF? How friggin asinine and stupid are people??...whoever owns the dog has the windows wide open...the dog does sometimes go back inside, but then comes out again. I mean this is a potential disaster in the making as far as I'm concerned that the dog might accidentally fall or jump off the fire escape. Don't these a-holes care about their dog?
In all the years I've had my kitties, and that goes way back...I've always had screens in my windows, so when I have my windows open there would be no threat to my cats of accidentally falling out of them.
If you have or had pets, and especially if you live in an apartment, wouldn't you take extra pre-cautions about keeping your furbaby safe to keep it from harm? What is with people like this anyway...they really don't deserve to have a pet if they aren't taking any precautions to keep it from harm...I'm so annoyed by this.
Okay...just checked to look again..the dog is now inside and it does appear the windows are closed now...but that doesn't mean the same thing won't happen again
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50 responses
@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
2 Jun 08
i hope that these people lose their dog. these kind of people should never have an animal. especially leaving it out tied to a fire escape. i sincerely hope that you called the aspca and reported them. cause i kid you not that they will lose the animal. and then they should never ever be allowed to own animals again. glad there is still good people looking out for animals in peril.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jun 08
The dog wasn't even tied to the fire escape but loose. I would have no idea how I could report this to the ASPCA though...I would need to know the apt number where the dog is..and the apt building across the way is a very long building...takes up the whole half of the block--so a lot of apts there
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@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
2 Jun 08
all they would need is to know that an animal is in potential danger and what building that the dog is in and they will go from door to door if they have to just to find the animals owner. the ASPCA police are incredibly dedicated animal lovers that way. they could also ask the owners of the building what apartment has that specific dog cause they would have to approve an animal like that before tenant could let them have it, unless its one of those types that sell the apartments to the tenants like some do. Watch animal cops or animal precinct on animal planet sometime and you will see what they go through to get a hold the owners. its dang incredible to me.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Hi pyewacket, I feel the same way you do...I worry about my two dogs all the time..I would be a nervous wreck just seeing a dog in that predicament...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I just hope I don't see that dog out there on the fire escape again...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Mmmm...nope don't think I'm over-reacting about this--if you look at the other responses they feel the same way that the owner was endangering their pet...what if it was a child instead? Have no idea how I can talk to the owner...this is a very large apt. complex across the street and wouldn't even know which apt the dog was from
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I totally understand your concern. I'm sure those people haven't thoguht past letting the baby have some air and being able to get in and out.
They need to make sure that he can not fall. And aparently he was not happy for awhile since he was hollering for quite some time.
When they get agitated like this there is no telling what they might do.
If it happens again I'd call the humane society or someone. There are animal police that make sure animals are in a safe and loved invironment.
They will go there and the people will be told to secure the balcony for his safety if they are going to allow him on it.
At least it will dispel any worries you have if they go check it out. You just call them and tell them what you witnessed. Ask them to let you know what happens if you wan to.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Bless your heart. You sound like me and I'm sure most people here. I would worry all the time about the beagle. At least if it happens again you know you'll be able to do something about it and not feel guilty about it.
SInce the beagle was raising kane, I suppose his parents didn't know he was out there. They might have a screen and it was closed. I would hope this is the case. No boday in their right mind would put there baby out on a balcony.
And if these people did, they need to be told it's not safe. They probably would not listen to you or anyone else except the animal rescue.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Thankfully I haven't seen the dog out again on the fire escape...believe me I keep watching all the time now.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jun 08
What careless people tolive in an upper story of an
apartmentbuilding andnot protect their best friend,
their dog, specially a beagle as they areso inquisitive
anyway. a fallcould kill the poor dog. how thoughtless
can some people be.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I sometimes think people don't have any sense when it comes to the safety of their pets and its people like that that don't deserve to have one
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@leatherandlatex (295)
• United States
2 Jun 08
OMG! The nerve of some people! That dog could easily just fall right on out and kill himself/herself. That is insane. Where are the owners of this dog? Do they not know the dangers of such behavior? I tell you one thing, if it were me that had that Beagle on the fire escape I would have been called in on a long time ago. That's just my luck, but I wouldn't do such a thing. Some dogs will jump from any height.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Luckily I haven't seen the dog out on the fire escape even since that one time...so hopefully it was just that once that they let the dog out there
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I can't help wonder if those people also have kids and how they treat them
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
2 Jun 08
I don't understand how some people can be so stupid, that dog can easily fall from the fire escape since there is that large opening where the stairs go down to the floor below. Gee I hope there are no young children in that apartment that just might follow the dog out on the fire escape too.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I can't help wondering if those jerks have kids to...I noticed yesterday looking up, that they have those child guard rails in all the windows..except the fire escape one...sheeh
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Well I just hope for now on they do keep the dog inside and close that window
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@livintx49 (245)
• United States
2 Jun 08
That is so cruel.Let me tell you what I did this morning and you don't have to beat me up because I'm doing it to myself.I have 3 dachshunds that live indoors. I had to be at the doctor early so I thought i would leave them out on the deck.I have it fixed to where they can't get off but it's about 4 and half feet off the ground.They were fine but i never leave them out while I'm gone it just scares me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
No...I would never leave them out again like that either...one can never tell what could happen in a moment's notice even though you do have the area fixed up
@canggihadiyasa (175)
• Indonesia
2 Jun 08
I cant belive that. that people is so mean.
Yeah, youre right. That people dont deserve to have pet at all. Is in your doesnt have a law to protect the pet? if there's not, that sound bad. because on my country the pet is protected with law. so, you cant harm your pet with that teribble like that.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Yes of course we have laws here canggihadiyasa, but it would be impossible to enforce them for every single case...
It would be great that if people adopted pets from shelters were inspected on a regular basis but I'm here in NYC area...there wouldn't be enough people to go out and inspect every single pet that was adopted from the major shelters like ASPCA, Bide a Wee, North Shore Animal league. One bit of good news, if you follow the different stories...more and more puppy mills are being closed down..now if only ALL were closed down that would be great
@paisleymrs (2)
• United States
2 Jun 08
What country do you live in?It's sad that our country has more rights for inmates to get cable than it does for animals.
My neighbor has the sweetest little puppy the keep outside in a cage ALL the time! (just recently they started bringing her in in the winter,thank God!)
When they first got her, I saw the guy reluctantly walking her and I waited for them to come by me and my baby girl (puppy) and I asked what kind of dog was she? He said, "The best kind... FREE!?" a hole!I think he should try sitting in that cage all summer in the blazing heat with no water, in the pouring rain stuffed in the leaky coop and in 32 degrees freezing his butt off in the winter and see how long he lasts!Anyone who goes to adopt an animal should go through the same requirements as adopting a human. (In my opinion) Make sure you can provide a safe, loving environment. Afford to care for the animal. And get surprise visits from the agency for 6 months after you get the animal.
AND under no circumstances should an animal be kept outside? Why have a pet?And to curtail puppy mills, adopt an older dog or shelter dog.
It really must stop.
There must be a way to get the laws changed.
I know there are many, many pet lovers out there like me as I have been reading these posts.
I called the SPCA on my neighbor... they said as long as the animal had shelter and food and water, there was nothing they could do!Its a darn shame.
Ok, I will stop ranting for now...and go kiss my Bean.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I guess some people just don't plain think of the safety of their pet
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Well no I don't think that was the case of them letting the dog poo or pee...it was just pure neglect to let the dog out like that
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I was wondering the same thing if they had kids and would let their kids out on the fire escape as well
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Well when it happened it was on a Sunday...no one to contact as neither ASPCA or AC&C have hours on Sundays to call them...but so far haven't seen the dog on the fire escape again
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Well I guess I could leave some kind of placard...there is no watchman for the building though
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
2 Jun 08
that always upsets me when i see things like that.
you got to wonder what's gonna happen to that animal with those owners.
i had an incident one summer where my blue and my
tuxedo cat were snoozing in a window(thankfully on the first floor)when it suddenly thundered and scared the blue..well,the momentum from his 34.5 pound self rolled them both out the window.they both hid under my porch until i came to get them (thank god)but after that i had inner barriers put on my windows,they can't do that again.i had no idea the screen was that weak.

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I have two sets of screens...the ones that came with the storm windows that the landlord had installed years ago and are complete crap...you could poke a hole in them with your finger and they have been known to fall off, and then I have secure wire mesh screens that are stronger. talk about precautions with my babes
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
2 Jun 08
Oh my goodness, I totally agree with you, these people or this person does not deserve to have this dog if they are not going to attempt to protect it from that kind of danger. I do and always have tried to do everything possible to protect my animals..which is mainly cats, I am a cat person and I do always try to keep them from harm. I would be devestated if something happened to my babies, that is one reason why I don't allow them to go outside (which is another story in itself and I know some people don't agree with it). But I do believe that if you take on the responsibility of taking in an animal as your pet, you should most certainly do all that you can to protect it, and like you said, all it would take in this situation is to put some screens in to keep the dog from going out on the fire escape. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well I live in an apt building in a city type environment, so you better believe I never let my cats out and I have heavy wire mesh screens in all my windows so there's no danger of them falling out the windows...but even if I did live in a home in the countryside I would never let my cats out..can't understand why so many do, and then they wonder why their cat gets hit by a car--I've heard that way too many times
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
2 Jun 08
I wonder if the dog broke the window.... That is kinda scary. I was concerned for my BIL's dog when they were just on the second floor. They're dog isn't that bright and I could just see him deciding to jump down when he got home.... I wonder if that's illegal?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I think if people have pets, especially in a city type place and they live in an apt building they should have sturdy screens...I have wire mesh screens in all my windows to keep my two cats safe.