Why would this make her get so irritated?

@cream97 (29087)
United States
June 5, 2008 6:54pm CST
My son had to graduate on Tuesday. I thought that it was the next day, so therefore when he went to school that morning, the kids in his class was all dressed up. They were supposed to be dressed up on this day. Well, being that I got the day mixed up with the next day, my son came to school in regular clothes. I asked another teacher about this, and she told me that it was okay that he was not dressed up. She pointed to her kids, and they were not all dressed up either. Well, when I saw my son's teacher, I explained to her the reason why he was not dressed up. She gave me a very funny expression, like as if she was disappointed, and irritated that things dis not go her way. You see my son's teacher has a reputation of being a very mean teacher. And to be honest she is. Well, I was a little uncomfortable with her response. I feel like she should have appreciated the fact that I did came. Plus I showed up on time. I wanted my son to be dressed up more than anything. I feel as a mother that as long as I came to see him graduate, that is all that really matters. His dress up clothes should not make such a huge difference. I understand that it was required for him to dress up, but I feel that me coming was just as important. I understand that she wanted to see him dressed up, but it did not work out that way. Besides, there were many other students that were not dressed up who graduated. I know that she saw this at the graduation.
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15 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
6 Jun 08
Hi cream97! As you have said, she is probably disappointed that some of her students are not all dressed up for their graduation and that somehow irritated her thinking that this is a very special day and the students and parents will be as excited and be looking forward for the day. However, it seems that she has appreciated that you are there and have come on time for the special day. I guess, just like you and me, we sometimes feel disappointed when things don't go our way but the only difference is how people react to such disappointments. Some will accept it with grace and others will make a big deal out of it. And I agree with you my friend, that the clothes should not make such a huge difference. The important thing is the child is there to graduate and the parents are there to witness and share the momentous event with their children. Take Care and God Bless!
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Yes, that is more important than dressing up. I was so happy to see him perform and receive his reward. It made me feel like he was actually graduating from high school. I was very pleased that day.. His clothes at the time just did not seem to matter..
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Jun 08
did he wear school uniform?if not then wearing regular clothes on his graduation is fine as long as it is clean and all...maybe the cause of the teacher's reaction was for the fact that you had mixed up the day of your son's graduation..how old is your son?and if your son is wearing school uniform and the others did not then what can you guess on the reaction of his teacher then??
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
No, as of now he is not wearing any uniform. They were told to wear dressy clothes on this day. My son was wearing a camoflauge army shirt with dark gray pants.. He was not considered to be dressed up in this case. My son is 6 years old. No on was wearing any uniform. He goes to a public school. The students all wear regular school clothing. Just on this day they were required to dress up.
@kareng (59055)
• United States
7 Jun 08
She sounds like she doesn't have kids. Really moms today juggle so much. I know I was practically insane trying to keep up with three kids in school, after school activities, homework and working full time. I wouldn't let it bother me. She is the one that has the problem. I wish you had a picture to send her of your son graduating --that should put the icing on the cake. Never fear, your son graduated --that is a big accomplishment. And you are a proud parent. That's all that really matters! Have a great weekend!
@kareng (59055)
• United States
7 Jun 08
That's sad.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
7 Jun 08
She told me that she has kids... From the way that she talked about then, I could tell that she has been pretty hard on them..
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Yes very sad I must say. It is a shame that she trys to control other kids because of how she deals with her own kids. You should hear how she talks to the other kids in her class. She has a very nasty tone. The kids will not even be doing anything.. She just talks to them like they are nothing. Sometimes I just wish that their parents could walk in on her while she is behaving like this.. I would like to see what she will do then..
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I can't believe that teacher. I would be very glad that my son did not have to be taught by that teacher anymore after that. I do not know why she got angry, but it was uncalled for. A mistake is a mistake, and it was an honest mistake. In my opinion he is your child, and even if it is mandatory she should not punish you for a simple mistake. Mistakes can be made, we are not made to remember everything. I hope that you still enjoyed watching your son graduate, and that this teacher gets a little talking to for her behavior.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I hope so too. I am glad that you have decided to not let her be his teacher next year. I really didn't think they had the same teachers anyway. Oh well, things are done differently everywhere. The way I see it, he graduated,i'm sure he looked handsome just smiling at his graduation and the only one who should worry about his appearance is you... and as you are his mother, I doubt you'd dress him in any way but suitable. Is there nothing that can be done about this teacher, have you talked to the other parents of his classmates? I'm sure someone else has to be complaining! Good Luck!
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
7 Jun 08
No, I hardly would see the other mothers.. If I did, they hardly would say anything to me. I am so tired of her. The students have said that she was mean. She has been teaching for over 20 years now, and she is as wicked as can be.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Actually, I plan to not let him have her for his teacher next year anyway. I have already told my son that I don't want her to be his teacher at all. She is very mean. Ans she wants things to always go her way. Yes it was a mistake. I just wished his teacher could have seen it like that. The other teacher was a kindergarten teacher and some of her students were not all dressed up. His teacher is just making a big deal out of nothing. The main thing is that I came to see him graduate. That showed that I do love and care about him. Wow! I am glad that I am not her son. I would be trying too hard to please her. Someone needs to put her in her place and I hope that it is very soon..
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• United States
6 Jun 08
Some teachers are just wierd like that. I knew a couple of them and I will probably meet a few more when my daughter goes to school. Some teachers just think that they are the bees knees and that the world revolves around them and that they should have everything go thier way. It is very rare to find a teacher that is genuinely interested in the children AND the childrens parents. It would be nice if they all cared about the parents as well. There would be a lot less students that are failing. Maybe i'm wrong. I've been wrong once before. :)
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well on this one honey... You ain't wrong! Teachers need to be more interested in the parents as well.. They think too much about their own special feelings too much. It isn't always about them, it is about the child and parents. So, I totally agree with your statement!
• United States
6 Jun 08
That does sound a little bizarre. I guess that some people have not yet learned that the secret to life is to just be happy. You can't sweat the small stuff. At my graduation the principal was very insistent on specific dress codes because she wanted us all to look the same. All the guys had to wear white dress shirts with black pants and shoes. The girls could wear any outfit but the hem had to be above the graduation gown and we had to wear white sandals. There were several guys who showed up in different shirts and they were forced to trade shirts with someone else in their family in order to walk with the class. I can appreciate that she wanted everyone to look the same but I think she went a tad too far.
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
6 Jun 08
wow! I understand your feeling cream, and also surprise with the teacher's reaction. Maybe she was not in the mood or she wanted her class to be perfect, like everyone from her class should be dress up? Just a guess!
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
6 Jun 08
Some people take things very strongly. To them, word is law. So maybe she is one of that type. Just forget her. Some teachers are really mean and vindictive. I have seen it happen to my sister in school, and we had to even change schools for that. And my school was one of the best. Everybody forgets at some time, and I am sure it must have hurt you more than anybody, but there is nothing to make a big fuss about it. Like I said, forget her. Have a nice day. Congratulations on your son's graduation.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Yes, if it ain't her way, it is the highway. She has to understand, that life is just not going to stop moving just because she wants it too. The world is controlled by God and only Him. She should act more like a teacher and not some petty little school girl..
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I'm surprised your son didn't know he was supposed to dress differently. Do you know any of the other parents of the kids in his class? If not, start next school year to make friends with them and things like this may not happen. The teacher should have sent home a note with you son as to how to dress this day. I know that teachers have a lot of pressure but really, the way someone dresses is so unimportant that she must really be an unhappy person to put such importance on such a minor thing!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well, everyone gets mixed up once in awhile, especially busy mothers! You need a calendar. Or a mini-minder--this is a very small computer application that I have and couldn't do without! It's free! Here it is: http://www.download.com/MiniMinder/3000-2124_4-10191246.html That teacher needs to get a life! Forget about her, the year is over and hopefully you won't have to deal with her again.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well, I had told my son about it. I just got the day mixed up. I thought that he was supposed to be graduating on Wednesday but it was on Tuesday. Early that morning I was trying to find the invitation, but couldn't. If I had to find it, then the date would have been verified. This kind of thing usually does not happen to me.. I was so shocked myself! But yes she went to the extreme of acting out of order. She should have appreciated that I did try to show up. Plus I got to the multi-purpose room before she did. I would have taken my son back home to dress him, but that was so impossible. I had to get dressed, and then he had too. I know she saw that I was on time even if I got the day mixed up..
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
26 Jun 08
parents are there to see to it that their child must dress up specially on specially day like graduation but sometimes we must be flexible also of this matter. dress is not very important although parents are hurt when they look their child not properly dress up but the most important is the presence of the parents during graduation to showed the child the parents support. for me, dress doesn't matter, the day is more important, atlast, i am now free from this institution.
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
Hi cream, That teacher needs to relax a little bit more because who cares what kids are dressed in all that matters is that they show up and graduate. You being there means the world to your son and that's all that should matter. It sounds like his teacher is a very hard person to please and thank God you won't have to deal with her next year. Dates are always hard to remember unless you write them down but I found myself getting mixed up on more than one occasion with my son's school this year too. I'm with you on this one cream have a good day
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jun 08
cream, dont let expressions fool you,she really might have been thinking something else entirely but I sure would not waste any time worrying about it. if she is mean spirited just shrug it off. you were there and got to see your son graduate so thats the main thing. congratulations to you and your son.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Thanks! Yes his teacher is very mean.. And she knows she is. Others have told her that.. I would feel bad if the students think that I am mean. She has been teaching at this school for over 20 years now. My sister said she is mean as well. She was last at this school about what? 15 years ago. She is still mean after all this time? Now that is something to think about..
• United States
6 Jun 08
If he didn't mind then neither should she.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Me neither, I know I did not mind..
• Norway
6 Jun 08
Weird reaction from your son`s teacher. I don`t think I would let it bother me, who cares what she thinks?? Not everyone can be superhumen like her ;)
@Elixiress (3878)
6 Jun 08
I think she is irritated because it was one of the "rules" and he has followed the rule. She might have also thought he was not taking it seriously just coming in in casual clothes. Nothing more or less than that. Since you went in to explain this to the teacher, why did you just take his smart clothes in and he could have got ready in the toilets or changing rooms.