Bush Sees Signs the Stimulus May Be Working!

@anniepa (27955)
United States
June 6, 2008 1:45pm CST
Now, isn't that good news? Our fearless leader, who is speaking right now, says there are signs the stimulus may be working. That little check you got, even if you've already burned it all up in your gas tank, which if you got yours in the beginning of May you just might have, is apparently doing its job in stimulating our horrendous economy. Say WHAT??? Is this guy totally without a clue? He was also touting all of his policies and urging their continuance - you know, those policies that put us into the condition we're in! What I'd like to discuss here is what did you do with your stimulus check, if you've already gotten it, to spur our economy to the point where Bush can already see its effects? Annie
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28 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I haven't gotten mine yet but everyone I know that has is being very careful with it. I haven't spoken to anyone that is just going to blow it on new toys, etc. My daughter got hers and put it in the bank to pay for heat next winter. Mine should be here any day. It is going straight to the bank and I'm not even paying off bills with it. I barely get by just paying my regular bills and gas prices. I'm sure it will just slowly diminish on every day struggling to survive. Bush just talks to hear himself talk. I stopped even listening to him a long time ago.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Sid556, I think you and I must have the same friends and out fellow myLotter Kenzie must hang out with the Bush crowd. Annie
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Jun 08
anniepa, I think so too. Kenzie, all i can say is that you must be in a higher income bracket than most people I know or else not have as many expenses and responsibilities. On thinking about it, I do know some young people who still live with parents or whose parents help greatly who will just blow the money on non nescessities.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
We certainly have different experiences. Everyone I know - in person and online - spent the money on things they didn't really need. Or things they wanted, but couldn't really afford.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Well, I will use mine to fill my gas tank a few times. How about that?!! We are doing so much less, spending so much less, due to gas. Prices of everything has gone up to do oil prices. So thanks, Bush, for the few tanks of gas. You've been giving me gas since your first term what's a little more?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Jun 08
"You've been giving me gas since your first term what's a little more?" Don't you just wish we could all leave a collective fart and blow him away? Annie
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Hahaha, yes!! What an idiot!! My apologies to those who like him (I have not met anyone, yet), but he is a horse's behind!!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Well It's not me stimulating the economy. It went straight to paying off some credit card debt that was due to the bad economy and the high gas and food prices. It may look for a second like it's helping but it's not. It's just delaying it a little. If the gas prices don't go down than the price of everything else will keep going up, because it's costing so much more to get things in the stores.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Well what can you expect from a person who comes from Planet X and is so out of touch with the majority of the people here in this country who are struggling to make ends meet? Since I get regular SSI benefits I'm not even entitled to that check, and those of us who do get SSI sure could use it. I think most people who will be getting the check are just going to wind up using it to pay bills, buy more food, and yes, help fill up the tanks of their cars
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Are you sure you don't get it, Pye? My daughter is on SSI and she's supposed to be getting it. She got a form since she usually doesn't file income tax telling her she had to file this year in order to get the rebate. Speaking of Bush, let's send him to Mars on that "rover" thingy. I don't care if there's air or water or not...lol! Annie
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Is she on plain SSI or SSI-D??...there's a difference...I actually went to the IRS website itself and it said that SSI folks aren't eligible I think if I had been eligible a form would have been sent to me as well Here it is from the website itself from the PDF file one can download at the IRS site http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=179211,00.html [i]02 As provided in section 6428(b), individuals with at least $3,000 of “qualifying income” may receive a minimum payment of $300 ($600 in the case of a joint return), even though the individual has no net income tax liability. Qualifying income as defined in section 6428(e)(1) means: earned income as defined in section 32(c)(2) that is includible in gross income for federal income tax purposes (including, if elected, certain combat zone compensation of members of the Armed Forces); social security benefits (including monthly retirement, survivor and disability benefits, [b]but not including supplemental security income (SSI) payments)[/b] and Tier I railroad retirement benefits described in section 86(d); and disability compensation, disability pension and survivors’ benefits from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) pursuant to Chapters 11, 13, or 15 of Title 38 of the United States Code. [/i]
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Did everyone even get their check yet? Better question. Did everyone even spend their money yet? There is no way the "stimulus" will effect the economy in such a 'visible' way even when things are said and done. The economic problems faced by the country are just going to get worse with higher costs of fuel, energy, transportation, groceries... and on the opposite end more empty spending by the government. "Broken" is a word that is typically used for gaming and technology, but it barely describes what's occured with the economy.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Annie, I haven't recieved mine yet so I wouldn't know. Even though I believe you give the man too much credit for something that for the most part is out of his control I will agree with you on one thing; me and millions of others spending 600 dollars is not going to turn the economy around! The largest factor that has put the economy into this mess is the home mortgage industry and their shady lending practices(something I might add GWB had nothing to do with)! Until that issue is addressed our economy will continue to falter. Yeah, sure the gas prices are high but they have been headed that way ever since we let the oil companies lie to us in the 70s about the oil "shortage" so they could get the pipeline built in Alaska! They lied to us then and we believed them so why not lie now and see if they can go two for two?
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Me, giving GWB too much credit? Now that's funny, I've been accused, quite correctly I'll admitted, of not giving him credit for anything good. He soon will be doing something very good - waving bye-bye! Annie
• United States
7 Jun 08
He's a lame duck...so he really doesn't care one way or another (I truly think he likes to hear the sound of his voice!) . I didn't get a stimulus check, so I don't have one to spend anyway! I really don't see the economy improving much anyhow, not now, not tomorrow, and not for at least a year. I was watching a program about the Vietnam War on the History Channel...we're making similar mistakes now as we did then. Sadly, I guess when it was most obvious, McCain was a POW...how embarassing that it's just MORE hardheaded men in power now.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I can only speak from the view of someone who is not eligible for the stimulus check, anniepa, but even a moron can see that the stimulus checks will do very little to stimulate an economy that is growing worse with each passing day. They will serve most recipients only so far as to defray the rising prices of gas and groceries and (maybe) enable some folks to pay off minor bills. Bush needs to get honest with the people and come up with a real plan to help us out of this nightmare we are currently living through.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I haven't recieved mine at all grrrr. I really do need to get it though since we barely have the money to put gas in the tank.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
We haven't gotten ours yet, but we're expecting in June 9th. And what will we spend it on? Paying off debt of course. That's not going to jump-start our economy, not is it? Bush has got to be the biggest idiot in history!
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Well, I owe money to IRS in back taxes as I was unemployed and had to go into a 401K to replace my car after it got totalled in a car accident a few years ago... So, I do not think that I will be eligible for the stimulus.
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• Alexandria, Virginia
7 Jun 08
i am married and only got 600 rather than 1200 any ideas
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@aplaza (630)
• Netherlands
7 Jun 08
I don't live in the States so I didn't get one. But oh boy, oh boy if I did! I sure know what I'd like to do with it. How about a pair of new dollar store glasses for George W. cuz he really needs them if he sez he can see improvements. And maybe a gallon of gas to be able to drive to the nearest postoffice to send that package to him! With the cost of things the way they are, that's all I'd be able to afford but I sure would be glad I did spend it on that.
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@Timothy31 (649)
• United States
7 Jun 08
This guy just continues to show how much of a complete idiot he is. This stimulus did NOTHING to help the economy. You know what the stimulus checks are being used for? Gas,food,bills. They aren't being used for splurging on expensive items that people want. People are already struggling and behind on bills and don't have enough food or gas etc. So all this really did was get some people through a few weeks not needing to go grocery shopping or whatnot.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
Bush is a liar, our country is still a mess. Our economy is headed toward a downward spiral right now and it is all thanks to that jerk called Bush.
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I am getting a bit anxious. I believe that I signed up to have it direct deposited to my savings account and still haven't gotten it. I was counting on it being here by now to pay a certain bill. I wish I knew where to make sure I didn't screw something up. I know I put in the correct numbers because they had no problem taking my tax payment out of that same account!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Our economy is far too large for those stimulus checks to have any real effect, and even if they did it would be to early to see it. I don't even think they have all been issued yet. As to ours... the government grabbed it over a student loan my wife owes. That was surprising as I figured the State would grab it over child support. I guess even the state can't fight the feds.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
he needs to pass whatever he's smoking.it must be good. i never recieved a check,and i have the feeling i probably won't.a lot of people i know could have really used one,aren't eligible.with all the money he's handing out overseas,they could have given everyone here money to spend.then it might have helped.
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I didnt earn enough last year to get one. After all, I am a full-time college student; I don't need money (the local college says that it only takes 16 thousand to attend per year--what universe are they living in?). The wife when she gets hers (ok, girlfriend unless you count common-law) is going to spend hers on food and gas. As for our fearless leader, this is the same person who believes that the economy is improving because the numbers say that we are not "officially" in a recession. I don't know about you, but I have been unemployed for a long time and if this is not a recession, then my next job should be President of the USA.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jun 08
well I used some for groceries and some for books and stil have some left.dont know how much I spurred on our economy however.I will be doing some more spending so ulimately I may well do a tiny bit of spurring on the economy. lol.
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