Setting straight some Straight people!
By fpd1955
@fpd1955 (2074)
United States
June 11, 2008 9:25am CST
I am only going to say this once, so pay attention!
Some of you straight people seem to think that those of us in the Gay community should not be allowed in society or that we aren't "normal", we don't deserve equality and we are big sinners. Fact of the matter is, we are the same as you in most ways, except one.
We work hard for our money, we pay taxes, we support local businesses, we enjoy sports and have our favorite teams, we suffer from the same illnesses, die from cancer and Aids (yep, straight people also, die from Aids) we went to school, we go to church and pray to our Higher Power. If we were lucky, we had 2 parents in our lives that taught us the difference between right and wrong and gave us unconditional love. We cried during "Love Story" and "The Way We Were" and laughed at Adam Sandler in "The Water Boy" and 'Happy Gilmore".
We pee, fart, eat, sleep, shower, brush our teeth, wash our hair, put our pants on one leg at a time, clean our house, mow our lawns, pull our weeds, wash our cars, pay our bills, celebrate the holidays and birthdays, mourn the loss of our loved ones, love our friends and family, suffer from the rising prices and enjoy our neighbors (most of them anyway) the same way you do!
Those of us that are lucky enough to have children teach them, not how to "become Gay" (that is not something that can be taught, it is how one is born), but how to become the best person they can be and love them unconditionally.
To say that Gay people don't belong in your society is ludicrous. WE ARE SOCIETY, just like you. We are mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, neighbors, fellow workers, doctors, lawyers (maybe indian chiefs), teachers, police, firefighters, accountants, musicians, actors, military, governors, senators, sales clerks, rich, poor and middle income just like you!
God created us. God loves us unconditionally! We are all his children. ALL of us. He accepts us as we are and for any of you to say Gays will rot in h*ll because we were born Gay is, also, ludicrous. You think I should be a God-fearing person. I will never fear God. He is all that is good, loving , tolerant and forgiving. I don't need His forgiveness for being who He created me to be! His forgiveness is reserved for the sins of intolerance, hatred and any criminal act. To say that 9/11, Katrina and everything else Mother Nature springs upon us happened because of Gay people is ludicrous!!!
There are some of you that shudder at the thought of being around a Gay person because they might try something. Get over yourselves! Put your ego in check. We don't want you!!! This is particularly apparent with our military. This country needs all the people that are willing to risk their lives fighting for it's "cause". They are cutting off their nose to spite their face by kicking good men and women out of the military, most proven to be great soldiers, because they find out they are Gay. Yet, the straight soldiers that commit rape against women soldiers and women of the countries they are fighting in seldom (some do) receive punishment. All is fair in love and war, right?
Some of you don't want your children around Gay people because you think they might be molested. The majority of pedophiles are straight men. They are the sick ones and the sinners! Also included as the sinners are the fathers that molest their own daughters or sons. Again, very sick straight men. Being Gay is NOT an illness. Being Gay is NOT a sin.
Lesbians do not hate all men. Gay men do not hate all women.
Some of you say that we "choose" to be Gay. Again,(my new favorite word) ludicrous! Would you "choose" to be bashed, beaten, ridiculed, harassed, shunned by your own parents and family (not me, but many, many others) fired from your jobs and, sadly, killed because of how you were born? The only choice we make is to live our lives as we were born to live them. As ourselves, the way God made us. To live our lives for ourselves, and not for you and your "society".
Any questions??
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11 responses
@ShealM (388)
• Canada
11 Jun 08
You have said it in a way that I could not have possibly managed so gracefully and right to the point. *standing ovation* and reps (positive repped you) for the great and awesome post.
That was one of the best posts I've seen on this issue to date.
2 people like this
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Wonderful post! I didn't see the one you were referring to but I think you expressed yourself very eloquently. I am not gay but I have been dealing with the way some in this society treat a few very good friends of mine who are, starting with our senior prom, which we had to use commando like tactics in order for our friend to get tickets and to get his date into the building for the event. He came out in our senior year and those of us who were his friends stood by him as the ridicule and hatred came out. He is still my friend today, over 30 years later, and is one of the finest people I know. I absolutely hate it when people are judged so quickly by the lifestyle they live, the color of their skin, their religion...all those sort of things that are only a part of who a person is.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I agree! It is very immature to hate people! Some people will pick on others and hate them just because they are different! So if you do not like someone's personality, do you really have to hate them? Why can't people just say that they do not like the behavior of the person, or that they disagree but leave the hating and dislike to yourself! I remember as a child at a catholic school, I would hear this person and that one, saying they "can't stand" or even "hated" someone! I cannot understand why anyone has to judge and hate others!
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Jun 08
i perfectly understand what you are saying and feeling... i agree to some things that you had written but not all... one thing that i don't agree is that God created gay and lesbians... i don't think that we are born gay and lesbians as the Bible stated very clearly in Genesis 1 and 2 that He only creates man and woman... only 2 gender... sorry, no offense and this is only my opinion... the rest of what you say, i agree with you whole-heartedly... take care and have a nice day...
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
12 Jun 08
This is a good thought provoking discussion that says something very basic and full of common sense but unfortunately is never filled with comon sense. As one gay aquaintaince of mine says, "Why do straight men think I'm going to molest them?" Gay men, as this aquaintaince pointed out, have taste and preferences just like the rest of us.
I am straight and I don't always see eye to eye with the gay community. However, I believe that people's sexuality should be their own issue and no one elses. So what if you don't go for the things that I go for. Seriously, what goes on between two consenting adults should remain between them. The state needs to stay out and so do all those "moral" people who have nothing better to do than to look at other people's bedrooms.
As for HIV, the statistics are now out to show that more hetrosexuals get HIV than homosexuals. Given the global prevelence of HIV in the world, promoting HIV as a purely homosexual disease is criminally iresponsible.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
11 Jun 08
AMEN to that!!! I am straight, but I totally agree with you that there are some straight people out there who need to be "set straight," I absolutely loved your headline. It grabbed my attention. Thanks for publishing this.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I think Dan Savage said it best in his column the other week! IN some parts of the world, it is terribly dangerous to be gay, and other parts of the world too many people are still ignorant and/or living in a third world country! HE thinks it will be centuries before gay people are accepted throughout the world! I think it is a waste of time to try and teach people who grew up believing these things about gay people! The best we can do is to live a good life and be careful! No wonder so many people are still in the closet! Some people still do not like anyone or accept anyone who is different from them! Conformity is boring!
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
12 Jun 08
it really is boring! I think my husband found the discussion that you are referring to, and he feels very strongly that it is wrong to discriminate against gay people! He has told me everything that you mentioned, as I was quite confused about what was true and what was not true! Hope to see you on Pride Day!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jun 08
this is really good,. and i know how it is. poeple hate me cause im bisexaul but i like girls more than guys but u dont choose to be that way. U CANT STOP TRUE LOVE!! and no one gets that and im glad im not the only on that thinks this!
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Well said...
I don't think there is anymore difference between gay and straight people than blank, white, hispanic, whatever... We are all human.
The only thing that bugs me is that the best guys always seem to be gay. Please don't take me the wrong way but when I was younger my first crush turned out to be gay and then later another... Actually my husband that I have now a lot of people thought was gay (he's total metro). So I guess that must be why I'm with him. I realize that the rumor that gay men are more sensitive to peoples feeling is not always true but of the gay people I've met it has been and what woman wouldn't want that.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Jun 08
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Jun 08
Hi fpd, Thank you for writing this, I hope it really does set some straight people straight. I'm sure that everything you say is true, and I thank God that there are some churches who accept gays as equals, those people know the meaning of compassion and are the true "Christians". I am straight but have known the true facts for a long time. I am blessed with a brother who is gay, and for whom I thank God every day. His life has not been easy, because for most of it, being gay was not as acceptable as it is today. I find it very difficult to believe that there are still people out there who believe that it is a choice. I know from some of the discussions that I've seen here that there is still a lot of hatred out there, and often it comes from those who should be teaching love and compassion. Blessing
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Hallelujah and Amen!!!! It boggles my mind how determined some people are to make other people different than themselves. They use race, religion, sexuality, just any ole thing to try and set themselves apart (usually above) others.
It's sad and pathetic to be that afraid that you won't measure up unless you are different, special, better.
Guess what folks we are ALL the same. We are all just boring ole humans. Get over yourselves and embrace your neighbors. ALL of them.
@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I couldn't agree with you more.I think the only issue with being gay is that the person who is gay and the ones around him/her are supportive of them.I have a brother who is gay and his life has not been good,and I have always felt that it was because he was never able to be himself around ort parents they never accepted.It is such a shame to because he is a very loving brother,and yes he prays to.I never had a problem with him.
I think it is time the world stopped finding reasons to hate and ridicule not just the gay community.There are many nationalities that get treated poorly as well.Or the wealthy that think poor and homeless people are there because they don't want to work.It isn't always that simple or cut and dry.Live and let live I say we all are trying to be happy,and gay people should have all the same rights we straight people do.Including being able to have a child however they chose to go about it.As long as they are good parents that is what the child is going to be affected by.
Good luck to you,and the heck with people who don't understand it is there loss.My daughter has a friend she recently found out was gay.They are still the same best friends they always were.Her father don't let her have sleepovers though because as he say's it would be the same as if she were straight he wouldn't let a male friend spend the night.I am not sure what I think of that because I still would let my daughter sleep over there it's not like their relationship has changed.My daughter likes boy's and thankfully is able to talk with this girl about her girlfriends the same as she would if they were talking about her boyfriends.
I know my writing jumps around a bit I am just typing what I am thinking.