Do we want a president or a dictator?
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
United States
June 15, 2008 10:24pm CST
Michell Obama said:
"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed."
Of all people to tell us to shed out cynicism and put down our divisions. She divides the white and blacks in her thesis. She is the bitter one. Who is she really speaking to? Knowing how she and her husband feel about typical white folks and whitey, I would think twice before voting for that team. Unless you relish the idea of Obama demanding you to do something!
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14 responses
@snowy22315 (186476)
• United States
16 Jun 08
So what, I think Americans should be required to do more. most people do not do enough to help their neighbors, let alone other people in the world. i'm getting sick of all this Obama bashing on this site. Do you prefer the status quo??
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I can do go deeds without Obama and his wife telling me what to do. I don't think you really see what they mean. It is not about good deeds. It is about changing the world to be what they want.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Thank you, you stated it just the way it is what they want, like you I don't need them to tell me what I should do in my life, her especially, she needs to take care of her life. I think she would be a snob in the white house, one who thinks she is above us, in her wealth and education. They could care less about the little people. Dont want them in and will do what I can to keep them out.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I'd have to agree with smallT. If this man was a white candidate, would there be so much fear? Do you now realize how millions of people have felt for hundreds of years? I am terrified of John McCain, Hilary is the Devil. Please! It is down right racism to even think this way! I wonder if this man was an aging white republican, or democrat for that matter would there even be a reason for discussion such as this. Please tell me you didn't vote for George W?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
18 Jun 08
What about Michelle Obama and her racism? And Obama's Rev. Wright? You forget about that so is ok to hate white people, rightttt?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Moon, yes...we are so proud of proud that Obama's people would not allow a Muslim woman to be in the pictures taken of Obama. He and his people are always offending someone. So multicultural!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
18 Jun 08
And I don't feel anyway about Hilary or McCain. Just being sarcastic. I have a general distrust of politicians in general. Whatever color they are. What is so scary about this man getting in office? If he were a white man would you still be saying these things and I know I keep asking you this but I really would like to know?

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Have you ever heard JFK's words, "Ask not what your country can do for you, as what you can do for your country,"? That wasn't all that different from what Michelle was saying.
Now, your title here is "Do we want a President or a dictator"; I think we've as close as I ever hope to come to a dictatorship with our current Administration so my answer is I want a PRESIDENT, one who will be a President to all of these United States, one who won't make us all look like idiotic a$$holes to the rest of the world. I think some people need to have some "demands" put on them!
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@kareng (70295)
• United States
18 Jun 08
You can't demand that all the people on welfare, that have been on welfare for years and raised families that way and now the kids are doing it all over again go out and get a job and work for a living. It won't happen. They expect the government to pay their way. You can cut out the benefits and what will that do? They will all be on the streets begging for money. Crime will double.
Take a good look at New Orleans now. Population is down, yet crime doubled there last year. What does that tell you?
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@agfarm (930)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Annie....Dear are Fired UP!
I actually agree w/ you on the whole Dictator-Ship , but to a degree I think
The Dictater ( that's a really Mean Potato ....Dic-tater get it ?.......I know that 1 stunk ) is not the President , but Ol' you know who........
Mr. Happy -Face himself. ( thought Bubble: did I actually say that ?.......Yes I Did ) No Regrest! I think D1ck and Will are the true.....well.....whatever they R , of this Country. Hey.....Thanks for Making America Look so good around the World ! By the way......That was Sarcasm!
Mad-Max Rules! Rogue! G'day
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You obviously do have your mind closed because of how you feel about the Republicans. You cannot see who he is. You read his words differently. Demand is strong.

@smallT (376)
• United States
17 Jun 08
It wasn't until I moved to the South, that I've realized how much prejudice there is in the U.S. Now you are proving it again. I only wonder if Obama were white would he be so overly criticized. Why don't you do some research and see how "whitey" (I'm using your word) has persecuted, murdered and terrorized people of minorities since Columbus arrived in America. Stop hating. If he were white, you would not have a problem with him telling you what to do. And I'm not saying that he will demand anything from YOU at all. I think you fear the unknown. Obama speaks of unity and you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Unity? I guess you are uninformed about his church of 20 years. Sheesh! By the way, Obama is 50% white, 43.75% Arab and 6.75% black..and it is NOT Afro-American. Obama is the racist...he is the one who says typical white folks. His wife is the one who says wake up, black America. How much do you really know about him if you don't even know he is part white?
@smallT (376)
• United States
17 Jun 08
This is my last comment to you about this.
I'm sure that you've heard this: one drop of black blood makes that person black. Have you studied the backgrounds of all the presidents and presidential candidates? Have you ever made a mistake while speaking? Do you have any muslim friends? Do you have any black friends? Maybe one day you will be able to see past the color of a person's skin. I feel sorry for you.
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@TCampbell (180)
• United States
16 Jun 08
And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
President Kennedy was on to something when he said that, don't you think?
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@TCampbell (180)
• United States
16 Jun 08
No, he was a white man. And after reading the posts in this discussion I'm beginning to see who the real racist is. Thank you so much for clearing that up.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
18 Jun 08
We have soldiers fighting with their lives everyday for our freedom. And little by little we are losing it.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
Well I think there is some truth to what he is saying. Everybody must start to work with one another. Helping each other and become more involved and informed. It does not matter anymore what race or color just be the best that everyone could be. Getting out of your comfort zones is just a nice phrase that is because many of us American or not do have their comfort zones in their lives and moving out of it will just free your from many things that stops most from moving on.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I could see it their way if they weren't racists, but coming from people like them who are, I don't think they mean the typical kind deeds you are thinking of.
@yesah65 (157)
• United States
16 Jun 08
There is an old saying: It takes one to know one. Next time someone starts calling someone else a RACIST, they better start to wonder why that label is always at the top of their list? If all someone can think of is RACE, then they are the one with a problem.
The color of someone's skin has nothing to do with what is in their hearts. Judge no man till you have walked a mile in his shoes.
As far as some people getting off their lazy duffs and doing something, I think it is about time. I hear a lot of people complain about Asians that come to our shores. Most Asians came from a place worse than here and they are hard workers, so they get ahead.
It works for anyone that is not afraid to work hard to get ahead. Quit blaming someone for your short comings. If your not happy with your life, do something about it; Change it!
So Michelle Obama has said a few things wrong. Can you truthfully admit you have never said something and it was taken all wrong? I believe she was trying to say that her husband can and will inspire some people to do better. Take a good look and see where Barack obama started and how hard he had to work to get where he is. He didn't get it by sitting and blaming others. He, basically, started from the bottom, with the handicap of prejudice and poverty and fought his way to the top.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You are so uninformed. Or are you a member of his church?

@only1shi (404)
• United States
19 Jun 08
i don't agree with anyone trying to "dictate" what america should be doing. however, i do believe that americans need some encouragement to get up and be productive. there is a good part of our population that is quite alright with the idea of sitting home and letting someone else work hard so that they can collect a check and get free groceries. and there are also plenty of people that are completely oblivious to the world around them. i don't think that there is anything wrong with wanting the people around you to do better for themselves.
now, i'm not saying that i agree with obama on all things. to be honest, i don't even know what his campaign stands for today. because, you know as well as i do, it will change tomorrow.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I agree with you. I don't like the term demand. The problem is that when you don't trust someone you are not sure what they mean by the things they say. I am sure you have heard all the the things Obama and his wife stand for and the things they say. It is when they put that with this statement that I question him. Just the other day his people would not allow a Muslim in photographs taken with Obama. She was wearing her head covering. Obama says typical white folks. I could go on and on. With all the things they say, I don't trust anything he says and I wonder what he really means. If he is against certain types of people after being in a church for 20 years that spews hatred against whites and America, what is his agenda? Michelle Obama has a very bitter edge to her. I want to see the presidents wife upbeat and looking forward to the future. Condi Rice would make a great first lady or president.
@jormins (1223)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Just the fact how you refer to "whitey" in your original post helps show how unbiased you are. Here is my equation I am using to vote this year: 8 years of Democratic "dictatorship" = 5 trillion surplus (i.e. the Clinton dictatorship as you would call it). 8 Years of "Freedom under Bush"= -3 trillion deficit. Its a pretty easy choice for an independent like me.
As much I have lied McCain in the past, he is definitely the change candidate this year, as in he has changed his own views on virtually everything to cater to the extreme right.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
There was a reason I used the term whitey. You have not kept up on the recent verbage of the Obamas. It is not my word.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
16 Jun 08
You are so quick to use the "Clinton" numbers to say we had a "5 trillion" dollar surplus when he left office but let me ask you this;
If we in fact had this "surplus" why did we not use it to pay down the national debt which to my knowledge has never been paid down to zero and continues to acrue 6+ digit interest every year?
The reason is simple; the "surplus" was nothing more than manipulation of the numbers by Clinton bean counters to make him look good, period! That is why 5 trillion dollars evaporated into thin air almost immediately when GWB took office, it was never really there!!
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
16 Jun 08
How will Barack Obama require me to work? I am approaching my 58th birthday and have never been without gainful employment for long enough to draw unemployment--ever! I have seen times when jobs were hard to come by and good paying jobs were almost non-existent but I still worked! How, Barack Obama, are you and just exactly where do you get off telling me you are going to require me to work?
Talk about bitter people holding on to old beliefs, Obama needs to look a little closer to home!!(Michelle)
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I think his work will require something different. I believe he and his wife want to reverse rolls..and possibly slowly but surely turn white people into "slaves." His wife is so bitter.
@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
16 Jun 08
They did attend a church with strong views. They did not denounce it. That needs to be remembered because it reflects on their character.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Strong is putting it lightly. They attended for 20 years. What amazes me is that even if blacks don't feel concerned for the blantant racisim against white...not saying that all don't..but obviously SOME don't, whites should care about their own future. No matter what you show them about these people, it is like they cannot comprehend it. They treat him like a savior.
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@agfarm (930)
• United States
17 Jun 08
For Kareng.......
When....Um......Did Race.....enter this Discussion ?
Will someone please help Me out On this Black / White thing ? I thought we were Discussing Presidential CAndidates ! Did I miss Something?
This discussion has taken an ignorant turn!
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@TCampbell (180)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Almost forgot, don't we have a dictator now?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
If you think we do, vote for Obama. You will see what it means to have one.
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
16 Jun 08
@TCampbell..Yes we have a dictator now and "The Decider" is a racist too boot. The more things change the more they stay the same.