Food prices are on the increase does this affect/alarm you?

@jessieBee (1046)
Trinidad And Tobago
June 18, 2008 8:16am CST
This is ridiculous! Food prices are sky rocketing and everyone is still focusing only on the increase of gas prices? Every week i go to the store and basic foods such as bread,flour,rice,sugar,water,cheese,meat,etc... These prices just keep changing! the increase for some food products has been on the rise between 50-200 percent! People pay cheeks are not increasing but the food prices are. Most people have kids, a family to support. How are they to feed them self and there family if the food they buy keeps getting more and more expensive? I went to the grocery this morning and a small bottle water was $14 dollars!! what is the world coming too? They blame the shortage of food on global warming, yes this might be so but store owners don't have to rob us consumers like that. Now they have stop changing the price tags, only when you go up to the casher then are you told the price is higher. are we going to soon reach to a point where we cannot afford food? Will or children have to skip a meal in order to have food for the next day? Does the government even care? Do you even care?
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29 responses
@pitstop (14739)
• Australia
23 Jun 08
I always thought that rises in food prices would not affect me that much, but the last couple of months I feel the cruch. My money-saving potential every month has become very little now. My bank balance never seems to be growing!
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@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 08
Yes many people had thought that they would not be affected either. Even my mother thought she wouldn't have and she is really good when it comes to saving money. But i guess it all hit us by surprise. My bank statement kind of sucks too. Food prices are affecting us all but we as people must find ways to fight against it.
@DCMerkle (1281)
• United States
18 Jun 08
It's a concern for everyone. The government food stamp program had made the suggestion that the amount that was being give to those on the program be raised to help meet the the rising cost of food. The President's answer was that, "The Government was being too generous as it was." Now before those that may agree with Bush, the average amount is $142.00 for an individual. These individuals are elderly, disabled people. How far would $142.00 take you? Would it cover all the food that you would need for a month? Would it even cover the basics? There are people that are not on any government programs and are still feeling the crunch of the rising food prices. They have had to go to food pantries in their communities and ask for a donation of food. It's not just individuals, but families as well. DCMerkle
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@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
Oh dear, the situation is sad in deed i don't live in the US But $142 what can those people do with such little,$142 is like $900 of my country money. Our pensioners get $1600 a month and that is still not enough. And our dollar is lower than the us dollar. It's 6-1. And ask for food stamps i believe they will remove that offer just now the way things are going/sounding. We also have people on programs and they to are saying it is not enough. the government has even suggested that people start planting some of there food to make things easier.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
yes, food has certainly gotten expensive and sadly it seems that wages are not corresponding with the prices of food and gas. if you havent before, now is the time to start living frugally!
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@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
Yes living frugally is one thing, but don't you think we as people can do more to help lessen the prices/ save more by probably planting some of our own food? Well this is what the government has recommended in my country that people plant and change their diet.
• United States
18 Jun 08
It is just crazy and affects everyone, the reason everyone is still focusing on the gas prices is that has alot to do with the price of our food. It cost more for the trucks to the places they need to be and that cost is passed on to the consumer. My man is a bull-hauler, where at one time he was able to make a large profit with his truck now he is spending anywhere from 2 to $4,000 a week in fuel. Now since he has to do that, he has to charge the cattle buyer more to even be able to cover the cost of fuel, the cattle buyer in turn when the cattle is fat enough to go to slaughter for processing has to pay even more to get it there so he is going to charge more for the cattle, the processor is going to charge more to the stores and that is all passed on to us, the consumer. So the same for all our other food and supplies, if it cost more to transport that cost is passed on to us. So my focus will remain on fuel prices and when they go down so will everything else. To elaborate even more, it cost the farmer more to run his tractor to plant, feed and harvest everything we eat, it all comes down to the fuel. It is sad and scary when the oil co's are making so much profit and we are paying dearly for that.I believe we all care, the truckers tried doing a strike but then everyone just complained they just wanted more money, that strike was for everyone, not just them.
• United States
21 Jun 08
I had never realized how the price of fuel affected everything till I became involved with truck drivers, my mom is now one also, she started driving semi's about 7 years ago and her company hauls everything from toilet paper, clothes, shoes, computers, to groceries. They have all set their trucks back to limit the speed of drivers so they can save fuel. SO the load may take a little longer to get there but the cost is trying to be maintained some. Its like the ripple effect, and oil effects everything, have a wonderful day :)
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 08
All true, but it's good that they are making an effort to try to keep the cost down. Thank you for your comment.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
Hmmm... I see. I never really looked at it that way until recently, you know the oil is the reason why the food prices are so high. But you do voice a good point, it all adds up and makes sense. And no matter what food must be transported weather it be trucks,planes,vans,etc... But a lot of people are not seeing it that way, they are blaming the business people. I too also blame them for their prices don't necessarily need to be that high, but it is not entirely their fault.
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Yes I care very much. It does make it much harder to feed your children. I have 3 children under 5 and it's becoming more difficult to make ends meet. Bread at stop and shop went from $1.19 right up to $1.39 and I'm sure it will keep going up. Even milk in Connecticut is almost $5 for a gallon of milk. It really is ridiculous. Gas and food are the 2 most important things that we need to survive in this world and our paychecks can barley afford both! I'm getting really angry and dont know what to do half the time. I hope these prices start decreasing very sooon.
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I would gladly take your bread for $1.39 as here in Saskatchewan if you are to get bread you pay between $2.39 and $3.59. Unless you get the cardboard no nutrient Wal-mart Bread for .99 cents
• United States
19 Jun 08
Owch. I would not like that price for bread! That's insane. I have never actually had the walmart brand bread but I dont mind the stop and shop brand or shaws brand. But holy crap 3 bucks for a loaf of bread!? I hope your prices soon come down.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
The cheapest bread in my country is $4.00. I don't believe the food prices will get any better they will just get worst. No one cares about the little man anymore, the rich want to get richer, while the poor get poorer. I feel your frustration and i don't even have kids yet, so you can imagine what will happen when they come along. but i do have nieces and it is not easy putting food on the table to feed them, especially when they are very picky with what they eat. they change the prices weekly in Trinidad where i live it is ridiculously costly here. I believe buying clothes here is cheaper than buying food.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
Well as far as farming goes, some prices of very basic foods CAN rise if there's things like the drout and like the whole tomatoes thing. This can really ful prices of food. And with Gas, they're all money mongers! I work in the oil and gas industry and that industry is raking in SO MUCH BANK there is NO excuse for gas prices to be this high. The only reason is that America is getting their oil from a land that doesn't like us, and so they're upping their prices and the government is doing it anyways. Also, normal inflation is a cause. Inflation will always be happening, and it will always be taking it's toll on blue collared and even less fortunate Americans. There NEEDS to be a change! People are starving and not even able to go to work because they can't afford the gas. There needs to be cap on the gas prices, or we need to switch to Willie Nelson's Corn Diesel which is SO CHEAP to make! All you do is throw old food in there and it makes fuel! The only problem is that since it's not popular it costs a bit right now, but if we committed to it, it would only probably cost down to 3.10 a gallon I'd assume. That's much easier than 4.20 a gallon! The government hears America's crys for a change and nothing seems to be happening. But the new presidental election is coming up, and maybe a change will happen then. here's to hoping!
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
Well I'm not form the US but i do know what's taking place there, but i don't think the gas is high because the country the US is buy from doesn't like them. The US also buys gas from my country, oil is our thing. and our prices have also been increased. Ask for the food prices we have farmer that are just very greedy and want more money for the goods they supply.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
Canada and Mexico don't like the US? Well i don't know i don't like to judge people's country. But i do know we also trade/sell oil to the US.
18 Jun 08
The main suppliers of oil to the US are Canada and Mexico. I think they'd be very surprised to learn that they don't like the US!
@casita (237)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Wow. . .what a discussion. . . The price of food can be scarey. . . but I think we in the U.S. do have a lot to learn. I watch some TV shows that show families whose budget is out of control. . . mostly because they don't have one. They spend money on eating out, video game rental and purchase, Latte, etc. And what people can't afford they buy on credit. I mean, buying groceries on credit I can understand. We need to eat. And if you don't have cash on hand you need to do what you need to do. . . But buying all of those expensive extras on credit is just beyond me.. . . I make the expense of sending my son to a private school. However, I see some families driving some really huge vehicles when dropping off their child at school. I mean, if you need a pick-up truck for your business, I can understand that. But I never could understand why people want to drive the huge vehicles as a family car. . . even before we got into this state of affairs with high gas prices. . . . . I mean, I think people forgot about thinking about tomorrow. . . .In the U.S. we seem to live on instant gratification. . . .How did we get to this point? Food is getting expensive, that's no lie. But I think some folks have just forgotten how to make a good old fashioned meal in a crock pot that will give enough leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. Actually, I think this country has just plain forgotten what leftovers are. I think this country has forgotten how to eat beans. I mean, a one pound bag can be purchased at the dollar store, for heaven's sake. And it will make quite a bit. Pinto Beans, Garbanzo beans, lentils. . . .It's a meal and it's protein and it's so cheap. And rice is at the dollar store (brown or white) is in a two pound bag. Add a couple of pieces of chicken and tomatoes (I still have canned and frozen tomatoes from last year's garden) and you've got a lot of food for very little money. I always plant a large garden. I'd plant fruit trees if I had the yard for it. And I happily exchange what I grow with others who grow other stuff. I think this country has also forgotten how to be neighborly like that, too. Bottled water? Never! I mean, I get it practically for free from my faucet. If it's purity you want, boil it. All it will cost you is a few moments of your time... .Put a pot to boil at night while you're watching TV. After it cools, put it in a container and put it in the fridge. You'll keep the planet cleaner and you'll save some money. And for that matter, drink water at lunch and dinner. It's healthier and cheaper. Get rid of the pop and drink mixes. And forget the joice as well. Buying and eating fruit is less expensive. Yes, food is getting expensive. But to tell the truth, I haven't felt the pinch there at all. And while the cost of gas is going up, I'm happy to say I drive a Saturn Ion that gets pretty good gas mileage to begin with. OK! Enough Ramblings from me!
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 08
i must say you present very good points, I don't live in the US so i don't know how well people do over there when it come to good money management. i live in Trinidad where people here also like to live above their needs. For some reason i think some people like to be in credit card dept, and owing the bank lots of money. Ask for the people who drive expensive rides if they can afford it then by all means. But there are some people who i think just like the idea of paying the bank an enormous interest for life. Yes i most say no one these days seem to be thinking about tomorrow.It's like what ever happens, happens for some people they don't care. I like how you think my mother and you are very similar. she always knows a good way to save some dollars. She had four of us and she was always very thrifty. I most say you taught up some very good ideas to not have to spend so much money the smart way.So you are not feeling the pinch as yet but many people are sorry to say are feeling it greatly.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
19 Jun 08
I do not still it is just ridiculous. oil prices are up and so are food prices. but the whole world say the food prices are up due to this oil price hike. it actually controls the economy of the country.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
Yes sadly it does no one really imagined that things would get so bad and still the worst is still yet to come. I don't believe things will get any better right now, i have little hope. Oil prices are dictating the cost of everything.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Of course I care, as soon as oil and gas prices began to rise drastically this year I knew that food would be the next and most important thing to watch. And I have. I'm an alternative news blogger, I keep an eye on stuff like this. When riots broke out all over so many third world countries at once, I knew that it was only a manner of time before it reached here. Bottled water is a wasted purchase anyway since it's just tap water, but that's besides the point. That's not the only thing that's gone up...nor the last of the people who price these foods' tricks. There was an article this week where companieswere downsizing the portions on stuff they sell while the prices stayed the same. So you're still paying an insane amount...but for less now in some areas. The worst rise is in organic food, which should be cheaper than the rest, technically. These days anyways. I don't think it'll come to starving children yet, 'cause there's still local farmers we can buy from, food banks, some people are turning seriously to coupons, and my family, are growing some of their own food this year. Food prices rise, like everything else, because of the gas prices. It makes life harder, especially families with members who're handicapped, seriously ill...not just those who have children. There's always something one can do, alot of us are turning back to old fashioned ways of doing things in order to escape costs so spending on necessities is easier. Like I've said before earlier today on mylot, no one should have to choose between their next meal and getting to work.
• United States
19 Jun 08
I don't believe in global warming but I do believe in climate change. It only accounts for so much and only in some does not contribute to the whole thing. Part of it is some of the crops going toward fuel instead of food, ALOT of it is corporate greed..and the rest can be chocked up to sucky governmental policies (including weakening our own economy so that it doesn't bounce WITH the prices so that people don't suffer...which is mainly inflation, debt -- which means borrowing more money we don't have --, and the weak dollar which is no longer completely backed up with gold and silver). They're getting rich, why should most of the government care? Some of them do, there's a handful of good people in the government who's been frantic since the gas prices rose and housing crisis hit. If you ever watch cspan you can sometimes see them passionately trying to do stuff, trying to find SOMETHING which'll help us all. But the corporate greed is not a small foe who's easily knocked down. Alot of what would help us would be MORE farming done in America to produce more food. Especially organic, since it could create more jobs and cost less money to make possible. The more organic food we have, the more competition for all the frankenfood which is really costin us, plus more supply would mean the prices on organic should fall to something at least more reasonable in comparison. Many people are gardening more, so if more families can also help supplement their diets on food they grow themselves...that'll help too.
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I sure do care, and I feel many days like we as families in society are being robbed greatly. The government keeps taking and taking (why most of the prices have to go up, so the business person can make even a small profit) Our cheques still are the same, or rise a mere 30 cents, what the heck is 30 cents and hour ever going to change? Yes it is better that nothing but it is in no way shape or form enough. It is very pathetic that a family unit who are both working good fulltime jobs still has to take on a Second or third part-time job just inorder to put food on the table, and to have Gas to get to all job locations and home again. I wonder if this is due to the war that is going on, and the billions of dollars being spent? I know here the government is talking of the great amount of money they are up by each year, lst year it was in the high billions, and how that would be able to put better programs in place etc. etc. etc. If they are making BILLIONS more that what they budgeted for, then I say they should lower the damn prices of things so that us normal hard working folk can survive! Thank-you for touching on this, and allowing my rant :)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I live in Canada, and I really agree with you that they all are tarred and feathered with the same stick, making promises that they cannot, or have no intention of fullfilling. I believe that they put the money to use in wrong ways, and if they cut their own wages back even 5% for everyone in office, even those taht retired that are still making 100 thousand a year, that we would all be in a way better position. Like The could really get rid of the Senate, because from what I remember that is a really "non-functioning" board, made up of older men, that are getting paid, to uphold this historical platform. History may be great but we can read about it!
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
Some people are saying it's the war Bush has started that has contributed greatly to these increases. But if the country is drowning with money i don't see the point of such high percent of increase. Is it that they are lying to the people and the wealth is not so great after all? All I can say is every year they make a lot of promises just to get votes i think, But that's just my opinion.
@kishusia (1066)
• India
19 Jun 08
There is nothing ridiculous in it. People have protested and are protesting against increasing food prices. Now gas prices have also increased, so they are protesting against it. Gas prices will hit freight and that will further increase food prices. The major blame for this price rise should go to wrong government policies and its inability to check hoarding by black marketeers.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
Oh yes i believe people will keep protesting for things are getting worst not any better. But i frankly don't think the government really does care, for they have money and can afford the high food and gas prices. Have we forgotten that these same politicians steal or money and put it into off shore accounts, well at least that happens in my country.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
19 Jun 08
Very Very true and scary position will u believe that here prices of floor , rice, meat, cooking oill, grocesies, milk get doubled and trippled in just 4-5 months. and most scary part is that its seems on going, no one is taking step to stop it rather then curtail it All Alarms, red lights are High alert, But what u can do???
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
23 Jun 08
Well, i wish we can boycot food items like flour rice but u r right we should stand up and point it out
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
Well the most we can do is buy less of those goods/products and hold protest about it, boycott it. It will make a difference if we talk against it than just to sit and say/do nothing.
@gemini_rose (16264)
18 Jun 08
$14 for a bottle of water, that is ridiculous I bought a bottle of water yesterday for 20p in english money. Sorry don't know in your currency. Although I have seen the prices rising really quicky and very high, I have still up to now been able to beat it and keep my shopping budget the same. Plus I have been able to even save money out of my shopping budget, but only by making it my priority to sit down each day and work everything out. I do care about it all but I am not going to let it beat me, we have a lot of shops where I live that still have really low prices on everything and so I can still do pretty well.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
i am glad that you are finding ways to save by properly budgeting. i live in Trinidad and two week before the price of flour and rice went up. When you went to the store to buy, the store owner's said they have no flour and rice and don't know when they will be getting in stock. You know what? they were lying. Only store owner's knew that there would've been a price increase sometime soon. Meaning they would have to pay the people they buy from more money for it. So they kept the old flour and rice locked up causing people to panic. Which made the suppliers of flour and rice make a national statement on TV stating that they don't no of any flour or rice shortage. So everyone was left to believe the store owner's were lying. So when the new price eventually came out, they sold us the rice and flour they were hiding at the increased price which they made a hug profit. Yes every grocery did the same thing. They lied to everyone. They even said they only had the large sacks only, no small ones(none cheaper for consumers to purchase). So people were forced to purchased the more expensive ones.
@gemini_rose (16264)
18 Jun 08
That is really bad, greed is such a nasty thing and everyone just takes advantage of any situation to make money. No matter what the expense to others.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Jun 08
They don't care about other people, they make up all kinds of excuses as to why they do such things to consumers. It's not only greed they're just plain wicked.
@lamcouz (101)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
Yes, I am staying in Australia nowadays, and I do see a dramatic increase in the price of some particular food (which really concerns me is the rice). The price of rice went up for about 100 percent, and this caused a phenomenon where everyone was trying to get their bump in the nearest supermarkets to get as much storage of rice as they can. All the other food was having their priace controlled realtively well (I think), which I believed is controlled relatively well by the government. Anyway, I don't know why the price of everything (including food and gas and petrol) jut skyrocketed in such a high rate without prior warning, what caused it and will this restore back eventually? Can someone tell me about this? Really wanting to know more.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 08
Well some say is the war that going on caused it all, other say global warming or even the floods that are taking place in countries that product the rice. I don't really think anyone knows the real problem starter well at least i don't. Just have some ideas. Ask for rice it has sky rocketed by 150 percent in my country. And i don't think things will be getting any better. the price of gas affects everything for as you know goods have to be transported from one place to the next. So the gas price goes up then the transport price must go up. then the cost price of the item will go up which will be passed on to us consumers.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
19 Jun 08
oh yes... definitely... but we can't really do anything much about it as we need to eat... what i do is to cut down on other unnecessary expenses... take care and have a nice day...
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
It is true we must eat. I also have cut back on a lot of things that i liked to eat and I've been saving through taking such action.
@kilani123 (864)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jun 08
well i think this has to do with the prices of oil prices of oil effects every thing even food
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
yes the price of oil does also affect the price of food. because the food still has to be transported in order to reach the store for us consumers to purchase.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
Yes I do care! But I do not really worry because that will not in anyway help. Why worry when I can pray. The high prices is inevitable, hardships will really come but there is God in whom I trust and I know he will see me through.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
yes it is quite true that God does answer prayers. keep praying and thank you for your comment.
19 Jun 08
well, i think that government hasn't taken a good step by increasing the food prices, they aren't thinking about the poor people who are helpless and couldn't able to purchase food for themselves, government should care for the people bcuz the main purpose of any government is to finish all the problems of there citizen but they circumtances are getting worst,those beggers who are petrolling on the road just for a peny now that they r gonna do bcuz they couldn't able to purchase something for themselves, i ve noticed that in this generation rich man is getting more richer while poor man is getting more pooor.
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
Yes it is quite evident that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. But the rich are not to be blamed for other's misfortunes nor do i think the government should be blamed greatly either. the government does try to help people but people also need to rise up and help them self. Some people put them self in their own mess.
• India
19 Jun 08
yeah.. this is really embarresed me the increasing of food prices and gas.. b'coz the people who all are paid less wages what will they do...??? this is ridiculous they all should make prices again at low rate.. so that every person in the earth get something to eat as everyone in this earth are there for their survival... SO IT MUST BE STOPPED INCREASING OF PRICES....
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
As much as it is not a bad idea, the cold reality is this will never happen. Thanks for your comment.
@timoboll (80)
• New Zealand
19 Jun 08
Of course the food price increase affects me, because I love eating. We should live to eat and not eat to live. It's a pain having to pay so much for food and a semi-gourmet, having a set budget (therefore less food) is excruciatingly painful for me. XP
@jessieBee (1046)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 Jun 08
I don't know but you made me laugh, don't take it in the wrong way or anything. But my boss alway says he eats to live not live to eat. But i do see your point because a lot of things that i enjoy eating I've had to cut back on, because of the high food prices.