My Mom's Wedding Rings, Watch and Purse Are Missing!!

@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
June 21, 2008 10:52am CST
Yeah, no kidding either. While in the hospital, her hands were swelling up so badly that the staff had to cut them off and dad said he had them in his shirt pocket and brought them home and set them on her dresser. Well neither her rings or watch is there! We don't know what happened to them! Gosh I pray to God that they were misplaced!! Mom's first set of wedding rings were stolen and she wore my dad's mom's rings for a long long long time and she eventually saved up enough to buy herself a new set which was a heart shaped diamond and a gold band. DANG!! I pray to God that they weren't stolen!! As for her purse, we haven't a clue what happened to it. Hubby says he's seen it on the counter in the kitchen so we tore the house apart looking for it to no avail. Luckily we have her check book and wallet but no purse. What a puzzle this has all become!! I just pray to God that no one was dirty enough to steal them and that they'll be found soon. God, I pray you're listening to me. I can't take anymore so please take this black cloud away, please?!
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18 responses
• United States
21 Jun 08
I really hope that they turn up for you, and most important, that your mom recovers. My sister still feels guilty to this day, because she lost my mom's rings. She had them at the hospital, but.... My dad said not to worry about it, he'd get her new ones. (Mom wouldn't have wanted new ones tho...that was what she got married with!) Unfortunately, we didn't have the choice of to tell Mom or not. We lost someone so much more important than jewelry that day. I do hope everything works out for you! God bless.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Oh my gosh, bless her sweet heart!! Please tell her that she didn't do it on purpose and for that reason alone she should'nt feel guilty. I can see where she would though but she shouldn't. And bless all of your hearts for losing her!! If she was in any kind of pain then please know she's in a much better place now. Thank you for your kind words on our situation. You're very kind and thoughtful!!
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@Gollywog (1092)
21 Jun 08
Oh dear lets hope your Dad has forgotten where he put them? Then you will find them other wise it seams they could have been stolen? Who would come into your house, are they friends and family? I hope you find them.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
That's what we're hoping or that her cats knocked them down and maybe under her dresser or in the vacuum cleaner bag which I plan on tearing apart when I get back there. A few people have been in her room because dad wanted to show off their "new" house and it would be so hard to believe any of them have taken them. We sure hope not. Thanks!!
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@mummymo (23706)
28 Jun 08
You know honey i am sure (don't ask me how as I don't know why but I AM certain) that they are lost and that they will turn up very soon! You have all been through such a hard and chaotic time that it is only natural that things get a bit confused and things might be put somewhere they wouldn't normally! I do pray you find them soon! xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Jul 08
That's just fabulous...I just knew they would turn up.
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@mummymo (23706)
29 Jun 08
That is wonderful to hear honey - i am so pleased as you guys really did not need another problem like that! xxx
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Jun 08
They were found yesterday morning!! YUP and you were right!! Dad remembered where he put them which is in her top dresser drawer, he got them and mom was soooo happy!! Thanks so much mummymo!
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• United States
22 Jun 08
Oh, that is so sad. I hate to bring this up. But have they checked the car or maybe the trunk or somewhere like the hospital parking lot? Maybe lost and found at the hospital would have it. I'm hoping you find it. Cause those are real precious items, I can imagine! Best of luck. I'm praying with you! Be well.
• United States
22 Jun 08
Hey you! I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I'm a big cat mama. The thought of one of my little baby cats getting run into or run over just kills me. I hope he will be OK. I really did pray for you and your situation. A couple minutes ago, I was in the kitchen and your situation came back through my heart and I really prayed for you. Some people just say they're going to pray and then don't. I did! I am really hoping something good comes up for you today or tomorrow. Stay strong! Rely on God and friends. Be well. Best of health to you and your family. Let us know how things work out.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I feel like I'm in a twilight zone. I was heading up to my parents to help them and to look in a few places that came to mind but found my cat hurt in the yard and come to find out he was hit by a car!! So needless to say, I couldn't go but rushed my baby to the Emergency Vets. I've started a discussion on him as well... He has to stay over night because of his head trama. Anyway, maybe tomorrow I can to look further in hopes to find her things. Her purse is gone, I do know that, but where, I haven't a clue, hopefully her rings and watch can be found in the house. We're thinking that maybe one of her cats had knocked them down and played with them so if that's the case, they could be anywhere. But if we don't find them in the house I'll definetly call the hospital. Thanks so much for the prayers!!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
THANK YOU!! I believe you said that prayer too!! Thank you so very much!! ((((((BIG HUGS))))))
• United States
21 Jun 08
My goodness...first let me say that i am so sorry that this is happening to you as well as your mother. The situation that you are going through is kinda strange like you said. My goodness its like the case of something being here one minute and gone the next you know. Kinda makes you wonder. I hope and pray like yourself that the rings and the watch is misplaced somewehere around the house. Make sure that you check under everything and behind every counter and small crevice. You will be surprised to to know what all you will find in those kinda places for real. Good Luck and keep your head up.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Thank you punkin. Very thoughtful of you to say! We've had this black cloud hang over us for two months now and I wish it would go back up in the sky and absorb itself. I don't wish it away because it'll go to someone else so I wish it would just absorb itself in the sky. I'm going to have to take her vacuum cleaner bag out and tear into it to see if, by chance they're in there. I'm thinking her cats may have knocked them down and they got sucked up when hubby did the vacuuming for me. It would be really nice to find them no matter where they are.
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• United States
22 Jun 08
dude (or dudet) check with the hospital and be weary of the janitors. i remember once in miami childrens(my brother had gone there for brain surgery) within a total of one week and 3 days the janitor had stolen (and this was proved) my moms earings, mybrothers $30 from a getweell card(he even had the card) three books from me, supermario word 3 and pokemon ruby for the gameboy advance, and a remote control hummer from my uncle. he apearantly had hidden this and many other various things in a broom closet.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
AND believe it or not, my husband's mother passed away. All this happened in two months time. It's been hell in a hand basket to put it mildly.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Ok, I'm a dudet... lol Thanks for the laugh for it's soooo needed right now!! Believe it or not, I was heading up to my parents to help them and to look in a few places that came to mind but found my cat hurt in the yard and come to find out he was hit by a car!! So needless to say, I couldn't go but rushed my baby to the Emergency Vets. I've started a discussion on him as well... He has to stay over night because of his head trama. Anyway, maybe tomorrow I can to look further in hopes to find her things. Her purse is gone, I do know that, but where, I haven't a clue, hopefully her rings and watch can be found in the house. We're thinking that maybe one of her cats had knocked them down and played with them so if that's the case, they could be anywhere. That's an incredible story!! Wow. I'm so glad you guys were able to prove it!! Good Job!!
• United States
22 Jun 08 mother ws in the hospital, then lost her precious items, THEN had you cat get run over, and lastly find out he (or she) has head trauma...that sux A**. I really hope you cat feels better soon...or at least doesnt have any long term effects.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Oh my, I am so sorry. I do hope your moms things are found soon, and they haven't been stolen just misplaced. You and your family sure have been threw the wringer. I do hope the dark cloud lifts soon and you start seeing the sunshine again. How is Bobo doing today, he has been on my mind today, poor little guy, I feel so sorry for him. I have 5 cats so I do know how it is to love them. I have a special buddy named Mr. Snickers, he loves me so much. I would be devastated if he was hit by a car.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Hi Polly, I responded to you in another one of my discussions and told you how he's doing... I think? lol I'm trying to catch up with all the responses now because when I return to my parents, they're on dial up so I can't use their computer till they've gone to bed in case they get an important phone call and even then, the dial up is so crawling slow. I know what you mean, I have 9 cats and 3 dogs at the moment and I love each and every one of them equally. They're all spoiled rotten but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've had some that have passed over the Rainbow Bridge too either by old age or killed and I have a small diary of each of them as well because they all meant something to me and I know they're all waiting for me in Heaven. I told a friend of mine in Arkansas one time after one of my cats and dog passed away that I prayed that God takes my babies first before me which is all I ask and she said in a joking manner, I think he is but you keep getting more! LOL I couldn't help but laugh at her comment for it's so true. I take in all kinds no matter where they come from for I can't not feed one who's hungry. I'll take it in and care for it to the best of my ability. My aunt has 19 dogs and 15 cats and all are strays except for one. We're an animal lover family and that's all there is to it. lol My parents have 2 dogs and 5 cats but at one time when I was a little girl, they had 38 cats, 7 dogs, a horse, 3 rabbits and 3 ducks. A minature farm is what that was! LOL
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Jun 08
i am so sorry to hear that... it is bad enough that your mum is in hospital... and she does not need to hear bad news that she lost her wedding rings, watch and purse... i hope you will be able to find them soon and no one stole them... good luck... my prayer goes to your mum and you as well... take care and have a nice day...
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Mom is home now, she came home on Monday and is doing a little better each day. I feel like I'm in another world. I was going up to my parents to help them and to look in a few places that came to mind but found my cat hurt in the yard and come to find out he was hit by a car!! So needless to say, I couldn't go to my parents but rushed my baby to the Emergency Vets. I've started a discussion on him as well... He has to stay over night because of his head trama. I miss him so bad!! Anyway, maybe tomorrow I can to look further in hopes to find her things. Her purse is gone, I do know that, but where, I have no idea, hopefully her rings and watch can be found in the house. We're thinking that maybe one of her cats had knocked them down and played with them so if that's the case, they could be anywhere. But if we don't find them in the house I'll definetly be calling the hospital. Thank you so much for the prayers!! Bless you!!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Oh my! Check the car trunk for the purse. Did someone clean the counter and might have put them up? Just calm down and relax for a while and let your mind go. I hope it was not a person stealing. Let us know what happens!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Jun 08
I haven't found them yet. I looked all around her dresser, checked the washer and dryer and took the vacuum cleaner bag out and tore into it to no avail. I'm not giving up yet. I'm at home now on a much needed break but when I get back tonight, I'm looking in the car and then all of their dresser drawers. I'll keep you updated!
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I will say a prayer for you. I have had that sort of thing happen and latter found out the truth. I think I would have prefered that someone had broken in. It is such a feeling of violation and the thought that your mother saved up for that set. Maybe your father will surprise your mom with a special gift to replace the lost set if it can't be found. It would mean so much.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
I wish that would be the case but unfortunetly they don't have the money to get another set because they're on a fixed income. Mom bought her rings when they both were working. Now that she's had a stroke, she can't work anymore. The set that they were married with was stolen by her foster sister who hocked it off. That happened over 50 years ago and she's deceased. Maybe if one of us wins the lottery.... lololol.... gotta have money to play.... we'll buy her a set but like I said, it takes money to play.
@kareng (69193)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Well that just stinks! I hope they are just misplaced too and you find them all.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Yes it does stink. Hopefully they're not far and within reach in their house somewhere. We can only hope so anyway. Thanks.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Jun 08
St Anthony is the patron saint of lost things. I always pray: "Dear Saint Anthonny I pray, you find those rings and purse without delay. Things always turn up. Have there been strangers in the house?
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Jun 08
This doesn't sound right. It seems a bit odd that someone would come into your house and take only the valuables that your mom had at the hospital and not anything else. was the house ransacked? I mean someone would have to know they were there or been in the house visiting and gone into your parents room. It is unlikely that a stranger entered your home and took just those items and left. It is all a bit weird by the sounds of it.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Jun 08
so sorry to hear about your cat. you guys are really going thru a bad spell there! the cats knocking them off does sound like a reasonable possibility. if so, they'll show up in some weird spot. you'll have to keep us updated on this....i think we are all pretty curious to how this plays out at this point.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
No, we don't think the house was broken into but dad said the rings and watch was given to him and he put them on her dresser but they're not there. I feel like I'm in a twilight zone. I was heading up to my parents to help them and to look in a few places that came to mind but found my cat hurt in the yard and come to find out he was hit by a car!! So needless to say, I couldn't go but rushed my baby to the Emergency Vets. I've started a discussion on him as well... He has to stay over night because of his head trama. Anyway, maybe tomorrow I can to look further in hopes to find her things. Her purse is gone, I do know that, but where, I have no idea, hopefully her rings and watch can be found in the house. We're thinking that maybe one of her cats had knocked them down and played with them so if that's the case, they could be anywhere. But if we don't find them in the house I'll definetly call the hospital.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Jun 08
Well doesn't this just s*ck! It never rains, but it pours in your life doesn't it sweets! Do you have a clue who could be responsible? Is it possible someone from 'outside' could have gotten in? Is it possible your mom herself could have put them away somewhere? I will keep you in my thoughts of course and let me know if they turn up. Meanwhile BREATHE DEEP and try not to let it stress you. YOu have enough to deal with. Hugs.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Should I change my name to Morton's salt? LOL I wonder what the little girl with the umbrella's name is and maybe I should change it to her name. lol Yes, the story of my wonderful life... when it rains it REALLY does pour! I'm going to check under her dresser when I get back, I'm home on a much needed break, and if they're not there then I'll look in her vacuum cleaner bag and hopefully find them there. We don't care where we find them just so long as we find them! Mom saved for years and years for those rings and to have them missing or stolen is just the pits. Meantime, I'm doing alright... so far. My lupus hasn't cleared up yet but it will in due time. I can't deal with stress or the sun or I'll break out and that's exactly what I've done. As I get older, my hair has gotten a little bit darker so I just may have to redye it again so the sun won't be so attracted to my face. ARG!! I hate having to do that but dang it, if it helps keep the sun away then I have no choice but to do it. It doesn't look bad on me but that it's not natural but such is life as they say.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Jun 08
Pass your emotional rain onto me sweets and I'll redirect it to positive thoughts and energy for you! I'm allergic to the sun and have to wear hats in it all the time. Now that my hair is getting longer I have to bun it to fit up under the crown of my hat! LOL Hugs and much love.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Oh this is terriable. I hate when these sort of things happen to me. Not bad enough that your mom was ill in the hospital, but now her important things have come up missing again, I sure hope that you all will find them real soon.God Bless.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
I hope that that is all it is, just missing and will soon be found and not a case where someone we trusted that stole them. It would be really hurtful to know that but we don't know and can't accuse anybody for we just don't know what really happened.
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Jun 08
That is really really horrible and I am so so sorry that it has happened, it just seems to be one thing after the other for you. I really hope that they are found. If he has put them on the dresser there is not a chance that they have been accidentally knocked off or something is there? Have you checked all the draws and that in case they have fallen in somewhere. I guess with the purse you will have to think about who has been in the house recently. I hope that you can find it.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
hypochondriac  - Is one thing that I'm NOT.
[/i]yes it does and it's like this in spirts of my life. One moment it'll be smooth and calm and the next thing I know it's bang! boom! clash! I so want off of this bus ride that it's not funny! ARG!! And it's a wonder that some don't think I'm a hypochondriac because of all that's going on and has gone on before. Trust me, I'm [i]NOT a hypochondriac because I'm so NOT an attention getter. I'm more in the shadows and these types of events is what brings me out of the shadows. I've been given some ideas of where to look so when I get back which will be within the next hour and a half, I hope to find them and I'll let you all know. Thanks!! Keep my mom in your prayers.... well me and dad too so we don't lose our sanity!! LOL
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jun 08
catsanddogs hi I am so sorry to hear your mom's wedding rings, and purse and watch have appeared to be stole. As if you have not been under enough stress already. Perhaps they have just fallen down behing the dresser or something like that. oh myof course youve already searched there I an imagine.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Jun 08
Well actually we were so shocked that they were gone that I didn't think to look under her dresser till someone mentioned it but I will when I get back to their house plus I'm going to take the vacuum bag and check it out too in hopes it's in there. We don't care where we find them as long as we find them because mom saved and saved her money for years to buy her rings. It's so disheartening. As for her purse, God only knows where it is.
• United States
21 Jun 08
Thats horrible, and I am very sorry. I hope that they just turn up missing, and not stolen! Stealing seems to happen alot these days. Just this week someone in our housing complex let the air out of all of our tires, and then stole my friends work name tags out of his truck.. and my husbands cell phone out of his car. They have been ringing the doorbell and running away too. Seems like kids.. but we dont know. It has been reported. Its seriously messed up. GOOD luck with finding the jewlery and purse, and may god be with you!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Believe it or not, I was heading up to my parents but found my cat hurt in the yard and come to find out he was hit by a car!! So needless to say, I couldn't go but rushed my baby to the Emergency vets. I've started a discussion on him as well... He has to stay over night because of his head trama. Anyway, maybe tomorrow I can to look further in hopes to find her things. Her purse is gone, I do know that but where I haven't a clue but hopefully her rings and watch can be found in the house. We're thinking that maybe one of her cats had knocked them down and played with them so if that's the case, they could be anywhere.