I must be naive...or just that I live a sheltered life.
By estherlou
@estherlou (5015)
United States
June 22, 2008 10:24am CST
I thought we really didn't have too much of a race problem anymore in our country. I saw the headline of an article in the Washington post "3 in 10 Americans admit to race bias". I know the article is speaking about "black/white" but this got me thinking. After 9/11 we totally don't trust Muslims. My husband works in a small convenience store. He has quite a lot of stories to tell about how he tries to speak spanish to the Mexican day laborers in the area and how rude they are and refuse to talk or even acknowledge him. He hears them speaking some in spanish so he knows they understand. He gets annoyed and thinks some of them might be illegal because of their refusal to speak. I guess in our area, there is probably more annoyance with mexican/mexican americans or vietnamese as we have really huge populations of each. We also have a huge black area of town, but I don't get out much, so like I said, I'm a little sheltered. Without getting inflamatory, do you think as a whole, there are racial problems still alive and well in the US?
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12 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
25 Jun 08
yes I really do.
I hate it when I am somewheres and they tak a different language like one example at my therapy place al of them are from Phihiapins or tialand and they must speak both langauges for they take it togetrher all the time and I bet most of the people that is getting therapy dont understan a word they say I know I dont and I thnk it is very rude of them for they are surpose to be professionals
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Race is still a very BIG problem still and probably will be for years to come for some people.The ones that have a race problem have also taught their children to be the same way,hopefully one day all that will change.I do not have a race problem but i hear about it all the time from others so it is still a very touchy subject..The thing that bothers me about Obama is not his race,i could care less about that,its his beliefs that bother me,hes muslim,and to me that might present a problem....
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Racism is still and will always be a problem in the USA and probably all over the world. It's sad really, but I don't see it ever changing. I really dislike when people discriminate against others because of the color of their skin or where they came from. I teach my kids to love everyone regardless of their color or nationality. And there are certain things that I will not have in my home no matter who is here. Things like ratial comments are not allowed in my home.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Yes, and it is because these problems are kept alive by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright and the rest of those who teach Black Liberation Theology.... aka Afrocentric Churches.
As to the Muslim issues.... hey they attacked us on 9-11, and Americans are not going to forget that.
The more that I read about Islam and the Muslim religion the more I am convinced that the whole lot of them should be deported en masse back to whatever sorry country they came from.
Islam and our form of government is incompatible, because Islam is a Religion and a Political System all wrapped up in one package.
Islam is a Theocracy, and cannot co-exist in a democratic styled country like ours.
As to the rest, between La Raza wanting to reclaim the entire Southwest, and the idea of multiculturalism, there is going to be problems with racism.
Until people see themselves as Americans without all of the little labels that keep us divided, we are going to stay divided.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I think we do have some problems. You are right that we tend to distrust those we do not know. I was raised in the deep south and never went to school with anyone of a different race. My children did not have that problem. I have noticed that here in Houston some things are drawn along racial lines. Frequently the Mexicans and blacks do not get along. We also have noticed that many people originally from India have made a lot of money in this country. Right now many of the motels built by the company where my husband works, are owned by Indians. Many Pakistani people own the convenience stores. Many years ago I worked at a medical school and only rarely did we have any foreign doctors there. Now most of the staff have foreign names although many are born here. I think there is still a lot of stereotyping of people. Unfortunately some of these same people we stereotype do nothing to change that opinion. So in many ways I do think we still have some problems.
@superstephen (12)
• China
23 Jun 08
according to the answer above,every country has its racial problems,not only the US.in my opinion,the reason that racial problems exist is because we do not trust each other.according to an old chinese saying,i do not how to transelate it , it probably means different nations have different hearts. do not tell me we are on the common earth,under the same sky,or we are all human beings,the truth is i am a yellow,and i totally know what the black and the other color are thinking about(because we are all human being,what on their mind is exactly the same thing on my mind),but i just do not believe them! can you tell me why? how can you explain? am i so selfish? or the all guys alive on the earth are selfish?
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Of course, racial problems are alive and well in the USA. We are no longer lynching people and the law is on the side of anyone who is discriminated against, but do people still resent and not understand other races. Sure, it will always be that way.
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Esterlou yes we still have a problem with racism. It is very sad to say. I try not to be racists but sometimes it come out. It will be little things like, when people refuse to learn English when they are living over here. I do not think we should print everything in several different languages.
I also do not like illegal aliens, I do not mind other people from other countries coming over her and working, just do it legally and I really do not like paying for an illegal alien's medical care.
Other than that I do not have a problem with other people.
I am a nurse so I have had to treat people of all races and colors. I love learning about different races and customs.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
23 Jun 08
Yes, we will always have racial problems.
It is sad, but it is not only in the USA, it is everywhere.
And it is not necessarily Color to Color.
It has to do with religion,and difference of mentality.
Even men and women will always have their problems with each other. The older generation against the younger and the other way around.
The rich towards the poor and the other way around.
The big politic people on the top , and the helpless working people working hard to have food on the table for there families .
This is a fact of life, sorry to say.
I try to make it a habit not to be racial.
Because I don't want people to do that to me either.
And let's face it, we all make mistakes , no matter who we are.Or what country it is. No country no person is perfect.
All have there history.
Take care, Margajoe
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 08
The problem with prejudice is that it takes a personal decision made by the individual to end it.
You can make the laws and make the intent clear to the population to end an attitude but it doesn't happen unless people make the personal decision.
That is why mixed schools and mixed public places are so important. People get to communicate and break down barriers.
Its because those Mexicans and others live enclosed lives in their communities that they are so hostile when they go out and refuse to communicate.
Its called collective thinking.
Thats how prejudice and hatred take root.
Yes, I think the US does have an ongoing problem with race and it will take several generations before it disappears.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
23 Jun 08
I think so. Just count the number of people who wanted to vote for Hillary because Obama was black. I know it's really crude to bring this up now, but it's true! The media doesn't discuss it anymore because America is supposed to be the role model of equality and democracy, but I've read many political blogs where members didn't like Obama because of his color. I'm not from the US so I don't really know what the people are like, but in my country, discrimination still exists.
@wildplace (154)
• Germany
22 Jun 08
I think that every country has his kind of racial problem. Not only the US.
Everywhere are people discriminated because of something.
It mustnĀ“t be the color of skin, religion or something like that.