i never want to drink again.....ever!!

United States
June 23, 2008 8:54am CST
Well, I had the worst weekend in a long time... My husband and I had a wedding/anniversary reception at my parents' house this weekend. That turned out great--the food was good, the guest came on time. Everything went smooth. Well, after the reception, the after party continued at my house (his family came over because they drink alcohol and my family doesn't-my dad's a preacher). Well, they were drinking Budweiser, and me and my husband couldn't decide whether we wanted Bacardi 151 or something else. We chose Smirnoff Vodka and Cranberry juice cocktail. I took a few shots of it, and then I decided I wanted a cup instead of shots. One cup turned to 3 or 4. To make a long story short, I got really sick that night. I barfed in the trash can and on the floor (my aim was kinda bad). Then I woke up about 4 am, and went to the bathroom, but when I got in there, I barfed some more!!!! I'm not the barfing type at all; I usually hold my alcohol down pretty good. My poor husband had been drinking but not nearly as much as me, and he had to "babysit" me. Needless to say, he was tired yesterday and I felt like CRAP!!! I vowed I would never drink again, and I'm serious too. I hadn't got drunk in about 5 years, and it'll be another 5 years plus eternity before I or anybody else pours me another alcoholic beverage!!!
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3 responses
@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Well no wonder if you haven't really gotton drunk in five years. And Smirnoff vodka too was not a good choice. It always upsets my stomach. I have only gotton sick off alchol once in my whole life believe it or not. I'm only 26 so there is still time but I'll tell you I do not intend to do it again. I know my limit and I stop when I get to it. And I have learned to watch what I drink. Sorry you're having it so rough. I can't believe you managed to drink that much. I know I couldn't without getting sick.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Well Smirnoff Vodka has always affected me the worse. I don't know why but I can drink Sky vodka no problem. But I'm just like you with the tequila drinks. I think it was a good long time after getting sick off alchol before I felt comfortable drinking again. But I don't really like being hammered.
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Your choice and I do understand it. The key is to avoid drinking too much. Plus, if ask yourself mentally "have I had enough?", the real answer is "you're already past that point, quit while ahead". At least that is my experience on it. Good luck with your quest to stay dry.
• United States
27 Jun 08
I did ask myself had I had enough, but in my mind I wasn't even drunk! That is, until I started throwing up. LOL!! Plus I was pouring my own drinks, and that's never good. It's kind of hard to determine if you're doing the right thing or not if you're under the influence. But I did learn from my mistakes.
@kareng (59055)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Good for you!