War with Iran as soon as next week?!

United States
June 24, 2008 5:45pm CST
http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2008/06/23/iran-war-resolution-may-be-passed-next-week/ Read and tell me what you think folks. My original thought; "Well...crap." Does anyone disagree with us going to war? I think it would be a very bad idea. Not 'cause I think Iran would send some missles to blow up a few of our countries -- though this is possible and they'd be in full rights to do so, since if this bill passes and we go to war...then we technically attacked first which means they're allowed to retaliate and fight back... I think it's bad because we'd be doing it based on suspicion. We've no evidence, no case -- much like Iraq. To pound on an entire country, an entire culture over a suspicion is...wrong. Also if that's not enough think of this: Iran is an oil producer as well. If that country gets war-torn, think of what will happen to the global economy. Thoughts?
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13 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Your first thought is also MY first thought! Only maybe not quite so clean and polite, if you get my drift. How in the world could Congress, especially with a Democratic majority, make the mistake AGAIN of giving this President the authority to wage a unilateral war? I already sent a message to my Representative in Congress and I'm going to also contact both of my Senators as well as some other Senators and Representatives who I respect and believe to have more intelligence than to make this mistake for the second time. Annie
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• United States
25 Jun 08
I hope lots of people do exactly what you did, Annie. I shudder to think of what the near future might be like if our politicians don't stand against this.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
27 Jun 08
As I've mentioned before in this discussion, I am not in support of a military action against Iran at this time, and I've stated my reasons. But I am conflicted about something and I would like to hear your take on it. Israel is one of our staunchest political and military "friends". Iran has vowed to "wipe Israel off the map". That is a direct quote from their president. If there is evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapon and they are preparing to destroy Israel, not attack them but completely destroy Israel, isn't it our obligation to help to protect them? Isn't that what political alliances are really all about? I am not aware of any proof that that is the situation. This is strictly a hypothetical question. But it may not be so hypothetical in the not so distant future. Your thoughts?
• United States
27 Jun 08
I know it's complicated, my point is that we should more than have the capabilities to solve this issue without "pre-emptive war" which is largely, wrong and would not be healthy for our own country in a HUGE way. I won't accept any excuses our government gives us if they do go to war with Iran for these reasons. Technology has advanced since then, we were trying to install a missle shield around Russia...and it's hard for me to believe that Iran has better technology than Russia. But then, I'm not terribly knowledgable about war tech, so who knows? But the government has tons of tech and scientists so concievably they have stuff which may be pretty effective. But of course, since we're civiliains and we're not in the government...speculation to what EXACTLY they should do is difficult. Yeah, it's complicated, and yes we should always allow room for error...but we should hold them to the high standards that come along with their place in office. And no lower. We CAN'T accept any excuses either. I'm not in favor of just ignoring Iran, but war is too extreme.
• United States
30 Jun 08
If we don't move, people die. If we do move, people die. (Remember Russia, and that they've sworn to strike back against anyone who attacks Iran) So, you have to judge it within the circumstances...to the best of your ability, and you have to do it as right a way as is possible. Otherwise...think about it, how do you want this country to be remembered if we step wrong and it's our own demise?
• United States
28 Jun 08
Good points. It's just that the stakes are huge. That is the problem with this whole situation. One wrong move and Israel ceases to exist and millions die in a flash. There is no margin for error.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
25 Jun 08
The idea of war itself is wrong. Have not any of the recent wars taught us anything ? The destruction to human life, the destruction of natural resources, the cost of the war, when this money could be used in so many better ways. Or is just about supremacy ? I am not defending Iran by saying this. But we have to rule out every single mean of solving the situation and also be extremely sure that the decision of war is the only way out.
• United States
25 Jun 08
I can't imagine their reasoning, truthfully. Consider all the factors, for one thing Russia (despite being technically 'our friend' right now) has promised to attack us if we go after Iran. Which is PROBABLY why we were trying to install a missle shield around their country. We're also working with Iraq's current government right now so that we can go straight from inside their country into other countries so we don't have to worry about violating other airspace with countries which would probably NOT want us going to war with whatever country we decided to go to war too. The U.N. will probably lean toward labling the U.S. as a rogue country...which means that other countries...even if we're on friendly terms of us might have to make some hard decisions about us. Then there's the fact that it would destablize the whole world with everyone arguing and fighting with eachother...with all the other little effcts to this cause to go with it, even knowing how everyone's dealing with their own crises right now concerning food and fuel. I'm not sure if it was all set up on purpose like this, and I won't risk sounding crazy so I won't say it was...but that's how things stand. It's pure insanity! And maybe it's just 'cause of this current administration, maybe we've got someone who profits from this somehow in there...I can't say, I don't know the motives behind this...but we CAN'T let it happen. Something of this magnitude...
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
27 Jun 08
That would stretch the country even further in several ways. Not only that, what would that make the US if it was wrong once again? In another discussion, I responded that countries are becoming more strained, resources are in danger, the resources are stretched out, there is a concern about the US, but even without the latter item, everything else is still a drive for war for ANY country. You get a country starving, hurt, afraid and desperate enough, war is eventual. There is also the "us vs them" mentality that dominates several world leaders thinking and even subgroups of people. I see all of this not just with Iran but with the US as well (and other countries in specific regions) But of course, I'm crazy for mentioning any of this... so I'll refrain from the World War 3 reference. Oops I just mentioned it, someone stop me! -_-
• United States
27 Jun 08
Very good point, Programmer. Because of alot of things...poor policies, poor planning, the weather, and the economy and probably alot else we haven't even thought of yet...resources, especially on where it hurts the most -- food and fuel are making people ever more desperate. Should it continue on as seriously as it is, I think war is probably inevitable at least in some part of the globe. Desperate people will do insane things for any bit of promise of relief or to express all that they feel. Hurt, betrayal, fear... But in many cases, and this potential war with Iran is just an example of this, waging battles with other countries will just further put strained resources in danger, like you said...which will make people crazier, and more desperate. The repercussions of the present times, as fascinating and cringe-worthy as they appear to be, are enormous. Lol, world war three is often described as an alarmist thing to mention...but I figure you can't ever be too early to sound an alarm when there's a real possibility of something worse happening if one doesn't. Thanks for responding =) *thumbs up* a very intelligent response.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I also read that if we don't go to war with Iran soon, Israel will attack them sometime between our elections and the inauguration. The understanding is that they are going to attack one way or another since they feel threatened, and who could blame them for feeling that way since the Iranian president vowed to "wipe Israel off the map." They will delay the attack so that they do not influence our election. On that note, common wisdom holds that there will be no terrorist attacks from now until the election since the terrorists want a president that is perceived as weaker militarily. I would usually not give that type of thinking much credit but having thought about it, During Carter's Administration: Americans were taken hostage in Iran , and the were returned during Reagan's Administration During the Clinton years: the World Trade Center was attacked the USS Cole was attacked US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar were bombed. Khubar Towers were attacked Sept 11 was planned. So let's watch and see if the terrorists are quiet for the next several months. FYI: Hamas has endorsed Obama!
• United States
25 Jun 08
_ because boy, McCain WOULDN'T continue the Bush years which they've made statements that they applaud, right?
• United States
27 Jun 08
I was using a bit of light sarcasm, sorry, I forgot tones don't really reflect well on the net ^_^' I feel it's really leaning that way too...and I know all about the image McCain has. In the old days, some stuff he used to say and do were amazing, but somehow...these days he's aligned with all the stuff that got us into this mess. I'm not saying he's wrong or bad news on all issues...but the things that matter...like war, oil, the economy -- a the fact that he's been caught lying so many times, which ends up making him seem senile which I'm not even sure he really truly is, though the mere suggestion is horrible, I just can't say with confidence that he won't continue Bush's policies. Which the terrorists HAVE said before that they LOVE because they say that he's turning America into the very thing they hoped he would. I saw it on the news, and heaven forbid, since we know how reliable the television set is...but you know...
• United States
27 Jun 08
I'm sorry I'm not sure what you meant. But McCain has been pretty hawkish. Having a hawk in the White House would not align with many of the terrorists agendas. It just seems that there is going to be a war with Iran one way or another. I am not supporting it but the wind seems to be blowing in that direction.
• United States
26 Jun 08
Just to let You guys all know there is still another republican "RON POUL" in the running for president its just that the media don't like him for the fact on the first polls that they did he alone was in the thousands will everyone else was in the low 300's. so they but his name on the black list. Because he wont help with there ambitions.
• United States
26 Jun 08
He was running until a few weeks ago; http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ He ended his campaign to start this; http://www.campaignforliberty.com/ I wish he was still running, I'm an avid admirer and supporter of his. But hopefully he can do somemore good with this decision like he hopes to.
@ichigo111 (491)
• Canada
25 Jun 08
So basically, we already invaded Iraq. Now we are going for Iran. Then some other middle eastern country. Yep, that's the way to go.
@norwexer (149)
• Canada
25 Jun 08
I completely agree with you. However I would not be surprised considering your present government and your nations history of red flag tactics and its in ability to mind its own business. War of 1812 and Viet Nam just to start the list.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I read an article in the New York Times that quoted McCain basically saying we need another war. This isn't the America I learned about in school, and it hasn't been in a very long time. Bush is guilty of crimes against humanity. If McCain wants in, he'll get it by starting another "war". I hope America is back to her senses and we won't get subjected to four more years of Bushism by electing McCain.
• United States
25 Jun 08
I also read today about McCain saying "only world war three would justify a draft" -- and that sends further alarm for me, since for awhile now, people have described war with Iran as World War III. After everything we've seen from McCain, I really don't disagree that he'd be a third Bush term...and at this point, anyone would be better than someone who'd continue this country down the path Bush's taken us on.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
25 Jun 08
xParanoiax, I think we can agree on this one. Waging war on a third front without clear provocation or imminent danger is absurd. But I also have to comment on those that have posted who referred to "Bush's War" and giving Bush the authority to wage another war. We need to reread our Constitution. The President does not declare war, he executes it. He administers the war. Congress alone can declare war as they did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's remember: The resolution to go to war against Afghanistan was 98-Yea and 2-Nay. The 2 Nays were Republicans. The vote to go to war with Iraq was 77-Yea to 23-Nay in a Democratically controlled congress. If you are going to be angry about the war, at least be angry at the right people. This is "Congress's War".
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
25 Jun 08
You mean it really wasn't the "Big Bad Bush"? Of course you won't get the liberals to budge in their claims that GWB actually hipnotized ALL of the democrats into voting to go to war!
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
i think this is america's way of solving the oil crisis. invade iran and share their oil witht he free world. hooray!!!! i share your first thought...oh crap! here comes the global police struttign theri stuff again. oh crap!!!
• Alexandria, Virginia
25 Jun 08
The Israels think Iran has nuclear weapons this could be a significant development Hopefully USA will not join in but I would expect something to happen next month
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
good day. just my opinion. War Again? Are there really too much young blood that goes around that needed spilling? I mean is it really worth it in the end? What will happen with the motto/principle that America need to fight terrorism when America becomes the Terrorist? just my 1 cent.