Do I Need To Put My Baby On A Diet?
By eihdra
@eihdra (3115)
June 27, 2008 11:56am CST
My 9 month old is overweight. He weighs as a 1 year old and a half does. My sister said to lessen his bottle feeding and cut down on baby foods.
I tried it for a few days but It kinda made him irritable because he couldn't get enough of what he used to eat and drink. He only stops crying whenever I give him some more.
The doctor didn't say anything about dieting. She just said that it's too soon to cut down because he's so active and burns a lot of calories, therefor, he needs some more.
I'm torn between following the doctor and obeying my sister.
Did you encounter this problem with your kid?
What did you do?
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28 responses
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
Why not introduced him to foods that are not fattening but still satisfies hunger. I think you should try introducing fruits and veggies in him this will satisfy his hunger but will not make him hungry in the process. Although it would make him a bit hungry every now and then because its easily digestible. Although the best that you could do is really consult your pediatrician about this. Child obesity is not that dangerous as that with an adult. But you must let him shed some fats in the end as he grows older its for the best of the child.
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@graceandowen (1637)
28 Jun 08
no hun dont do it, babies and children eat when they need to and if your doctor says your child is fine then there is nothing to worry about.
You will find your son will soon loose the excess weight when he starts to become more active.
Please dont follow your sisters advice, im sure she means well but your child knows when he is hungry and you need to feed him.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
Hi there! Before you do anything about your baby's diet, you better check with your pediatrician first. Note that your baby needs nurishment. If you put him on a diet, he may not be able to get all the nutrients that he need to stay healthy. Ask your pediatrician what to do.
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@sashashimp (115)
• United States
28 Jun 08
In my opinion babies or children should never be put on a diet unless they are morbitally obess. Your 9 month old will loose it because he is becoming more active as he gets older. Instead of not giving him what he usually eats try giving him like skim milk instead of 2% or whole milk. He's brain and body are still using the vitamins in his foods to make his body strong and to help keep his immune system strong.
I have a 3yr and a 4 month old and they both way more than they are suppose to but i am not worried because i 3yr is so active and high strung she is lossing little by little since she knows how to run and play. My 4 month old i would rather have him fat now than later, i am sure he will lose it also once he starts crawling and walking.
Just remember this is a vital time for children to get the nutrition they need. Teaching him to eat healthy is a very good start also. Instead of giving candy i have my children eat veggies and dip so it is half and half.
@dmcollie (217)
• United States
28 Jun 08
How long is your baby? Is there excess fat? I don't mean a little I mean a lot of fat? Are you or his father big boned?
When my daughter was 1 the Doctor said she was overweight for her age but her length evened her out. She was not chubby not an inch of fat on her. but her weight was that of a 2 year old.
So look at your childs length. And also think as long as he doesn't get over 60 pounds a little baby fat never killed anybody. as long as they have the right diet.
Be happy with him he is only little once.
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@eihdra (3115)
• Philippines
8 Jul 08
My baby when last measured was as tall as a one year old should be..he doesn't have excess fat and both me and my husband are big boned..So, maybe you're right..Besides, he's very very active now and slowly losing some weight but not too much..he still weighs more than he should be...
@amenpukhraj (25)
28 Jun 08
I think you should go with the doctor suggestion, because he has alot of experience and i don't think so that a 9 month baby need a diet.My mom told me that when i was born my weight was 10 pound ,but now i m 20 years old and i m slim and fit and i m not an over weight so don't think alot just takecare of your child and give him a proper diet.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Has your sister been to medical school? 9 month old babies are naturally chubby. he knows when he's hungry and he knows when he has had enough. Maybe your sister is a worry wort. When your son starts to walk he will loose some of the baby fat. Listen to your Dr. Not your sister.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I'm sure your sister means well and wants the best for her nephew. But you know your baby better than anyone and something is telling you to continue to feed him when he is still irritable. There is a lot to be said for the instincts of a mother.
On top of that, your doctor is not worried so continue doing what you know is best.
When your son starts walking he will begin to burn off some of that weight. One day he will have a little growth spurt and be taller and you will wonder where his cute chubby legs went.
I feel for you on this. It is so hard to know if we are doing the right things for our babies, but please listen to your instincts. They won't fail you.
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@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Well, in my humble opinion, if your child is a bit pudgy he is likely to grow out of it when he hits a growth spurt. However, I do think there may be some reasonable limits to pudginess. I would have to trust the doctor to make that call. If your kids is in the 95% percentile for weight and the doctor is worried, then maybe.
I think a 9 month old is too young to try to put on a diet unless it is somehow drastic. I should think that you can trust the doctor to determine what 'drastic' means. As the child gets a little older, focusing on eating carrots instead of "blue berry" might be a good choice. If they are not too skinny then getting them used to eating healthy foods is probably wise.
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@marina321 (4556)
29 Jun 08
I did not encounter this with my child, no..but as a mother myself, I would advise you to give him more natural foods and not buy any of the off shelf baby foods, just more fresh foods and vegetables.
Also with the bottle feeding, there's a formula for hungrier babies so you could switch to this instead and also give him water in between feeds.
As he's only 9 months, there's no need to worry at all..Once he starts crawling properly and walking, the weight will fall off as he'll be burning lots of calories that way.
Mine was so chubby but once she was crawling and chasing me round the house and then pulling up on things to try and grab all she could get to, then walking and running round the house..the baby weight falls off.
Your little man will be just fine:)
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Here is the deal he may be overweight at the moment it isnt his age that has anything to do with it though. It is his height he has too many pounds to the number of inches. Your doctor is not worried because children go through huge growing spurts especially when they begin to walk.
Now imagine this you are eating your dinner and just had eaten a small portion and you are still hungry and someone takes your food away of course you are going to say hey I am not done yet. He cries but this cry is saying hey mom I am still hungry.
What is he drinking in his bottles? formula/milk?
Does he eat the typical three times a day?
If he is still on formula and eating 3 times a day I would say you are over feeding him.(formula has lots of nutrients and stuff that is made for a baby to gain weight) I would suggest switching to skim milk and up the food intake. Puree the same kinds of food you eat and give him that to eat. in between give him some fruit, or finger foods that are made for this age. with his snack give him some water or juice to drink. I would keep the milk down to the three main meals.
example of puree food would be... chicken, sweet potato, greenbeans.. that is healthy and balanced. Give him more greenbeans than anything else. NO added salt or spices.
I sure hope this helps a little. Only suggestions this way your son should not feel hungry. I would also suggest that you begin introducing him to a sippy cup too.
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@Nana530 (286)
• United States
28 Jun 08
By all means, listen to what your Doctor is telling you. You don't put a 9 month old baby on a diet. Just relax and enjoy your baby. He'll slim down soon when he starts walking around and running your legs off. :o)
Both of my boys were chubby little babies but they did slim down and they are grown now and don't have a weight problem.
Just enjoy your little one and don't let other people cause you to doubt your own instincts.
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@lou1982 (122)
8 Jul 08
i wouldn't worry about it at all as long as it all health food i made all my own i boiled potato carrot chicken and blended it up add a bit of water from the veg you have just cook when a child is over weight just from healthy food and milk they will grow out of it, when he starts running around it will drop of him my little boy was 1 his sister was 3 and they both weighed same! lol now she weighs more there both normal for there height but i don't believe in junk food for children so as long as a child isn't over weight for that reason it will drop off when there more active go with your own instinct everyone brings there children up different
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@rane0328 (129)
• United States
30 Jun 08
at one my son weighed 50lbs and now he is sixs and only weighs 62lbs he is tall and skinny, ur baby will be fine just continue feeding him like u normally do.. i know when my little boy was one he looked like a rolly polly, and i was really scared he would be obese but as they get older especially little boys they get active and lose alot of the weight they put on as babies
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@AshleyHasan (1024)
• India
28 Jun 08
I dont think you need to put your baby on diet ,he his considered to be healthy baby and this is the time for them eat and play , I am sure he will burn more calories as well, give him what ever he likes , if you want to put him on diet , you can start that from 3 years on wards, but now it is too early it is not required at all. I am sure he will become alright and he will be back to normal weight by 3 years , you can also consult best Doctor I am sure they will also tell you the same, please dont put him on a diet afterall a small baby he his .
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
28 Jun 08
Does your sister by any chance have a medical degree? Hers might be considered a second opinion and you would be comfortable with the thought that you are following good scientific advice. I hesitate to give my opinion because I don't think I am qualified to give you any kind of advice on this matter except to say, consult your doctor which you have already done. Whether you believe your doctor is entirely your decision.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Listen to the doctor on this one. The older baby gets the more active he'll be. Babies know when they've had enough and a lot babies are just naturally chubby.
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@jensgeukens (373)
• Belgium
28 Jun 08
Although I have no kids the solution is very simple and clear to me: just go see another doctor..
And if you're not planning to, then I would strongly suggest to follow the doctor's opinion. These matters are too serious to entrust to your sister only (with all respect for your sister of course).
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@AnneMarie39 (77)
• United States
28 Jun 08
You should never put a baby on a diet! Listen to your doctor! It's called baby fat for a reason. My daughter was a bit rolly, but she shot up and grew like a weed. She used up all of the iron stored in her body and became anemic. When babies are having a growth spurt, they need more food.
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
28 Jun 08
Don't put your baby on a diet, it's not healthy. But you can try something my sister did with my nephew. She slowly introduced some kind of a tea for babies (it was either herbal or just very light normal tea) and my nephew liked it enough to drink it. And instead of giving him so much food, she simply gave him that tea for when he was going to sleep and in between the meals... Who knows, it might work for you too :)