With mylot's new look, do you find yourself typing more?

keyboard - With mylot's new look, do you find yourself typing more?
Or do you still type the normal amount of words that you usually
do in a post?

Because of the new look of mylot, the text part of the post are
now stretched from end to end. Also, the text box have been 
@richiem (3644)
July 16, 2008 7:12am CST
Or do you still type the normal amount of words that you usually do in a post? Because of the new look of mylot, the text part of the post are now stretched from end to end. Also, the text box have been stretched. So a five-line post in the old layout would look like a three-line post now. Does this urge you to add more words and express yourself more so as to make a new five-line posts?
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41 responses
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
well i didnt noticed that the box had been stretch.. anywayz i just find the new layout confusing at first, coz maybe im not used into it. but still i prefer for the old layout..
@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Yes, it is a bit confusing at first and I had a hard time looking for the features that have been on the left panel before. But I can say that I like this new layout as it is more organized and as soon as you get used to it, you will find it more useful and easier to navigate. Maybe you are just missing the old layout. Have a nice day!
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@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
well yeah i guess im just missing the old layout. but i love the new layout coz of the blue line & blue is my favorite color hehehe..
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@ycanteye (778)
• United States
16 Jul 08
It hasn't changed the way I post at all. I like to make my posts as brief as possible both when replying and making a new post. I spend so much time typing through out the day I don't really want to type anything lengthy if I can keep from it.
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I also don't want to make my post so lengthy because others may get tired of reading it. I just keep my posts 4 sentences to 6 sentences. Anything beyond that would mean I really have something very important to share to the discussion and that I would feel bad if I won't share it. I would not want to make my post too long so I can conserve my time and reply to more discussions. Have a nice day!
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@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Well, I don't think so on my part. Maybe it is true for some but not for me. I usually expressed my thought by thinking beforehand what to write. By the way, although I appreciate the new lay-out of myLot -- it is not as impressive as I want it to be. Just my opinion anyway.
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I agree with you. It's not as impressive as we have wanted it to be but I think this site is continuously evolving. For me, I would always want to write more until I have reached the five lines of posts. Or maybe when I reached some 5 and up sentences. I have wanted my posts to be brief and precise as possible but that would be not good because mylot may not pay for it. Have a nice day!
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
16 Jul 08
The new layout did not add more excitement for me to write and response more. It is still the same feelings as before. I post, I write as what I have been doing before. I response and give what I only feel inside. KEEP SMILING = NEIL
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Me too, I just type more when I feel I have something more to type. Of course typing up to 4 sentences and up have been a tradition but if I would go beyond would depend on my mood or what I have to share. Also, I don't pick a discussion I would not have something to share to. I have noticed your responses are lengthy enough. It means you have a lot to share. That's good for you. Have a nice day!
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@juhi06 (1850)
• India
16 Jul 08
well richiem you have realised it rather late. yeah we are all posting long enough to make the four-six rows as usual. since the box has more width it can incorporate more words and hence all have to type more. and it helps. you know it will take more time for the reader too to read it fully and hence more time for exposure as required by mylot. so better adapt to the new situation at the earlier to make some cents per post. happy mylotting!
@yenwie84 (1344)
• Malaysia
16 Jul 08
Maybe you are right but I don't really realize it. Sorry about that. Everyday once I have inspiration, I will tend to type more. But Mylot's newlook is no bad,getting me into good mood to post more discussions. Have a nice day.
@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
It's ok. I also think the new look encourages us to post more discussions. It's really nice seeing new things here in mylot and being part of this growing community. It really makes us appreciated in our every effort to make this site prosper. Have a nice day!
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
17 Jul 08
i think i am typing the same. not more not less. when i have to write more, i write. when i have to write less. i write less. there is no changes due to extended mylot editor for me. it is true that it shows less lines than it used to be.
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
16 Jul 08
not really. The daily emails have helped me out alot. Even if I don't answer the emails everyday I save them and always come back to them. Somedays I even go through alot of the other post and respond. I do find that it isn't taking me as long to get to the payout amount. Which is very nice.
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
That is great! Good for you! I don't have my email notifications on and so I don't receive those emails. But maybe some time I would try to turn on those notifications but that would mean a flood of emails in my account because I have a lot of friends and most of them are discussion starters. Have a nice day!
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@marilyn23 (295)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
I like the new look of Mylot & i can write more lines now. I make responses as i could but i rarely make discussions coz of my busy schedule of my real work. good day! richiem! marilyn23
@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Good day Marilyn23! I am glad that you like the new layout and that you can write more lines now. It shows that the new layout is effective in encouraging the members to share more. You should also try to make some discussions from time to time. I think the most paying feature of this site is the discussion only if the discussion gets a lot of responses. It takes time to learn how to get more response. I have a blog about it. Have a nice day!
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@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
16 Jul 08
I always try to express myself the best I can. If it's possible to achieve my four/five line post I'm glad, but I don't always get there. Too bad, but that's the way it is. Because I'm not a native English speaker I find it difficult to stretch the text in a decent way, so I don't try to do that. I want to be understood, not only make money of this. Have a nice day
@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I don't know how but I guess mylot has influenced my kind of typing. Whenever I am here, I would try to explain my self more and I would try to add more related things that I know of. Maybe it is because of the earnings. I don't want my post to be useless if mylot won't pay me for short posts. But the new layout hasn't affected my typing. I would just count the sentences and not the lines. Have a nice day!
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@mayka123 (16605)
• India
17 Jul 08
I dont think I have started typing more with the bigger textbox. But yes I now feel my replies are too small.
@NettyB (335)
• United States
17 Jul 08
I really miss the old look. I am not at all crazy about the changes, but Hey! Not my call. I am learning my way around again. I think it is harder for me to keep up with discussions.
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@excellence7 (3655)
• Mauritius
16 Jul 08
I am able to manage very well concerning postings on mylot. I have been able to overcome this difference between the old and new versions. Maybe I like to mylot a lot, that's why could not really feel the difference.
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
So that means there is really no difference for in typing in the old layout with typing in this new one. Me, I have to have to come up with a new way of typing so that I won't have to type more (in fulfillment of the 6 sentences post tradition). I just press enter even before I would reach the right border of the text box. Have a nice day!
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
17 Jul 08
Hmm. I didn't really pay attention to that change. But on the other hand, I do write basing mostly on the visual. SO I guess the answer to your question is yes. I do write more. But I don't suppose by much. Hmmm LOL, Now I will be second guessing what I write. And thinking more about my responses. Damn you
@34momma (13882)
• United States
21 Jul 08
i didn't even realize that. but i bet they did that so people will put more into their response. there is nothing worst then pouring your heart out in a discussion and someone comes at you with a one line responds. LOl so way to go mylot, what a very clever idea
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
21 Jul 08
I type the same as I used to. What I use to mortify me is the earnings page. I have a goal of at least $1.00 a day, and if I do not make that much I have to write more the next day. I do wonder about the five line looking like three line. Does that mean that if I think I am typing five lines, then in reality I am only typing three and will only get paid for three? In that case, I had better type some more. But I would find it hard to do as except for rare occasions I am not into doing much long discussions.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
21 Jul 08
Sorry I mean to motivate me.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I really didn't take notice of the length of the text box, but you might be right that it is actually longer than the old text box. Since I didn't notice it, I certainly didn't make my posts longer, but I'm not sure I would any way. I type as much as I need in order to make the response and that's about it. What I did notice was that there is at least one member of Mylot who makes their lines much shorter so that they have more lines, but less words in each line. I couldn't figure out why they were doing that, but now I realize that perhaps they get more money for each line. I was definitely under the impression that we were getting paid for each word, not line by line, but who knows, I could be wrong about that too.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I am not sure, I think I type about the same. I do like the skewed look of the box and it does help in that it gives you a better idea of how long your discussion will actually be. I think that it does make me want to express myself more, but that doesn't mean it's easier. I still can't think of an award winning discussion, but I sure am trying to make better discussions. Have a Wonderfully Lovely Day!
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@liquorice (3887)
21 Jul 08
I hadn't noticed about the text box being stretched. I'm not convinced one way or the other, but if it's true then I must be writing more without actually noticing it. I think that it's quite sneaky if Mylot did do this; they must realise that as it's recommended that our messages are four or five lines long, then of course it will result in us typing more for presumably the same amout of money, lol! . Hmm, clever and sneaky!
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• Philippines
25 Jul 08
well, regardless of the width of the text box, i usually respond with a long post unless the question needs a direct answer contrary to a very subjective one.^_^ but the new look of mylot allows me to access it easier through mobile phones. that's why it's pretty favorable to me especially because my computer now has lost its internet connection when i broke the modem.^_^
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