If a married woman has no kids, does that make her less of a woman?
By polaris714
@polaris714 (607)
July 17, 2008 6:20am CST
My friend has been married for 10 years, but until now they are still childless. She really wants to have kids, but so far no luck. And lately she has been lamenting that she feels as if she makes a poor wife and inferior as a woman because she was unable to give her husband any kids.
Do you think it makes her less of a woman because she never had any kids?
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45 responses
@stagewhisper (901)
• United States
17 Jul 08
I honestly don't see why having kids would make her any "more" or "better" of a wife- or the opposite, for that matter. What if a married couple didn't want kids? What if they decided not to have their own, but to adopt children instead? Does that make a woman or a man any less?
I don't see how.
If she's that concerned about giving birth, she needs to see a doctor.. and so does her husband, if he hasn't yet. Sometimes it's not just the woman's fault.
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@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Thank you for your post. That is very encouraging, in defense of the childless woman. I think you are right. Thank you for dropping by and take care.
@Ramaditya (1226)
• Indonesia
17 Jul 08
Ten years may be a very long time for her to wait for her son/daughter to come up, so it is understandable if she feels that way.
But in my opinion, -- perhaps has been spoken by the others -- that giving birth is not the only thing a wife should do. Perhaps they have already done check up examination and everything related to it, so another step that they can do is to adopt a son/daughter.
Besides, the ultimate key in marriage -- again in my own perspective -- is to settle two lifes together. If both can share love and feelings, I think they have done the main part. If son/daughter -- as a result of two bodies and loved sharing everything together -- is not pressent because of unwilling or uncertain condition, they don't need to leave each other.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I like what you said, that the ultimate key in marriage is to settle two lives together. I will be sure to have my friend read your post. Thank you for your response.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
26 Jul 08
No it doesn't make her less of a woman but she would miss the wonderful feeling of being a mom.God has the reason for everything.If she is not bless to have a child i am sure He has better plans for her.

@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
So nice of you to say that, and so well said - you capture the wistful reality as well as a hopeful prospect. Maybe God does have other, better plans for her. Thank you for dropping by and happy mylotting.

@rdcortezjr (30)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Of course not. If there are problems conceiving a child, it should not be taken against the woman (or the man). Sometimes, couples aren't blessed into having a child of their own. If she (or rather they) really wants to have a child, maybe they can adopt.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Thank you for the suggestion. Are you new to Mylot like me? Its nice to know someone who is a newbie like me. Happy mylotting and take care.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
You bet. I signed up a few days ago, and here I am, totally hooked. Even when I am doing something else, I keep thinking about it and I can't wait to log on again and see what's up. You call that hooked or what?
@rdcortezjr (30)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Yup! I just learned about MyLot a few days ago. So far it's been good. Lots of people with interesting things to say. Thanks!

• United States
28 Jul 08
i think not a woman is a woman unless she chooses not to be like if she wants to turn lesbian etc that would make her leass of a women but just becaus eshe doesnt have kids doesnt make her less of a woman.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
That really makes sense. Thank you for dropping by and happy mylotting.
@Anne19 (300)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
I believe that the essence of a woman couldn't be gauge by having kids. In my standpoint, it is how you contribute to the society that makes you more of a woman. There are many things which she can do to see her worth. There are many motherless children who is looking for someone to take good care of them. Her husband needs her. The society itself was expecting for her to play a significant role in her own ways. I believe that she can be a woman that could give courage and inspiration to other people, and that would be a very satisfying on her part as well.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
Yeah, and especially in our society, right? The gentle touch of a woman - its needed everywhere: to comfort and heal the suffering and the sick, to nurture the helpless child, to support the valiant husband. Doesn't that make you feel special :) Society can't do without us! :)
@fec139 (810)
• United States
20 Jul 08
It is trashy thoughts like this that cause many women to sink into despair when they can't have babies or, worse yet, makes women make babies who are not cut out to be moms, or don't really want kids. The world is full of unwanted, abused, and abandoned children brought into the world by women who got pregnant because society said they aren't real women unless they gave birth!
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
Wow, you do have strong feelings on the subject. And you are right, there are too many children who need someone to love and care for them. Thank you for dropping by and happy mylotting.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Not at all. And many women choose not to have children. Sometimes it is just not meant to be and she just might have to accept it OR think about adopting or serve as a foster parent. There are also so many other things in society that women can do besides having children that are so worthwhile.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
You are right on that point, there are many other things that women can do besides having children. Thank you for your response and happy mylotting.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
22 Jul 08
It does not make her less of a woman if she cannot have children! She should not feel that way, I am sure that she could adopt a child and give it all the love in her heart and be the best mom to that child.
A person should never feel less of themself because they cannot reproduce. It is who you are as a person that matters in this life, not whether or not you can reproduce. It is how your raise the child that you do end up with - if you do choose to adopt - that matters, not that you physically brought that child into the world.
I hope your friend hangs in there. I personally know people that tried and tried for years and were so stressed out to get pregnant. When they finally got fed up and stopped stressing out and stopped trying to get pregnant - guess what? They got pregnant! Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and let things happen as they may.[i]
Good luck to your friend. Happy myLotting and have a nice day![/i]

@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
Thank you so much, schulzie, for the note of encouragement. Maybe she just might get pregnant. People have been known to get pregnant even past their forties, right? And my friend is just 37. There is hope yet. And it not, there is always adoption as an alternative, as you suggest.
I will let my friend read your post so she can read firsthand your encouraging words. Thank you again and take care!
@Elixiress (3878)
22 Jul 08
I do not believe that it makes her any less of a woman. I do not want to have children by choice, I do not think that makes me less of a woman.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
Hello, Elixiress. Thank you for sharing your decision with us, and good luck. Take care :)
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
19 Jul 08
No, I don't think that being childless makes her any less of a woman, but how does her husband feel about it? If he strongly desires children, also, maybe they could adopt, or take in foster children. Older children, black, and biracial children are frequently hard to place. Sibling groups are even harder. As to the idea that having no children making her a poor wife, many men would rather not have to share their wife's affections with a child.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
Actually, her husband says it makes no difference to him, but my friend thinks he's just saying it. Besides, she's the one who really wants her own kids. But thank you for your suggestion; I will tell her about it. And thank you for dropping by. Take care
@loveromances (89)
• United States
18 Jul 08
There may be many reasons, good and bad, that a woman may or may not have children. Those reasons may be her choice, and some may be God's choice. If they are God's choice, then maybe He wants them to adopt, or maybe that there are some relation issues that God is wanting them to over come before she can conceive. I knew a couple that was the same way, and they listened to a preacher, and did marrital work, and she was pregnant. They still don't attend church, but that wasn't their challenge. It was something deep between them two. I know this is really deep, but sometimes that where solutions are. But that WILL NEVER MAKE HER LESS OF A WOMAN!!! I hope this is helpful.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
Yes, indeed your post was helpful. And encouraging. Also, it puts a different perspective on the issue, that maybe this is God's will for her, or maybe God has a different plan for her. My friend has to read your post, and I am sure she will be encouraged. Hope she will find God's will for her. Thank you for your response and take care.
@shinymood (405)
• China
21 Jul 08
A woman will not be less of a woman if she is childless. We are not birth giving machines. I have friends who don't plan to have any babies and they say frankly that they are not sure that they can be qualified mothers if they have children. But i think for those who do like children it's not a bad idea to have one or two. Kids are so cute and you get so much fun and happiness watching them grow. It's like living your life all over again from the very beginning. I've heard too many stories about a woman who doesn't want to bear children when young and regrets it when she can't have one anymore.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
Yes, kids are so cute and they can bring so much happiness into a marriage. But, I like your statement, A woman will not be less of a woman if she is childless. Thank you for dropping by and happy mylotting. Take care.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
18 Jul 08
some people just cant have kids, whatever their reasons are...it is not meant for them to bear kids...but if they really want kids, they could adopt and try other methods, in vetro, test tube, etc. there are many options for people who cant have kids right now..or maybe they prefer just pets...
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
lol, maybe pets might be a good idea, huh? That's a different perspective, but a nice one still. And you are right, there are lots of other ways, but personally, I think they are very expensive. And the success rate is not too high, either. Still, I will tell my friend about your suggestion. Thank you very much for coming by. Happy mylotting
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
18 Jul 08
I don't think it makes her less of a woman, I myself have been married 5 years now, and we don't have any children. I know alot of people that know us probably wonder why we don't have any children yet, but its our choice not to, and no I don't feel less of a woman because I've never had kids, the other reason is because of health problems I have, I've always known that I wouldn't have kids, both my husband and I agreed that its okay, if we wanted to adopt someday we can, there are alot of children out there that need good loving homes. Please tell your friend there are other options. One of my sisters and her husband have been trying a long time to have a baby, they've gone through all kinds of fertilization methods, nothing has worked yet, but hopefully someday something will work. I come from a big family, 6 nephews, 1 niece and one on the way, they are enough for me. Usually one of them is always at our house when school's out anyway. But I don't think it makes you less of a woman, maybe its just not in the cards for you, maybe there is a child out there somewhere that needs you. Good luck
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
Thank you for your post. It has a lot of meat, if you know what I mean. I am sure my friend will be encouraged by what you shared. I am sorry about your health problems, but I think it has also made you strong and courage. And it enables you to reach out to those who need help and share your own experience. Thank you again and take care.
@matola (32)
• Tanzania
18 Jul 08
I think it depends on the culture you are in .In Africa a married woman with no kids has a very slim chance of surviving her marriage. Even if her husband loves her the in laws will do everything to frustrate the two of them.But from what i gather in he western culture its fine to not have kids.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
Actually in our culture there is no real problem if the woman is unable to give her husband a child. Isn't she lucky she is not in Africa? Its just that my friend really wants a baby. Thank you for your response and happy mylotting.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Having or not having children does not make a woman. I'm blessed to have them, but I always said if I were unable to I pray that I would have the wherewithal to enjoy life like a person without kids. In other words to take advantage of the freedom that person without those responsibilities would have. You hae the freedom to be a little more daring with your life such as you can take more career risks, because there isn't someone helpless that completely depends upon you. You have the freedom to explore time consuming hobbies and interests without worrying about getting home to cook dinner or take someone to practice or a game or help with homework. I'm not saying that doing these things are a nuisance, but I am saying that there is beauty in both lifestyles. Being a woman has nothing to do with your ability to bear children. Woman don't doubt their femininity and womanhood before they try to bear children, so why doubt it after you have tried and discover you may not be able to.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
Hmmm, those are nice suggestions. And yes, you are right, having no children gives so much freedom to explore other things. Well-said indeed. Thank you and take care.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
Hi, too. You sound so sweet. And yes, you are right. Thank you for your suggestion. Take care.
@polaris714 (607)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
Of course we are all entitled to our opinions. Thank you for dropping by