Do you like road trips?

United States
July 21, 2008 6:56pm CST
So I've come upon people whom I have asked if they liked road trips. And a lot of them just told me they didn't because it was boring. I, myself, happen to love road trips. In every state that I pass by, you can tell the difference of the places, people, and things. The scenery is just beautiful, especially on springs, or summers. And during the time that I'm in the, I like to dream away. It's a great way to get to know new places, instead of taking the airplane. Do you like road trips? If so, what do you usually do? And if not, why so?
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24 responses
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
When my husband and I were not yet married, we loved going on road trips. We continued this even after we got married. When I got pregnant and had a baby, everything was put on hold. We have not yet gone on a road trip with the toddler because she is still impatient. In the near future, most probably, we will go back to going on road trips. It's really fun and entertaining.
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@dmcollie (217)
• United States
22 Jul 08
What other way is there to travel when you have a large family. I go on road trips any time that I can.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
22 Jul 08
not really..but i had try once.. when i went to my fathers hometown 2 decades was really a long trip and i feel exhausted and bored and besides i hate sitting too long(i had travel by bus for 2 days during that trip)..but what keeps me going not to be so..was the scenery we had passed and the mountains and the likes...but still i prefer traveling by plane less stress and very comfy..
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I love road trips...stopping whenever I want...taking my time. I do some short ones and some kinda longer ones....I go visit a friend in Wisconsin about 4 times a year and take different routes..and take photos along the way.
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22 Jul 08
yes id like road trips cause i like taking pictures of sceneries, trees that we pass by but since im having a back problem if i sit for a long time, then i've tried to just take a flight to where i am going. But there are lots of places here in the places that only a drive is allowed which is Ok, for instant, i always look forward when were going somewhere south, there is a part there that has a poem written verse by verse
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• Australia
22 Jul 08
My family has always enjoyed road trips they allow you the freedom to explore and travel where ever your heart desires. I always get a sense of complete isolation and freedom on road trips and it is like you take a deep relaxing breathe when you are in the car miles away from home and your normal life. When my children were young these were mainly the only trips our family could afford and even now there is only the two of us we still enjoy getting in the car and driving without a real agenda and plan and basically travelling wherever our hearts take us at the time. For me a road trip epitmises freedom at its very best.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
3 Jan 09
I love road trips, mainly because I love getting away and going to see another place, especially if it's new to me. Sometimes it gets a little boring, and you definitely need to get along with the other people you're 'tripping' with, but all in all, it can be a really good time.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
22 Jul 08
yes. We haven't been on one in a while but we are going on one soon to disney which will be a 12 hour drive and we have 2 little kids. 1 is 3 and the other is 1. We just bought a bigger car and it has so much room in it I am so happy with it. Our car before we would of had to get something to go on top of the car for extra luggage but now we have so much room inside the car we won't need it and I even have room to sleep on the floor if I need to. We will have to 2 dvd players that come down from the roof. So that will help us out alot.
@Elixiress (3878)
22 Jul 08
I do not like road trips, because I am travel sick and start feeling unwell if I am in a car for longer than 30 minutes. Even if I take medicine for it, I am still scared that I will be sick and this in itself makes me feel unwell.
• United States
22 Jul 08
I like road trips and it seems the further you go the more their is to see. I like seeing new things and surroundingd that are different from my own home town. A bunch of my friends and I did just that a couple years back we started in new hampshire and wound up down in Covintree Rhode Island oh we had a blast. I saw so much along the way I was takeing it all in it was great. We stop at a couple different places to eat, we walked into different stores just the new surrounds itself was nice. I want to do a clear across the untied states next but that is going to take some money to save up for gas, food, places to stay at hotels, ect. One day though I will get to do it and I am looking forward to it.
@1richgirl (126)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Love road trips probably the one that was most fun was when I took ny 12 year old daughter totally unknowing. I picked her up in a rental car from school and told her we were going to lunch. After lunch I said lets drive in this direction -- after a while I just said this is your vacation- which way should we go? We first had to stop buy her a couple of outfits and swimming suit and we were on our way- we will both never forget it!!!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I'm not one that really likes road trips. Too hard on the back to sit for hours in a car. Plus with the price of gas these days, I doubt too many are taking road trips.
• United States
22 Jul 08
I love road trips. They are relaxing. Just kick back and enjoy the scenary. Unless you are in Kansas. It's flat and rather repeative. That's a great time to get out a book and read. A great discussion with your friend or fo will greatly pass the time. When I take road trips, I very seldom drive. I don't like to drive. I only drive when I have to.
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@harishv (149)
• India
22 Jul 08
I like road trips. It's different feeling when we are trip, we can come across different places, diffenrent peoples and different cultures. I will get relief when i'm on trip, feeling relaxed.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I like road trips. We go to mostly places we can drive to. I'll normally read a book or crochet something to pass the time. I do like airplace trips better though because it usually means we're going someplace different.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Yes I love road trips. I agree that you can see a lot more scenery compared to taking the plane. I often fall asleep when I'm not the one driving, but I still have fun because I look forward to every stop like to eat at a restaurant or to sleep in a hotel, etc.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
22 Jul 08
I really love to travel and train is my favorite form of transportation. I like to travel by bus and a passenger in a car. In my home country traffic drives on the left side of the road. Most other countries traffic drives on the right side. When going along a road in a vehicle I enjoy looking out of the window at the passing scenery. Most of all I like to see coastal scenery and next best I like to see country views. A mixture of both these makes for a very enjoyable journey. It is interesting to pass through picturesque villages and see noteworthy sights like old buildings. In spring I like to see pretty flowers and in autumn time I enjoy seeing gold crispy leaves. I have been on crowded local buses in Sumatra, open sided buses in Fiji and seen people sitting on each others laps when space got short in Samoa.Planes travel so quickly but when I go on them I miss out on ground level scenery and see puffy white clouds for most of the journey.
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
22 Jul 08
Yes i like road trips.I love to see the mountains on the sides of the road.I love to see the train tracks on the side of the road.I love to see the sea and our vehicle going over the bridge.Mostly i like to see different people and cattle.The main attraction for me is the greenery and plants and trees and also the beaches and amusement parks and boat rides that come by.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Yes,I like road trip and adventure. I love to see different places and faces. It feel me free and happy, but sometimes its boring. Specially when it is long distance trip. I cant afford setting long hours,it make me feel bad trip lol.
22 Jul 08
I love road trips, even if i'm on my own. That's mainly coz I love driving- give me some lovely scenery, open roads and a big engine and I'm a happy man. If you didn't like driving long distances then I can see how road trips would be tedious for the driver, but with some good music on the stereo and miles of road to eat up they can be a great time for reflection, and you always end up stopping off in interesting places. Even more so on a motorbike, where inside you helmet you can just ponder things as you cruise along. Road trips rule.