Should Companies Pay Sick Pay?
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
July 26, 2008 3:47am CST
The reason for me asking this question is that is someone is GENUINELY sick (there are always going to be some that abuse this) and has been signed off for many weeks doesn't the fact that they then have the worry of not being paid for those weeks hinder their healing by adding financial worry to the healing process. Thoughts on this subject appreciated. Have you ever been off long term sick? Do you know someone who abuses the system in a company that does pay? Do you work when sick as can't afford time off?
Ellie :D
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74 responses
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
27 Jul 08
Hi Ellie! In Australia, all workers are entitled to a certain amount of sick leave each year - and some people DO abuse it, and make sure they use their entitlement each year. In most cases, I think you can take three days without a doctor's certificate. People in government jobs (like my husband) can accumulate it over the years, and he now has many, many weeks' worth saved up if he needed it for a longer illness (heaven forbid). Unfortunately, when he retires he will lose it all, which is a bit of a shame. I wish they would turn some of it into 'holiday' pay when you retired if you haven't taken any for years and years. At one stage he actually went over 20 years without taking a sick day - and then had to use a few days last year for an eye operation and dental extraction. It would be terribly worrying financially if there wasn't enough sick leave for someone to recuperate properly - it would be very sad if they had to return to work too early because of money worries, and jeopardised their health.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Hi Guybrush, I am in that position at the moment and I don't get sick pay at all, I may get SSP which is a pittance but what I think is very unfair in my company is that some do and some don't depending on whether or not they are on an old or new contract. I love my job but no job is worth my health and I am fed up working whilst others are shirking and exhausting myself mentally and pysically through doing so so I will be actively looking for a different job once well again. Ellie :D
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
28 Jul 08
That's so unfair! We have a similar thing happening in Australia, as our last Prime Minister brought in 'workplace agreements'. For instance, my daughter is on one contract, but the people who joined six months afterwards are on a new agreement where they get less money and have to work longer hours - in exactly the same job! It's not right. I really hope you recover quickly, and can find a job which has fairer conditions. It must be a horrible worry for you.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Yeah I have been off long term and the company I worked for didn't pay sick pay at all. But I had a doctors note and was truly ill. I have also been employed where you get a total of 15 sick days and get paid for it. I love when a company gives perks like that it makes me feel that they value their employees more. Yes there have been times when I have worked when I was dying of illness becuase I couldn't afford to be off work.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
28 Jul 08
do you have a union ? If not get one they will work at equality in the work place.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Hi yes you do feel more valued I agree if they do pay. I am on a new contract at work and they don't pay for breaks or sick but old contract employees get full break pay and sick pay and I feel this system is very unfair, especially when I do not get paid for my breaks which I work through as we so busy most of the time whereas others sit around a do get paid. Ellie :D
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
27 Jul 08
I have been off long term sick and I got my vacation pay and whatever sick days I had. Anything past that, if I had short term disability it would have covered. Companies should not be required to pay past your vacation and sick time because while you are out long term, they have to pay someone in your place. That may be mean, but it is realistic.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
27 Jul 08
Fast food is different. Most fast food workers can not be counted on, so no they aren't going ot hire someone if you are out only a week or so. I was thinking that this referred to someone being out a long time 2+ weeks. A normal company will hire - or get a temp - if they know someone is going to be out a long time. Even if you go out on maternity leave most companies will hire someone at least int he interim.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Most of them are not required. You as an employee have to pay for short term disability, and since you pay into it weekly or bi-weekly along with other benefits that get taken out of your paycheck, and you do not get your full salary on disability, it is not hurting the company as much as you might think. I also believe (based on my former experiences) that a lot of companies can get by just fine if they have one or two people out sick or on disability. I can tell you if they are a large company (more than 500 employees) that they certainly do not hire people to replace the ones that are out. Even when I worked in fast food and people called in sick, they just asked others of us (I did this a lot) to work a split shift - our own, then leave for a few hours, then work somebody else's shift. It meant more money for current employees but didn't mean they hired other people.
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@alpha7 (1910)
• France
27 Jul 08

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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
26 Jul 08
If an employee works fulltime at a company, then I think they deserve to have a few days of sick pay. Most people do not abuse this priviledge. But of course, there are always those employees who figure out how to cheat the system. And faking sick to get paid for not working is one of them.
I've never been off longterm from a job. I have had surgeries when I was a full time employee but usually returned after about 2 weeks off.
I am currently self-employed (as a licensed mental health counselor) so I do not get paid unless I go to work. I get no holiday pay and no sick pay. But, if I am sick and I think it's contagious, I stay home which, thankfully, doesn't happen very much. I must not place people who come for counseling in a position to "catch" what I have when I'm sick.
Take care.

@amore07 (58)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I think companies should include sick leave. There are of course people who are going to abuse sick leave, but that is why most companies only offer so much paid sick leave per year. I think that is an awesome idea and if you are a fortunate person who doesn't get sick then you could use that time at the end for some refreashing days off. I am one who personally hates calling in sick to work because I can't afford to not have the income.
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@ellie333 (21016)
26 Jul 08
Welcome to myLot amore and thank you for choosing my discussion to respond to as your first one. I hope that you have fun here and keep posting and responding and make some great friends. I appreciate your input into this one. I myself never have time off but I also feel it is the ones that abuse the system that make it difficult for the genuine cases in a lot of companies eh! Ellie @:D
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I know when I resigned from my job (because I moved 1200 miles away) that I was allowed to cash out my remaining vacation and sick pay that was unused. I used sick pay once - to cover two additional days after three that I was sick and had to use my vacation hours - because my doctor did not want me going back to work for a whole week. I had caught something that was contagious and I felt AWFUL and I didn't even start feeling better until I'd been on antibiotics for four days! The last thing I wanted was to give it to my office, we were always handling each other's things and colds were spread easily there.
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I'm very glad that my company offers sick leave. I don't think it gets abused very often by the workers there. We also get 2-3 days of "personal leave" a year, and we earn vacation days, too. The personal and vacation days are supposed to be approved ahead of time, so that someone can cover your area if needed. It's real nice if you have to go do personal errands or something. You can do so without feeling guilty. For sick leave, if you take more than 3 days at once, you are supposed to bring in a doctor's note. However, if it seems that you are abusing the system, your supervisor can request you bring in a note for less, too. I think that helpls keep abuse of the system to a minimum.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Hi It sounds like you work for a very fair company, at mine people on old contracts only get full break and sick pay whereas others on new contract receive nothing. I am one of the ones on the new contract and feel obliged to go in even if feeling really unwell but if I think contagious I will stay away to stop others becoming infected too. Ellie :D
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
27 Jul 08
the company i worked for allowed a certain no of paid sick days however to get it one had to provide a drs note
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@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Ok, I have a couple of views on this subject, one as an employee and the other in the eyes of a manager of the job.
First view: I worked for several companies that did NOT have sick pay days and there were younger people that would still call in sick with or without the pay. I have heard them talk about, "Oh, it was just TOO hot to come to work yesterday." and then there are the older employees that would go the extra effort and call off if they were about to die from the flu, cold, broncitis, ect.
For me I would only call off if I was really, really sick or my child was SO sick that my babysitter wouldn't take them for nothing.
I one time had to call of of work like two days after I got hired, the reason was very ligit, my son had a cyst on the back of his brain and had to have brain surgery. Also, the older generation of workers would actually goto the doctor's or hospital to have a doctor excuse.
Now even though I was never a manager, I have been in a place of an acting assistant manager. I worker for a very small store and we had only 6 or 7 workers to cover a 24/7 gas station.
In this case if someone would call off then it would affect the whole work schedule for getting shifts covered, no one allowed overtime, or no one would want to cover the shift and the person there would get stuck doing a double shift.
It didn't matter if we had paid sick days or not, they would just call off and that was that. We decided that every employee would have to have a slip from the doctor's or be suspended from work for a day and if it kept up, we would fire them and replace them.
You can also tell when an employee is really sick because you can see the symptoms showing up a few days before they would call off also. So, if the boss is good at thier job, they can spot a faker.
Now, I don't work because of health issues that started out as my feet hurting SO bad after standing for SO long when I got home from work my oldest son would have to help me walk into the house and then I would have to crawl to get to my room and to the restroom for the rest of the night to start it all over the next day.
In a way I can see companies wanting to do this to lower the number of day an employee would miss, but in the long run for the ones that abuse it really cost the company money, that right now, NO company can afford the extra cost.
Good Luck.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Once again it is the minority that shirk that affect the real workers and the genuinely ill. Where I work there are shift patterns too but some get full pay for breaks and sick whereas others don't at all and I feel this is very unfair. I am off at present with no pay but someone else can go sick on full pay. Ellie :D
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
27 Jul 08
A number of companies have changed the terminology to call this time "personal time" rather than "sick leave" because they know that sometime you're not sick, you just need some time for personal matters.
I do think that all employers should provide paid time off in addition to vacation for such time.
@shoffman2000 (560)
• Alexandria, Virginia
27 Jul 08
what country if usa what state
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@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
27 Jul 08
Hello ellie333. I most certainly believe that a company should pay sick-pay for it's workers. A person spends most of his waking life working - in many cases working for a particularly firm. The employer does not want to have sick workers on the premises, who contaminate the other workers, so they pay so that the sick workers stay home or go into hospital and get well as soon as possible. They are also sending a message to the other workers that they care and this helps increase the productivity of the firm. Those who abuse the system are generally frowned upon.
@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Hi Umart, well mine only cares for some and not others, I am off with no pay but someone else on an older contract gets full pay for breaks and sick. I have only ever had two half hour breaks in the whole time I have been there so I have worked unpaid for the rest and yet others disappear and sem to be on breaks all the time and getting paid for them. I think once I recover I am going to look for another job I was very happy there but I feel I work for many and my health is now being affected and no job is worth that eh! Ellie :D
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
27 Jul 08
Yes, the moment you will start from your work it is automatically included from your Contract of work Sick Leave is payable for 15 days in a year that for your first sick leave for 3 days it is considered as a whole day payment each day and on the second time around it would be 75% and the rest of the least of the day would be 50% until you consumed your 15 days...... and the Human Resources could explained it more better than me, I hope the idea I knew would certainly helped you out.
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@fec139 (810)
• United States
27 Jul 08
At least in NY where I am, it is a law that companies have to have a sick pay policy. Another reason to pay people for sick tim, is that you don't want sick people with infectious diseases showing up to work and getting everybody else sick. Is it not a law where you are that a company have sick time?
@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hi ellie,
Here in the states, it depends with what company you're wokring for. When I used to work with the bank, I believe that we had 6 sick days. and depending on how many years you have been with the company, you'll also get vacations. Once I used up my sick days, I was not pay, if I was going to be out for more than 8 days I file a claim for and i would get paid for after the tenth day. I broke my leg, skiing, and I was out for almost a year. I file a claim for disability, I got pay and the bank fired me. So to answer you question yes some people will abuse the system. There is also an insurance I'm sure some of you heard of it. AFLAC, this insurance what it does, it pay you for being out sick, if your child is sick and you cant work, somehow they pay you for not being at work. So you don't lose out any money while one of the family member is sick. I've also work while I was sick and couldn't afford to stay at home.
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
28 Jul 08
The bank fired me because I already used all my sick days. but this was an accident and they told me I had to be back in 2 weeks or get fired. I knew I couldn't walk or drive to work. So I let them fire me. I was making more money collecting that at work. When you wrongfully fired you can collect umemployment, but if you don't collect unemployment within 3 years all that money that the government has taken from is not put aside. I don't understand how the government can take money form ones paycheck put it in for unemployment, but yet when you're out of job, you can't collect it if it has been more than 3 years.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Hi Kaleegirl, I am in UK so haven't heard of AFLAC but if our companies don't pay the government do a thing called SSP which is about £57.00 a week instead of normal income and that doesn't even cover the food and electric let alone the rent and everything else. The bank fired you for having a broken leg, crazy. Thank you for sharing your story. Ellie :D
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
27 Jul 08
i am thankful that i'm working for a company that offers paid sick leave. in fact, all companies in my country gives paid sick leave. it's part of employee benefits which are mandatory. it's really good as we don't have to worry about money when we are sick. this is really useful when i was down with chicken pox. i couldn't go to work for almost a month. if i don't get paid for that period, i think i'd be worried sick about paying my bills on time. however, to get paid sick leave we have to produce a doctor's certificate to show that we really are sick. that means we have to go see a doctor and get the doctor to provide a medical certificate certifying that we are not well enough to work. cheers ;p
@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Jul 08
Yes is the simple answer Ellie. You are quite right to say that someone that has been off for a long while without sick pay will worry. You know my story so I won't repeat it here. But I do think that sick pay shows a deal of commitment to the staff and enables those that are genuinely sick to recover properly. Abusers should be dealt with by effective management, but often aren't I am afraid.
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@ellie333 (21016)
26 Jul 08
Hi P1kef1sh, Sad fact of life the shirkers and the workers and the shirkers get away with it instead of being dealt with effectively and then the others have to suffer for their abuse. You are right it doesn't help a person recover at all if they have the financial worry added to what is wrong with them eh! Ellie :D
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
26 Jul 08
There will always be people who abuse any system, so lets not worry about that. I don't think companies should pay for sick pay. My reasons:
1. As an employee of a company you should be given the option to buy sick days, that way if you need a certain amount of days you won't cost the company anything, it will be like a savings account, when you use them they are gone.
2. Long term sick care should be offered but payment at half price, this allows a company not to terminate your employment to avoid a law suit.
3. Insurance should be offered at a group rate, that way if you cannot come back to work you can still get money for bills and daily debits. Aflac offers such insurance.
I have been off from work for long time sick, it was before my hip replacement, I was off for 6 weeks, I got paid half of what I normally would.
Hope that helps and if it doesn't, sorry.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Aflac is a nice benefit, but not every company has that available. In terms of catastrophic illness or injury which prevents somebody's return to work, it would be good to have something at least cover all the basic bills while they are gone. For the most part, people do have health insurance but it won't pay your mortgage if you miss 3 weeks of work and you only get half of what you're used to on disability.
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