God Help Me, I'm Going To Hell!

Regina, Saskatchewan
August 2, 2008 1:37am CST
My mother always told me that road to Hell was paved with good intentions. She was right. So I'm going to Hell! The other day I received a notice that my one and only Credit Card - which I only agreed to accept because I needed to rebuild the hubs credit a few years ago after we got married - is so happy with me that they upped my credit limit. Are these people nuts? I've lived my entire adult life on a cash only basis, and suddenly I've got credit card with a limit I could only dream of back in the day! So I went on a spending spree. I actually went online and took the plunge into the world of click, click commitment to having big packages delivered to my door! Bring on the UPS man! Now, except for a sexy little red hot mama number to relieve cabin fever, everything I ordered is for other people. I even went the extra mile a paid a little extra for express delivery as I have a very very special town celebration coming up in honor of our own Meg's birthday, and I wanted things delivered before the big day. So now my new credit line is nearly maxed out and I'm feeling all queasy inside. I'm going to Hell. I just know it! It's going to take forever to pay it down. Temptation is a terrible thing don't you think? So are you maxed out? Does it worry you? The only comfort I can offer you is that we'll all be together, you know where, when we leave this mortal coil. We can have a credit card burning party. The flames come with the territory so I understand! LOL
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30 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Fortunately, I do not have that problem No company in their half right mind would offer me a credit card with any limit. Maybe they know I would go shoe shopping I do have a credit card, but it is a pre-paid card, I can only spend whatever amount I have on it. I use it online as there are just some things cheaper online than off, like purple shoes
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
You are an evil man! So I will just take your shoes and avoid EBay! LOL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Me? Evil? Not at all, I am sweet and kind and all them good things like that You just leave my shoes alone! I don't wanna go barefooted LOL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Try here... http://myworld.ebay.com/metronomestudios/ It's Ebay, they take credit cards or Paypal
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Credit cards are evil... the devil incarnate. They lured you in & now they have your soul ( or at least your finances ) for eternity!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Hey! Maybe the devil's made of plastic? Nah. He can't be or he'd melt. Damn! Guess there's just no getting away from it! ROFL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Aug 08
AMEN to that!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
2 Aug 08
OOh I have been there before. Now when the credit limit gets upped, the cards get put away. I am so tired of credit cards and debt but those plastic suckers are saving us from getting evicted this month (thank god for 0% APR!)
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
2 Aug 08
We normally don't use our creidt cards. What happened was DH lost his job in JUne an dhasn't been able to find a new one. So, we have been using the his CC to pay the bills that we don't have cash for. We are pretty much out of cahs and neither of s can find a job! I am kicking myself because we just moved at the end of May and i feel like had we not moved, I would still have my job and we would have had a few thousand in the bank (which we use to move, pay deposits, etc) and out bills would be lower.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Well then Sedel, I will pray to all the gods of all the religions to make sure you get a job and hubs does too. Good luck.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
I am so glad I never got into the habit of living by credit card. So this new limit on the one and only one I have is scaring me. I think I'll take a leaf out of your book and just put it away. With my memory, I'll forget where I hide it and problem solved! LOL
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@Mickie30 (2626)
2 Aug 08
I don't have a credit card for exactly the same reason. I would never have a credit card because they spell danger. You can easily max out and get into debt.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Well I've certainly learned my lesson!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Aug 08
sparky you are not alone, but I dont even have credit anymore as I overextended and lost my job about the same time. so now afterr seven years I am still getting daily calls from various money collecting people still trying to get me to pay back x dollars. I told him I am broke, and besides this bill is more than seven years old. i have no money and I hung up. If I had had themoney the bill wou ld have been paid a long,long,long time ago.So I will probably join you in you know where.It worried me of course, I do not like owing anyone but I really had no extra money for anything.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Aug 08
sparky I got carried away. wi sh Megs a very happy birthday for me and hope you all have a wondrful time at the party. good on you. lol.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
First, don't stress over a bill that's 7 years old. Don't they have to 'clear' them after 7 years? I'll do a search and let you know. And I will most certainly give Meg your birthday wishes. She'll be thrilled. Hugs to you.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
2 Aug 08
YOU will not do! You know temptation is from the devil! LOL!! We have several credit cards. We pay off Discover every month. I have one I put my granddaughter's laptop on and paying it off quickly - hardly any interest added monthly. And we have one other that has a little on it - we are trying to get completely out of debt. Of course, that's not possible until 16 more payment on our SUV. But then we will be completely out of debt. I have lots of store cards - only use them to get bargains, and turn around and pay it off at the counter! Did that the other day at Target. They said, 'if you apply for a card today, we'll give you another 15% off'...... couldn't resist. Went right over to the customer service and paid it off!! Haven't even gotten my card yet. Did the same thing at Goody's back in May when I was buying my granddaughter an outfit for graduation! I just don't like owing anyone anything! I don't want to go to hell.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
I hate being in debt too. That's why I've always operated on a cash basis. So I understand how you feel and applaud you keeping away from the temptation of letting your balances climb. So I guess I won't be seeing you in hell? LOL Damn! I could end up being very lonely there! ROFL
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
2 Aug 08
oh sparX you wont be alone.. i may not have burned my credit trail into the hot spa.. but theres plenty of other reasons why i will be right by yer side burning smores over a pyre!! ..;pets;..
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
"purrs"! LOL
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Oh well you need to have the self control in yourself. I think that is most people's reaction when given this really nice offer in their credit lines. They tend to make the most out of it and take the bait. The thing is it is all the credit card benefit not yours. Maybe next time you see a notice they increased your credit line please try to stop and think for the consequences behind it if ever you take the bait. You are just one of those fish in the pond that could not resist the bait thrown down in front of you.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Aug 08
Actually rsa, you couldn't be more wrong. I've had this credit card for some time and always kept my use of it to a minimum and never had to pay interest on what I owed as I always made sure I never charged more than I could afford to pay off at the end of the month. The ONLY reason it is so high right now, is because I am throwing a very special party for a very special lady and was able to use it with it's new limit to buy what I needed online. My entire discussion was HUMOR. The purchases I made, were a one time thing and not a habit or taking of any bait. Next time please read the discussion PROPERLY before you accuse people of being weak. Thank you.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I only have one credit card as well. They have upped my limit over the years, but recently upped it to a ridiculous amount. But that just scared me. I don't want that big of a credit limit, and I don't want to take advantage of it. So I make sure I don't. Fear of insurmountable debt keeps me in line now. Especially being on disability.
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• United States
2 Aug 08
Just wanted to pop in here and let you know that you can call the card issuer and have them lower the limit to an amount you are more comfortable with. My sister did that with hers. Of course I would wait until you have it paid down to under the chosen amount! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
I'm always amazed at the number of credit card offers I get online especially - but they are for Americans. Here in Canada, it's not quite so easy to qualify, and they never just get mailed to you anymore like they did back in the 70's. Hubs has his contractor cards with Home Depot and Rona, but I've got the Master Card because I daren't let him get his hands on it or we'd really be in trouble! LOL
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Since I know I will be where you will be, I am just wondering..........do you think they will let me use my Visa card in hell? LOL Yeah, that UPS guy is the devil himself in disguise but he is so cute in his little brown shorts. Ooohh, what a view!!!
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• United States
2 Aug 08
You just had to remind me! I haven't seen my UPS guy stop at my house in some time, BUT he always beeps for me! Unfortunately, I've now moved and I won't be seeing him any longer...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Well I did hear through the grapevine that Hell only accepts American Express! ROFL And yes, bring on the UPS guy! LOVE those shorts!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Isn't that horrible. You were doing so good too. It is soooo easy to get sucked in. We have 2 cards...debit cards...that way I don't spend any more then we have. One is for our primary account and the other is only for online stuff (that way they don't have access to our primary account in case someone should steal the numbers). We do owe like 3 credit cards but they are just sitting on the back burner waiting for us to get the money to be able to pay them off. It's a long process to get them paid off too especially when they keep throwing more interest on top of them. Good luck with it. BTW, I doubt your going to Hell over it, if everyone that overspent on credit cards went to Hell...Heaven would be empty and Hell would need alot more space. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Yeah, and I know alot of ppl (quite a few in my own family) that swear they own property there. I guess renting in Hell would be like double punishment LOL Afterall I guess slumlords have to have jobs down there too LOL **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Aug 08
LOL I don't think they have water in Hell...we could have hot coal throwing contests though...loser has to walk a bed of hot coals LOL We could be really dangerous and short sheet the Devil's bed LOL He probably has water so we could steal some of his LOL Actually I have plans of making it to Heaven but who knows...I know I have a lifetime of black marks against me...I racked up alot of them as a teenager LOL **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
LOL. I've often wondered just how big Hell really is, considering the number of people who will end up there!
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Nice express delivery! I can't say I ever did that but I do love the UPS man! LOL His brown suit and big brown truck- my packages! So yummy! LOL So what was this discussion about again??
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• United States
5 Aug 08
I always do! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Aug 08
Who cares - I'm dreaming about the UPS man! ROFL
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@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
2 Aug 08
I have 2 of those dreadful things and sadly they are both maxed out.I am trying to pay them off as we speak and then I have already asked the bank to lower both of the limits to only $3000 each.I dont want to be in this position anymore.Now I owe $12,000 in credit card debt alone.
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@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
2 Aug 08
I used my credit cards to pay some of my daughters hospital bills when she was born.She had to stay in the hospital for a month so I paid off some of the debt with the cards.Thank God I had them for that.I still owe the hospital almost $5,000 to.Oh well,I am hoping to get a loan to pay off the credit card bills next week.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Aug 08
I hope you get the loan neely. And I hope your daughter is ok and thriving. I think the only reason I'm glad I have a credit card is for just such an unexpected cost. Otherwise I don't really need one. It came in handy the other day for my online spree for Meg's birthday party, but now it's back into the drawer for it and no more charging!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Holy moly neely! I couldn't handle that kind of debt unless it was for a mortgage. Thank god I don't have mortgage anymore - house is paid in full - but geez louise, credit card debt that high would have me screaming in my sleep. I hope you get it paid down and can breathe again! Good luck sweets.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Nope, I'm not maxed out. I have not used a credit card in....probably 10 years. If I can't save up for something and pay cash, I don't need it. I haven't even had a car payment since 1980.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
I was 'awarded' this credit card by my bank after I cleaned up the hubs credit score. I've only every used it for emergencies and will go back to that. I figure if I don't have the cash for something, then I don't really need it! LOL
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@bookworms (351)
• Pasig, Philippines
3 Aug 08
well i have a credit card but i dont use it untill now ( 5 months ) i dnt know why ^_^ LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
3 Aug 08
Beacause you're smarter than the rest of us! LOL
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Oh my goodness I'm right there with you. They are maxed out to the hilt. I try to pay ay more than the minimum payment so I'll get them paid down. It's so hard. My husband was out of work for 8 months and we had to use them to pay bills, buy food and everything. They are maxed. I have several, but 3 are maxed. I paid the others off, thank goodness. Yes, we just may dance in hell together, lol...not just under the moon, lol Burn those damn cards, burn them...lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Do they have a moon in hell moon beam? I hope so. And I only have the one, so it's not so bad, but what a temptation! I've hidden the damn thing now and I hope it self destructs wherever it is! ROFL
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• United States
3 Aug 08
I don't nkow if they have a moon, I sure hope so. If not we may have to imagine one...lol. I have hid some of mine before too and not found them until they expired. Hoping I'd not have to use them but there if I needed. Thank goodness I didn't or wouldn't.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
2 Aug 08
Hello! This is what happens when you don't put the maths in the paper, hahaha! You should really be careful, stop spending more money than you can have. This is why I will never give a credit card to my wife if I do marry one day. Nah, if she works she will have her money, but if she doesn't I'll give her like a salary. She should be the one learning how to handle it. Or, better yet, I will marry a woman that knows how to spend her money, hehehehe... I wish you luck paying your bills, it won't be easy but you can do it. You got into the trouble, and I'm sure you can get out of it. Just be careful! Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Hey dude, long time no see. Good to have you here. And you're right - I got into it, I'll get out of it. And I'll never get into it again, believe me!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 Aug 08
I have been there and watched Satan personally stoke my very own fire Sparky. The sum was unimaginable so I shan't say how much, but it was more than my current house cost to buy!! I had so many cards that I was a one man environmental hazard. I got out of it, but it took about five years. Never again. I have a card and a good credit rating too. But I don't ever have more than £500 ($1000) on it at any one time except the once described below and our tickets to Singapore later this year. Credit is the scourge of western society I believe. People kill themselves over their debts. My current credit card company have given me so much credit that I bought my current car with it! There are certain protections to buying things on credit cards so I paid for it that way. I then went, the same day, and wrote a cheque to the card company for the full amount. I guess that I owed for about three days whist the cheque cleared. Take care and be careful with your "flexible friend"
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
Once it's paid off P1ke, I'm going to let my flexible friend atrophy! Emergencies only from now on - well unless I just can't resist another sexy little red hot momma number! ROFL
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Good day.. I had my share of Credit Card blues and I won't make the same mistake again. It's just you know they made it so tempting that you can't resist the spending,(rhyme uh) until you maxed it out that is. And woe and behold wait for the bill and for sure what ever euphoria you've felt when spending it will be replaced by worries and anxiety and that is just for the interest.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
My credit card company has all kinds of 'protections' against fraud on my account by other people. What I want to know is, where are the protections for US against fraud (usurious interest, late fees, etc., etc., ) by the credit card companies, with us as their victims?
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• United States
6 Aug 08
Temptation is horrible. It makes everything look nice then you go out and spend spend spend that is one way the devil gets you. But, I wouldnt worry too much about it. Just slow your cc spending. Get it paid off and know your limit next time. It happens to all of us in one way or another. Just be careful next time you are spending or using your credid card.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Aug 08
I have a credit card? ............CHARGE! LOL I got it paid off with the hubs vacation pay cheque. So no worries. Now it's hidden in my underwear drawer where it will remain safe from use as I hardly wear underwear and barely go in that drawer! ROFL
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@sags2008 (127)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
just don't forget the access of your internet and i hope we meet there in hell... boss sparkofinsanity your the man who decide to go hell...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
2 Aug 08
I did? ROFL Well that explains the flat chest!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
2 Aug 08
so she used her credit line to get a sexchange?? o.O
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